< Mpitsara 7 >

1 Dia nifoha maraina koa Jerobala (Gideona izany) sy ny vahoaka rehetra teo aminy ka nitoby teo akaikin’ ny loharano Haroda; ary ny tobin’ ny Midiana kosa teo avarany, teo an-dohasaha anilan’ ny havoana More.
Then Jerubbaal, who is Gideon, and all the people who were with him, rose up early, and camped beside the spring of Harod. And the camp of Midian was on the north side of them, by the hill of Moreh, in the valley.
2 Ary hoy Jehovah tamin’ i Gideona: Maro loatra ny vahoaka eo aminao, ka tsy hanolotra ny Midiana eo an-tànany Aho, fandrao hirehareha amiko ny Isiraely ka hanao hoe: Ny tanako ihany no namonjy ahy.
Jehovah said to Gideon, "The people who are with you are too many for me to give the Midianites into their hand, lest Israel vaunt themselves against me, saying, 'My own hand has saved me.'
3 Koa ankehitriny andeha miantso eo anatrehan’ ny vahoaka hoe: Na iza na iza no matahotra sy mangovitra, aoka izy hiverina ka hiala amin’ ny tany havoan’ i Gileada. Dia niverina ny olona roa arivo sy roa alina; fa ny iray alina no sisa.
Now therefore proclaim in the ears of the people, saying, 'Whoever is fearful and trembling, let him return and depart from Mount Gilead.' There returned of the people twenty-two thousand; but ten thousand remained.
4 Fa hoy Jehovah tamin’ i Gideona: Mbola maro ihany ny olona; koa ampidino ho eo amin’ ny rano izy, ary eo no hizahako toetra azy ho anao; ary izay holazaiko aminao hoe: Io no hiaraka aminao, dia izy no hiaraka aminao; ary izay rehetra holazaiko aminao hoe: Io no tsy hiaraka aminao, dia izy kosa no tsy hiaraka aminao.
Jehovah said to Gideon, "The people are yet too many; bring them down to the water, and I will try them for you there: and it shall be, that of whom I tell you, This shall go with you, the same shall go with you; and of whoever I tell you, This shall not go with you, the same shall not go.
5 Ary dia nampidinin’ i Gideona ho eo amin’ ny rano ny olona; ary hoy Jehovah taminy: Izay rehetra milelaka rano amin’ ny lelany tahaka ny filelaky ny amboa dia atokàny, ary izay rehetra mandohalika kosa hisotro dia atokàny koa.
So he brought down the people to the water. And Jehovah said to Gideon, "Everyone who laps of the water with his tongue, as a dog laps, you shall put to one side; and everyone who gets down on his knees to drink with hand to mouth shall be on the other side."
6 Ary telon-jato lahy no isan’ izay nanainga ny tànany tamin’ ny vavany ka nilelaka; fa ny olona sisa rehetra dia nandohalika hisotro rano.
The number of those who lapped with their tongues was three hundred men, but all the rest of the people got down on their knees to drink water.
7 Ary hoy Jehovah tamin’ i Gideona: Ny telon-jato lahy izay nilelaka rano no hamonjeko anareo ka hanolorako ny Midiana eo an-tananao; fa aoka ny olona sisa rehetra samy hody any amin’ ny fonenany avy.
Jehovah said to Gideon, "By the three hundred men who lapped will I save you, and deliver the Midianites into your hand; and let all the people go every man to his home."
8 Ary ny olona nitondra vatsy sy ny anjomarany teny an-tànany; ary ny Isiraely sisa dia nalefany hody samy ho any amin’ ny lainy avy, fa ny telon-jato lahy ihany no nohazoniny; ary ny tobin’ ny Midiana dia teo ambaniny teo an-dohasaha.
So the people took food in their hand, and their trumpets; and he sent all the men of Israel every man to his tent, but retained the three hundred men. And the camp of Midian was beneath him in the valley.
9 Ary tamin’ izany alina izany dia hoy Jehovah tamin’ i Gideona: Mitsangàna, midìna ho any amin’ ny toby ianao; fa efa natolotro eo an-tananao io.
It happened the same night, that Jehovah said to him, "Arise, get down into the camp; for I have delivered it into your hand.
10 Fa raha matahotra hidina ianao, dia aoka hidina miaraka aminao ho any amin’ ny toby Pora zatovonao;
But if you fear to go down, go with Purah your servant down to the camp:
11 dia ho renao izay lazain’ ny olona, ary rehefa afaka izany, dia hampaherezina ny tananao hidinanao any amin’ ny toby. Dia nidina niaraka tamin’ i Pora zatovony izy ho any an-tsisin’ ny olona efa voaomana hiady, izay teo amin’ ny toby.
and you shall hear what they say; and afterward will your hands be strengthened to go down into the camp." Then he went down with Purah his servant to the outermost part of the armed men who were in the camp.
12 Ary ny Midiana sy ny Amalekita ary ny zanaky ny atsinanana rehetra dia nandry teny an-dohasaha, tahaka ny valala ny hamarony; ary tsy hita isa ny ramevany, tahaka ny fasika any amoron-dranomasina ny hamarony.
And Midian, Amalek, and all the Kedemites lay along in the valley as numerous as locusts; and their camels were without number, as numerous as the sand which is on the seashore.
13 Ary raha tonga tao Gideona, indro, nisy lehilahy nilaza nofy tamin’ ny namany ka nanao hoe: Nanonofy aho, ka, indro, nisy mofo vary hordea nikodiadia ho eo amin’ ny tobin’ ny Midìna ka nankamin’ ny lay anankiray, dia nampiongana ka nampivadika azy, ka dia nipetraka teo ny lay.
