< Jeremia 37 >

1 Ary Zedekia mpanjaka, zanak’ i Josia, dia nanjaka nandimby an’ i Jekonia, zanak’ i Joiakima, fa nampanjakain’ i Nebokadnezara, mpanjakan’ i Babylona, tao amin’ ny tanin’ ny Joda izy;
Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon replaced Jehoiachin son of Jehoiakim with Zedekiah son of Josiah as the ruling king of Judah.
2 nefa na izy, na ny mpanompony, na ny vahoaka, dia samy tsy nihaino ny tenin’ i Jehovah, izay nampilazainy an’ i Jeremia mpaminany.
But Zedekiah and his officers and everyone else in the country refused to obey what the Lord had said through Jeremiah the prophet.
3 Ary Zedekia mpanjaka naniraka an’ i Jehokala, zanak’ i Selemia, sy Zefania, zanak’ i Mahaseia, mpisorona, ho any amin’ i Jeremia mpaminany hanao hoe: Mba ivavaho amin’ i Jehovah Andriamanitsika re izahay.
However, King Zedekiah sent Jehucal son of Shelemiah and Zephaniah the priest, son of Maaseiah, to Jeremiah the prophet with the message, “Please pray to the Lord our God for us!”
4 Ary Jeremia mbola niditra sy nivoaka teo amin’ ny olona ihany; fa tsy mbola nataony tao an-trano-maizina izy.
(At this time Jeremiah could come and go freely, because as yet they hadn't put him in prison.)
5 Ary efa niainga avy tany Egypta ny miaramilan’ i Farao, ka raha nahare izany ny Kaldeana izay nanao fahirano an’ i Jerosalema, dia niala tany Jerosalema izy.
Pharaoh's army was advancing from Egypt, and when the Babylonian army heard about it, they moved away from Jerusalem.
6 Dia tonga tamin’ i Jeremia mpaminany ny tenin’ i Jehovah hoe:
Then a message from the Lord came to Jeremiah the prophet:
7 Izao no lazain’ i Jehovah, Andriamanitry ny Isiraely: Izao no lazaonareo amin’ ny mpanjakan’ ny Joda, izay naniraka anareo hankatỳ amiko hanontany amiko: Indro, ny miaramilan’ i Farao, izay efa niainga hamonjy anareo, dia hiverina ho any Egypta taniny;
This is what the Lord, the God of Israel, instructs you to tell the king of Judah, who sent you to ask me for help: Look! Pharaoh's army, which set out to help you, is going to return home to Egypt.
8 fa ho avy indray ny Kaldeana ka hamely ity tanana ity sady hanafaka azy sy handoro azy amin’ ny afo.
Then the Babylonians will return and attack Jerusalem. They will capture it and burn it down.
9 Izao no lazain’ i Jehovah: Aza mamita-tena foana ianareo ka manao hoe: Hiala amintsika tokoa ny Kaldeana; fa tsy hiala izy tsy akory.
This is what the Lord says: Don't fool yourselves by saying, “The Babylonians are gone for good,” because they're not!
10 Fa na dia mamely ny miaramilan’ ny Kaldeana rehetra izay miady aminareo aza ianareo, ka izay voalefona no ho sisa velona, ireo aza dia samy hitsangana avy ao anaty lainy ka handoro ity tanàna ity amin’ ny afo.
In fact, even if you were able to kill the whole Babylonian army attacking you, leaving only wounded men in their tents, they would still get up and burn this city down.
11 Ary raha niala tany Jerosalema ny miaramilan’ ny Kaldeana noho ny amin’ ny miaramilan’ i Farao,
When the Babylonian army moved away from Jerusalem because of the threat of Pharaoh's army,
12 dia nivoaka Jeremia avy tao Jerosalema hankany amin’ ny tanin’ ny Benjamina mba handray izay anjarany eo amin’ ny vahoaka.
Jeremiah was on his way out of Jerusalem to go to his home in the territory of Benjamin to claim his share of his family's property.
