< Levitikosy 6 >
1 Ary Jehovah niteny tamin’ i Mosesy ka nanao hoe:
And the Lord spake vnto Moses, saying,
2 Raha misy olona manota, satria manao izay mahadiso amin’ i Jehovah, fa mandainga amin’ ny namany ny amin’ izay nampitehirizina azy, na amin’ ny zavatra notanany ho tsatòka, na amin’ izay nalainy an-keriny, na ota nampahory ny namany,
If any sinne and commit a trespasse against the Lord, and denie vnto his neighbour that, which was take him to keepe, or that which was put to him of trust, or doth by robberie, or by violence oppresse his neighbour,
3 na nahita izay zavatra very ka mandainga amin’ izany sady mianian-tsy tò ny amin’ izay mety ho fahotan’ ny olona,
Or hath found that which was lost, and denieth it, and sweareth falsely, for any of these things that a man doeth, wherein he sinneth:
4 satria nanota izy ka meloka, dia hanonitra izay nalainy an-keriny, na izay tamin’ ny fampahoriana, na izay nampitehirizina azy, na izay zavatra very hitany,
When, I say, he thus sinneth and trespasseth, he shall then restore the robbery that he robbed, or the thing taken by violence which hee tooke by force, or the thing which was deliuered him to keepe, or the lost thing which he founde,
5 na izay rehetra nianianany tsy tò; dia hanonitra toraka izany izy sady hanampy azy koa ho tonga avy fahenina, ka homeny ilay tompon-javatra amin’ ny andro anaterany ny fanati-panonerany izany.
Or for whatsoeuer he hath sworne falsely, he shall both restore it in the whole summe, and shall adde the fift parte more thereto, and giue it vnto him to whome perteyneth, the same day that he offreth for trespasse.
6 Ary ny fanati-panonerana ho entiny ho an’ i Jehovah dia ondrilahy tsy misy kilema, araka ny anombananao azy, ho fanati-panonerana ho any amin’ ny mpisorona.
Also he shall bring for his trespasse vnto the Lord, a ramme without blemish out of the flocke in thy estimation worth two shekels for a trespasse offring vnto the Priest.
7 Ary ny mpisorona hanao fanavotana ho azy eo anatrehan’ i Jehovah, dia havela ny helony na inona na inona no fahadisoana nataony.
And the Priest shall make an atonement for him before the Lord, and it shall be forgiuen him, whatsoeuer thing he hath done, and trespassed therein.
8 Ary Jehovah niteny tamin’ i Mosesy ka nanao hoe:
Then the Lord spake vnto Moses, saying,
9 Mandidia an’ i Arona sy ireo zanany hoe: Izao no lalàna ny amin’ ny fanatitra dorana: Ny fanatitra dorana dia ho eo amin’ ny fatana eo an-tampon’ ny alitara mandritra ny alina mandra-pahamaraina, ary ny afon’ ny alitara hirehitra eo.
Commaund Aaron and his sonnes, saying, This is the lawe of the burnt offring, (it is the burnt offring because it burneth vpon the altar al the night vnto the morning, and the fire burneth on the altar)
10 Any hiakanjoan’ ny mpisorona ny akanjony rongony fotsy, ary ny kalisaoniny rongony fotsy dia hataony manolo-koditra, dia handraoka ny lavenona avy amin’ ny fanatitra dorana izay nolevonin’ ny afo teo ambonin’ ny alitara izy ka hametraka azy eo anilan’ ny alitara.
And the Priest shall put on his linen garment, and shall put on his linen breeches vpon his flesh, and take away the ashes when the fire hath consumed the burnt offring vpon the altar, and he shall put them beside the altar.
11 Ary hanala ny fitafiany izy ka hitafy fitafiana hafa, dia hamoaka ny lavenona ho eny ivelan’ ny toby amin’ izay fitoerana madio.
After, he shall put off his garments, and put on other raiment, and cary the ashes foorth without the hoste vnto a cleane place.
12 Ary ny afo eo ambonin’ ny alitara hirehitra eo ka tsy havela ho faty, fa hotohofan’ ny mpisorona kitay hazo isa-maraina; ary ny fanatitra dorana halahany eo amboniny ka hodorany ho fofona eo ambonin’ ny saboran’ ny fanati-pihavanana.
But the fire vpon the altar shall burne thereon and neuer be put out: wherefore the Priest shall burne wood on it euery morning, and lay the burnt offering in order vpon it, and he shall burne thereon the fat of the peace offrings.
13 Dia hisy afo mirehitra mandrakariva eo ambonin’ ny alitara ka tsy havela ho faty.
The fire shall euer burne vpon the altar, and neuer go out.
14 Ary izao no lalàna ny amin’ ny fanatitra hohanina: Ireo zanak’ i Arona no hanatitra azy eo anatrehan’ i Jehovah eo anoloan’ ny alitara.
Also this is the lawe of the meate offring, which Aarons sonnes shall offer in the presence of the Lord, before the altar.
15 Ary hangalany eran-tànan-ila ny koba tsara toto amin’ ny fanatitra hohanina sy ny diloilony mbamin’ ny ditin-kazo manipofona rehetra izay eo ambonin’ ny fanatitra hohanina, dia hodorany ho fofona eo ambonin’ ny alitara izany fanati-pahatsiarovana izany ho hanitra ankasitrahana ho an’ i Jehovah.
