< Matio 15 >
1 Dia nankeo amin’ i Jesosy ny Fariseo sy ny mpanora-dalàna sasany avy tany Jerosalema ka nanao hoe:
Then some Scribes and Pharisees of Jerusalem addressed him, saying,
2 Nahoana ny mpianatrao no mandika ny fampianarana voatolotry ny razana? Fa tsy mba manasa tanana izy, raha hihinan-kanina.
Why do your disciples transgress the tradition of the elders; for they was not their hands before meals.
3 Ary Izy namaly ka nanao taminy hoe: Nahoana kosa ianareo no mandika ny didin’ Andriamanitra noho ny fampianarana voatolotra anareo?
Jesus answering, saud to them, Why do you yourselves by your tradition, transgress the commandment of God?
4 Fa Andriamanitra efa nanao hoe: Manajà ny rainao sy ny reninao, ary koa: Izay miteny ratsy ny rainy na ny reniny dia hatao maty tokoa.
For God has commanded, saying, "Honor father and mother"; and "Whosoever reviles father or mother, let him be punished with death."
5 Fa hoy kosa ianareo: Na zovy na zovy no hilaza amin’ ny rainy na ny reniny hoe: Efa fanatitra ho an’ Andriamanitra izay rehetra tokony hahazoanao soa avy amiko, dia tsy mba hanaja ny rainy akory izy.
But you affirm, If a man say to father or mother, I devote whatever of mine shall profit you,
6 Koa dia foananareo ny tenin’ Andriamanitra noho ny fampianarana voatolotra anareo.
he shall not afterward honor by his assistance, his father or his mother. Thus, by your tradition, you annul the commandment of God.
7 Ry mpihatsaravelatsihy, marina ny naminanian’ Isaia anareo hoe:
Hypocrites, well do you suit the character which Isaiah gave of you, saying,
8 Ity firenena ity manaja Ahy amin’ ny molony; Fa ny fony kosa lavitra Ahy.
"This people honor me with their lips. though their heart is estranged from me.
9 Koa foana ny ivavahan’ ireo amiko, raha mampianatra ny didin’ olombelona ho fampianarana izy.
But in vain they worship me, while they teach institutions merely human."
10 Ary niantso ny vahoaka hankeo aminy Izy ka nanao taminy hoe: Mihainoa ka mahafantara:
Then, having called the multitude, he said to them, Hear, and be instructed.
11 tsy izay miditra amin’ ny vava no mahaloto ny olona; fa izay mivoaka avy amin’ ny vava, izany no mahaloto ny olona.
It is not what goes into the mouth pollutes the man; but it is what proceeds out of the mouth, that pollutes the man.
12 Dia nankeo aminy ny mpianatra ka nanao taminy hoe: Fantatrao va fa tafintohina ny Fariseo, raha nandre izany teny izany?
On which his disciples accosting him, said, Did you observe how the Pharisees, when they heard that saying were offended?
13 Ary Izy namaly ka nanao hoe: Ny zavatra rehetra izay tsy nambolen’ ny Raiko Izay any an-danitra dia hongotana.
He answered, Every plant, which my heavenly Father has not planted, shall be extirpated.
14 Avelao izy; mpitarika jamba izy; ary raha ny jamba no mitarika ny jamba, dia samy ho latsaka any an-kady izy roa.
Let them alone. They are blind leaders of the blind; and if the blind lead the blind, both will fall into the ditch.
15 Ary Petera namaly ka nanao taminy hoe: Lazao aminay ny hevitr’ izany fanoharana izany.
Then Peter addressing him, said, Explain to us that parable.
16 Ary hoy Jesosy: Hianareo koa va mbola tsy mahafantatra ihany?
Jesus answered, Are you also void of understanding?
17 Tsy fantatrareo va fa izay rehetra miditra amin’ ny vava dia mankao an-kibo ka avoaka ao amin’ ny fivoahana?
Do you not apprehend, that whatever enters the mouth passes into the stomach, and is thrown out into the sink.
18 Fa izay mivoaka avy amin’ ny vava kosa dia avy amin’ ny fo, ka izany no mahaloto ny olona.
But that which proceeds out of the mouth, issues from the heart, and so pollutes the man.
19 Fa avy amin’ ny fo no ivoahan’ ny sain-dratsy, dia ny vonoan’ olona, ny fakam-badin’ olona, ny fijangajangana, ny halatra, ny ampanga lainga, ny fitenenan-dratsy;
For out of the heart proceed malicious contrivances, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false testimonies, calumnies.
20 izany no mahaloto ny olona; fa ny mihinana amin’ ny tanana tsy misasa tsy mba mahaloto ny olona.
These are the things which pollute the man; but to eat with unwashed hands pollutes not the man.
21 Dia niala teo Jesosy ka nankany amin’ ny fari-tanin’ i Tyro sy Sidona.
Then Jesus withdrew into the confines of Tyre and Sidon;
22 Ary, indro, nisy vehivavy Kananita anankiray nivoaka avy tamin’ izany tany izany ka niantso nanao hoe: Mamindrà fo amiko, Tompoko, Zanak’ i Davida ô! ny zanako-vavy ampahorin’ ny demonia loatra.
and behold! a Canaanitish woman of these territories came to him, crying, Master, Son of David, have pity on me; my daughter is grievously afflicted by a demon.
