< Lioka 13 >

1 Ary tamin’ izany andro izany nisy ny sasany teo izay nanambara tamin’ i Jesosy ny nanjo ny Galiliana, izay naharoharon’ i Pilato tamin’ ny fanatiny ny ràny.
There were present then some, who informed Jesus of the Galileans, whose blood Pilate had mingled with that of their sacrifices.
2 Fa Jesosy namaly ka nanao taminy hoe: Ataonareo va fa ireny Galiliana ireny no mpanota mihoatra noho ny Galiliana rehetra, satria nozoin’ izany zavatra izany izy?
Jesus answering, said to them, Do you think that these Galileans were the greatest sinners in all Galilee, because they suffered such usage?
3 Tsia, hoy Izaho aminareo; fa raha tsy mibebaka ianareo, dia ho ringana tahaka azy koa ianareo rehetra.
I tell you, No: but unless you reform, you shall all likewise perish;
4 Ary ireny valo ambin’ ny folo ireny, izay nianjeran’ ny tilikambo tao Siloama ka maty, ataonareo va fa mpanota mihoatra noho ny olona rehetra izay monina ao Jerosalema ireny?
or, those eighteen upon whom the tower of Siloam fell, and slew them; do you think that they were the greatest profligates in Jerusalem?
5 Tsia, hoy Izaho aminareo; fa raha tsy mibebaka ianareo, dia ho ringana tahaka azy koa ianareo rehetra.
I tell you, No: but unless you reform, you shall all likewise perish.
6 Ary nanao ity fanoharana ity Izy hoe: Nisy olona nanana aviavy nambolena teo an-tanim-boalobony; dia nankeo izy nitady voa taminy, fa tsy nahita.
He also spoke this parable: A man had a fig tree planted in his vineyard, and came seeking fruit on it, but found none.
7 Ka dia hoy izy tamin’ ny mpamboatra ny tanim-boaloboka; Indro, efa telo taona izay aho no tonga nitady voa tamin’ ity aviavy ity, fa tsy nahita; kapao io; nahoana io no manimba ny tany?
Then he said to the vine-dresser, This is the third year that I have come seeking fruit on this fig tree, without finding any. Cut it down: why should it cumber the ground?
8 Fa ny mpamboatra namaly ka nanao taminy hoe: Tompoko, avelao ihany izy amin’ ity taona ity mandra-pihadiko manodidina azy, ka hasiako zezika;
He answered, Sir, let it alone one year longer till I dig about it, and manure it;
9 angamba mbola hamoa izy; fa raha tsy izany, dia hokapainao ihany.
perhaps it will bear fruit: if not, you may afterward cut it down.
10 Ary nampianatra tao amin’ ny synagoga anankiray Jesosy tamin’ ny Sabata.
On the Sabbath, as he was teaching in a synagogue,
11 Ary, indro, nisy vehivavy izay nanana fanahy mahafarofy valo ambin’ ny folo taona, ary nanjoko izy ka tsy nahatraka akory.
a woman was present, who, for eighteen years, had a spirit of infirmity, by which she was so bowed down that she could not so much as look up.
12 Ary rehefa nahita azy Jesosy, dia niantso azy ka nanao taminy hoe: Ravehivavy, afaka amin’ ny rofinao ianao.
Jesus, perceiving her, called her to him, and, laying his hand on her, said, Woman, you are delivered from your infirmity.
13 Dia nametraka ny tànany taminy Izy; ary niaraka tamin’ izay dia nitraka ravehivavy sady nankalaza an’ Andriamanitra.
Immediately she stood upright, and glorified God.
14 Ary ny mpanapaka ny synagoga dia tezitra, satria Jesosy nahasitrana tamin’ ny Sabata, dia namaly ka nanao tamin’ ny vahoaka hoe: Henemana no azo anaovan-draharaha; koa avia hositranina amin’ izany, fa tsy amin’ ny andro Sabata.
But the director of the synagogue, moved with indignation, because Jesus had performed a cure on the Sabbath, said to the people, There are six days for working; come, therefore, on those days and be healed, and not on the Sabbath day.
15 Fa namaly azy ny Tompo ka nanao hoe: Ry mpihatsaravelatsihy, moa tsy samy mamaha ny ombiny na ny borikiny hiala amin’ ny fihinanam-bilona amin’ ny Sabata va ianareo ka mitondra azy hisotro rano?
To which the Lord replied, Hypocrites! who is there amongst you that does not, on the Sabbath, loose his ox or ass from the stall, and lead him away to watering?
16 Koa ity vehivavy zanak’ i Abrahama ity, izay efa nafatotr’ i Satana izao valo ambin’ ny folo taona izao, moa tsy tokony hovahana ho afaka amin’ izany fatorana izany amin’ ny andro Sabata va?
And must not this woman, a daughter of Abraham, whom Satan has kept bound, lo! these eighteen years, be released from this bond on the Sabbath day?
17 Ary raha nilaza izany Izy, dia nangaihay izay rehetra nanohitra Azy; fa ny vahoaka rehetra nifaly noho ny zavatra malaza rehetra nataony.
On his saying this, all his opposers were ashamed; but the whole multitude was delighted with all the glorious actions performed by him.
18 Dia hoy Jesosy: Tahaka ny inona ny fanjakan’ Andriamanitra? ary inona no hanoharako azy?
He said, moreover, What does the kingdom of God resemble? To what shall I compare it?
