< Fitomaniana 2 >

1 Indrisy! Ziona zanakavavy dia saronan’ ny Tompo rahona amin’ ny fahatezerany; Nazerany avy tany an-danitra ho amin’ ny tany ny reharehan’ ny Isiraely, Ary tsy tsaroany ny fitoeran-tongony tamin’ ny andro fahatezerany!
[ALEPH-BET] How the Lord clouds in His anger the daughter of Zion, He has cast from the heavens [to] earth the beauty of Israel, And has not remembered His footstool in the day of His anger.
2 Nolevonin’ ny Tompo ny fonenan’ i Jakoba rehetra, fa tsy niantrany; Noravany an-katezerana ny fiarovan’ i Joda zanakavavy ka nazerany tamin’ ny tany, tsy nohamasininy ny fanjakana sy ny mpanapaka,
The Lord has swallowed up, He has not pitied any of the pleasant places of Jacob, He has broken down in His wrath The fortresses of the daughter of Judah, He has caused to come to the earth, He defiled the kingdom and its princes.
3 Nokapainy tamin’ ny fahatezerany mirehitra ny tandroky ny Isiraely rehetra; Nahemony teo anoloan’ ny fahavalo ny tànany ankavanana; Ary nandoro an’ i Jakoba Izy toy ny lelafo miredareda izay nandevona manodidina.
He has cut off in the heat of anger every horn of Israel, He has turned backward His right hand From the face of the enemy, And He burns against Jacob as a flaming fire, It has devoured all around.
4 Nanenjana ny tsipìkany toy ny fahavalo Izy, nijoro naninjitra ny tànany ankavanana toy ny rafilahy Izy ka nandripaka izay rehetra mahafinaritra ny maso; Ny fahatezerany dia naidiny toy ny afo tamin’ ny lain’ i Ziona zanakavavy.
He has bent His bow as an enemy, His right hand has stood as an adversary, And He slays all the desirable ones of the eye, In the tent of the daughter of Zion, He has poured out as fire His fury.
5 Ny Tompo dia tonga toy ny fahavalo ka nandevona ny Isiraely. Eny, nolevoniny ny lapany rehetra, sady noravany ny fiarovany; Ary nampitomboiny ny fisentoana sy ny fitarainan’ i Joda zanakavavy.
The Lord has been as an enemy, He has swallowed up Israel, He has swallowed up all her palaces, He has destroyed His fortresses, And He multiplies in the daughter of Judah Mourning and moaning.
6 Ary noravany an-keriny toy ny tanimboly ilay nofefena ho Azy, sady noravany ny trano fihaonany; Nataon’ i Jehovah hadino tao Ziona ny fotoam-pivavahana sy ny Sabata, ka nolaviny tamin’ ny fahatezerany mirehitra ny mpanjaka sy ny mpisorona.
And He shakes as a garden His dwelling place, He has destroyed His appointed place, YHWH has forgotten in Zion the appointed time and Sabbath, And despises, in the indignation of His anger, king and priest.
7 Ny alitarany narian’ ny Tompo, ny fitoerany masìna nolaviny; Natolony ho eo an-tànan’ ny fahavalo ny mandan’ ny lapa ao Ziona; Nanandratra ny feony tao an-tranon’ i Jehovah toy ny amin’ ny fotoam-pivavahana ireny.
The Lord has cast off His altar, He has rejected His sanctuary, He has shut up into the hand of the enemy The walls of her palaces, A noise they have made in the house of YHWH Like a day of appointment.
8 Jehovah ninia handrava ny mandan’ i Ziona zanakavavy; Nanenjana ny famolaina Izy ka tsy namonkina ny tanany tsy handrava; dia mampitomany ny fiarovany ivelany sy ny manda Izy, ka miara-dreraka ireo.
YHWH has devised to destroy the wall of the daughter of Zion, He has stretched out a line, He has not turned His hand from destroying, And He causes bulwark and wall to mourn, Together—they have been weak.
9 Ny vavahadiny dia tototry ny tany, nosimbany sy notapatapahiny ny hidiny; Ny mpanjakany sy ny mpanapaka azy efa mby any amin’ ny firenena; Tsy misy lalàna intsony, fa na ny mpaminaniny aza dia tsy mahita fahitana avy amin’ i Jehovah.
Sunk into the earth have her gates, He has destroyed and broken her bars, Her king and her princes [are] among the nations, There is no law, also her prophets Have not found vision from YHWH.
10 Mipetraka amin’ ny tany ny loholon’ i Ziona zanakavavy ka mangìna; Nasiany vovoka ny lohany, misikìna lamba fisaonana izy; Ny virijina any Jerosalema nampitanondrika ny lohany ho amin’ ny tany.
Sit on the earth—[the] elderly of Zion’s daughter keep silent, They have caused dust to go up on their head, They have girded on sackcloth, The virgins of Jerusalem have Put their head down to the earth.
11 Pahina ny masoko azon’ ny ranomaso, mandevilevy ny foko; Naidina tamin’ ny tany ny atiko noho ny fandringanana ny oloko zanakavavy, sy noho ny ankizy madinika sy ny zaza minono izay ana eny an-kalalahana ao an-tanàna.
