< Josoa 7 >

1 Fa ny Zanak’ Isiraely nandika ny didy ny amin’ ny zavatra voaozona; fa Akana, zanak’ i Karmy, zanak’ i Zabdy, zanak’ i Zera, avy tamin’ ny firenen’ i Joda, naka tamin’ ny zavatra efa voaozona, ka dia nirehitra tamin’ ny Zanak’ Isiraely ny fahatezeran’ i Jehovah.
But the children of Israel did wrong about the cursed thing: for Achan, the son of Carmi, the son of Zabdi, the son of Zerah, of the family of Judah, took of the cursed thing, moving the Lord to wrath against the children of Israel.
2 Ary Josoa naniraka olona hiala tany Jeriko hankany Ay, izay eo anilan’ i Betavena, atsinanan’ i Betela, ka niteny taminy hoe: Miakara, ka safoy ny tany. Dia niakatra ny olona ka nisafo an’ i Ay.
Now Joshua sent men from Jericho to Ai, which is by the side of Beth-aven, on the east side of Beth-el, and said to them, Go up and make a search through the land. And the men went up and saw how Ai was placed.
3 Ary niverina tany amin’ i Josoa izy ireo ka nanao taminy hoe: Aoka tsy hiakatra avokoa ny vahoaka rehetra; fa olona tokony ho roa arivo na telo arivo no aoka hiakatra hamely an’ i Ay; aza manasatra ny vahoaka rehetra hankany, fa vitsy ihany izy.
Then they came back to Joshua and said to him, Do not send all the people up, but let about two or three thousand men go up and make an attack on Ai; there is no need for all the people to be tired with the journey there, for it is only a small town.
4 Dia niakatra nankany ny olona sasany, tokony ho telo arivo lahy; kanjo nandositra teo anoloan’ ny mponina tao Ay ireo.
So about three thousand of the people went up, and were sent in flight by the men of Ai.
5 Dia nahafaty tokony ho enina amby telo-polo lahy ny mponina tao Ay sady nanenjika azy teo anoloan’ ny vavahady ka hatrany Sebarima izy ary namely azy teny am-pidinana; dia ketraka ny fon’ ny vahoaka ka tonga tahaka ny rano.
The men of Ai put to death about thirty-six of them, driving them from before the town as far as the stoneworks, and overcoming them on the way down: and the hearts of the people became like water.
6 Dia notriarin’ i Josoa ny fitafiany, ka niankohoka tamin’ ny tany teo anoloan’ ny fiaran’ i Jehovah mandra-paharivan’ ny andro izy sy ny loholon’ ny Isiraely, sady nasiany vovoka ny lohany.
Then Joshua, in great grief, went down on the earth before the ark of the Lord till the evening, and all the chiefs of Israel with him, and they put dust on their heads.
7 Ary hoy Josoa: Indrisy, Jehovah Tompo ô! nahoana no nampita ity firenena ity foana teo Jordana Hianao, hanoloranao anay eo an-tànan’ ny Amorita handringanana anay? Inay anie izahay mba nety nitoetra tany an-dafin’ i Jordana ihany!
And Joshua said, O Lord God, why have you taken us over Jordan only to give us up into the hands of the Amorites for our destruction? If only it had been enough for us to keep on the other side of Jordan!
8 Indrisy, Tompo ô! inona intsony no holazaiko, fa ny Isiraely efa niamboho teo anoloan’ ny fahavalony?
O Lord, what am I to say now that Israel have given way before their attackers?
9 Ary ho ren’ ny Kananita sy ny mponina rehetra amin’ ny tany izany, dia hanodidina anay izy ka hamono ny anaranay tsy ho eo amin’ ny tany intsony; ary hataonao ahoana ny anaranao lehibe?
For when the news comes to the Canaanites and all the people of the land, they will come up, shutting us in and cutting off our name from the earth: and what will you do for the honour of your great name?
10 Dia hoy Jehovah tamin’ i Josoa: Mitsangàna; nahoana no miankohoka toy izao ianao?
Then the Lord said to Joshua, Get up; what are you doing with your face to the earth?
11 Efa nanota ny Isiraely ka nivadika ny fanekeko izay nandidiako azy; fa efa naka tamin’ ny zavatra voaozona izy, sady nangalatra sy namitaka koa, ka nataony ao amin’ ny entany.
Israel has done wrong, sinning against the agreement which I made with them: they have even taken of the cursed thing; acting falsely like thieves they have put it among their goods.
12 Koa tsy mahajanona eo anoloan’ ny fahavalony ny Zanak’ Isiraely; miamboho eo anoloan’ ny fahavalony izy, satria tonga voaozona. Tsy homba anareo intsony Aho, raha tsy holevonina tsy ho eo aminareo ny zavatra efa voaozona.
For this reason the children of Israel have given way, turning their backs in flight before their attackers, because they are cursed: I will no longer be with you, if you do not put the cursed thing away from among you.
13 Mitsangana, manamasìna ny vahoaka, ka lazao hoe: Manamasìna ny tenanareo mandra-pahamaraina; fa izao no lazain’ i Jehovah, Andriamanitry ny Isiraely: Eo aminao misy zavatra efa voaozona, ry Isiraely; koa tsy mahajanona eo anoloan’ ny fahavalonao ianao mandra-panaisotrareo ny zavatra efa voaozona tsy ho eo aminareo intsony.
Up! make the people holy; say to them, Make yourselves holy before tomorrow, for the Lord, the God of Israel, has said, There is a cursed thing among you, O Israel, and you will give way before your attackers in the fight till the cursed thing has been taken away from among you.
