< Joba 22 >
1 Dia namaly Elifaza Temanita ka nanao hoe:
Then responded Eliphaz the Temanite, and said: —
2 Mahasoa an’ Andriamanitra va ny olona? Tsia, fa mahasoa ny tenany ihany ny olon-kendry.
Unto GOD, can a man act as friend? Surely a discreet man befriendeth himself!
3 Mampaninona ny Tsitoha moa, raha marina ianao, sa misy tombony ho Azy, raha ataonao tsy misy diso ny alehanao?
Is it a pleasure to the Almighty, that thou shouldst be righteous? or any profit, that thou shouldst be blameless in thy ways?
4 Moa ny fahatahoranao Azy va no ananarany anao, sy ifanatrehany aminao amin’ ny fitsarana?
Is it, for thy reverence, that he will accuse thee? will enter with thee into judgment?
5 Tsy be va ny faharatsianao, sady tsy hita isa ny helokao?
Is not, thy wickedness, great? and, without end, [are not] thine iniquities?
6 Fa efa naka tsatòka tsy ahoan-tsy ahoana tamin’ ny rahalahinao ianao ka nanendaka ny akanjon’ ny mahantra.
Surely then hast been wont to put thy brother in pledge, for nothing, and, the garments of the ill-clad, hast thou stripped off:
7 Tsy nanome rano hosotroin’ ny mangetaheta ianao sady tsy nahafoy hanina ho an’ ny noana.
No water—to the weary, hast thou given to drink, and, from the hungry, thou hast withheld bread:
8 Fa ny olona sandriana ihany no nanana ny tany; Ary ny manan-kaja ihany no nitoetra teo.
A man of might, to him, pertaineth the land, and, the favorite, dwelleth therein:
9 Efa nampialainao maina ny mpitondratena. Ary tapahina ny sandrin’ ny kamboty.
Widows, thou hast sent away empty, and, the arms of the fatherless, thou dost crush.
10 Koa noho izany dia misy fandrika manodidina anao, ary ny fahatahorana dia mampihorohoro anao tampoka;
For this cause, round about thee, are snares, and a dread startleth thee suddenly;
11 Moa tsy ianao va ny maizina Sy ny rano mandriaka mandifotra anao?
Or darkness—thou canst not see, and, a flood of waters, covereth thee.
12 Tsy avo tahaka ny lanitra va Andriamanitra? Jereo ny hahavon’ ny kintana, endrey ny hahavony!
Is not, GOD, [in] the height of the heavens? Behold, then, the head of the stars, that they are high.
13 Nefa hoy ianao: Ataon’ Andriamanitra ahoana no fahafantatra? Mahay mitsara ary ankoatry ny rahona maizina va Izy?
Wilt thou say then, What doth GOD know? Out through a thick cloud, can he judge?
14 Ny rahona matevina manakona Azy, ka tsy mahita Izy; Ary mandehandeha eny amin’ ny lanitra Izy.
Dark clouds, are a veil to him, and he cannot see, or, the vault of the heavens, doth he walk?
15 Moa hizotra amin’ ny lalana izay nalehan’ ny olona fahagola va ianao? Dia ilay nalehan’ ny olona ratsy fanahy.
The path of the ancient time, wilt thou mark, which the men of iniquity trod?
16 Izay nesorina alohan’ ny androny, ka nindaosin’ ny riaka ny fanorenany,
Who were snatched away before the time, and, a stream, washed away their foundation?
17 Dia ireo izay manao tamin’ Andriamanitra hoe: Mialà aminay! Ary inona no azon’ ny Tsitoha atao ho anay?
Who had been saying unto GOD, Depart from us! and—What can the Almighty do for himself?
18 Kanefa Izy no efa nameno zava-tsoa ny tranony ho lavitra ahy anie ny fisainan’ ny ratsy fanahy!
Yet, he, had filled their houses with good! The counsel of the lawless, then, is far from me:
19 Ny marina mahita ka mifaly, Ary ny tsy manan-tsiny mihomehy ireny hoe:
The righteous shall see and rejoice, and, the innocent, shall laugh them to scorn:
20 Marina tokoa fa efa rava ny fahavalontsika, ary ny hareny betsaka efa levon’ ny afo.
If our assailants do not vanish, then, their abundance, a fire consumeth!
21 Mifankazara amin’ ny Tsitoha ianao, dia hiadana; Izany no hahatongavan’ ny soa aminao.
Shew thyself to be one with him—I pray thee—and prosper, thereby, shall there come on thee blessing.
22 Masìna ianao, mandraisa fampianarana avy amin’ ny vavany, ary alatsaho ao am-ponao ny teniny.
Accept, I beseech thee, from his mouth—instruction, —and lay up his sayings in thy heart.
23 Raha miverina aminy ianao, dia haorina tsara, eny, raha ampanalavirinao ny lainao ny heloka.
If thou return unto the Almighty and submit thyself, if thou far remove perversity from thy tent,
24 Ario eny amin’ ny vovoka ny akoram-bolamena sy ny akoram-bolafotsy, eny, ario eny amin’ ny vato eny an-dohasahan-driaka ny volamena avy any Ofira;
Then lay up, in the dust, precious ore, and, among the stones of the torrent-beds, fine gold:
25 Fa ny Tsitoha no ho akoram-bolamenanao sy akoram-bolafotsinao, Ary ho volafotsy mamirapiratra ho anao.
So shall, the Almighty, become, thy precious ores, yea glittering silver unto thee!
26 Fa amin’ izany dia hiravoravo amin’ ny Tsitoha ianao ka hanandratra ny tavanao amin’ Andriamanitra.
For, then, in the Almighty, shalt thou take exquisite delight, and shalt lift up—unto GOD—thy face;
27 Raha mifona aminy ianao, dia hihaino anao Izy; Ary ny voadinao dia hefainao.
Thou shalt make entreaty unto him, and he will hear thee, and, thy vows, shalt thou pay;
28 Ary raha misy kasainao hatao, dia hotanterahina aminao, ary hamirapiratra amin’ ny lalanao ny mazava.
And thou shalt decree a purpose, and it shall be fulfilled unto thee, and, upon thy ways, shall have shone a light;
29 Raha misy mietry, dia hataonao hoe: Misandrata; fa ny manetry tena hovonjeny.
When men cast themselves down, then thou shalt say: Up! And, him that is of downcast eyes, shall he save;
30 Hanafaka ny olona meloka Izy, eny, ny fahadiovan’ ny tananao no hamonjena azy.
He shall deliver the innocent, and thou shalt escape by the pureness of thy hands.