13 Ary raha tonga teo am-bavahadin’ i Benjamina izy, dia, indro, ny kapitenin’ ny mpiambina, atao hoe Jiria, zanak’ i Selemia, zanak’ i Hanania, no teo; dia nisambotra an’ i Jeremia mpaminany izy ka nanao hoe: Miray tetika amin’ ny Kaldeana ianao.
However, when he reached the Benjamin Gate, the guard captain, whose name was Irijah son of Shelemiah, son of Hananiah, arrested him, saying, “You're defecting to the Babylonians!”
14 Fa hoy Jeremia: Lainga izany. Tsy miray tetika amin’ ny Kaldeana aho. Nefa tsy nino azy ireo, ka dia nosamborin’ i Jiria ihany Jeremia ary nentiny ho ao amin’ ny mpanapaka.
“That's not true,” Jeremiah replied. “I'm not defecting to the Babylonians!” But Irijah refused to listen to him. He arrested Jeremiah and took him before the officers.
15 Ary tezitra tamin’ i Jeremia ny mpanapaka ka nikapoka azy, dia nandatsaka azy tao an-trano-maizina tao amin’ ny tranon’ i Jonatana mpanoratra; fa izany no nataony trano-maizina.
The officers were furious with Jeremiah. They had him beaten and locked up in the house of Jonathan the scribe, which had been turned into a prison.
16 Ary nony tafiditra tao an-trano-maizina, tao amin’ ilay niefitrefitra, Jeremia, ka efa nitoetra tao andro maro,
Jeremiah was placed in a cell in the underground dungeon and was kept there for a long time.
17 dia naniraka haka azy Zedekia mpanjaka; ary ny mpanjaka nanontany azy mangingina tao an-tranony nanao hoe: Moa misy teny avy tamin’ i Jehovah tokoa va? Dia hoy Jeremia: Eny, misy; ary hoy koa izy: Hatolotra eo an-tànan’ ny mpanjakan’ i Babylona ianao.
Some while later King Zedekiah secretly sent for him and had him brought to the royal palace where he asked, “Is there a message from Lord for me?” “Yes there is,” Jeremiah replied. “You are going to be handed over to the king of Babylon.”
18 Ary hoy koa Jeremia tamin’ i Zedekia mpanjaka: Inona no ratsy nataoko taminao, na tamin’ ny mpanomponao, na tamin’ ity firenena ity, no dia nataonareo tao an-trano-maizina aho?
Then Jeremiah asked King Zedekiah, “What wrong have I done to you or your servants or these people, for you to put me in prison?
19 Aiza moa ireo mpaminaninareo, izay naminany taminareo hoe: Tsy ho avy hiady aminareo na hamely ity tany ity ny mpanjakan’ i Babylona?
Where are your prophets now, the ones who prophesied to you, saying, ‘The king of Babylon won't come and attack you and this country’?
20 Koa trarantitra ianao, ry tompokolahy mpanjaka, henoy kely ange! aoka hoborahina eto anatrehanao ny fifonako, ka aza averina ho ao amin’ ny tranon’ i Jonatana mpanoratra aho, fandrao dia maty ao.
Now please listen to me, my lord the king, and respond positively to my request. Don't send me back to prison in the house of Jonathan the scribe, otherwise I'll die there.”
21 Dia nasain’ i Zedekia mpanjaka nataony teo amin’ ny kianjan’ ny trano fiambenana Jeremia, ka nasainy nomena mofo iray isan’ andro isan’ andro avy any amin’ ny fitoeran’ ny mpanao mofo izy, ambara-pahalanin’ ny mofo rehetra tao an-tanàna. Toy izany no nitoeran’ i Jeremia teo amin’ ny kianjan’ ny trano fiambenana.
King Zedekiah gave the order for Jeremiah to be held in the guard's courtyard and be provided with a loaf of bread every day from a bakery until there was no bread left in the city. So Jeremiah stayed in the guard's courtyard.

< Jeremia 37 >