14 Dia hampanatonina ianareo raha maraina araka ny firenenareo avy; koa ny firenena izay tanan’ i Jehovah dia hanatona isam-pokony; ary ny foko izay tanan’ i Jehovah dia hanatona indray isam-pianakaviana; ary ny fianakaviana izay tanan’ i Jehovah dia hanatona indray isam-batan’ olona.
So in the morning you are to come near, tribe by tribe; and the tribe marked out by the Lord is to come near, family by family; and the family marked out by the Lord is to come near, house by house; and the house marked out by the Lord is to come near, man by man.
15 Koa izay azo mitana ny zavatra voazona, dia hodorana amin’ ny afo izy mbamin’ izay rehetra mety ho azy, satria nivadika ny faneken’ i Jehovah izy ka nanao izay fady indrindra teo amin’ ny Isiraely.
Then the man who is taken with the cursed thing is to be burned, with everything which is his; because he has gone against the agreement of the Lord and has done an act of shame in Israel.
16 Dia nifoha maraina koa Josoa ka nampanatona ny Isiraely araka ny fireneny avy; ary ny firenen’ i Joda no notanana.
So Joshua got up early in the morning, and made Israel come before him by their tribes; and the tribe of Judah was taken;
17 Dia nitondra ireo fokon’ i Joda izy; ka ny fianakavian’ i Zera no notanana; dia nampanatona ny fianakavian’ i Zera indray isam-batan’ olona izy, ka Zabdy no notanana;
Then he made Judah come forward, and the family of the Zerahites was taken; and he made the family of the Zerahites come forward man by man; and Zabdi was taken;
18 dia nampanatona ny ankohonany araka ny olona tsirairay izy; dia Akana, zanak’ i Karmy, zanak’ i Zabdy zanak’ i Zera, avy tamin’ ny firenen’ i Joda, no notanana.
Then the house of Zabdi came forward man by man, and Achan, the son of Carmi, the son of Zabdi, the son of Zerah, of the tribe of Judah, was taken.
19 Dia hoy Josoa tamin’ i Akana: Anaka, masìna ianao, omeo voninahitra Jehovah Andriamanitry ny Isiraely, ka mitsora aminy; ary lazao amiko ankehitriny izay nataonao; aza afeninao ahy izany.
And Joshua said to Achan, My son, give glory and praise to the Lord, the God of Israel; give me word now of what you have done, and keep nothing back from me.
20 Ary Akana namaly an’ i Josoa ka nanao hoe; Eny tokoa, izaho no nanota tamin’ i Jehovah, Andriamanitry ny Isiraely, ary izao ka izao no nataoko:
And Achan, answering, said to Joshua, Truly I have done wrong against the Lord, the God of Israel, and this is what I have done:
21 Nahita kapôty tsara avy any Babylona aho sy sekely volafotsy roanjato ary anja-bolamena, lanjan-tsekely dimam-polo, tamin’ ny babo, dia nitsiriritra ireny aho ka naka; ary, indreo, voàfina ao ambanin’ ny tany ao amin’ ny laiko ireny, ary ny volafotsy ao ambaniny.
When I saw among their goods a fair robe of Babylon and two hundred shekels of silver, and a mass of gold, fifty shekels in weight, I was overcome by desire and took them; and they are put away in the earth in my tent, and the silver is under it.
22 Dia naniraka olona Josoa, ka nihazakazaka nankany amin’ ny lay ireo, ary, indro, voàfina tao anatin’ ny lainy ny zavatra, ary ny volafotsy tao ambaniny.
So Joshua sent men quickly, and looking in his tent, they saw where the robe had been put away secretly with the silver under it.
23 Dia nalainy avy ao amin’ ny lay ireny ka nentiny teo amin’ i Josoa sy ny Zanak’ Isiraely rehetra, ary napetrany teo anatrehan’ i Jehovah
And they took them from the tent and came back with them to Joshua and the children of Israel, and put them before the Lord.
24 Dia nalain’ i Josoa sy ny Isiraely rehetra Akana, zanak’ i Zera, ary ny volafotsy sy ny kapôty sy ny anja-bolamena ary ny zananilahy sy ny zananivavy ary ny ombiny sy ny borikiny sy ny ondriny aman’ osiny ary ny lainy mbamin’ izay rehetra nety ho azy; dia nentiny ho ao an-dohasaha Akora ireny.
Then Joshua and all Israel took Achan, the son of Zerah, and the silver and the robe and the mass of gold, and his sons and his daughters and his oxen and his asses and his sheep and his tent and everything he had; and they took them up into the valley of Achor.
25 Ary hoy Josoa: Adray ny loza nampidirinao taminay! Mba hahatonga loza aminao kosa Jehovah anio. Dia nitora-bato azy ny Isiraely rehetra ary nandoro ireny tamin’ ny afo sady nanangom-bato teo amboniny.
And Joshua said, Why have you been a cause of trouble to us? Today the Lord will send trouble on you. And all Israel took part in stoning him; they had him stoned to death and then burned with fire.
26 Dia nanao antontam-bato lehibe hanarona azy mandraka androany izy. Ary Jehovah dia nionona tamin’ ny fahatezerany mirehitra. Izany no nanaovana ny anaran’ izany tany mandraka androany hoe Lohasaha Akora.
And over him they put a great mass of stones, which is there to this day; then the heat of the Lord's wrath was turned away. So that place was named, The Valley of Achor, to this day.

< Josoa 7 >