< Jaona 6 >
1 Rehefa afaka izany, dia niala Jesosy ka lasa nita ny Ranomasin’ i Galilia, dia ny Ranomasin’ i Tiberiasy izany.
Some time later, when Jesus was in Galilee district, near the time of the Jewish Passover celebration, Jesus went [with us disciples by boat] and crossed to another place along Galilee Lake. This lake is [also called] Tiberias Lake.
2 Ary nisy vahoaka betsaka nanaraka Azy noho ny nahitany ny famantarana izay efa nataony tamin’ ny marary.
A large crowd of people kept following Jesus [on land] because they had been seeing the miracles he performed [by healing] sick people.
3 Ary Jesosy niakatra tao an-tendrombohitra, dia nipetraka tao mbamin’ ny mpianany.
Jesus went up on the hillside and sat down with [us] disciples [to teach us].
4 Fa efa akaiky ny Paska, ilay andro firavoravoan’ ny Jiosy.
Then he looked up and saw a great crowd of people coming toward him.
5 Ary Jesosy nanopy ny masony ka nahita fa nisy vahoaka betsaka nanatona Azy, dia hoy Izy tamin’ i Filipo: Aiza no hividianantsika mofo hohanin’ ireo?
He said to Philip, “Where will we buy food for all these people to eat?”
6 Izany no nataony mba hizahany toetra azy; fa izy nahalala ihany izay efa hataony.
He asked this only to find out if Philip believed what [Jesus could do], because Jesus already knew what he himself was going to do.
7 Filipo namaly Azy hoe: Na dia mofo vidina denaria roan-jato aza tsy ampy azy rehetra hananany kely avy.
Philip replied to him, “[Even if we had] the amount of money a man earns in eight months, that would not be enough to buy bread so that each person could have a little bit!”
8 Ny mpianany anankiray, dia Andrea, rahalahin’ i Simona Petera, nilaza taminy hoe:
Another one of [us] disciples, Andrew, who was Simon Peter’s [younger] brother, said to Jesus,
9 Misy zazalahy manana mofo vary hordea dimy sy hazandrano madinika roa, fa ho ampy inona moa izany amin’ izao olona betsaka izao?
“There is a boy here who has five small barley loaves and two [cooked] fish. But (they will not help much among so many people!/what good will that do among so many people?) [RHQ]”
10 Fa hoy Jesosy: Asaovy mipetraka ny olona. Ary nisy ahitra be teo. Ka dia nipetraka ny lehilahy, tokony ho dimy arivo no isany.
Jesus said, “Tell the people to sit down!” There was plenty of grass there, so they all sat down [comfortably]. There were about 5,000 men [among the crowd].
11 Dia nandray ny mofo Jesosy; ary rehefa nisaotra, dia nizara izany tamin’ izay nipetraka hihinana Izy; ary ny hazandrano koa araka izay nilainy.
Then Jesus took the small loaves and the fish and thanked [God] for them. Then he [gave them to us, and we] distributed the small loaves and the fish to all the people sitting on the ground. [Because God caused the food to keep increasing], everyone ate as much as they wanted.
12 Ary rehefa voky ny olona, dia hoy Jesosy tamin’ ny mpianany: Angony ny sisa tsy lany, mba tsy hisy ho very.
When everyone had all the food they wanted, he said to [us] disciples, “Gather up the pieces that are left over. Do not let anything be wasted!”
13 Dia nangoniny, ka nahafeno harona roa ambin’ ny folo ny sombintsombin’ ny mofo vary hordea dimy, izay ambiny tsy lanin’ ny nihinana.
So we gathered up the pieces of the small loaves that were left over by those who had eaten. We filled twelve baskets with those pieces!
14 Ary hoy ireny olona ireny, rehefa nahita ny famantarana izay nataon’ i Jesosy: Ity tokoa no Ilay Mpaminany Izay ho tonga amin’ izao tontolo izao.
After the people saw that miracle that Jesus had performed, [many of] them started to say, “Surely this is the prophet [like Moses] that [God promised] to send to the world!”
15 Ary rehefa fantatr’ i Jesosy fa efa ho avy ny olona haka Azy an-keriny hataony mpanjaka, dia niala ka lasa indray Izy irery nankany an-tendrombohitra.
So, because Jesus realized that they were about to come and seize him to make him [their] king, he left them again and went up into the hills by himself.
