< Josoa 8 >

1 Dia hoy Jehovah tamin’ i Josoa: Aza matahotra na mivadi-po ianao, ento miaraka aminao ny vahoaka rehetra mpanafika, ka miaingà, iakaro Ay; indro, efa natolotro eo an-tananao ny mpanjakan’ i Ay mbamin’ ny vahoakany sy ny tanànany ary ny taniny.
And Jehovah saith unto Joshua, 'Fear not, nor be affrighted, take with thee all the people of war, and rise, go up to Ai; see, I have given into thy hand the king of Ai, and his people, and his city, and his land,
2 Dia tahaka ny nataonao tamin’ i Jeriko sy ny mpanjakany no hataonao koa amin’ i Ay sy sy mpanjakany; nefa ny fananana rehetra sy ny biby fiompy ao dia halainareo ho babo ho anareo ihany; asio otrika eo ankoatry ny tanàna.
and thou hast done to Ai and to her king as thou hast done to Jericho and to her king; only, its spoil and its cattle ye spoil for yourselves; set for thee an ambush for the city at its rear.'
3 Dia niainga Josoa sy ny mpanafika rehetra hiakatra any Ay, ary nifidy lehilahy mahery telo alina Josoa ka nandefa ireo tamin’ ny alina.
And Joshua riseth, and all the people of war, to go up to Ai, and Joshua chooseth thirty thousand men, mighty ones of valour, and sendeth them away by night,
4 Dia nandidy azy izy ka nanao hoe: Indro, ianareo hanotrika eo ivohon’ ny tanàna hamely azy, ka aza manalavitra azy loatra, fa miomàna ianareo rehetra.
and commandeth them, saying, 'See, ye are liers in wait against the city, at the rear of the city, ye go not very far off from the city, and all of you have been prepared,
5 Ary izaho sy ny vahoaka rehetra izay miaraka amiko kosa dia hanatona ny tanàna; ary rehefa mivoaka hamely anay tahaka ny teo ny olona, dia handositra eo anoloany izahay.
and I and all the people who [are] with me draw near unto the city, and it hath come to pass when they come out to meet us as at the first, and we have fled before them,
6 Dia hivoaka hanenjika anay izy mandra-pitarikay azy hiala ao an-tanàna; fa izy hanao hoe: Mandositra eo anoloantsika tahaka ny teo izy; dia hanao tari-dositra eo anoloany izahay.
and they have come out after us till we have drawn them out of the city, for they say, They are fleeing before us as at the first, and we have fled before them,
7 Ary dia hiroatra avy ao amin’ ny fanotrehana kosa ianareo, ka ho azonareo ny tanàna; fa atolotr’ i Jehovah Andriamanitrareo eo an-tananareo izy.
and ye rise from the ambush, and have occupied the city, and Jehovah your God hath given it into your hand;
8 Ary rehefa afakareo ny tanàna, dia dory amin’ ny afo; araka ny didin’ i Jehovah no hataonareo; indro, efa nandidy anareo aho.
and it hath been, when ye capture the city, ye burn the city with fire, according to the word of Jehovah ye do, see, I have commanded you.'
9 Dia nampandehanin’ i Josoa izy ireo, ary nandeha hanotrika ka nitoetra teo andrefan’ i Ay, teo anelanelan’ i Betela sy Ay; fa Josoa kosa nitoetra teo amin’ ny vahoaka ihany tamin’ izany alina izany.
And Joshua sendeth them away, and they go unto the ambush, and abide between Bethel and Ai, on the west of Ai; and Joshua lodgeth on that night in the midst of the people.
10 Dia nifoha maraina koa Josoa ka nandamina ny vahoaka, ary niakatra teo alohan’ ny vahoaka hankany Ay izy sy ny loholon’ ny Isiraely.
And Joshua riseth early in the morning, and inspecteth the people, and goeth up, he and the elders of Israel, before the people to Ai;
11 Ary ny vahoaka rehetra mpanafika, izay niaraka tamin’ i Josoa, dia niakatra ka nanakaiky sy nanandrify ny tanàna; ary nitoby teo avaratr’ i Ay izy, ka ny lohasaha no teo anelanelan’ izy sy Ay.
and all the people of war who [are] with him have gone up, and draw nigh and come in over-against the city, and encamp on the north of Ai; and the valley [is] between him and Ai.
12 Dia naka olona tokony ho dimy arivo lahy izy ka nampanotrika azy teo anelanelan’ i Betela sy Ay, andrefan’ ny tanàna.
And he taketh about five thousand men, and setteth them an ambush between Bethel and Ai, on the west of the city;
13 Ary rehefa voalahatry ny vahoaka ny toby rehetra izay teo avaratry ny tanàna sy ny otrika teo andrefan’ ny tanàna, dia nandeha nankeo amin’ ny lohasaha Josoa tamin’ izany alina izany.
and they set the people, all the camp which [is] on the north of the city, and its rear on the west of the city, and Joshua goeth on that night into the midst of the valley.
