< Mpitsara 15 >

1 Ary nony afaka kelikely, tamin’ ny taom-pijinjana ny vary tritika, dia nitondra zanak’ osy Samsona ho entiny mamangy ny vadiny, ka hoy izy: Hiditra ao amin’ ny vadiko ao an-efi-trano aho. Nefa tsy namela azy hiditra ny rafozany,
But within a while after, in the time of wheate haruest, Samson visited his wife with a kid, saying, I wil go in to my wife into the chamber: but her father would not suffer him to goe in.
2 fa hoy izy: Nataoko fa halanao mihitsy izy, ka dia nomeko ho an’ ny namanao; moa tsy tsara tarehy noho izy va ny zandriny? Masìna ianao, aoka izy halainao ho solony.
And her father sayde, I thought that thou hadst hated her: therefore gaue I her to thy companion. Is not her yonger sister fayrer then shee? take her, I pray thee, in stead of the other.
3 Dia hoy Samsona taminy: Tsy hanan-tsiny aho izao, na dia hanisy ratsy ny Filistina aza.
Then Samson saide vnto them, Nowe am I more blamelesse then the Philistims: therefore will I doe them displeasure.
4 Dia nandeha Samsona ka nisambotra amboahaolo telon-jato; dia naka zavatra hatao fanilo izy, ary nampifanendreny ny rambon’ ny amboahaolo tsiroaroa avy ka nafehiny teo anelanelan’ ny rambony ilay hatao fanilo.
And Samson went out, and tooke three hundreth foxes, and tooke firebrands, and turned them taile to taile, and put a firebrand in ye middes betweene two tailes.
5 Ary rehefa nampirehetiny ny fanilo, dia nalefany ho any amin’ ny varin’ ny Filistina ireny, ka nandoro ny amboara sy ny vary mbola mitsangana ary ny voli-oliva koa.
And when he had set the brandes on fire, he sent them out into the standing corne of the Philistims, and burnt vp both the rickes and the standing corne with the vineyardes and oliues.
6 Ary hoy ny Filistina: Iza no nanao izany? Ary nisy nanao hoe: Samsona, vinanton’ ilay Timnita, satria ny rafozany efa nanome ny vadiny ho an’ ny sakaizany. Dia niakatra ny Filistina ka nandoro an-dravehivavy sy ny ankohonan-drainy tamin’ ny afo.
Then the Philistims sayde, Who hath done this? And they answered, Samson the sonne in law of the Timnite, because hee had taken his wife, and giuen her to his companion. Then the Philistims came vp and burnt her and her father with fire.
7 Ary hoy Samsona taminy: Raha manao tahaka izany ianareo, dia mbola hamaly anareo tokoa aho, koa rehefa afaka izany, vao hitsahatra aho.
And Samson saide vnto them, Though yee haue done this, yet wil I be auenged of you, and then I wil cease.
8 Dia namely azy izy ka nahatapaka ranjo sy fe ary nahafaty be dia be; dia nidina izy ka nitoetra teo an-tsefatsefak’ ilay harambato mitresaka any Etama.
So hee smote them hippe and thigh with a mightie plague: then hee went and dwelt in the top of the rocke Etam.
9 Ary niakatra ny Filistina, dia nitoby teo amin’ ny Joda ka niely tany Lehy.
Then the Philistims came vp, and pitched in Iudah, and were spred abroad in Lehi.
10 Ary hoy ny lehilahy amin’ ny Joda: Nahoana no miakatra hamely anay ianareo? Dia hoy izy Hamatotra an’ i Samsona no niakaranay, mba hanao aminy tahaka izay efa nataony taminay.
And the men of Iudah sayde, Why are yee come vp vnto vs? And they answered, To binde Samson are we come vp, and to do to him as hee hath done to vs.
11 Dia nandeha ny lehilahy telo arivo amin’ ny Joda nankany amin’ ilay tsefatsefaky ny harambato mitresaka any Etama ka nanao tamin’ i Samsona hoe: Tsy fantatrao va fa manapaka antsika ny Filistina? Inona izao nataonao taminay izao? Dia hoy izy taminy: araka izay nataony tamiko no mba nataoko taminy.