16 Ary rehefa hariva ny andro, dia nidina ho any amin’ ny ranomasina ny mpianany.
When it was evening, [we] disciples went down to [Galilee] Lake.
17 Ary niondrana an-tsambokely izy, dia nita ny ranomasina nankany Kapernaomy. Ary efa maizina ny andro tamin’ izay, nefa Jesosy tsy mbola tonga tany aminy.
When it became dark and Jesus had still not joined us, [we] got into a boat and went across the lake towards Capernaum [city].
18 Ary ny ranomasina nanonja, fa mafy ny fifofofofon’ ny rivotra.
A strong wind started to blow and caused the water (to become very rough/to have high waves).
19 Ary rehefa nivoy tokony ho dimy amby roa-polo na telo-polo stadio izy, dia nahita an’ i Jesosy nitsangantsangana eny ambonin’ ny ranomasina ka nanakaiky ny sambokely; dia natahotra izy.
After we had rowed (three or four miles/five or six kilometers), we saw Jesus coming near the boat; he was walking on the water! So we were terrified!
20 Fa hoy Jesosy taminy: Izaho ihany; aza matahotra.
But he said to us, “Do not be afraid! It is I!”
21 Dia ta-handray Azy ho eo an-tsambokely izy; ary niaraka tamin’ izay ny sambokely dia tonga tamin’ ny tany izay nalehany.
We were glad to take him into the boat. As soon as [we] did that, the boat reached the shore where [we] were going!
22 Nony ampitson’ iny ny vahoaka izay nijanona teny am-pitan’ ny ranomasina dia nahita fa tsy nisy sambokely hafa teo afa-tsy iray ihany, ary Jesosy tsy mba niara-niondrana an-tsambokely tamin’ ny mpianany, fa ny mpianany ihany no nandeha,
The next day the crowd of people that had stayed on the other side of the lake [were perplexed about how Jesus had left that area]. They knew that there had been only one boat there [the previous day]. They knew that we had gone away in it by ourselves. They knew that Jesus had not gone with us.
23 kanefa nisy sambokely hafa avy tany Tiberiasy tonga teo akaikin’ ilay tany nihinanany ny mofo, rehefa nisaotra ny Tompo, ―
Then some [men came] from Tiberias [city] in boats. [They were hoping to take some of the crowd back to Tiberias]. They arrived near the place where the people had eaten the food after Jesus had given thanks [and caused it to multiply].
24 koa nony hitan’ ny vahoaka fa tsy teo Jesosy, na ny mpianany, dia niondrana an-tsambokely izy ka nankany Kapernaomy hitady an’ i Jesosy.
When the crowd realized that neither Jesus nor we disciples were there, [some of] them got into those boats and they sailed to Capernaum to find Jesus.
25 Ary rehefa nahita Azy teny am-pitan’ ny ranomasina izy, dia hoy izy taminy: Raby ô, oviana no tonga teto Hianao?
When they found him [in Capernaum] further around the lake, they asked him, “Teacher, [since you(sg) did not come in a boat], when [and how] did you get here?”
26 Jesosy namaly azy hoe: Lazaiko aminareo marina dia marina tokoa: Mitady Ahy ianareo, nefa tsy noho ny nahitanareo famantarana, fa noho ny nihinananareo ny mofo ka voky.
Jesus replied to them, “Listen to this carefully: Do you know why you are looking for me? It is not because you saw [me perform] miracles [and as a result have realized who I really am]. No! You are looking for me [only] because you had plenty of bread to eat [after I provided it for you by performing a miracle].
27 Aza miasa hahazo ny hanina mety ho levona, fa ny hanina izay maharitra ho fiainana mandrakizay, izay homen’ ny Zanak’ olona anareo; fa Izy no nasian’ Andriamanitra Ray tombo-kase. (aiōnios )
Stop desiring food that will soon spoil! Instead, desire to get [spiritual] food that will last forever! Yearn for eternal life! That is what I, the one who came from heaven, will give you. God [my] Father has shown that he approves of me [enabling me to do that].” (aiōnios )
28 Dia hoy ireo taminy: Inona no hataonay mba hiasanay ny asan’ Andriamanitra?
Then the people asked him, “What things should we do [to please] God?”
29 Jesosy namaly ka nanao taminy hoe: Izao no asan’ Andriamanitra, dia ny hinoanareo Izay nirahiny.
Jesus replied, “What God [wants you] to do is this: He wants you to believe that [I am] the one he has sent.”