14 Ary rehefa hitan’ ny mpanjakan’ i Ay izany, dia nifoha maraina koa ny olona tao an-tanàna ka nivoaka faingana hiady tamin’ ny Isiraely, teo amin’ ny tany nifamotoanany tandrifin’ ny tani-hay, dia ny mpanjaka sy ny vahoakany: fa tsy fantany ho nisy otrika hamely azy tao ankoatry ny tanàna.
And it cometh to pass, when the king of Ai seeth [it], that hasten, and rise early, and go out do the men of the city to meet Israel for battle, he and all his people, at the appointed season, at the front of the plain, and he hath not known that an ambush [is] against him, on the rear of the city.
15 Ary Josoa sy ny Isiraely rehetra nody resy teo anoloany ka nanao tari-dositra tamin’ ny lalana mankany an-efitra.
And Joshua and all Israel [seem] stricken before them, and flee the way of the wilderness,
16 Dia nifampiantso hanenjika azy ny vahoaka rehetra izay tao an-tanàna; ary nanenjika an’ i Josoa izy, ka dia voatarika ho tafavoaka ny tanàna.
and all the people who [are] in the city are called to pursue after them, and they pursue after Joshua, and are drawn away out of the city,
17 Ary tsy nisy lehilahy sisa, na tao Ay na tao Betela, izay tsy nivoaka hanenjika ny Isiraely; ary nilaozany mbola nivoha ny tanàna, ka lasa nanenjika ny Isiraely izy.
and there hath not been left a man in Ai and Bethel who hath not gone out after Israel, and they leave the city open, and pursue after Israel.
18 Ary hoy Jehovah tamin’ i Josoa: Atondroy an’ i Ay ny lefona izay eny an-tananao; fa hatolotro eo an-tananao Ay. Dia natondron’ i Josoa ny tanàna ny lefona izay teny an-tànany.
And Jehovah saith unto Joshua, 'Stretch out with the javelin which [is] in thy hand towards Ai, for into thy hand I give it;' and Joshua stretcheth out with the javelin which [is] in his hand toward the city,
19 Dia niroatra faingana ny otrika avy tao amin’ ny nitoerany ka nihazakazaka, raha vao natondrony ny tànany; dia niditra tao an-tanàna izy ka nahafaka azy ary nandoro azy faingana tamin’ ny afo.
and the ambush hath risen [with] haste, out of its place, and they run at the stretching out of his hand, and go into the city, and capture it, and hasten, and burn the city with fire.
20 Ary niherika ny mponina tao Ay, ka hitany fa, indro, ny setroky ny tanàna niakatra ho any an-danitra, sady tsy nisy handosirany akory, na ho etỳ, na ho erỳ; fa ny Isiraely izay nanao tari-dositra ho any an-efitra dia nifotitra namely ny mpanenjika kosa.
And the men of Ai look behind them, and see, and lo, the smoke of the city hath gone up unto the heavens, and there hath not been in them power to flee hither and thither — and the people who are fleeing to the wilderness have turned against the pursuer, —
21 Fa rehefa hitan’ i Josoa sy ny Isiraely rehetra fa efa azon’ ny otrika ny tanàna, ka niakatra ny setroky ny tanàna, dia nifotitra izy ka namely ny mponina tao Ay.
and Joshua and all Israel have seen that the ambush hath captured the city, and that the smoke of the city hath gone up, and they turn back and smite the men of Ai;
22 Ary ireo tao an-tanàna nivoaka hamely azy, ka dia latsaka teo afovoan’ ny Isiraely ny olona, fa ny Isiraely sasany teo an-daniny iray, ary ny sasany teo an-daniny iray koa; dia nifandafaran’ ny Isiraely teo izy, ka tsy nasiany niangana na dia iray akory aza.
and these have come out from the city to meet them, and they are in the midst of Israel, some on this side, and some on that, and they smite them till he hath not left to them a remnant and escaped one;
23 Ary ny mpanjakan’ i Ay nataony sambo-belona ka nentiny teo amin’ i Josoa.
and the king of Ai they caught alive, and bring him near unto Joshua.
24 Ary rehefa namono ny mponina rehetra tao Ay tany an-tsaha ny Isiraely, dia tany amin’ ny efitra nanenjehany azy, ka lavo tamin’ ny lelan-tsabatra avokoa izy rehetra mandra-pahalany ritrany, dia niverina tany Ay ny Isiraely rehetra ka namely azy tamin’ ny lelan-tsabatra.