23 Fa Izy tsy namaly teny azy. Dia nanatona ny mpianany ka nangataka taminy nanao hoe: Roahy izy, fa miantso mafy ato aoriantsika.
But he gave her no answer. Then his disciples interposed, and entreated him, saying, Dismiss her, for she clamors after us.
24 Ary Izy namaly ka nanao hoe: Tsy nirahina Aho afa-tsy ho amin’ ny ondry very amin’ ny taranak’ isiraely.
He answering said, My mission is only to the lost sheep of the stock of Israel.
25 Fa nanatona ihany ravehivavy, dia niankohoka teo anatrehany ka nanao hoe: Tompoko ô, vonjeo aho.
She, nevertheless, advanced, and prostrating herself before him, said, O Lord, help me.
26 Fa Izy namaly ka nanao hoe: Tsy mety raha maka ny mofon-jaza ka manipy azy ho an’ ny amboakely.
He replied, It is not seemly to take the children's bread, and throw it to the dogs.
27 Fa hoy ravehivavy: Marina izany, Tompoko; fa na dia ny amboakely aza mba mihinana izay sombintsombiny latsaka avy amin’ ny latabatry ny tompony ihany.
True, Sir, returned she. Yet even the dogs are allowed the crumbs which fall from their master's table.
28 Dia namaly Jesosy ka nanao taminy hoe: Ravehivavy, lehibe ny finoanao; tongava aminao araka izay irinao. Dia sitrana ny zananivavy tamin’ izay ora izay.
Then Jesus, answering, said to her, O woman! great is your faith. Be it to you as you desire. And that instant her daughter was healed.
29 Ary raha niala teo Jesosy, dia nankany amoron’ ny Ranomasin’ i Galilia Izy; ary niakatra nankeo an-tendrombohitra Izy ka nipetraka teo;
Jesus having left that place, came nigh to the sea of Galilee, and repaired to a mountain, where he sat down;
30 ary nisy vahoaka betsaka nankeo aminy nitondra ny mandringa, ny jamba, ny moana, ny kilemaina, ary ny maro hafa koa, ka nametraka azy teo akaikin’ ny tongotr’ i Jesosy; dia nahasitrana azy Izy;
and great multitudes flocked to him, bringing with them the lame, the blind, the dumb, the cripple, and several others, whom they laid at his feet; and he healed them:
31 ka dia talanjona ny vahoaka, raha nahita ny moana miteny, ny kilemaina sitrana, ny mandringa afaka, ary ny jamba mahiratra; dia nankalaza an’ Andriamanitry ny Isiraely izy.
insomuch that the people beheld, with admiration, the dumb speaking, the cripple sound, the lame walking, and the blind seeing; and they glorified the God of Israel.
32 Ary Jesosy niantso ny mpianany hankeo aminy ka nanao hoe: Mahonena Ahy ny vahoaka, fa efa nitoetra hateloana tatỳ amiko izy izao ka tsy manan-kohanina; ary tsy tiako ny hampody azy tsy mihinana, fandrao reraka eny an-dalana izy.
Then Jesus called to him his disciples, and said, I have compassion on the multitude because they have now attended me three days, and have nothing to eat; I will not dismiss them fasting, lest they faint by the way.
33 Fa hoy ny mpianatra taminy: Aiza no hahitanay mofo atỳ an-efitra ampy hahavoky izao vahoaka betsaka izao!
His disciples answered, Whence can we get bread enough, in the solitude, to satisfy such a crowd?
34 Ary hoy Jesosy taminy: Misy mofo firy any aminareo? Ary hoy izy: Fito sy hazandrano madinika vitsy foana.
He asked them, How many loaves have you? They said, Seven, and a few small fishes.
35 Ary Izy nandidy ny vahoaka betsaka hipetraka amin’ ny tany.
Then commanding the people to recline upon the ground,
36 Dia nandray ny mofo fito mbamin’ ny hazandrano Izy, ary rehefa nisaotra, dia namaky ka nanolotra azy ho an’ ny mpianatra, ary ny mpianatra kosa nanolotra ho an’ ny vahoaka.
he took the seven loaves and the fishes, which, having given thanks, he divided and gave to his disciples, who distributed them among the people.
37 Ary nihinana avokoa izy rehetra, ka dia voky; ary nangoniny ny sombintsombiny sisa tsy lany, ka dia nahafeno sobiky fito.
When all had eat, and were satisfied, they carried off seven hand-baskets full of the fragments that remained.
38 Ary izay nihinana dia efatra arivo lahy, afa-tsy ny zaza amim-behivavy.
Now they that had eat were four thousand men, besides women and children.
39 Ary nony efa nampody ny vahoaka Izy, dia niondrana an-tsambokely ka nankany amin’ ny sisin-tanin’ i Magadana.
Then having dismissed the multitude, he embarked, and sailed to the coast of Magdala.