19 Tahaka ny voan-tsinapy izy, izay nalain’ olona ka namboleny tao an-tanimboly, ary naniry ka tonga haro; ary ny voro-manidina nitoetra tao amin’ ny rantsany.
It resembles a grain of mustard seed, which a man threw into his garden; and it grew, and became a great tree, and the birds of the air took shelter in its branches.
20 Ary hoy koa Jesosy: Inona no hanoharako ny fanjakan’ Andriamanitra?
Again, he said, To what shall I compare the kingdom of God?
21 Tahaka ny masirasira izy, izay nalain’ ny vehivavy anankiray ka nataony tao amin’ ny koba intelon’ ny famarana, mandra-pahazon’ ny masirasira azy rehetra.
It resembles leaven, which a woman mingled in three measures of meal, till the whole was leavened.
22 Ary Jesosy nandeha nitety ny tanàna sy ny vohitra nampianatra sady nandroso hankany Jerosalema.
And he took a journey to Jerusalem; teaching as he passed through cities and villages:
23 Dia hoy ny anankiray taminy; Tompoko, moa vitsy va no hovonjena? Ary hoy Izy tamin’ ny olona:
and one asked him, Master, are there but few who shall be saved? He answered,
24 Miseseha hiditra amin’ ny varavarana etỳ ianareo; fa hoy Izaho aminareo: Maro no hitady hiditra, fa tsy ho afaka.
Force your entrance through the straight gate; for many, I assure you, will request to be admitted, who shall not prevail.
25 Rehefa mitsangana ny tompon-trano ka manidy ny varavarana, ary ianareo mijanona eo ala-trano mandondòna ny varavarana ka manao hoe: Tompoko, vohay izahay, dia hamaly Izy ka hanao aminareo hoe: Tsy fantatro na avy taiza na avy taiza ianareo;
If once the master of the house shall have arisen and locked the door, and you standing without and knocking, say, Master, Master, open to us; he will answer, I know not whence you are.
26 ary amin’ izay ianareo dia hanao hoe: Nihinana sy nisotro teo anatrehanao izahay, ary nampianatra teny an-dalambenay Hianao.
Then they will say, We have eat and drunk with you, and you have taught in our streets.
27 Fa Izy hiteny hoe: Lazaiko aminareo: Tsy fantatro na avy taiza na avy taiza ianareo; mialà amiko, ianareo rehetra mpanao meloka.
But he will answer, I tell you, I know not whence you are: remove hence, all you workers of unrighteousness.
28 Any no hisy ny fitomaniana sy ny fikitroha-nify, raha mahita an’ i Abrahama sy Isaka sy Jakoba ary ny mpaminany rehetra eo amin’ ny fanjakan’ Andriamanitra ianareo, fa ny tenanareo kosa dia voaroaka any ivelany.
Then will ensue weeping, and gnashing of teeth, when you shall see Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, and all the prophets received into the kingdom of God, and yourselves excluded:
29 Ary ho tonga avy any atsinanana sy avy any andrefana ary avy any avaratra sy avy any atsimo ireny ka hipetraka hihinana eo amin’ ny fanjakan’ Andriamanitra.
nay, people will come from the east, from the west, from the north, and from the south, and will place themselves at table in the kingdom of God.
30 Ary, indro, misy ny aoriana ho aloha, ary misy ny aloha ho aoriana.
And, behold, they are last, who shall be first; and they are first, who shall be last.
31 Tamin’ izany ora izany indrindra dia nisy Fariseo sasany nankeo amin’ i Jesosy ka nanao taminy hoe: Mandehana Hianao, ka mialà eto; fa ta-hamono Anao Heroda.
The same day, certain Pharisees came to him, and said, Get away; depart hence, for Herod intends to kill you.
32 Fa hoy Izy taminy: Mandehana, lazao amin’ izany amboahaolo izany hoe: Indro, mamoaka demonia sy mahasitrana Aho anio sy ampitso, ary raha afaka ampitso dia hotanterahina ny amiko.
He answered, Go, tell that fox, To-day and to-morrow I expel demons, and perform cures, and the third day my course will be completed.
33 Kanefa tsy maintsy mandeha ihany Aho anio sy ampitso sy raha afaka ampitso; fa ny mpaminany tsy azo vonoina, raha tsy any Jerosalema.
Nevertheless, I must walk about to-day and to-morrow, and the day following; for it can not be, that a prophet should be cut off anywhere but in Jerusalem.
34 Ry Jerosalema, ry Jerosalema, izay mamono ny mpaminany sy mitora-bato izay nirahina any aminao, impiry Aho no ta-hanangona ny zanakao tahaka ny fanomban’ ny akoho ny zanany ao ambanin’ ny elany, fa tsy nety ianareo!
O Jerusalem! Jerusalem! that killest the prophets, and stonest them whom God sends to you! how often would I have gathered your children together, as a hen gathers her brood under her wings; but you would not!
35 Indro, avela ho anareo ny tranonareo! ary lazaiko aminareo: Tsy hahita Ahy intsony ianareo mandra-pilazanareo hoe: Isaorana anie Izay avy amin’ ny anaran’ i Jehovah.
Quickly shall your house be deserted; for indeed, I say to you, you shall not see me, till the time when you shall say, Blessed be He who comes in the name of the Lord!

< Lioka 13 >