< Fitomaniana 3 >

1 Izaho ilay lehilahy nahita fahoriana tamin’ ny tsorakazon’ ny fahatezerany.
I am the man that has seen affliction by the rod of his wrath.
2 Izaho no notarihiny sy nampandehaniny ho amin’ ny maizina, fa tsy ho amin’ ny mazava.
He has led me and caused me to walk in darkness, and not in light.
3 Izaho ihany no asian’ ny tànany mandritra ny andro mandrakariva.
Surely against me he turns his hand again and again all the day.
4 Nataony antitra ny nofoko sy ny hoditro, notapatapahiny ny taolako.
My flesh and my skin he has made old; he has broken my bones.
5 Manorina izay hamelezany ahy Izy ary manemitra ahy amin’ ny zava-mangidy sy ny fahoriana.
He has built against me, and surrounded me with bitterness and hardship.
6 Ampitoeriny ao amin’ ny maizina toy izay efa maty fahagola aho.
He has made me to dwell in dark places, like those that have been long dead.
7 Nofefeny manodidina aho ka tsy afa-nivoaka, nataony mavesatra ny gadrako.
He has walled me in, so I can't escape; he has made my chains heavy.
8 Ary na dia mitaraina sy minananana aza aho, dia tampenany ny fivavako.
Yes, when I cry, and call for help, he shuts out my prayer.
9 Vato voapaika no narafiny natampiny ny lalako, naolikoliny ny alehako.
He has walled up my ways with cut stone; he has made my paths crooked.
10 Tonga bera manotrika ahy Izy, ary toy ny liona ao amin’ ny fierena;
He is to me as a bear lying in wait, as a lion in hiding.
11 Namily ny alehako Izy, ary noviravirainy aho ka nataony mahatsiravina.
He has obstructed my path, and torn me in pieces; he has made me desolate.
12 Nanenjana ny tsipìkany Izy ka nanangana ahy ho toy ny marika hokendrena zana-tsipìka.
He has bent his bow, and set me as a mark for the arrow.
13 Nampitsatoka ny zana-tsipìkany tamin’ ny voako Izy.
He has caused the arrows of his quiver to pierce my inward parts.
14 Tonga fihomehezan’ ny fireneko rehetra aho sady ataony an-kira mandritra ny andro.
I have become a laughingstock to all peoples, and their song all the day.
15 Novokisany zava-mangidy aho ary nobobohany zava-mahafaty.
He has filled me with bitterness, he has given me in full measure wormwood.
16 Ary notorotoroiny tamin’ ny sila-bato ny nifiko, sady natsinkasinkasiny tamin’ ny lavenona aho.
He has also broken my teeth with gravel; he has pressed me down in the dust.
17 Ary noroahinao tsy hahita fiadanana ny fanahiko, ka efa hadinoko ny tsara.
You have removed my soul far away from peace; I have forgotten what prosperity is.
18 Dia hoy izaho: Levona ny faharetako sy ny fanantenako an’ i Jehovah.
And I said, "My strength and my hope has perished from Jehovah."
19 Tsarovy ny fahoriako sy ny fanjenjenako, dia ny zava-mahafaty sy ny rano mangidy.
Remember my affliction and my misery, the wormwood and the gall.
20 Tsaroan’ ny fanahiko indrindra izany, ka mitanondrika ato anatiko izy.
My soul considers them, and is depressed.
21 Izany no ho eritreretiko ato am-poko, ka dia hanantena aho.
But this I call to my mind; therefore I have hope:
22 Ny famindram-pon’ i Jehovah no tsy nahalany ritra antsika, fa tsy mitsahatra ny fiantrany.
Jehovah's faithful love does not cease; his compassion does not fail.
23 Vaovao isa-maraina izany; lehibe ny fahamarinanao.
They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.
24 Jehovah no anjarako, hoy ny fanahiko, ka dia hanantena Azy aho.
"Jehovah is my portion," says my soul, "therefore I will hope in him."
25 Tsara Jehovah amin’ izay manantena Azy, dia amin’ ny olona izay mitady Azy.
Jehovah is good to those who wait for him, to the soul that seeks him.
26 Tsara ny miandry ny famonjen’ i Jehovah amin’ ny fanginana.
It is good that a man should hope and quietly wait for the salvation of Jehovah.
27 Tsara amin’ ny olona ny mitondra zioga, raha mbola tanora izy.
It is good for a man that he bear the yoke while he is young.
28 Aoka hanjokaiky irery izy ka hangina, raha ampitondraina izany.
Let him sit alone and keep silence when he is disciplining him.
29 Aoka hanohoka ny vavany eo amin’ ny vovoka izy, angamba hisy hantenaina.
Let him put his mouth to the dust, there may yet be hope.
30 Aoka hanolotra ny takolany ho amin’ izay mamely azy izy ka ho feno latsa.
Let him give his cheek to him who strikes him; let him be filled with insults.
31 Fa tsy hanary mandrakizay ny Tompo;
For Jehovah will not reject forever.
32 Eny fa na dia mampahory aza Izy, dia mbola hiantra ihany araka ny haben’ ny famindram-pony.
For though he may cause grief, yet he will have compassion according to the abundance of his loving kindness.
33 Fa tsy sitrany ny mampahory na mampalahelo ny zanak’ olombelona.
For he is not predisposed to bring affliction or suffering to human beings.