And it cometh to pass, at Israel's finishing to slay all the inhabitants of Ai in the field, in the wilderness in which they pursued them (and they fall all of them by the mouth of the sword till their consumption), that all Israel turn back to Ai, and smite it by the mouth of the sword;
25 Ary izay rehetra maty tamin’ izany andro izany, na lehilahy na vehivavy, dia roa arivo amby iray alina, dia ny mponina rehetra tao Ay.
and all who fall during the day, of men and of women, are twelve thousand — all men of Ai.
26 Ary Josoa tsy nampihemotra ny tànany izay nanondro tamin’ ny lefona mandra-pandringana ny mponina rehetra tao Ay.
And Joshua hath not brought back his hand which he stretched out with the javelin till that he hath devoted all the inhabitants of Ai;
27 Nefa ny biby fiompy mbamin’ ny fananana rehetra tao amin’ izany tanàna izany dia nalain’ ny Isiraely ho babony ihany, araka ny tenin’ i Jehovah izay nandidiany an’ i Josoa.
only, the cattle and the spoil of that city have Israel spoiled for themselves, according to the word of Jehovah which He commanded Joshua.
28 Ary Ay dia nodoran’ i Josoa ka nofoanany ho tanànaolo mandrakizay, dia toy izany mandraka androany izy.
And Joshua burneth Ai, and maketh it a heap age-during — a desolation unto this day;
29 Ary ny mpanjakan’ i Ay nahantony tamin’ ny hazo mandra-paharivan’ ny andro; ary rehefa tokony ho maty masoandro, dia nasain’ i Josoa nesorina tamin’ ny hazo ny fatiny ka nariana teo anoloan’ ny vavahadin’ ny tanàna ary notsindriany antontam-bato avo mandraka androany.
and the king of Ai he hath hanged on the tree till even-time, and at the going in of the sun hath Joshua commanded, and they take down his carcase from the tree, and cast it unto the opening of the gate of the city, and raise over it a great heap of stones till this day.
30 Ary tamin’ izany Josoa dia nanorina alitara tao an-tendrombohitra Ebala ho an’ i Jehovah, Andriamanitry ny Isiraely,
Then doth Joshua build an altar to Jehovah, God of Israel, in mount Ebal,
31 araka izay nandidian’ i Mosesy mpanompon’ i Jehovah, ny Zanak’ Isiraely, dia araka ny voasoratra eo amin’ ny bokin’ ny lalàn’ i Mosesy dia alitara vato tsy voavoatra, izay tsy nopehim-by; ary dia nanatitra fanatitra dorana teo amboniny ho an’ i Jehovah izy sady namono zavatra hatao fanati-pihavanana.
as Moses, servant of Jehovah, commanded the sons of Israel, as it is written in the book of the law of Moses — an altar of whole stones, over which he hath not waved iron — and they cause to go up upon it burnt-offerings to Jehovah, and sacrifice peace-offerings;
32 Dia nosoratany teo amin’ ny vato ny dikan’ ny lalàn’ i Mosesy, izay efa nosoratany teo anatrehan’ ny Zanak’ Isiraely.
and he writeth there on the stones the copy of the law of Moses, which he hath written in the presence of the sons of Israel.
33 Ary ny Isiraely rehetra sy ny loholony sy ny mpifehy azy ary ny mpitsara azy dia nitsangana teo an-daniny roa amin’ ny fiara, teo anatrehan’ ny Levita mpisorona, izay nitondra ny fiaran’ ny faneken’ i Jehovah, na olona hafa firenena, na Isiraely: ny antsasany nanandrify ny tendrombohitra Gerizima, ary ny antsasany nanandrify ny tendrombohitra Ebala, araka izay efa nandidian’ i Mosesy mpanompon’ i Jehovah fahiny, mba hitso-drano ny olona Isiraely.
And all Israel, and its elders, and authorities, and its judges, are standing on this side and on that of the ark, over-against the priests, the Levites, bearing the ark of the covenant of Jehovah, as well the sojourner as the native, half of them over-against mount Gerizim, and the half of them over-against mount Ebal, as Moses servant of Jehovah commanded to bless the people of Israel at the first.
34 Ary rehefa afaka izany, dia namaky ny tenin’ ny lalàna rehetra izy, dia ny fitahiana sy ny fanozonana, araka izay rehetra voasoratra eo amin’ ny bokin’ ny lalàna.
And afterwards he hath proclaimed all the words of the law, the blessing and the reviling, according to all that is written in the book of the law;
35 Tsy nisy teny tamin’ izay rehetra nandidian’ i Mosesy, izay tsy novakin’ i Josoa teo anatrehan’ ny fiangonana, dia ny Isiraely rehetra, mbamin’ ny vehivavy sy ny ankizy madinika ary ny vahiny izay teo aminy.
there hath not been a thing of all that Moses commanded which Joshua hath not proclaimed before all the assembly of Israel, and the women, and the infants, and the sojourner who is going in their midst.

< Josoa 8 >