< Jeremia 21 >

1 Izao no teny tonga tamin’ i Jeremia avy tamin’ i Jehovah, fony Zedekia mpanjaka naniraka an’ i Pasora, zanak’ i Malkia, sy Zefania, zanak’ i Mahasela mpisorona, hankany aminy hanao hoe:
This is the message that came to Jeremiah from the Lord when King Zedekiah sent Pashhur, son of Malchijah, and the priest Zephaniah, son of Maaseiah to talk with him. They said,
2 Masìna ianao, manontania amin’ i Jehovah ho anay; miady aminay Nebokadnezara, mpanjakan’ i Babylona, angamba Jehovah hanao aminay araka ny asany mahagaga rehetra, mba hialan’ ireo aminay.
“Please speak with Lord on our behalf because Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon is attacking us. Perhaps the Lord will do some miracle for us like all those miracles he used to do, so that Nebuchadnezzar will retreat from us.”
3 Dia hoy Jeremia taminy: Lazaonareo amin’ i Zedekia hoe:
But Jeremiah replied, “Tell Zedekiah this:
4 Izao no lazain’ i Jehovah, Andriamanitry ny Isiraely: Indro, haveriko ny fiadiana eny an-tananareo, izay entinareo miady eny ivelan’ ny manda amin’ ny mpanjakan’ i Babylona sy amin’ ny Kaldeana, izay manao fahirano anareo, ka hangoniko eto afovoan’ ity tanàna ity ireo.
This is what the Lord, the God of Israel, says: I'm going to turn the weapons you're holding against you, the weapons you're using to fight the king of Babylon and the Babylonian army outside the wall besieging you. I'm going to bring them right into the center of this city.
5 Ary Izaho no hiady aminareo amin’ ny tanana ahinjitra sy amin’ ny sandry mahery ary amin’ ny fahavinirana sy ny fisafoahana ary ny fahatezerana mirehitra.
I myself will fight against you with all my power and might, with the full force of my furious anger.
6 Ary hamely ny mponina amin’ ity tanàna ity Aho, na olona, na biby: ho fatin’ ny aretim-be mandringana izy.
I will kill those living in this city, human beings and animals. They will die from a terrible plague.
7 Ary rehefa afaka izany, hoy Jehovah, Zedekia, mpanjakan’ ny Joda, sy ny mpanompony sy ny vahoaka ary izay sisa tsy matin’ ny areti-mandringana sy ny sabatra sy ny mosary amin’ ity tanàna ity dia hatolotro eo an-tànan’ i Nebokadnezara, mpanjakan’ i Babylona, sy eo an-tànan’ ny fahavalony sy eo an-tànan’ izay mitady ny ainy; dia hamely azy amin’ ny lelan-tsabatra ireo, fa tsy hitsitsy na hiantra azy, na hamindra fo aminy.
After that, declares the Lord, I'm going to hand you over, Zedekiah king of Judah, as well as your officers and the people who are left in this city after the plague and war and famine, to Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon and to your enemies who want you dead. He will attack you; he won't spare you or show you any pity or mercy.
8 Ary ity firenena ity dia hilazanao hoe: Izao no lazain’ i Jehovah: Indro, ataoko eo anoloanareo ny lalan’ ny fiainana sy ny lalan’ ny fahafatesana:
Tell the people this as well: This is what the Lord says: Look, I'm placing before you the path of life and the path of death.
9 Izay mbola mitoetra eto amin’ ity tanàna ity ihany dia ho fatin-tsabatra sy mosary ary areti-mandringana; fa izay mivoaka hanatona ny Kaldeana izay manao fahirano anareo kosa dia ho velona, ka ny ainy no ho babony.
If you stay in this city you'll die either by sword and famine and plague, but if you leave and surrender to the Babylonians who are besieging you, you will live. In fact it will be like gaining your life as plunder from a war.
10 Fa efa manandrina ity tanàna ity Aho hahatonga loza aminy, fa tsy soa, hoy Jehovah; hatolotro eo an-tànan’ ny mpanjakan’ i Babylona ity ka hodoroany amin’ ny afo.
For I am determined to bring disaster on this city, and not blessings, declares the Lord. It will be handed over to the king of Babylon, who will destroy it with fire.
11 Ary henoy ny tenin’ i Jehovah ny amin’ ny taranaky ny mpanjakan’ ny Joda sy ny mpianakaviny.
In addition tell the royal family of the king of Judah to listen to the Lord's message:
12 Ry taranak’ i Davida, izao no lazain’ i Jehovah: Mitsarà isa-maraina, afaho amin’ ny tanan’ ny mpampahory ny alona norobaina, fandrao mivoaka toy ny afo ny fahatezerako ary mirehitra ka tsy hisy hamono noho ny faharatsian’ ny ataonareo.
Descendants of David, this is what the Lord says: Make sure you judge fairly every day. Protect those who are being unjustly treated from those corrupt people, otherwise because of their evil actions my anger will blaze out like fire that can't be put out.
13 Indro, hohatoniko ianao, ry mponina an-dohasaha, dia eo amin’ ny vatolampy amin’ ny tany lemaka, hoy Jehovah, dia ianareo izay manao hoe: Iza moa no sahy hidina hamely anay? Ary iza no sahy hiditra ato amin’ ny fonenanay?
Watch out, because I'm going to fight against you people who live above the valley on top of a flat rock, declares the Lord. You say, ‘Who can attack us? Who can break down our defenses?’
14 Fa hamaly anareo araka ny vokatry ny asanareo Aho, hoy Jehovah, ary handrehitra afo ao amin’ ny alany, ka handevona ny manodidina azy rehetra izany.
I'm going to punish you as you deserve for what you've done, declares the Lord. I will set your forest on fire and it will burn up everything around you.”

< Jeremia 21 >