He shall euen take thence his handfull of fine flowre of the meate offring and of the oyle, and all the incense which is vpon the meat offring, and shall burne it vpon the altar for a sweete sauour, as a memoriall therefore vnto the Lord:
16 Ary izay sisa amin’ ireny dia hohanin’ i Arona sy ireo zanany, koa hataony mofo tsy misy masirasira, ary eo amin’ izay fitoerana masìna anankiray no hihinanany azy, dia eo anatin’ ny kianjan’ ny trano-lay fihaonana.
But the rest thereof shall Aaron and his sonnes eate: it shalbe eaten without leauen in the holy place: in the court of the Tabernacle of the Congregation they shall eate it.
17 Tsy hasiana masirasira izany raha hendasina; fa efa nomeko ho anjarany avy amin’ ny fanatitra atao amin’ ny afo ho Ahy izany; masìna dia masìna izany tahaka ny fanatitra noho ny ota sy tahaka ny fanati-panonerana.
It shall not be baken with leauen: I haue giuen it for their portion of mine offrings made by fire: for it is as the sinne offering and as the trespasse offring.
18 Ny lehilahy rehetra amin’ ny zanak’ i Arona no mahazo mihinana izany. Ho anjara mandrakizay ho an’ ny taranakareo hatramin’ ny fara mandimby avy amin’ ny fanatitra atao amin’ ny afo ho an’ i Jehovah izany; ho masìna izay rehetra manendry izany.
All the males among the children of Aaron shall eate of it: It shalbe a statute for euer in your generations concerning the offrings of the Lord, made by fire: whatsoeuer toucheth them shall be holy.
19 Ary Jehovah niteny tamin’ i Mosesy ka nanao hoe:
Agayne the Lord spake vnto Moses, saying,
20 Izao no fanatitr’ i Arona sy ireo zanany, izay hateriny ho an’ i Jehovah amin’ izay andro anosorana azy: Koba tsara toto ampahafolon’ ny efaha no hatao fanatitra hohanina isan’ andro, ny antsasany maraina, ary ny antsasany hariva.
This is the offering of Aaron and his sonnes, which they shall offer vnto the Lord in the day when he is anointed: the tenth part of an Ephah of fine floure, for a meate offering perpetuall: halfe of it in ye morning, and halfe thereof at night.
21 Amin’ ny lapoely no hanaovana azy ka hasiana diloilo; ary rehefa voaendy izy, dia ento; voaendy sady voavakivaky toy ny fanatitra hohanina no hanateranao azy ho hanitra ankasitrahana ho an’ i Jehovah.
In the frying panne it shalbe made with oyle: thou shalt bring it fryed, and shalt offer the baken pieces of the meate offering for a sweete sauour vnto the Lord.
22 Ary ilay mpisorona avy amin’ ny zanany, izay voahosotra handimby azy, no hanao izany; anjara mandrakizay ho an’ i Jehovah izany ka hodorana ho fofona avokoa;
And the Priest that is anointed in his steade, among his sonnes shall offer it: It is the Lordes ordinance for euer, it shall be burnt altogether.
23 fa ny fanatitra hohanina rehetra izay aterin’ ny mpisorona dia hodorana avokoa, fa tsy hohanina.
For euery meate offring of the Priest shall be burnt altogether, it shall not be eaten.
24 Ary Jehovah niteny tamin’ i Mosesy ka nanao hoe:
Furthermore, the Lord spake vnto Moses, saying,
25 Mitenena amin’ i Arona sy ireo zanany hoe: Izao no Lalàna ny amin’ ny fanatitra noho ny ota: Eo amin’ ny famonoana ny fanatitra dorana no hamonoana ny fanatitra noho ny ota eo anatrehan’ i Jehovah; ho masìna dia masìna izany.
Speake vnto Aaron, and vnto his sonnes, and say, This is the Lawe of the sinne offering, In the place where the burnt offring is killed, shall the sinne offring be killed before the Lord, for it is most holy.
26 ilay mpisorona manatitra azy noho ny ota no hihinana azy; eo amin’ izay fitoerana masìna no hihinanany azy, dia eo amin’ ny kianjan’ ny trano-lay fihaonana.
The Priest that offreth this sinne offring, shall eate it: in the holy place shall it be eaten, in the court of ye Tabernacle of the Congregation.
27 Ho masìna izay rehetra manendry ny henany; ary raha misy fitafiana ipitihan’ ny ràny, dia hosasanao eo amin’ izay fitoerana masìna izay ipitihany.
Whatsoeuer shall touch the flesh thereof shalbe holy: and when there droppeth of the blood thereof vpon a garment, thou shalt wash that whereon it droppeth in the holy place.
28 Ary ny vilany tany izay nandrahoana azy dia hovakivakina; fa raha vilany varahina kosa no nandrahoana azy, dia hofotsiana sy hosasan-drano izany.
Also the earthen pot that it is sodden in, shalbe broken, but if it be sodden in a brasen pot, it shall both be scoured and washed with water.
29 Ny lehilahy rehetra amin’ ny mpisorona no mahazo mihinana azy; masìna dia masìna izany.
All the males among the Priestes shall eate thereof, for it is most holy.
30 Fa ny fanatitra noho ny ota izay angalan-drà ho entina ao amin’ ny trano-lay fihaonana, hanaovana fanavotana ao amin’ ny fitoerana masìna, dia tsy hohanina; hodorana amin’ ny afo izany.
But no sinne offering, whose blood is brought into the Tabernacle of the Congregation to make reconciliation in the holy place, shalbe eaten, but shalbe burnt in the fire.