My eyes have been consumed by tears, My bowels have been troubled, My liver has been poured out to the earth, For the breach of the daughter of my people; In infant and suckling being feeble, In the broad places of the city,
12 Raha ana toy ny voatrobaka eny an-kalalahana ao an-tanana izy, na miala aina eo am-pofoan-dreniny, dia manontany an-dreniny hoe izy: aiza izay vary sy divay?
To their mothers they say, “Where [are] grain and wine?” In their becoming feeble as a pierced one In the broad places of the city, In their soul pouring itself out into the bosom of their mothers.
13 Inona no hataoko vavolombelona ho anao? Inona no hanoharako anao, ry Jerosalema zanakavavy? Inona no hampitahaiko aminao mba hampiononako anao, ry Ziona zanakavavy virijina? Fa lehibe toy ny ranomasina ny faharatranao, iza no mahasitrana anao?
What do I testify [to] you, what do I liken to you, O daughter of Jerusalem? What do I equal to you, and I comfort you, O virgin daughter of Zion? For great as a sea [is] your breach, Who gives healing to you?
14 Ny mpaminaninao nahita lainga sy fahadalana ho anao; Ary tsy nampiseho ny helokao mba hiaro anao tsy ho babo; Fa nahita faminaniana lainga sy fampiviliana ho anao izy.
Your prophets have seen for you a false and insipid thing, And have not revealed concerning your iniquity, To return your captivity, And they see for you false burdens and causes of expulsion.
15 Miteha-tanana anao izay rehetra mandalo eny an-dalana; Misitrisitra sy mihifikifi-doha amin’ i Jerosalema zanakavavy izy ka manao hoe: Ity va ilay tanàna nataony hoe Tena fahatsaran-tarehy Fifalian’ ny tany rehetra?
Everyone passing by the way clapped hands at you, They have hissed—and they shake the head At the daughter of Jerusalem: “Is this the city of which they said: The perfection of beauty, a joy to all the land?”
16 Misanasana vava aminao ny fahavalonao rehetra; Misitrisitra sy mihidy vazana izy ka manao hoe: Efa nolevoninay! Ity tokoa no andro nandrasanay ka efa azonay sady hitanay.
Opened against you their mouth have all your enemies, They have hissed, indeed, they gnash the teeth, They have said: “We have swallowed [her] up, Surely this [is] the day that we looked for, We have found—we have seen.”
17 Jehovah efa nanao izay nosaininy ka nahatanteraka ny teniny izay nandidiany hatramin’ ny andro fahagola; Nandrava Izy, fa tsy niantra; Ary nampifaly ny fahavalo taminao Izy sady nanandratra ny tandroky ny rafilahinao.
YHWH has done that which He devised, He has fulfilled His saying That He commanded from the days of old, He has broken down and has not pitied, And causes an enemy to rejoice over you, He lifted up the horn of your adversaries.
18 Ny fonao mitaraina amin’ ny Tompo: Ry mandan’ i Ziona zanakavavy! mandrotsaha ranomaso andro aman’ alina toy ny riaka; Aza mangìna, aoka tsy hitsahatra ny anakandriamasonao.
Their heart has cried to the Lord; O wall of the daughter of Zion, Cause to go down tears as a stream daily and nightly, do not give rest to yourself, Do not let the daughter of your eye stand still.
19 Mitsangàna, miantsoantsoa amin’ ny alina hatramin’ ny filatsahan’ ny fiambenana, Aidino tahaka ny rano eo anatrehan’ ny Tompo ny fonao! Asandrato aminy ny tananao hifona ho an’ ny ain’ ny zanakao madinika, izay anan’ ny hanoanana eny an-joron-dalambe rehetra eny.
Arise, cry aloud in the night, At the beginning of the watches. Pour out your heart as water, Before the face of the Lord, Lift up to Him your hands, for the soul of your infants, Who are feeble with hunger at the head of all out-places.
20 Jehovah ô, jereo ka izahao ny amin’ ny olona izay nanaovanao izany. Ny vehivavy va hihinana ny ateraky na kibony, dia ny zanany madinika trotroiny? Hovonoina ao amin’ ny fitoera-masin’ i Jehovah va ny mpisorona sy ny mpaminany?
See, O YHWH, and look attentively, To whom You have acted thus, Do women eat their fruit, infants of a handbreadth? Slain in the sanctuary of the Lord are priest and prophet?
21 Miampatrampatra eny an-dalambe ny tanora sy ny antitra; Ny virijinako sy ny zatovoko dia lavon’ ny sabatra, Novonoinao tamin’ ny andro fahatezeranao izy, eny, naripakao, fa tsy niantranao.
Lain on the earth [in] out-places have young and old, My virgins and my young men have fallen by the sword, You have slain in a day of Your anger, You have slaughtered—You have not pitied.
22 Nantsoinao ny fampangorohoroana manodidina ahy, toy ny amin’ ny fotoam-pivavahana, ka dia tsy nisy sisa afa-nandositra tamin’ ny andro fahatezeran’ i Jehovah; Izay notrotroiko sy notezaiko aza dia lanin’ ny fahavaloko.
You call as [at] a day of appointment, My fears from all around, And there has not been in the day of the anger of YHWH, An escaped and remaining one, They whom I stretched out and nourished, My enemy has consumed!

< Fitomaniana 2 >