< Jeremia 37 >

1 Ary Zedekia mpanjaka, zanak’ i Josia, dia nanjaka nandimby an’ i Jekonia, zanak’ i Joiakima, fa nampanjakain’ i Nebokadnezara, mpanjakan’ i Babylona, tao amin’ ny tanin’ ny Joda izy;
2 nefa na izy, na ny mpanompony, na ny vahoaka, dia samy tsy nihaino ny tenin’ i Jehovah, izay nampilazainy an’ i Jeremia mpaminany.
Thus speaks the Lord God of Israel, saying, Write all the words which I have spoken to you in a book.
3 Ary Zedekia mpanjaka naniraka an’ i Jehokala, zanak’ i Selemia, sy Zefania, zanak’ i Mahaseia, mpisorona, ho any amin’ i Jeremia mpaminany hanao hoe: Mba ivavaho amin’ i Jehovah Andriamanitsika re izahay.
For, behold, the days come, says the Lord, when I will bring back the captivity of my people Israel and Juda, said the Lord: and I will bring them back to the land which I gave to their fathers, and they shall be lords of it.
4 Ary Jeremia mbola niditra sy nivoaka teo amin’ ny olona ihany; fa tsy mbola nataony tao an-trano-maizina izy.
5 Ary efa niainga avy tany Egypta ny miaramilan’ i Farao, ka raha nahare izany ny Kaldeana izay nanao fahirano an’ i Jerosalema, dia niala tany Jerosalema izy.
Thus said the Lord: You shall hear a sound of fear, [there is] fear, and there is not peace.
6 Dia tonga tamin’ i Jeremia mpaminany ny tenin’ i Jehovah hoe:
Enquire, and see if a male has born a child? and [ask] concerning the fear, wherein they shall hold their loins, and [look for] safety: for I have seen every man, and his hands are on his loins; [their] faces are turned to paleness.
7 Izao no lazain’ i Jehovah, Andriamanitry ny Isiraely: Izao no lazaonareo amin’ ny mpanjakan’ ny Joda, izay naniraka anareo hankatỳ amiko hanontany amiko: Indro, ny miaramilan’ i Farao, izay efa niainga hamonjy anareo, dia hiverina ho any Egypta taniny;
For that day is great, and there is not such [another]; and it is a time of straitness to Jacob; but he shall be saved out of it.
8 fa ho avy indray ny Kaldeana ka hamely ity tanana ity sady hanafaka azy sy handoro azy amin’ ny afo.
In that day, said the Lord, I will break the yoke off their neck, and will burst their bonds, and they shall no longer serve strangers:
9 Izao no lazain’ i Jehovah: Aza mamita-tena foana ianareo ka manao hoe: Hiala amintsika tokoa ny Kaldeana; fa tsy hiala izy tsy akory.
but they shall serve the Lord their God; and I will raise up to them David their king.
10 Fa na dia mamely ny miaramilan’ ny Kaldeana rehetra izay miady aminareo aza ianareo, ka izay voalefona no ho sisa velona, ireo aza dia samy hitsangana avy ao anaty lainy ka handoro ity tanàna ity amin’ ny afo.
11 Ary raha niala tany Jerosalema ny miaramilan’ ny Kaldeana noho ny amin’ ny miaramilan’ i Farao,
12 dia nivoaka Jeremia avy tao Jerosalema hankany amin’ ny tanin’ ny Benjamina mba handray izay anjarany eo amin’ ny vahoaka.
Thus says the Lord; I have brought on [you] destruction; your stroke is painful.
13 Ary raha tonga teo am-bavahadin’ i Benjamina izy, dia, indro, ny kapitenin’ ny mpiambina, atao hoe Jiria, zanak’ i Selemia, zanak’ i Hanania, no teo; dia nisambotra an’ i Jeremia mpaminany izy ka nanao hoe: Miray tetika amin’ ny Kaldeana ianao.
There is none to judge your cause: you have been painfully treated for healing, there is no help for you.
14 Fa hoy Jeremia: Lainga izany. Tsy miray tetika amin’ ny Kaldeana aho. Nefa tsy nino azy ireo, ka dia nosamborin’ i Jiria ihany Jeremia ary nentiny ho ao amin’ ny mpanapaka.
All your friends have forgotten you; they shall not ask [about you] at all, for I have struck you with he stroke of an enemy, [even] severe correction: your sins have abounded above all your iniquity.
15 Ary tezitra tamin’ i Jeremia ny mpanapaka ka nikapoka azy, dia nandatsaka azy tao an-trano-maizina tao amin’ ny tranon’ i Jonatana mpanoratra; fa izany no nataony trano-maizina.
Your sins have abounded beyond the multitude of your iniquities, [therefore] they have done these things to you. Therefore all that devour you shall be eaten, and all your enemies shall eat all their [own] flesh.
16 Ary nony tafiditra tao an-trano-maizina, tao amin’ ilay niefitrefitra, Jeremia, ka efa nitoetra tao andro maro,
And they that spoil you shall become a spoil, and I will give up to be plundered all that have plundered you.
17 dia naniraka haka azy Zedekia mpanjaka; ary ny mpanjaka nanontany azy mangingina tao an-tranony nanao hoe: Moa misy teny avy tamin’ i Jehovah tokoa va? Dia hoy Jeremia: Eny, misy; ary hoy koa izy: Hatolotra eo an-tànan’ ny mpanjakan’ i Babylona ianao.
For I will bring about your healing, I will heal you of your grievous wound, says the Lord; for you are called Dispersed: she is your prey, for no one seeks after her.
18 Ary hoy koa Jeremia tamin’ i Zedekia mpanjaka: Inona no ratsy nataoko taminao, na tamin’ ny mpanomponao, na tamin’ ity firenena ity, no dia nataonareo tao an-trano-maizina aho?
Thus said the Lord; Behold, I will turn the captivity of Jacob, and will have pity upon his prisoners; and the city shall be built upon her hill, and the people shall settle after their manner.
19 Aiza moa ireo mpaminaninareo, izay naminany taminareo hoe: Tsy ho avy hiady aminareo na hamely ity tany ity ny mpanjakan’ i Babylona?
And there shall go forth from them singers, [even] the sound of men making merry: and I will multiply them, and they shall not at all be diminished.
20 Koa trarantitra ianao, ry tompokolahy mpanjaka, henoy kely ange! aoka hoborahina eto anatrehanao ny fifonako, ka aza averina ho ao amin’ ny tranon’ i Jonatana mpanoratra aho, fandrao dia maty ao.
And their sons shall go in as before, and their testimonies shall be established before me, and I will visit them that afflict them.
21 Dia nasain’ i Zedekia mpanjaka nataony teo amin’ ny kianjan’ ny trano fiambenana Jeremia, ka nasainy nomena mofo iray isan’ andro isan’ andro avy any amin’ ny fitoeran’ ny mpanao mofo izy, ambara-pahalanin’ ny mofo rehetra tao an-tanàna. Toy izany no nitoeran’ i Jeremia teo amin’ ny kianjan’ ny trano fiambenana.
And their mighty ones shall be over them, and their prince shall proceed of themselves; and I will gather them, and they shall return to me: for who is this that has set his heart to return to me? says the Lord.
For the wrathful anger of the lord has gone forth, [even] a whirlwind of anger has gone forth: it shall come upon the ungodly.
The fierce anger of the Lord shall not return, until he shall execute [it], and until he shall establish the purpose of his heart: in the latter days you shall know these things.

< Jeremia 37 >