< Jona 1 >

1 Ary tonga tamin’ i Jona, zanak’ i Amitahy, ny tenin’ i Jehovah nanao hoe:
Now the word of the Lord came to Jonas the son of Amathi, saying,
2 Mitsangàna, mankanesa any Ninive, ilay tanàna lehibe, ary miantsoa ny amin’ ny hamelezana azy, fa tafakatra eto anatrehako ny faharatsiany.
Rise, and go to Nineve, the great city, and preach in it; for the cry of its wickedness is come up to me.
3 Nefa Jona nitsangana handositra ho any Tarsisy mba hiala eo anatrehan’ i Jehovah; ary nidina tany Jopa izy ka nahita sambo hankany Tarsisy, dia nandoa ny karamany ka niondrana taminy hiara-mandeha tamin’ ny tao ho any Tarsisy hiala eo anatrehan’ i Jehovah.
But Jonas rose up to flee to Tharsis from the presence of the Lord. And he went down to Joppa, and found a ship going to Tharsis: and he paid his fare, and went up into it, to sail with them to Tharsis from the presence of the Lord.
4 Fa Jehovah nahatonga rivotra mahery teny ambonin’ ny ranomasina, dia nanonja mafy ny ranomasina, ka dia efa nila ho vaky ny sambo.
And the Lord raised up a wind on the sea; and there was a great storm on the sea, and the ship was in danger of being broken.
5 Dia raiki-tahotra ny matilo, ka samy nitaraina tamin’ ny andriamaniny avy sady nariany tany anaty ranomasina ny zavatra tao an-tsambo mba hampahatony ny loza. Fa Jona kosa efa nidina nankao anaty sambo ka nandry renoky ny torimaso.
And the sailors were alarmed, and cried every one to his god, and cast out the wares that were in the ship into the sea, that it might be lightened of them. But Jonas was gone down into the hold of the ship, and was asleep, and snored.
6 Dia nankao aminy ny kapitenin-tsambo ka nanao taminy hoe: Endrey ity ianao renoky ny torimaso foana eto! Mitsangàna, ka antsoy ny Andriamanitrao, fa angamba hihevitra antsika Andriamanitra, ka dia tsy ho faty isika.
And the shipmaster came to him, and said to him, Why snore you? arise, and call upon your God, that God may save us, and we perish not.
7 Ary dia samy nanao tamin’ ny namany hoe izy: Avia isika hanao filokana mba hizahantsika izay mahatonga izao loza izao amintsika. Dia nanao filokana izy, ka Jona no azo.
And each man said to his neighbor, Come, let us cast lots, and find out for whose sake this mischief is upon us. So they cast lots, and the lot fell upon Jonas.
8 Dia hoy ireo taminy: Masìna ianao, lazao aminay: Noho ny amin’ iza moa no mahatonga izao loza izao amintsika? Inona no raharaha fanaonao? Ary avy taiza ianao? Aiza no taninao? Ary avy amin’ ny firenen’ iza ianao?
And they said to him, Tell us what is your occupation, and whence come you, and of what country and what people are you?
9 Dia hoy izy tamin’ ireo: Hebreo aho; ary Jehovah, Andriamanitry ny lanitra, no ivavahako, dia Izay nanao ny ranomasina sy ny tany maina.
And he said to them, I am a servant of the Lord; and I worship the Lord God of heaven, who made the sea, and the dry [land].
10 Dia raiki-tahotra indrindra ny olona ka nanao taminy hoe: Adray izato ataonao izato! Fa fantany fa nandositra hiala eo anatrehan’ i Jehovah izy, satria efa nambarany taminy izany.
Then the men feared exceedingly, and said to him, What is this [that] you have done? for the men knew that he was fleeing from the face of the Lord, because he had told them.
11 Dia hoy ireo taminy: Hataonay ahoana ary ianao mba hahatony ny ranomasina aminay? Fa mbola nihananonja ihany ny ranomasina.
And they said to him, What shall we do to you, that the sea may be calm to us? for the sea rose, and lifted its wave exceedingly.
12 Ary hoy izy tamin’ ireo: Betao aho, ka atsipazo any anatin’ ny ranomasina hahatony ny ranomasina aminareo; fa fantatro fa noho ny amiko no mahatonga izao onja mahery izao aminareo.
And Jonas said to them, Take me up, and cast me into the sea, and the sea shall be calm to you: for I know that for my sake this great tempest is upon you.
13 Nefa namaky onja fatratra ny olona mba hamerina ny sambo ho amin’ ny tany maina, fa tsy zakany, satria ny ranomasina mbola nihananonja mafy taminy.
And the men tried hard to return to the land, and were not able: for the sea rose and grew more and more tempestuous against them.
14 Dia nitaraina tamin’ i Jehovah izy ka nanao hoe: Mifona aminao izahay, Jehovah ô, aoka tsy ho faty izahay noho ny amin’ ny ain’ ity lehilahy ity ary aza atao ho mpandatsaka rà marina izahay; fa Hianao, Jehovah ô, efa nanao izay sitraky ny fonao.
And they cried to the Lord, and said, Forbid it, Lord: let us not perish for the sake of this man's life, and bring not righteous blood upon us: for you, Lord, have done as you would.
15 Dia nobetain’ izy ireo Jona ka natsipiny tany anatin’ ny ranomasina; ary dia nitsahatra ny fisafoaky ny ranomasina.
So they took Jonas, and cast him out into the sea: and the sea ceased from its raging.
16 Dia natahotra an’ i Jehovah indrindra ireo olona ireo ka namono zavatra hatao fanatitra ho an’ i Jehovah sady nivoady.
And the men feared the Lord very greatly, and offered a sacrifice to the Lord, and vowed vows.
17 Ary Jehovah nanomana hazandrano lehibe hitelina an’ i Jona. Ary Jona dia tao an-kibon’ ilay hazandrano hateloan’ andro sy hateloan’ alina.
Now the Lord had commanded a great whale to swallow up Jonas: and Jonas was in the belly of the whale three days and three nights.

< Jona 1 >