< Levitikosy 2 >

1 Ary raha misy manatitra fanatitra hohanina ho an’ i Jehovah, dia koba tsara toto no hataony fanatiny; ary hanidina diloilo aminy izy sy hanisy ditin-kazo mani-pofona eo amboniny.
“‘When anyone offers an offering of a meal offering to the LORD, his offering shall be of fine flour. He shall pour oil on it, and put frankincense on it.
2 Ary hitondra azy ho amin’ ireo mpisorona, zanak’ i Arona, izy, dia handraofan’ ireo eran-tànan-ila ny kobany sy ny diloilony mbamin’ ny ditin-kazo manipofona rehetra; ary hodoran’ ny mpisorona ho fofona eo ambonin’ ny alitara izany fanati-pahatsiarovana avy aminy izany; dia fanatitra atao amin’ ny afo ho hanitra ankasitrahana ho an’ i Jehovah izany.
He shall bring it to Aaron’s sons, the priests. He shall take his handful of its fine flour, and of its oil, with all its frankincense, and the priest shall burn its memorial on the altar, an offering made by fire, of a pleasant aroma to the LORD.
3 Ary ny sisa amin’ ny fanatitra hohanina dia ho an’ i Arona sy ny zanany; ho masìna dia masìna avy amin’ ny fanatitra atao amin’ ny afo ho an’ i Jehovah izany.
That which is left of the meal offering shall be Aaron’s and his sons’. It is a most holy part of the offerings of the LORD made by fire.
4 Ary raha manatitra fanatitra hohanina voaendy amin’ ny fanendasa-mofo ianao, dia aoka ho mofo tsy misy masirasira atao amin’ ny koba tsara toto sady voaharo diloilo sy mofo manify tsy misy masirasira sady voahoso-diloilo.
“‘When you offer an offering of a meal offering baked in the oven, it shall be unleavened cakes of fine flour mixed with oil, or unleavened wafers anointed with oil.
5 Ary raha fanatitra hohanina voaendy amin’ ny lapoely no fanatitrao, dia aoka ho koba tsara toto voaharo diloilo sady tsy misy masirasira.
If your offering is a meal offering made on a griddle, it shall be of unleavened fine flour, mixed with oil.
6 Hovakivakinao izy ary hanidinanao diloilo; dia fanatitra hohanina izany.
You shall cut it in pieces, and pour oil on it. It is a meal offering.
7 Ary raha fanatitra hohanina voahandro amin’ ny vilany no fanatitrao, dia koba tsara toto asian-diloilo no hatao.
If your offering is a meal offering of the pan, it shall be made of fine flour with oil.
8 Ary ho entinao ho an’ i Jehovah ny fanatitra hohanina izay atao amin’ ireo zavatra ireo; ary rehefa voatitra eo amin’ ny mpisorona izany, dia ho entiny eo amin’ ny alitara.
You shall bring the meal offering that is made of these things to the LORD. It shall be presented to the priest, and he shall bring it to the altar.
9 Ary ny mpisorona haka ny fanati-pahatsiarovana avy amin’ ny fanatitra hohanina ka handoro azy ho fofona eo ambonin’ ny alitara; dia fanatitra atao amin’ ny afo ho hanitra ankasitrahana ho an’ i Jehovah izany.
The priest shall take from the meal offering its memorial, and shall burn it on the altar, an offering made by fire, of a pleasant aroma to the LORD.
10 Ary ny sisa amin’ ny fanatitra hohanina dia ho an’ i Arona sy ny zanany; ho masìna dia masìna avy amin’ ny fanatitra atao amin’ ny afo ho an’ i Jehovah izany.
That which is left of the meal offering shall be Aaron’s and his sons’. It is a most holy part of the offerings of the LORD made by fire.
11 Ny fanatitra hohanina rehetra, izay aterinareo ho an’ i Jehovah, dia aza asiana zava-maharikivy; fa ny masirasira sy ny tantely dia samy tsy hangalanareo hodorana ho fofona ho fanatitra atao amin’ ny afo ho an’ i Jehovah;
“‘No meal offering which you shall offer to the LORD shall be made with yeast; for you shall burn no yeast, nor any honey, as an offering made by fire to the LORD.
12 fa ho fanatitra voaloham-bokatra ihany no hahazoanareo manatitra ireo ho an’ i Jehovah; kanefa tsy hakarina eo ambonin’ ny alitara ho hanitra ankasitrahana izany.
As an offering of first fruits you shall offer them to the LORD, but they shall not rise up as a pleasant aroma on the altar.
13 Ary samy asio sira ny fanatitra hohaninao rehetra; ary ny siran’ ny faneken’ Andriamanitrao dia aza atsahatra amin’ ny fanatitra hohaninao; fa manatera sira miaraka amin’ ny fanatitrao rehetra.
Every offering of your meal offering you shall season with salt. You shall not allow the salt of the covenant of your God to be lacking from your meal offering. With all your offerings you shall offer salt.
14 Ary raha manatitra fanatitra hohanina ho an’ i Jehovah avy amin’ ny voaloham-bokatra ianao, dia salohim-bary voaendy amin’ ny afo, dia lango avy amin’ ny salohy maitso, no haterinao ho fanatitra hohanina avy amin’ ny voaloham-bokatrao.
“‘If you offer a meal offering of first fruits to the LORD, you shall offer for the meal offering of your first fruits fresh heads of grain parched with fire and crushed.
15 Ary hasianao diloilo izy, sady hasianao ditin-kazo mani-pofona eo amboniny; dia fanatitra hohanina izany.
You shall put oil on it and lay frankincense on it. It is a meal offering.
16 Ary hodoran’ ny mpisorona ho fofona ny fanati-pahatsiarovana avy amin’ ny langony sy avy amin’ ny diloilony ary ny ditin-kazo mani-pofona rehetra; dia fanatitra atao amin’ ny afo ho an’ i Jehovah izany.
The priest shall burn as its memorial part of its crushed grain and part of its oil, along with all its frankincense. It is an offering made by fire to the LORD.

< Levitikosy 2 >