< Jaona 18 >
1 Rehefa voalazan’ i Jesosy izany teny izany, dia nandeha Izy mbamin’ ny mpianany ka nita ny lohasahan-driaka Kidrona; ary nisy saha teo, izay nidiran’ izy sy ny mpianany.
Jesus saying these things, went out with His disciples beyond the brook of Kidron, where there was a garden, into which He and His disciples came.
2 Ary Jodasy koa, ilay namadika Azy, dia nahalala izany tany izany, satria mpankao matetika Jesosy mbamin’ ny mpianany.
And Judas, the one having betrayed Him; knew the place: because frequently Jesus with His disciples resorted thither.
3 Ary Jodasy, rehefa nahazo ny miaramila iray toko sy mpiandry raharaha avy tamin’ ny lohan’ ny mpisorona sy ny Fariseo, dia nankeo nitondra fanilo sy fanala ary fiadiana.
Then Judas, having taken a band and officers from the chief priests and Pharisees, comes thither with lanterns and torches and arms.
4 Ary satria fantatr’ i Jesosy izay rehetra hanjo Azy, dia nivoaka Izy ka nanao tamin’ ireo hoe: Iza moa no tadiavinareo?
Then Jesus, knowing all things which are coming on Him, came out, says to them, Whom do you seek?
5 Ary ireo namaly Azy hoe: Jesosy avy any Nazareta. Hoy Jesosy taminy: Izaho no Izy. Ary teo koa Jodasy, ilay namadika Azy.
They responded to Him, Jesus the Nazarene. Jesus says to them, I am He. And Judas also, the one having betrayed Him, stood with them.
6 Ary raha Jesosy vao nilaza taminy hoe: Izaho no Izy, dia nianotra ireo ka lavo tamin’ ny tany.
Then when He said to them, I am He, they went back, and fell on the ground.
7 Ary Jesosy nanontany azy indray hoe: Iza moa no tadiavinareo? Dia hoy izy: Jesosy avy any Nazareta.
Then He again asked them, Whom do you seek? And they said, Jesus the Nazarene.
8 Jesosy namaly hoe: Efa nolazaiko taminareo fa Izaho no Izy; koa raha Izaho no tadiavinareo, dia avelao handeha ireto;
Jesus responded, I told you that I am He: if then you seek me, let these depart.
9 mba hahatanteraka ny teny izay nataony hoe: Tsy nasiako very izay nomenao Ahy.
In order that the word which He spoke might be fulfilled, that, I have lost none of those whom thou hast given unto me.
10 Ary Simona Petera nanana sabatra, dia nanatsoaka azy ka nikapa ny mpanompon’ ny mpisoronabe ary nahafaka ny sofiny ankavanana. Ary Malko no anaran’ ilay mpanompo.
Then Simon Peter having a sword drew it, and smote the servant of the high priest, and cut off his right ear. And the name to that servant was Malchus.
11 Dia hoy Jesosy tamin’ i Petera: Ampidiro amin’ ny tranony ny sabatrao; ny kapoaka nomen’ ny Raiko Ahy tsy hosotroiko va?
Then Jesus said to Peter, Put thy sword in the scabbard: the cup which the Father gave me, shall I not drink it?
12 Ary ny miaramila iray toko sy ny mpifehy arivo ary ny mpiandry raharaha tamin’ ny Jiosy dia nisambotra an’ i Jesosy ka namatotra Azy,
Then the band and chiliarch, and the officers of the Jews, took Jesus and bound Him.
13 dia nitondra Azy tany amin’ i Anasy aloha, fa izy no rafozan’ i Kaiafa, mpisoronabe tamin’ izany taona izany.
And they led Him first to Annas; for he was the father-in-law of Caiaphas, who was high priest that year.
14 Ary Kaiafa no ilay nanome saina ny Jiosy fa mahatsara raha maty ny olona anankiray hamonjy ny firenena.
And Caiaphas was the one counseling the Jews, that it is profitable that one man die for the people.