30 Dia hoy ireo taminy: Inona ary no famantarana ataonao, mba ho hitanay ka hinoanay Anao? Inona moa no asa ataonao?
So they said to him, “Then perform [another] miracle so that we may see it and believe that [you came from God]. What miracle would you like to perform?
31 Ny razantsika nihinana ny mana tany an-efitra, araka ny voasoratra hoe: Mofo avy tany an-danitra no nomeny azy hohaniny.
Our ancestors ate the [food called] manna [that God provided for them by a miracle] in the desolate area. This is written {[The Psalmist] wrote this} [in the Scriptures] about [what Moses caused to happen: ] ‘He gave them food from heaven to eat.’ [Will you perform a miracle like that]?”
32 Dia hoy Jesosy taminy: Lazaiko aminareo marina dia marina tokoa: Tsy Mosesy no nanome anareo ny mofo avy tany an-danitra; fa ny Raiko no manome anareo ny tena mofo avy any an-danitra.
So Jesus said to them, “The truth is that it was not Moses who gave your [ancestors] that food from heaven. No, it was my Father [who gave it to them. And my Father is the one] who gives you the true food from heaven.
33 Fa ny mofon’ Andriamanitra dia Ilay midìna avy any an-danitra ka manome fiainana ho an’ izao tontolo izao.
The true bread from God came down from heaven, and he is the one who will give [eternal] life to [the people of] the world [MTY].”
34 Ary hoy ireo taminy: Tompo ô, omeo anay mandrakariva izany mofo izany.
[Not understanding what he meant], they said to him, “Sir, give us that kind of bread all the time!”
35 Hoy Jesosy taminy: Izaho no mofon’ aina; izay manatona Ahy tsy mba ho noana, ary izay mino Ahy tsy mba hangetaheta intsony.
Jesus said to them, “[Just like] food [MET] [sustains physical life], I am the [one who enables you to have spiritual] life. Those who [eat ordinary food and drinks will later be hungry and thirsty]. But those who come to me [to receive that life] will never again [lack anything spiritually].
36 Fa efa nolazaiko taminareo fa nahita Ahy ihany ianareo, nefa tsy mino.
I told you before that you have seen my [miracles, but after seeing them, instead of understanding who I am], you have not believed in me.
37 Izay rehetra omen’ ny Raiko Ahy no hanatona Ahy; ary izay manatona Ahy dia tsy mba holaviko mihitsy.
All the people that [my] Father entrusts to me will come to me, and I will certainly (welcome/never send away) [LIT] anyone who comes to me.
38 Fa tsy nidina avy tany an-danitra Aho mba hanao ny sitrapoko, fa ny sitrapon’ izay naniraka Ahy.
When I came down from heaven, it was not to do what I want. Instead, I came to do what ([God/my Father]), who sent me, wants.
39 Ary izao no sitrapon’ izay naniraka Ahy, dia ny tsy hamelako hisy very izay rehetra nomeny Ahy, fa hatsangako indray amin’ ny andro farany izy.
What the one who sent me wants is that I (keep forever all/never lose any) [LIT] of those whom he has entrusted to me. He wants me to cause all of them to become alive again (on the last day/on the day [when I judge everyone]) [MTY].
40 Fa izao no sitrapon’ ny Raiko, dia ny hahazoan’ izay rehetra mijery ny Zanaka ka mino Azy fiainana mandrakizay; ary Izaho hanangana azy amin’ ny andro farany. (aiōnios )
[Long ago in the desolate area when those who were bitten by snakes looked at the bronze replica of a snake, they were healed] [MET]. What my Father wants is that [similarly] everyone who looks at [what] I [have done] and believes in me will have eternal life. I will cause them to become alive again (on the last day/on the day [when I judge everyone]) [MTY].” (aiōnios )
41 Dia nimonomonona tamin’ i Jesosy ny Jiosy, satria Izy nanao hoe: Izaho no mofo izay nidina avy tany an-danitra.
The Jewish [leaders] [SYN] began to grumble about him because he said, “I am the one who is [like] true bread who came down from heaven.”
42 Dia hoy ireo: Tsy Ilehio va no Jesosy, Zanak’ i Josefa, Izay fantatsika ny rainy aman-dreniny? Ahoana no dia anaovany ankehitriny hoe: ho nidina avy tany an-danitra?