34 Ny fanitsakitsahana ny mpifatotra rehetra ambonin’ ny tany ho eo ambanin’ ny tongotra,
To crush under foot all the prisoners of the earth;
35 Ny familiana ny rariny amin’ ny olona eo anatrehan’ ny Avo Indrindra,
to deprive a man of justice before the face of the Most High,
36 Ny famadihana ny adin’ ny olona, dia samy tsy sitraky ny Tompo.
to subvert a man in his cause, Jehovah does not approve.
37 Iza moa no miteny, ka dia mahatonga izany, raha tsy zavatra efa nodidian’ ny Tompo?
Who can speak a thing and have it come to pass, unless Jehovah has commanded it?
38 Tsy avy amin’ ny vavan’ ny Avo Indrindra va no ivoahan’ ny soa sy ny loza?
Doesn't both calamity and good come out of the mouth of the Most High?
39 Koa ahoana no imonomononan’ ny olona mbola velona, fa no tsy aleo misento noho ny amin’ ny fahotany avy?
Why does a living man complain, a man for the punishment of his sins?
40 Aoka isika handinika sy hamantatra ny alehantsika ka hiverina indray amin’ i Jehovah.
Let us examine and search our ways, and return to Jehovah.
41 Aoka hasandratsika amin’ Andriamanitra any an-danitra ny fontsika sy ny tanantsika.
Let us lift up our heart with our hands to God in the heavens.
42 Izahay efa nanota sy nanao ditra, ary Hianao kosa tsy namela heloka.
We have transgressed and have rebelled, and you have not forgiven.
43 Nisarona fahatezerana Hianao ka nanenjika anay; eny, novonoinao izahay, fa tsy niantranao.
You have covered yourself with anger and pursued us; you killed without sparing.
44 Nisarona rahona Hianao, ka dia voasakana ny vavaka.
You have covered yourself with a cloud, so that no prayer can pass through.
45 Nataonao tahaka ny fakofako sy ny zavatra nariana teo afovoan’ ny firenena izahay.
You have made us rubbish and refuse in the midst of the peoples.
46 Ny fahavalonay rehetra misanasana vava aminay.
All our enemies have opened their mouth wide against us.
47 Mahavoa anay ny tahotra sy ny lavaka ary ny fandringanana sy ny fahatorotoroana.
Fear and the pit have come on us, devastation and destruction.
48 Rano mandriaka no mijononoka amin’ ny masoko noho ny faharatran’ ny oloko zanakavavy.
Streams of tears run down from my eyes because of the destruction of the daughter of my people.
49 Ny masoko mandrotsa-dranomaso ka tsy mijanona, eny, tsy misy fiatoana,
My tears flow and do not cease, without respite,
50 Ambara-pitazan’ i Jehovah ka ho tsinjony any an-danitra.
until Jehovah looks down and sees from heaven.
51 Ny masoko mampiditra fahoriana ho an’ ny fanahiko noho ny amin’ ny zanakavavin’ ny tanànako rehetra.
My eyes bring my soul grief, because of all the daughters of my city.
52 Izay fahavaloko tsy ahoan-tsy ahoana dia nanenjika ahy mafy hoatra ny fanenjika voron-kely.
They have chased me relentlessly like a bird, those who are my enemies without cause.
53 Nanjera ahy tao an-davaka famoriandrano izy ka nitady hahafaty ahy sady nitora-bato ahy.
They have cut off my life in a pit, and have cast a stone on me.
54 Mandifotra ny lohako ny rano, ka dia hoy izaho: Maty aho ity!
Waters flowed over my head; I said, 'I am finished.'
55 Jehovah ô, niantso ny anaranao tany an-davaka lalina indrindra aho.
I called on your name, Jehovah, out of the depths of the pit.
56 Ny feoko dia efa renao, aza tampenana ny sofinao, raha mitaraina mitady izay mba hiainana kely aho.
You heard my voice; do not hide your ear at my sighs, to my cry.
57 Nanakaiky Hianao tamin’ ny andro niantsoako Anao, ka dia hoy Hianao: Aza matahotra.
You drew near in the day that I called on you; you said, "Do not be afraid."
58 Tompo ô, Hianao nandahatra ny adiko izay nikasika ny aiko, eny, nanavotra ny aiko Hianao.
Jehovah, you have taken up the case for my soul; you have redeemed my life.
59 Jehovah ô, hitanao ny fitsarana miangatra natao tamiko, ka mba tsarao ny adiko.
You have seen, Jehovah, the wrong done to me; judge my case.
60 Hitanao ny famalian-dratsy rehetra ataon’ ireo, dia ny saina rehetra entiny mamely ahy
You have seen all their vengeance and all their plots against me.
61 Jehovah ô, efa renao ny latsa ataony, dia ny saina rehetra entiny mamely ahy,
You have heard their insults, Jehovah, and all their plots against me.
62 Dia ny molotr’ izay mitsangana hanohitra ahy sy ny saina ataony mandritra ny andro hamelezana ahy.
The lips of those that rose up against me, and their plots against me all day long.
63 Jereo ny fipetrany sy ny fitsangany, fa ataony an-kira aho.
Look their sitting down, and their rising up; I am their mocking song.
64 Hovalianao araka ny asan’ ny tànany izy, Jehovah ô.
You will render to them what they deserve, Jehovah, according to the work of their hands.
65 Eny, hohamaizininao ny fony, hihatra aminy ny ozonao.
You will give them hardness of heart as your curse to them.
66 Henjehinao amin’ ny fahatezerana izy ka haringanao tsy ho etỳ ambanin’ ny lanitr’ i Jehovah.
You will pursue them in anger, and destroy them from under the heavens of Jehovah.

< Fitomaniana 3 >