< Fitomaniana 3 >

1 Izaho ilay lehilahy nahita fahoriana tamin’ ny tsorakazon’ ny fahatezerany.
I [the] great man to see: see affliction in/on/with tribe: staff fury his
2 Izaho no notarihiny sy nampandehaniny ho amin’ ny maizina, fa tsy ho amin’ ny mazava.
[obj] me to lead and to go: take darkness and not light
3 Izaho ihany no asian’ ny tànany mandritra ny andro mandrakariva.
surely in/on/with me to return: return to overturn hand his all [the] day
4 Nataony antitra ny nofoko sy ny hoditro, notapatapahiny ny taolako.
to become old flesh my and skin my to break bone my
5 Manorina izay hamelezany ahy Izy ary manemitra ahy amin’ ny zava-mangidy sy ny fahoriana.
to build upon me and to surround poison and hardship
6 Ampitoeriny ao amin’ ny maizina toy izay efa maty fahagola aho.
in/on/with darkness to dwell me like/as to die forever: antiquity
7 Nofefeny manodidina aho ka tsy afa-nivoaka, nataony mavesatra ny gadrako.
to wall up/off about/through/for me and not to come out: come to honor: heavy bronze my
8 Ary na dia mitaraina sy minananana aza aho, dia tampenany ny fivavako.
also for to cry out and to cry to stopper prayer my
9 Vato voapaika no narafiny natampiny ny lalako, naolikoliny ny alehako.
to wall up/off way: road my in/on/with cutting path my to twist
10 Tonga bera manotrika ahy Izy, ary toy ny liona ao amin’ ny fierena;
bear to ambush he/she/it to/for me (lion *Q(K)*) in/on/with hiding
11 Namily ny alehako Izy, ary noviravirainy aho ka nataony mahatsiravina.
way: journey my to turn aside: turn aside and to tear me to set: make me devastated
12 Nanenjana ny tsipìkany Izy ka nanangana ahy ho toy ny marika hokendrena zana-tsipìka.
to tread (bow his *L(abh)*) and to stand me like/as guardhouse to/for arrow
13 Nampitsatoka ny zana-tsipìkany tamin’ ny voako Izy.
to come (in): bring in/on/with kidney my son: type of quiver his
14 Tonga fihomehezan’ ny fireneko rehetra aho sady ataony an-kira mandritra ny andro.
to be laughter to/for all people my music their all [the] day
15 Novokisany zava-mangidy aho ary nobobohany zava-mahafaty.
to satisfy me in/on/with bitterness to quench me wormwood
16 Ary notorotoroiny tamin’ ny sila-bato ny nifiko, sady natsinkasinkasiny tamin’ ny lavenona aho.
and to break in/on/with gravel tooth my to cower me in/on/with ashes
17 Ary noroahinao tsy hahita fiadanana ny fanahiko, ka efa hadinoko ny tsara.
and to reject from peace soul my to forget welfare
18 Dia hoy izaho: Levona ny faharetako sy ny fanantenako an’ i Jehovah.
and to say to perish perpetuity my and hope my from LORD
19 Tsarovy ny fahoriako sy ny fanjenjenako, dia ny zava-mahafaty sy ny rano mangidy.
to remember affliction my and wandering my wormwood and poison
20 Tsaroan’ ny fanahiko indrindra izany, ka mitanondrika ato anatiko izy.
to remember to remember (and to sink *Q(K)*) upon me soul my
21 Izany no ho eritreretiko ato am-poko, ka dia hanantena aho.
this to return: recall to(wards) heart my upon so to wait: hope
22 Ny famindram-pon’ i Jehovah no tsy nahalany ritra antsika, fa tsy mitsahatra ny fiantrany.
kindness LORD for not to finish for not to end: finish compassion his
23 Vaovao isa-maraina izany; lehibe ny fahamarinanao.
new to/for morning many faithfulness your
24 Jehovah no anjarako, hoy ny fanahiko, ka dia hanantena Azy aho.
portion my LORD to say soul my upon so to wait: hope to/for him
25 Tsara Jehovah amin’ izay manantena Azy, dia amin’ ny olona izay mitady Azy.
pleasant LORD (to/for to await him *Q(K)*) to/for soul to seek him
26 Tsara ny miandry ny famonjen’ i Jehovah amin’ ny fanginana.
pleasant and waiting and silence to/for deliverance: salvation LORD
27 Tsara amin’ ny olona ny mitondra zioga, raha mbola tanora izy.
pleasant to/for great man for to lift: bear yoke in/on/with youth his
28 Aoka hanjokaiky irery izy ka hangina, raha ampitondraina izany.
to dwell isolation and to silence: silent for to lift upon him
29 Aoka hanohoka ny vavany eo amin’ ny vovoka izy, angamba hisy hantenaina.
to give: put in/on/with dust lip his perhaps there hope
30 Aoka hanolotra ny takolany ho amin’ izay mamely azy izy ka ho feno latsa.
to give: give to/for to smite him jaw to satisfy in/on/with reproach
31 Fa tsy hanary mandrakizay ny Tompo;
for not to reject to/for forever: enduring Lord
32 Eny fa na dia mampahory aza Izy, dia mbola hiantra ihany araka ny haben’ ny famindram-pony.
that if: except if: except to suffer and to have compassion like/as abundance (kindness his *Q(K)*)