15 Ary Simona Petera sy ny mpianatra anankiray koa dia nanaraka an’ i Jesosy; ary fantatry ny mpisoronabe izany mpianatra izany, dia niara-niditra tamin’ i Jesosy ho ao an-kianjan’ ny tranon’ ny mpisoronabe izy.
And Simon Peter and the other disciples followed Jesus. And that disciple was known to the high priest, and came with Jesus into the court of the high priest.
16 Fa Petera nijanona teo ala-trano teo am-bavahady. Dia nivoaka ilay mpianatra anankiray, izay fantatry ny mpisoronabe, ka niteny tamin’ ny mpiandry vavahady, dia nitondra an’ i Petera niditra.
And Peter stood without at the door. Then the other disciple, who was known to the high priest, came out and spoke to the porter, and led in Peter.
17 Ary hoy ny ankizivavy mpiandry vavahady tamin’ i Petera: Moa ianao mba isan’ ny mpianatr’ io Lehilahy io? Hoy izy: Tsia.
And then the maidservant porter says to Peter, Art thou not one of the disciples of this man? He says, I am not.
18 Ary ny mpanompo sy ny mpiandry raharaha namelona afon’ arina ka nijanona namindro teo, fa nangatsiaka ny andro; ary Petera koa mba nijanona niara-namindro taminy.
And the servants and officers, having made a fire; because it was cold; were standing by it, and warming. And Peter was standing with them, and warming.
19 Ary ny mpisoronabe nanadina an’ i Jesosy ny amin’ ny mpianany sy ny fampianarany.
Then the high priest asked Jesus concerning His disciples and concerning His teaching.
20 Jesosy namaly azy hoe: Izaho niteny miharihary tamin’ izao tontolo izao; Izaho nampianatra mandrakariva tao amin’ ny synagoga sy ny kianjan’ ny tempoly, izay iangonan’ ny Jiosy rehetra; ary tsy nisy nolazaiko tao amin’ ny takona;
And Jesus said to him, I have spoken openly to the world. I always taught in the synagogue, and in the temple, where all the Jews come together; and I spoke nothing in secret.
21 koa nahoana no manontany Ahy ianao? Ireo nihaino no anontanio izay nolazaiko taminy; fa ireo no mahalala izay nolazaiko.
Why do you ask me? ask those who have heard, what I said to them: behold, they know what I said.
22 Ary rehefa nilaza izany teny izany Izy, ny mpiandry raharaha anankiray izay nitsangana teo dia namely tahamaina an’ i Jesosy ka nanao hoe: Izany va no famalinao ny mpisoronabe?
And He speaking these things, one of the officers standing by gave Jesus a slap, saying, Do you thus answer the high priest?
23 Jesosy namaly azy hoe: Raha niteny ratsy Aho, ambarao izay ratsy; fa raha tsara ihany kosa, nahoana no dia mamely Ahy ianao?
Jesus responded to him, If I spoke wickedly, witness concerning the wickedness: but if beautifully, why do you smite me?
24 Ary dia nasain’ i Anasy nentina tamin’ ny fatorany ho any amin’ i Kaiafa mpisoronabe Izy.
Then Annas sent Him bound to Caiaphas the high priest.
25 Ary Simona Petera nijanona namindro. Dia nisy nilaza taminy hoe: Moa ianao koa mba isan’ ny mpianany? Fa izy nandà ka nanao hoe: Tsia.
And Simon Peter was standing and warming: and they said to him, Art thou not one of His disciples? He denied, and said, I am not.
26 Hoy ny anankiray tamin’ ny mpanompon’ ny mpisoronabe havan’ ilay nokapain’ i Petera ny sofiny: Tsy efa hitako teo aminy tao anaty saha va ianao?
And one of the servants of the chief priest, being a kinsman of him whose ear Peter cut off, says, Did I not see thee in the garden with Him?
27 Dia nandà indray Petera; ary niaraka tamin’ izay dia nisy akoho naneno.
Then Peter again denied, and immediately the cock crew.