Then three thousande men of Iudah went to the top of the rocke Etam, and sayde to Samson, Knowest thou not that the Philistims are rulers ouer vs? Wherefore then hast thou done thus vnto vs? And he answered them, As they did vnto me, so haue I done vnto them.
12 Dia hoy kosa izy ireo taminy: Hamatotra anao no nidinanay, mba hatolotray ho eo an-tànan’ ny Filistina ianao. Dia hoy Samsona taminy: Mianiana amiko ary fa tsy hamely ahy ianareo.
Againe they sayd vnto him, Wee are come to binde thee, and to deliuer thee into the hande of the Philistims. And Samson sayde vnto them, Sweare vnto me, that yee will not fall vpon me your selues.
13 Dia niteny taminy izy ireo ka nanao hoe: Tsia; fa hamatotra anao fotsiny ihany izahay ka hanolotra anao eo an-tànany; fa tsy hamono anao tsy akory izahay. Dia namatotra azy tamin’ ny mahazaka roa vaovao izy ka nitondra azy niala tamin’ ilay harambato.
And they answered him, saying, No, but we will bynde thee and deliuer thee vnto their hande, but we will not kill thee. And they bound him with two newe cordes, and brought him from the rocke.
14 Ary raha tonga tany Lehy izy, dia nanakora azy ny Filistina; ary ny Fanahin’ i Jehovah nilatsaka taminy, dia tonga tahaka ny rongony izay nodorana tamin’ ny afo ny mahazaka teny amin’ ny sandriny ary afaka tamin’ ny tànany ny fatorana.
When hee came to Lehi, the Philistims shouted against him, and the Spirite of the Lord came vpon him, and the cordes that were vpon his armes, became as flaxe that was burnt with fire: for the bandes loosed from his handes.
15 Ary nahita valanoranom-boriky vaovao izy, dia naninjitra ny tànany naka azy, ka iny no namonoany arivo lahy.
And he found a new iawebone of an asse, and put forth his hand, and caught it, and slewe a thousand men therewith.
16 Ary hoy Samsona: Tamin’ ny valanoranom-boriky no nahafatesako ho antontany iray, eny, antontany roa; Tamin’ ny valanoranom-boriky no nahafatesako arivo lahy.
Then Samson sayd, With the iaw of an asse are heapes vpon heapes: with the iawe of an asse haue I slaine a thousand men.
17 Ary rehefa nitsahatra niteny izy, dia nariany ilay valanoranom-boriky teny an-tànany; ary ny anaran’ izany tany izany dia natao hoe Ramata-lehy.
And when he had left speaking, hee cast away the iawebone out of his hande, and called that place, Ramath-Lehi.
18 Ary nangetaheta indrindra izy, dia nitaraina tamin’ i Jehovah ka nanao hoe: Hianao no nanome izao famonjen-dehibe izao tamin’ ny tanan’ ny mpanomponao; ary ankehitriny efa ho fatin-ketaheta aho ka hianjera ho eo an-tànan’ ny tsy mifora!
And he was sore a thirst, and called on the Lord, and sayde, Thou hast giuen this great deliuerance into the hand of thy seruaunt: and nowe shall I dye for thirst, and fall into the handes of the vncircumcised?
19 Dia nampitresahin’ Andriamanitra ilay fitoerana hoboka tany Lehy, ka niboiboika teo ny rano; ary rehefa nisotro izy, dia nody ny ainy, ka velona Izy; ka izany no nanaovany ny anarany hoe En-hakore, izay any Lehy mandraka androany.
Then God brake the cheeke tooth, that was in the iawe, and water came thereout: and when he had drunke, his Spirit came againe, and he was reuiued: wherefore the name therof is called, Enhakkore, which is in Lehi vnto this day.
20 Dia nitsara ny Isiraely roa-polo taona tamin’ ny andron’ ny Filistina izy.
And hee iudged Israel in the dayes of the Philistims twentie yeeres.

< Mpitsara 15 >