They said, “(This man is Jesus, the son of Joseph!/Isn’t this man the son of Joseph?) [RHQ] We know [the names of] both his father and his mother. [He certainly did not come from heaven], so (he is [lying] by saying ‘I came from heaven.’/why is he now saying, ‘I came from heaven?’) [RHQ]”
43 Jesosy namaly ka nanao taminy hoe: Aza mimonomonona ianareo.
Jesus replied to them, “Stop grumbling among yourselves [about what I just said]!
44 Tsy misy olona mahay manatona Ahy, raha tsy taomin’ ny Ray Izay naniraka Ahy; ary Izaho hanangana azy amin’ ny andro farany.
[My] Father, who sent me, makes people want to come to me. No others will come to me [to receive eternal life]. Those who come to me are the only ones who will believe in me. I will (cause them to be alive again/raise them [from the dead]) (on the last day/on the [judgment] day).
45 Voasoratra ao amin’ ny mpaminany hoe: Ary izy rehetra dia hampianarin’ Andriamanitra. Izay rehetra mandre ka mianatra amin’ ny Ray no manatona Ahy.
It was written ([by one of the prophets/by the prophet Isaiah]) {([One of the prophets/The prophet Isaiah]) wrote} [about all those who will trust in me], ‘God will teach them all.’ Everyone who listens to what [my] Father [says] and learns from him will (come to/believe in) me.
46 Nefa tsy nisy nahita ny Ray, afa-tsy Izay avy amin’ Andriamanitra: Izy no nahita ny Ray.
I came from God. I am the only one who has seen [my] Father. No one else has seen him.
47 Lazaiko aminareo marina dia marina tokoa: Izay mino no manana fiainana mandrakizay. (aiōnios )
Listen to this carefully: Everyone who believes ([my message/in me]) has eternal life. (aiōnios )
[Just like] food [MET] [sustains your physical life], I am the [one who enables you to have spiritual] life.
49 Ny razanareo nihinana ny mana tany an-efitra, nefa maty ihany.
Even though your ancestors ate the manna [while they were traveling] in the desolate area, they died [anyway].
50 Ity no mofo izay midìna avy any an-danitra, mba tsy ho faty izay mihinana azy.
But the bread [I am talking about] is something that came down from heaven. If people eat that bread, their [spirits] will never die.
51 Izaho no mofo velona izay nidina avy tany an-danitra; raha misy mihinana ity mofo ity, dia ho velona mandrakizay izy; ary ny mofo izay homeko dia ny nofoko ho fiainan’ izao tontolo izao. (aiōn )
I am the one who came down from heaven to enable people to have [spiritual] life. If people take what I will give them, they will live forever. What I will give them is my flesh, which I will give to [all the people in] [MTY] the world in order that they may have [spiritual] life.” (aiōn )
52 Dia nifanditra ny Jiosy ka nanao hoe: Hataon’ ilehio ahoana re no fanome ny nofony hohanintsika?
Then the Jewish [leaders] [SYN] began to argue among themselves. They said, “(There is no way this man can give us his flesh to eat!/How can this man give us his flesh to eat?)” [RHQ]
53 Fa hoy Jesosy taminy: Lazaiko aminareo marina dia marina tokoa: Raha tsy mihinana ny nofon’ ny Zanak’ olona sy misotro ny ràny ianareo, dia tsy manana fiainana ao aminareo.
So, [speaking figuratively of the need for them to accept for themselves the benefits of his sacrificing himself and shedding his blood to atone for their sins] [MET], Jesus said to them, “Listen carefully to this: [Although] I am the one who came from heaven, if you do not eat my flesh and drink my blood, you will not have eternal life.
54 Izay mihinana ny nofoko sy misotro ny rako no manana fiainana mandrakizay; ary Izaho hanangana azy amin’ ny andro farany. (aiōnios )
Those who eat my flesh and drink my blood have eternal life, and I will cause them to become alive again at (the last day/the [judgment] day), (aiōnios )
55 Fa ny nofoko no tena fihinana, ary ny rako no tena fisotro.
because my flesh and my blood are truly spiritual food.
56 Izay mihinana ny nofoko sy misotro ny rako no mitoetra ao amiko, ary Izaho kosa ao aminy.
Those who eat my flesh and drink my blood will have a close relationship with me, and I will have a close relationship with them.
57 Ary tahaka ny nanirahan’ ny Ray velona Ahy, ary Izaho koa velona amin’ ny Ray, dia tahaka izany koa izay mihinana Ahy no ho velona amiko.
