< Joba 3 >

1 Rehefa afaka izany, dia niloa-bava Joba ka nanozona ny androny
After this Job opened his mouth, and cursed his day,
2 nanao hoe:
3 Foàna anie ny andro nahaterahako sy ny alina izay nanao hoe: Misy zazalahy vao torontoronina!
Let the day perish in which I was born, and that night in which they said, Behold a man-child!
4 Izany andro izany dia aoka ho maizina, ary aoka tsy hitady azy Andriamanitra any ambony; ary aoka tsy hisy mazava hamirapiratra aminy;
Let that night be darkness, and let not the Lord regard it from above, neither let light come upon it.
5 Aoka ny aizina sy ny aloky ny fahafatesana hahalasa azy indray; Aoka ny rahona hitatao eo amboniny; Aoka izay zavatra mahamaizina ny andro hampahatsiravina azy.
But let darkness and the shadow of death seize it; let blackness come upon it;
6 Izany alina izany aoka ny aizim-pito hisambotra azy; Aoka tsy hiara-mifaly amin’ ny andron’ ny taona izy. Ary tsy ho tonga amin’ ny isan’ ny volana;
let that day and night be cursed, let darkness carry them away; let it not come into the days of the year, neither let it be numbered with the days of the months.
7 Indro izany alina izany aoka ho momba izy; Aoka tsy ho velona ao ny hoby;
But let that night be pain, and let not mirth come upon it, nor joy.
8 Aoka hanozona azy ny mpanozona andro, Izay mahay mamoha ny dragona;
But let him that curses that day curse it, [even] he that is ready to attack the great whale.
9 Aoka ho maizina ny kintan’ ny marainany; Aoka hiandry ny mazava izy, nefa tsy hisy, ary aoka tsy ho faly mahita ny hodimason’ ny maraina izy,
Let the stars of that night be darkened; let it remain [dark], and not come into light; and let it not see the morning star arise:
10 Satria tsy nanidy ny varavaran’ ny kibon’ ineny izy ka tsy nanafina fahoriana tamin’ ny masoko.
because it shut not up the gates of my mother's womb, for [so] it would have removed sorrow from my eyes.
11 Nahoana re aho no tsy maty hatrany am-bohoka e, ary tsy niala aina, fony vao nivoaka avy tany an-kibo e?
For why died I not in the belly? and [why] did I not come forth from the womb and die immediately?
12 Nahoana no nisy lohalika niandry ahy? Ary nahoana no nisy nono hinonoako?
and why did the knees support me? and why did I suck the breasts?
13 Fa raha tsy izany, dia efa nandry aho toy izay ka niadana, eny, natory aho ka afa-tsasatra,
Now I should have lain down and been quiet, I should have slept and been at rest,
14 Teo amin’ ny mpanjaka sy ny mpanolo-tsaina avy amin’ ny tany, izay nanao ireny tanàna efa rava,
with kings [and] councillors of the earth, who gloried in [their] swords;
15 Na teo amin’ ny andriandahy izay manana volamena sady mameno volafotsy ny tranony;
or with rulers, whose gold was abundant, who filled their houses with silver:
16 Na efa tsy ary toy ny zaza tsy tonga volana aho ka nafenina, dia toy ny zaza izay tsy nahita ny mazava akory.
or [I should have been] as an untimely birth proceeding from his mother's womb, or as infants who never saw light.
17 Any no itsaharan’ ny ratsy fanahy tsy hampitebiteby, ary any ny reraka no afa-tsasatra;
There the ungodly have burnt out the fury of rage; there the wearied in body rest.
18 Miara-miadana avokoa ny mpifatotra; Tsy mandre ny feon’ ny mpampiasa izy.
And the men of old time have together ceased to hear the exactor's voice.
19 Samy any ny kely sy ny lehibe, Ary ny mpanompo dia afaka amin’ ny tompony.
The small and great are there, and the servant that feared his lord.
20 Nahoana no fahazavana no mba omena ny reraka, ary fiainana ho an’ izay latsaka amin’ ny fangidiana?
For why is light given to those who are in bitterness, and life to those souls which are in griefs?
21 Izay miandry fahafatesana, nefa tsy avy izy, sady mitady azy mihoatra noho ny fitady harena nafenina:
who desire death, and obtain it not, digging [for it] as [for] treasures;
22 Izay faly indrindra sady ravoravo, raha mahita ny fasana,
and would be very joyful if they should gain it?
23 Dia olona izay mandeha ao amin’ ny maizina sady voafefin’ Andriamanitra manodidina.
Death [is] rest to [such] a man, for God has hedged him in.
24 Fa mialoha ny haninkaniko ny fitolokoko, ary migororoana toy ny rano ny fidradradradrako;
For my groaning comes before my food, and I weep being beset with terror.
25 Fa Izay atahorako no mahazo ahy, ary izay angovitako no manjo ahy.
For the terror of which I meditated has come upon me, and that which I had feared has befallen me.
26 Tsy mbola nahita fiadanana na fitsaharana na fakàna aina akory aza aho, dia tonga indray ny tebiteby.
I was not at peace, nor quiet, nor had I rest; yet wrath came upon me.

< Joba 3 >