< Josoa 10 >

1 Ary rehefa ren’ i Adoni-zedeka, mpanjakan’ i Jerosalema, fa afak’ i Josoa Ay ka noravany (fa araka izay nataony tamin’ i Jeriko sy ny mpanjakany no nataony tamin’ Ay sy ny mpanjakany), sady nanao fihavanana tamin’ ny Isiraely ny mponina tany Gibeona ka tomoetra eo aminy,
Now it came to pass, when Adoni-zedek king of Jerusalem heard how Joshua had taken Ai, and had utterly destroyed it; as he had done to Jericho and her king, so he had done to Ai and her king; and how the inhabitants of Gibeon had made peace with Israel, and were among them;
2 dia raiki-tahotra indrindra izy, satria tanàna lehibe Gibeona tahaka ny anankiray amin’ ny tanàna misy andriana, sady lehibe noho Ay, ary nahery ny lehilahy rehetra teo.
that they feared greatly, because Gibeon was a great city, as one of the royal cities, and because it was greater than Ai, and all the men thereof were mighty.
3 Dia naniraka olona Adoni-zedeka, mpanjakan’ i Jerosalema, ho any amin’ i Hohama mpanjakan’ i Hebrona, sy Pirama, mpanjakan’ i Jarmota, sy Jafia, mpanjakan’ i Lakisy, ary Debira, mpanjakan’ i Eglona, ka nanao hoe:
Wherefore Adoni-zedek king of Jerusalem sent unto Hoham king of Hebron, and unto Piram king of Jarmuth, and unto Japhia king of Lachish, and unto Debir king of Eglon, saying,
4 Miakara atỳ amiko, ka manampia ahy, hamelezantsika an’ i Gibeona; fa efa nanao fihavanana tamin’ i Josoa sy ny Zanak’ Isiraely izy.
Come up unto me, and help me, and let us smite Gibeon: for it hath made peace with Joshua and with the children of Israel.
5 Dia niangona ireo mpanjaka dimy tamin’ ny Amorita ireo, dia ny mpanjakan’ i Jerosalema, ny mpanjakan’ i Hebrona, ny mpanjakan’ i Jarmota, ny mpanjakan’ i Lakisy, ary ny mpanjakan’ i Eglona, ka niakatra izy sy ny miaramilany rehetra, ary nitoby tandrifin’ i Gibeona ka namely azy.
Therefore the five kings of the Amorites, the king of Jerusalem, the king of Hebron, the king of Jarmuth, the king of Lachish, the king of Eglon, gathered themselves together, and went up, they and all their hosts, and encamped against Gibeon, and made war against it.
6 Ary ny mponina tao Gibeona dia naniraka olona ho any amin’ i Josoa teo an-toby tany Gilgala hanao hoe: Aza mampiketraka ny tananao tsy hamonjy ny mpanomponao; miakara faingana ho atỳ aminay, ary vonjeo sy ampio izahay; fa miangona hamely anay ny mpanjaka rehetra amin’ ny Amorita izay monina any amin’ ny tany havoana.
And the men of Gibeon sent unto Joshua to the camp to Gilgal, saying, Slack not thy hand from thy servants; come up to us quickly, and save us, and help us: for all the kings of the Amorites that dwell in the hill country are gathered together against us.
7 Dia niakatra niala tany Gilgala Josoa sy ny mpanafika rehetra teo aminy, dia ny lehilahy mahery rehetra.
So Joshua went up from Gilgal, he, and all the people of war with him, and all the mighty men of valour.
8 Ary hoy Jehovah tamin’ i Josoa: Aza matahotra azy, fa efa natolotra eo an-tananao izy, ka tsy hisy hahajanona eo anoloanao izy na dia iray akory aza.
And the LORD said unto Joshua, Fear them not: for I have delivered them into thine hands; there shall not a man of them stand before thee.
9 Ary tonga tampoka tamin’ ireo Josoa; fa nanao lava alina-avy tany Gilgala izy.
Joshua therefore came upon them suddenly; [for] he went up from Gilgal all the night.
10 Ary Jehovah nampifanaritaka ireo teo anoloan’ ny Isiraely; ary namely ireo tany Gibeona izy ka nahafaty maro be, sady nanenjika azy tamin’ ny fiakarana mankany Beti-horona izy ka namely azy hatrany Azeka ka hatrany Makeda.
And the LORD discomfited them before Israel, and he slew them with a great slaughter at Gibeon, and chased them by the way of the ascent of Beth-horon, and smote them to Azekah, and unto Makkedah.