[My] Father, who is the [source of everything that] lives, sent me, and I live because [my] Father has [given me life]. Similarly those who eat my [flesh] will live [eternally] because of what I [do for them].
58 Ity no mofo izay nidina avy tany an-danitra; tsy tahaka ny razana izay nihinana, nefa maty ihany; fa izay mihinana ity mofo ity dia ho velona mandrakizay. (aiōn )
[I am] the true bread that came down from heaven. Although our ancestors ate [manna], they [later] died [anyway]. But those who eat this bread will live forever.” (aiōn )
59 Izany teny izany no nolazainy tao amin’ ny synagoga, raha nampianatra tao Kapernaomy Izy.
He said this while he was teaching people in (the synagogue/the Jewish meeting place) in Capernaum.
60 Koa maro tamin’ ny mpianany, nony nandre, dia nanao hoe: Sarotra izany teny izany, iza no mahahaino izany?
After they heard him say that, many of his disciples said, “What he is teaching is hard [to understand]; (it is very difficult for anyone to accept it!/how can anyone accept it?) [RHQ]”
61 Ary fantatr’ i Jesosy tao am-pony fa nimonomonona tamin’ izany ny mpianany, ka dia hoy Izy taminy: Mahatafintohina anareo va izay?
Jesus was aware that his disciples were grumbling about it, so he said to them, “(I am sorry that this is offending you./Is this offending you?) [RHQ]
62 Mainka raha mahita ny Zanak’ olona miakatra ho any amin’ izay nitoerany taloha ianareo.
([Perhaps you will believe my message] if you see me, the one who came from heaven, ascending [there] to where I was before!/[(What will you think if you see me], the one who came from heaven, ascending [there] to where I was before)?) [RHQ]
63 Ny fanahy no mahavelona; ny nofo tsy mahasoa na inona na inona; ny teny izay nolazaiko taminareo dia fanahy sy fiainana.
[God’s] Spirit is the one who gives people [eternal] life. Human efforts are no help at all [for giving people eternal life]. The message I have spoken to you [gives spiritual] life (OR, [comes from] God’s Spirit [and gives eternal] life.)
64 Fa misy ny sasany aminareo izay tsy mino. Fa fantatr’ i Jesosy hatramin’ ny voalohany izay tsy nino sy izay hamadika Azy.
But there are some of you who do not believe [my message.” Jesus said that] because he knew from the time he started [MTY] [his ministry] which of them would not believe his message. He also knew who would (betray him/enable his enemies to seize him).
65 Ary hoy Izy: Izany no nilazako taminareo fa tsy misy olona mahay manatona Ahy, raha tsy nomen’ ny Ray azy izany.
Then he continued by saying, “That is why I told you that only those whom my Father has enabled [to believe in me] will come to me [and receive eternal life].”
66 Hatramin’ izany dia maro tamin’ ny mpianany no nihemotra ka tsy niara-nandeha taminy intsony.
From that [time], many of his disciples left him and no longer went with him.
67 Dia hoy Jesosy tamin’ ny roa ambin’ ny folo lahy: Hianareo koa va mba te-hiala?
So he said to [us] twelve [apostles], “You do not want to leave me also, do you?”
68 Simona Petera namaly Azy hoe: Tompo ô, hankany amin’ iza moa izahay? Hianao no manana ny tenin’ ny fiainana mandrakizay. (aiōnios )
Simon Peter replied to him, “Lord, [we] will not [leave you], [because] (there is no other person [like you] to whom we can go!/what other person is there like [you] to whom we can go?) [RHQ] You have the message about eternal life! (aiōnios )
69 Ary izahay mino ka mahalala fa Hianao no Ilay Masin’ Andriamanitra.
We have come to believe for certain that you are the holy one [who has come] from God!”
70 Jesosy namaly azy hoe: Tsy Izaho va no nifidy anareo roa ambin’ ny folo lahy, nefa ny anankiray aminareo aza dia devoly?
Then Jesus replied to us, “[You are saying that as though all] you twelve [men] whom I have chosen [RHQ] believe that. But one of you is [under the control of] Satan!”
71 Fa Izy nilaza an’ i Jodasy, zanak’ i Simona Iskariota; fa izy no ilay efa hamadika Azy, nefa isan’ ny roa ambin’ ny folo lahy.
He was talking about Judas, the [son] of Simon, from Kerioth [village]. [Even though] Judas was one of us twelve [apostles], he was about (to betray Jesus/to enable Jesus’ enemies to seize him).