28 Ary Jesosy dia nentiny niala tao amin’ i Kaiafa ho ao anati-rova; ary maraina koa ny andro tamin’ izay; nefa ireo tsy niditra tao anati-rova, fandrao ho voaloto, fa efa hihinana ny Paska izy.
Then they lead Jesus from Caiaphas to the judgment hall: and it was morning. And they did not come into the judgment hall, in order that they might not be polluted, but that they might eat the passover.
29 Ary Pilato nivoaka ho eo aminy teo ivelany ka nanao hoe: Inona moa no iampanganareo io Lehilahy io?
Then Pilate came out to them, and says, What accusation do you bring against this man?
30 Dia namaly ireo ka nanao taminy hoe: Raha tsy mpanao ratsy Izy, dia tsy mba natolotray anao.
They responded and said to him, If He were not an evil doer, we would not deliver Him to you.
31 Ary hoy Pilato taminy: Entonareo Izy, ka tsarao araka ny lalànareo. Hoy ny Jiosy taminy: Izahay tsy manam-pahefana hahafaty olona;
Then Pilate said to them. You take Him, and judge Him according to your law. Then the Jews said to him, It is not lawful for us to kill any one.
32 mba hahatanteraka ny tenin’ i Jesosy izay nolazainy nanambara ny fomban’ ny fahafatesana izay efa hiaretany.
In order that the word of Jesus might be fulfilled, which He spoke, signifying by what death He was about to die.
33 Ary niditra tao anati-rova indray Pilato, dia niantso an’ i Jesosy ka nanao taminy hoe: Hianao va no Mpanjakan’ ny Jiosy?
Then Pilate came again into the judgment hall, and asked Jesus, and said to Him, Art thou the King of the Jews?
34 Jesosy namaly hoe: Hevitrao ihany va no anaovanao izany, sa nisy hafa nilaza Ahy taminao?
Jesus responded, Do you speak this of yourself, or did others tell you concerning me?
35 Pilato namaly hoe: Moa aho Jiosy? Ny firenenao sy ny mpisoronabe no nanolotra Anao tamiko; inona moa no nataonao?
Pilate responded, Whether am I a Jew? thine own nation and the chief priests delivered thee to me: what hast thou done?
36 Jesosy namaly hoe: Ny fanjakako tsy avy amin’ izao tontolo izao; fa raha mba avy amin’ izao tontolo izao ny fanjakako, dia ho niady ny mpanompoko, mba tsy ho voatolotra tamin’ ny Jiosy Aho; nefa ankehitriny tsy avy amin’ izany ny fanjakako.
Jesus responded, My kingdom is not of this world. If my kingdom were of this world, my servants would fight for me, in order that I might not be delivered to the Jews. But now my kingdom is not from thence.
37 Ary hoy Pilato taminy: Mpanjaka va ary Hianao? Jesosy namaly hoe: Voalazanao fa mpanjaka Aho. Izao no nahaterahako, ary izao no nihaviako amin’ izao tontolo izao, dia ny hanambara ny marina. Izay rehetra avy amin’ ny marina dia mihaino ny feoko.
Then Pilate said to Him, Then, art thou not a king? Jesus responded, Thou says that I am king. Unto this I was born, and unto this I have come into the world, in order that I may bear witness to the truth. Every one being of the truth hears my voice.
38 Hoy Pilato taminy: Inona no marina? Ary rehefa nanontany izany izy, dia nivoaka nankeo amin’ ny Jiosy indray ka nanao taminy hoe: Tsy hitako izay helony, na dia kely akory aza.
Pilate says to Him, What is truth? And saying this, again he went out to the Jews, and speaks to them, I find no crime in Him.
39 Fa misy fanaonareo amin’ ny Paska, handefasako anankiray ho anareo; koa tianareo va raha halefako ho anareo ny Mpanjakan’ ny Jiosy?
There is a custom to you, that I release unto you one during the passover. Then do you wish that I may release unto you the King of the Jews?
40 Ary ireo niantso indray ka nanao hoe: Tsy Ilehio, fa Barabasy; koanefa jiolahy Barabasy.
Then they all again cried out, saying, Not Him, but Barabbas. And Barabbas was a robber.