11 Ary nony nandositra teo anoloan’ ny Isiraely teo am-pidinan’ i Beti-horona izy, Jehovah dia nandatsaka havandra vaventy taminy avy tany an-danitra hatrany Azeka ka nahafaty azy; ary be lavitra ny matin’ ny havandra noho izay novonoin’ ny Zanak’ Isiraely tamin’ ny sabatra.
And it came to pass, as they fled from before Israel, while they were in the going down of Beth-horon, that the LORD cast down great stones from heaven upon them unto Azekah, and they died: they were more which died with the hailstones than they whom the children of Israel slew with the sword.
12 Ary tamin’ izany Josoa dia niteny tamin’ i Jehovah tamin’ ny andro nanoloran’ i Jehovah ny Amorita teo anoloan’ ny Zanak’ Isiraely ka nanao teo imason’ ny Zanak’ Isiraely hoe: Ry masoandro, mijanòna eo ambonin’ i Gibeona; Ary, ianao kosa, ry volana, any an-dohasahan’ i Aialona.
Then spake Joshua to the LORD in the day when the LORD delivered up the Amorites before the children of Israel; and he said in the sight of Israel, Sun, stand thou still upon Gibeon; and thou, Moon, in the valley of Aijalon.
13 Dia nijanona ny masoandro, ary nijanona koa ny volana, Mandra-pamalin’ ny olona ny fahavalony. Tsy efa voasoratra eo amin’ ny Bokin’ i Jasara va izany? Dia nijanona teo afovoan’ ny lanitra ny masoandro ka tsy nandroso hilentika tokony ho indray andro maninjitra.
And the sun stood still, and the moon stayed, until the nation had avenged themselves of their enemies. Is not this written in the book of Jashar? And the sun stayed in the midst of heaven, and hasted not to go down about a whole day.
14 Ary tsy nisy andro tahaka izany, na tany alohany, na tato aoriany, izay nihainoan’ i Jehovah ny feon’ olona; fa Jehovah niady ho an’ ny Isiraely.
And there was no day like that before it or after it, that the LORD hearkened unto the voice of a man: for the LORD fought for Israel.
15 Ary Josoa sy ny Isiraely rehetra dia niverina nankany an-toby tany Gilgala.
And Joshua returned, and all Israel with him, unto the camp to Gilgal.
16 Ary nandositra ny mpanjaka dimy ka niery tao anatin’ ilay zohy any Makeda.
And these five kings fled, and hid themselves in the cave at Makkedah.
17 Dia nolazaina tamin’ i Josoa hoe: Indreo, miery ao anatin’ ilay zohy any Makeda ny mpanjaka dimy.
And it was told Joshua, saying, The five kings are found, hidden in the cave at Makkedah.
18 Ary hoy Josoa: Manakodiava vato lehibe hatampina ny vavan’ ny zohy, ary asio olona eo anoloany hiambina azy;
And Joshua said, Roll great stones unto the mouth of the cave, and set men by it for to keep them:
19 fa ianareo aza mijanona, fa manenjeha ny fahavalonareo, ka mameleza ny vodi-lalana; aza avela ho tafiditra any an-tanànany ireny, fa efa natolotr’ i Jehovah Andriamanitrareo eo an-tananareo.
but stay not ye; pursue after your enemies, and smite the hindmost of them; suffer them not to enter into their cities: for the LORD your God hath delivered them into your hand.
20 Ary rehefa voaringan’ i Josoa sy ny Zanak’ Isiraely mihitsy ireny mandra-pahalany ritrany, ka izay afa-nandositra no lasa niditra tany amin’ ny tanàna mimanda,
And it came to pass, when Joshua and the children of Israel had made an end of slaying them with a very great slaughter, till they were consumed, and the remnant which remained of them had entered into the fenced cities,
21 dia niverina soa aman-tsara ho any amin’ i Josoa teo an-toby tany Makeda ny vahoaka rehetra; ary tsy nisy sahy nanao vava ratsy tamin’ ny Zanak’ Isiraely intsony.
that all the people returned to the camp to Joshua at Makkedah in peace: none moved his tongue against any of the children of Israel.
22 Dia hoy Josoa: Sokafy ny vavan’ ny zohy, ka avoahy ao an-johy ireo mpanjaka dimy ireo hankatỳ amiko.
Then said Joshua, Open the mouth of the cave, and bring forth those five kings unto me out of the cave.