When Gideon had come, look, there was a man telling a dream to his friend; and he said, "Look, I had a dream, and look, a cake of barley bread tumbled into the camp of Midian, and came to the tent, and struck it so that it fell, and turned it upside down, so that the tent collapsed."
14 Dia namaly ilay namany ka nanao hoe: Tsy zavatra hafa izany, fa ny sabatr’ i Gideona, zanak’ i Joasy, lehilahy Isiraelita, mihitsy: efa natolotr’ Andriamanitra eo an-tànany ny Midiana sy ny toby rehetra.
His friend answered, "This is nothing less than the sword of Gideon the son of Joash, a man of Israel. Into his hand God has delivered Midian, and all the army."
15 Ary rehefa ren’ i Gideona ny filàzany ny nofy sy ny heviny, dia nivavaka izy; ary niverina ho any amin’ ny tobin’ ny Isiraely izy ka nanao hoe: Mitsangàna, fa efa natolotr’ i Jehovah eo an-tananareo ny tobin’ ny Midiana.
It was so, when Gideon heard the telling of the dream, and its interpretation, that he worshiped, and he returned into the camp of Israel, and said, "Get up, for Jehovah has delivered into your hand the army of Midian."
16 Dia nozarainy telo toko ny telon-jato lahy, ary samy nomeny anjomara iray avy ho eny an-tànany ary siny tsy nisy rano sy fanilo tao anatin’ ny siny.
He divided the three hundred men into three companies, and he put into the hands of all of them trumpets, and empty pitchers, with torches within the pitchers.
17 Dia hoy izy taminy: Mijere ahy ianareo, ka manaova araka izay ataoko; ary, indro, raha mankany amin’ ny sisin’ ny toby aho, dia izay ataoko ihany no mba ataovinareo koa.
He said to them, "Look at me, and do likewise. And look, when I come to the outermost part of the camp, it shall be that, as I do, so you shall do.
18 Raha mitsoka ny anjomara izaho sy izay miaraka amiko, dia mba mitsofa ny anjomara manodidina ny toby rehetra koa ianareo, ka miantsoa hoe: An’ i Jehovah sy Gideona!
When I blow the trumpet, I and all who are with me, then you blow the trumpets also on every side of all the camp, and say, "For Jehovah and for Gideon."
19 Dia nankany amin’ ny sisin’ ny toby tamin’ ny fiandohan’ ny fiambenana faharoa Gideona sy ny zato lahy izay teo aminy; raha vao nalatsaka ny fiambenana; dia nitsoka ny anjomara ireo sady namaky ny siny teny an-tanany.
So Gideon and the hundred men who were with him came to the outermost part of the camp in the beginning of the middle watch, when they had but newly set the watch: and they blew the trumpets, and broke in pieces the pitchers that were in their hands.
20 Dia mba nitsoka ny anjomara avokoa ny telo toko sady namaky ny sininy, ka nihazona ny fanilo teny an-tànany ankavia ary ny anjomara teny an-tànany ankavanana mba hotsofiny; dia niantso hoe izy: Ny sabatr’ i Jehovah sy Gideona!
The three companies blew the trumpets, and broke the pitchers, and held the torches in their left hands, and the trumpets in their right hands with which to blow; and they called out, "The sword of Jehovah and of Gideon.'"
21 Ary samy nijanona teo amin’ ny fitoerany avy manodidina ny toby izy rehetra; dia nihazakazaka ny miaramila rehetra ka ninananana sady nandositra.
They each stood in his place every man around the camp; and all the army ran; and they shouted, and put them to flight.
22 Dia nitsoka ny anjomara ny telon-jato lahy, ary nampifamelezin’ i Jehovah tamin’ ny sabatra ny miaramila eran’ ny toby rehetra, dia nandositra hatrany Beti-sita izy ka hatrany Zereraha sy hatramin’ ny fari-tanin’ i Abela-mehola akaiky an’ i Tabata.
They blew the three hundred trumpets, and Jehovah set every man's sword against each other throughout the camp; and the army fled as far as Beth Shittah toward Zererah, as far as the border of Abel Meholah, by Tabbath.
23 Dia nivory ny lehilahy amin’ ny Isiraely avy tamin’ ny Naftaly sy ny Asera ary ny Manase rehetra ka nanenjika ny Midiana.
The men of Israel were gathered together out of Naphtali, and out of Asher, and out of all Manasseh, and pursued after Midian.
24 Ary Gideona naniraka olona hitety ny tany havoan’ i Efraima rehetra ka nanao hoe: Midìna hisakana ny Midiana, ka vonjeo ny rano eo alohany hatrany Beti-bara sy Jordana. Dia nivory ny lehilahy rehetra amin’ ny Efraima ka namonjy ny rano hatrany Beti-bara sy Jordana.
Gideon sent messengers throughout all the hill country of Ephraim, saying, "Come down against Midian, and capture the waters, as far as Beth Barah, even the Jordan." So all the men of Ephraim were gathered together, and seized the waters as far as Beth Barah, even the Jordan.
25 Ary nisambotra ny andriana roa lahy amin’ ny Midiana izy, dia Oreba sy Zeba, ary Oreba novonoiny teo ambonin’ ny vatolampin’ i Oreba, ary Zeba novonoiny teo amin’ ny famiazam-boalobok’ i Zeba, dia nanenjika ny Midiana izy; ary ny lohan’ i Oreba sy Zeba dia nentiny tany amin’ i Gideona tany an-dafin’ i Jordana.
They took the two princes of Midian, Oreb and Zeeb; and they killed Oreb at the rock of Oreb, and Zeeb they killed at the winepress of Zeeb, and pursued Midian. Then they brought the heads of Oreb and Zeeb to Gideon beyond the Jordan.

< Mpitsara 7 >