33 Fa tsy sitrany ny mampahory na mampalahelo ny zanak’ olombelona.
for not to afflict from heart his and to suffer (son: child *L(abh)*) man
34 Ny fanitsakitsahana ny mpifatotra rehetra ambonin’ ny tany ho eo ambanin’ ny tongotra,
to/for to crush underneath: under foot his all prisoner land: country/planet
35 Ny familiana ny rariny amin’ ny olona eo anatrehan’ ny Avo Indrindra,
to/for to stretch justice great man before face Most High
36 Ny famadihana ny adin’ ny olona, dia samy tsy sitraky ny Tompo.
to/for to pervert man in/on/with strife his Lord not to see: select
37 Iza moa no miteny, ka dia mahatonga izany, raha tsy zavatra efa nodidian’ ny Tompo?
who? this to say and to be Lord not to command
38 Tsy avy amin’ ny vavan’ ny Avo Indrindra va no ivoahan’ ny soa sy ny loza?
from lip Most High not to come out: come [the] distress: harm and [the] pleasant
39 Koa ahoana no imonomononan’ ny olona mbola velona, fa no tsy aleo misento noho ny amin’ ny fahotany avy?
what? to complain man alive great man upon (sin his *Q(K)*)
40 Aoka isika handinika sy hamantatra ny alehantsika ka hiverina indray amin’ i Jehovah.
to search way: conduct our and to search and to return: return till LORD
41 Aoka hasandratsika amin’ Andriamanitra any an-danitra ny fontsika sy ny tanantsika.
to lift: trust heart our to(wards) palm to(wards) God in/on/with heaven
42 Izahay efa nanota sy nanao ditra, ary Hianao kosa tsy namela heloka.
we to transgress and to rebel you(m. s.) not to forgive
43 Nisarona fahatezerana Hianao ka nanenjika anay; eny, novonoinao izahay, fa tsy niantranao.
to cover in/on/with face: anger and to pursue us to kill not to spare
44 Nisarona rahona Hianao, ka dia voasakana ny vavaka.
to cover in/on/with cloud to/for you from to pass prayer
45 Nataonao tahaka ny fakofako sy ny zavatra nariana teo afovoan’ ny firenena izahay.
offscouring and refuse to set: make us in/on/with entrails: among [the] people
46 Ny fahavalonay rehetra misanasana vava aminay.
to open upon us lip their all enemy our
47 Mahavoa anay ny tahotra sy ny lavaka ary ny fandringanana sy ny fahatorotoroana.
dread and pit to be to/for us [the] devastation and [the] breaking
48 Rano mandriaka no mijononoka amin’ ny masoko noho ny faharatran’ ny oloko zanakavavy.
stream water to go down eye my upon breaking daughter people my
49 Ny masoko mandrotsa-dranomaso ka tsy mijanona, eny, tsy misy fiatoana,
eye my to pour and not to cease from nothing cessation
50 Ambara-pitazan’ i Jehovah ka ho tsinjony any an-danitra.
till to look and to see: see LORD from heaven
51 Ny masoko mampiditra fahoriana ho an’ ny fanahiko noho ny amin’ ny zanakavavin’ ny tanànako rehetra.
eye my to abuse to/for soul: myself my from all daughter city my
52 Izay fahavaloko tsy ahoan-tsy ahoana dia nanenjika ahy mafy hoatra ny fanenjika voron-kely.
to hunt to hunt me like/as bird enemy my for nothing
53 Nanjera ahy tao an-davaka famoriandrano izy ka nitady hahafaty ahy sady nitora-bato ahy.
to destroy in/on/with pit life my and to give thanks stone in/on/with me
54 Mandifotra ny lohako ny rano, ka dia hoy izaho: Maty aho ity!
to flow water upon head my to say to cut
55 Jehovah ô, niantso ny anaranao tany an-davaka lalina indrindra aho.
to call: call to name your LORD from pit lower
56 Ny feoko dia efa renao, aza tampenana ny sofinao, raha mitaraina mitady izay mba hiainana kely aho.
voice my to hear: hear not to conceal ear your to/for relief my to/for cry my
57 Nanakaiky Hianao tamin’ ny andro niantsoako Anao, ka dia hoy Hianao: Aza matahotra.
to present: come in/on/with day to call: call to you to say not to fear
58 Tompo ô, Hianao nandahatra ny adiko izay nikasika ny aiko, eny, nanavotra ny aiko Hianao.
to contend Lord strife soul: myself my to redeem: redeem life my
59 Jehovah ô, hitanao ny fitsarana miangatra natao tamiko, ka mba tsarao ny adiko.
to see: see LORD oppression my to judge [emph?] justice my
60 Hitanao ny famalian-dratsy rehetra ataon’ ireo, dia ny saina rehetra entiny mamely ahy
to see: see all vengeance their all plot their to/for me
61 Jehovah ô, efa renao ny latsa ataony, dia ny saina rehetra entiny mamely ahy,
to hear: hear reproach their LORD all plot their upon me
62 Dia ny molotr’ izay mitsangana hanohitra ahy sy ny saina ataony mandritra ny andro hamelezana ahy.
lips to arise: attack me and meditation their upon me all [the] day
63 Jereo ny fipetrany sy ny fitsangany, fa ataony an-kira aho.
seat their and rising their to look [emph?] I mocking their
64 Hovalianao araka ny asan’ ny tànany izy, Jehovah ô.
to return: pay to/for them recompense LORD like/as deed: work hand their
65 Eny, hohamaizininao ny fony, hihatra aminy ny ozonao.
to give: give to/for them covering heart curse your to/for them
66 Henjehinao amin’ ny fahatezerana izy ka haringanao tsy ho etỳ ambanin’ ny lanitr’ i Jehovah.
to pursue in/on/with face: anger and to destroy them from underneath: under heaven LORD

< Fitomaniana 3 >