23 Dia nataon’ ny olona izany, ka namoaka ireo mpanjaka dimy ireo avy tao an-johy izy ho eo aminy, dia ny mpanjakan’ i Jerosalema, ny mpanjakan’ i Hebrona, ny mpanjakan’ i Jarmota, ny mpanjakan’ i Lakisy, ary ny mpanjakan’ i Eglona.
And they did so, and brought forth those five kings unto him out of the cave, the king of Jerusalem, the king of Hebron, the king of Jarmuth, the king of Lachish, the king of Eglon.
24 Ary rehefa navoaka ireo mpanjaka ireo ka nentina ho eo amin’ i Josoa, dia niantso ny lehilahy rehetra amin’ ny Isiraely Josoa ka nanao tamin’ ny mpitarika ny mpiady izay teo aminy hoe: Manatona, ka ataovy eo amin’ ny vozon’ ireto mpanjaka ireto ny tongotrareo. Dia nanatona izy ka nanao ny tongony teo amin’ ny vozon’ ireo.
And it came to pass, when they brought forth those kings unto Joshua, that Joshua called for all the men of Israel, and said unto the chiefs of the men of war which went with him, Come near, put your feet upon the necks of these kings. And they came near, and put their feet upon the necks of them.
25 Ary hoy Josoa taminy: Aza matahotra na mivadi-po; mahereza sy matanjaha; fa toy izao no hataon’ i Jehovah amin’ ny fahavalonareo rehetra izay iadianareo.
And Joshua said unto them, Fear not, nor be dismayed; be strong and of good courage: for thus shall the LORD do to all your enemies against whom ye fight.
26 Ary rehefa afaka izany, dia namely ireo Josoa ka nahafaty azy, ary nahantony tamin’ ny hazo dimy ny fatiny; ka dia nihantona tamin’ ny hazo izy mandra-paharivan’ ny andro.
And afterward Joshua smote them, and put them to death, and hanged them on five trees: and they were hanging upon the trees until the evening.
27 Ary tamin’ ny nilentehan’ ny masoandro dia nasain’ i Josoa nesorina tamin’ ny hazo izy ireo ka nariana tao anatin’ ilay zohy niereny, ary nasiana vato lehibe teo amin’ ny vavan’ ny zohy, ka mbola ao izany mandraka androany.
And it came to pass at the time of the going down of the sun, that Joshua commanded, and they took them down off the trees, and cast them into the cave wherein they had hidden themselves, and laid great stones on the mouth of the cave, unto this very day.
28 Ary Makeda dia afak’ i Josoa tamin’ izany andro izany, ka nasiany tamin’ ny lelan-tsabatra izy sy ny mpanjakany; ary ny olona rehetra tao dia naringany avokoa ka tsy nasiany niangana na dia iray akory aza; ary tahaka izay efa nataony tamin’ ny mpanjakan’ i Jeriko, no nataony tamin’ ny mpanjakan’ i Makeda koa.
And Joshua took Makkedah on that day, and smote it with the edge of the sword, and the king thereof; he utterly destroyed them and all the souls that were therein, he left none remaining: and he did to the king of Makkedah as he had done unto the king of Jericho.
29 Ary Josoa sy ny Isiraely rehetra teo aminy dia niala tany Makeda ka nankany Libna ary namely azy;
And Joshua passed from Makkedah, and all Israel with him, unto Libnah, and fought against Libnah:
30 dia natolotr’ i Jehovah teo an-tànan’ ny Isiraely koa izy sy ny mpanjakany, ka nasiany tamin’ ny lelan-tsabatra izy mbamin’ ny olona rehetra tao; tsy nasiany niangana na dia iray akory aza; ary tahaka izay efa nataony tamin’ ny mpanjakan’ i Jeriko no nataony tamin’ ny mpanjakany koa.
and the LORD delivered it also, and the king thereof, into the hand of Israel; and he smote it with the edge of the sword, and all the souls that were therein; he left none remaining in it; and he did unto the king thereof as he had done unto the king of Jericho.
31 Dia niala tany Libna Josoa sy ny Isiraely rehetra teo aminy ka nankany Lakisy, dia nitoby tandrifiny ka namely azy.
And Joshua passed from Libnah, and all Israel with him, unto Lachish, and encamped against it, and fought against it:
32 Dia natolotr’ i Jehovah teo an-tànan’ ny Isiraely koa Lakisy, ka afany tamin’ ny andro faharoa izy; dia nasiany tamin’ ny lelan-tsabatra izy sy ny olona rehetra tao, tahaka izay rehetra efa nataony tamin’ i Libna koa.
and the LORD delivered Lachish into the hand of Israel, and he took it on the second day, and smote it with the edge of the sword, and all the souls that were therein, according to all that he had done to Libnah.
33 Dia niakatra Horama, mpanjakan’ i Gazera, hamonjy an’ i Lakisy; dia nasian’ i Josoa izy sy ny vahoakany mandra-paha-tsy nisy niangana.
Then Horam king of Gezer came up to help Lachish; and Joshua smote him and his people, until he had left him none remaining.
34 Dia niala tany Lakisy Josoa sy ny Isiraely rehetra teo aminy ka nankany Eglona, dia nitoby tandrifiny ka namely azy;
And Joshua passed from Lachish, and all Israel with him, unto Eglon; and they encamped against it, and fought against it;
35 dia afany tamin’ izany andro izany koa izy ka nasiany tamin’ ny lelan-tsabatra; ary ny olona rehetra tao dia naringany tamin’ izany andro izany, tahaka izay rehetra efa nataony tamin’ i Lakisy.
and they took it on that day, and smote it with the edge of the sword, and all the souls that were therein he utterly destroyed that day, according to all that he had done to Lachish.
36 Dia niakatra niala tany Eglona Josoa sy ny Isiraely rehetra teo aminy ka nankany Hebrona ary namely azy;
And Joshua went up from Eglon, and all Israel with him, unto Hebron; and they fought against it:
37 dia afany koa izy, ka nasiany tamin’ ny lelan-tsabatra izy sy ny mpanjakany sy ny tanànany rehetra ary ny olona rehetra tao; tsy nasiany niangana na dia iray akory aza, tahaka izay rehetra efa nataony tamin’ i Eglona; fa naringany avokoa izy sy ny olona rehetra tao.
and they took it, and smote it with the edge of the sword, and the king thereof, and all the cities thereof, and all the souls that were therein; he left none remaining, according to all that he had done to Eglon; but he utterly destroyed it, and all the souls that were therein.
38 Dia niverina Josoa sy ny Isiraely rehetra teo aminy ka nankany Debira ary namely azy;
And Joshua returned, and all Israel with him, to Debir; and fought against it:
39 dia azony koa izy sy ny mpanjakany ary ny tanànany rehetra; ary nasiany tamin’ ny lelan-tsabatra Izy, ka naringany avokoa ny olona rehetra tao; fa tsy nasiany niangana na dia iray akory aza; tahaka izay efa nataony tamin’ i Hebrona, dia toy izany koa no nataony tamin’ i Debira sy ny mpanjakany, ary tahaka izay efa nataony tamin’ i Libna sy ny mpanjakany koa.
and he took it, and the king thereof, and all the cities thereof; and they smote them with the edge of the sword, and utterly destroyed all the souls that were therein; he left none remaining: as he had done to Hebron, so he did to Debir, and to the king thereof; as he had done also to Libnah, and to the king thereof.
40 Dia nasian’ i Josoa ny tany rehetra sy ny mpanjakany rehetra, dia ny tany havoana sy ny tany atsimo sy ny tany lemaka amoron-tsiraka ary ny any am-bodin’ ny tendrombohitra; tsy nasiany niangana ireny, fa naringany avokoa ny olo-miaina rehetra, araka ny didin’ i Jehovah. Andriamanitry ny Isiraely,
So Joshua smote all the land, the hill country, and the South, and the lowland, and the slopes, and all their kings; he left none remaining: but he utterly destroyed all that breathed, as the LORD, the God of Israel, commanded.
41 Dia nasian’ i Josoa izy hatrany Kadesi-barnea ka hatrany Gaza, ary ny tany Gosena rehetra hatrany Gibeona.
And Joshua smote them from Kadesh-barnea even unto Gaza, and all the country of Goshen, even unto Gibeon.
42 Ary ireo mpanjaka rehetra ireo sy ny taniny dia azon’ i Josoa indray mandeha, satria Jehovah, Andriamanitry ny Isiraely, no niady ho an’ ny Isiraely.
And all these kings and their land did Joshua take at one time, because the LORD, the God of Israel, fought for Israel.
43 Dia niverina Josoa sy ny Isiraely rehetra teo aminy ho any an-toby tany Gilgala.
And Joshua returned, and all Israel with him, unto the camp to Gilgal.

< Josoa 10 >