< Jeremia 2 >

1 Ary tonga tamiko ny tenin’ i Jehovah hoe:
And he said, Thus says the Lord,
2 Mandehana, ka miantsoa eo anatrehan’ i Jerosalema hoe: Izao no lazain’ i Jehovah: Tsaroako ny niraiketan’ ny fonao tamiko, fony ianao mbola tanora, sy ny fitiavanao, fony ianao vao nampakarina, dia ilay nanarahanao Ahy tany an-efitra, teny amin’ ny tany tsy mbola nifafy zavatra;
I remember the kindness of your youth, and the love of your espousals,
3 Masìna ho an’ i Jehovah ny Isiraely sady santatra amin’ ny vokany; Izay rehetra nihinana azy dia nohelohina, ny loza no nanjo ireny, hoy Jehovah.
in following the Holy One of Israel, says the Lord, Israel was the holy [people] to the Lord, [and] the first fruits of his increase: all that devoured him shall offend; evils shall come upon them, says the Lord.
4 Mihainoa ny tenin’ i Jehovah, ry taranak’ i Jakoba, sy ianareo, ry fokony rehetra amin’ ny taranak’ Isiraely!
Hear the word of the Lord, O house of Jacob, and every family of the house of Israel.
5 Izao no lazain’ i Jehovah: Inona moa no tsy marina hitan’ ny razanareo tamiko, no dia nanalavitra Ahy izy sady nanaraka ny zava-poana, ka dia tonga zava-poana koa izy?
Thus says the Lord, What trespass have your fathers found in me, that they have revolted far from me, and gone after vanities, and become vain?
6 Ary izy tsy nanao hoe: Aiza Jehovah Izay nitondra antsika niakatra avy tany amin’ ny tany Egypta sady nitarika antsika tany an-efitra, dia ilay tany foana sady be lavaka, tany karankaina sady aloky ny fahafatesana, tany izay tsy mba nalehan’ olona akory na nonenan’ olona?
And they said not, Where is the Lord, who brought us up out of the land of Egypt, who guided us in the wilderness, in an untried and trackless land, in a land which no man at all went through, and no man lived there?
7 Ary nitondra anareo niditra ho any amin’ ny tany mahavokatra Aho, mba hihinananareo ny vokatra sy ny zavatra tsara eo aminy; Kanjo nony tafiditra ianareo, dia nolotoinareo ny taniko, sady novetavetainareo ny lovako.
And I brought you to Carmel, that you should eat the fruits thereof, and the good thereof; and you went in, and defiled my land, and made mine heritage an abomination.
8 Ny mpisorona tsy nanao hoe: Aiza Jehovah? Ary ny mpiadidy ny lalàna tsy nahalala Ahy; Ny mpitondra koa nanota tamiko, ary ny mpaminany naminany tamin’ ny anaran’ i Bala ka nanaraka ireny tsy mahasoa.
The priests said not, Where is the Lord? and they that held by the law knew me not: the shepherds also sinned against me, and the prophets prophesied by Baal, and went after that which profited not.
9 Koa mbola hifandahatra aminareo Aho, hoy Jehovah, sy hiady amin’ ny zafinareo koa.
Therefore I will yet plead with you, and will plead with your children's children.
10 Fa mità ho any amin’ ny moron-dranomasin’ i Kitima, ka izahao, ary maniraha ho any Kedara, ka diniho tsara, dia aoka ho hitanareo na mba efa nisy toy izao, na tsia:
For go to the isles of the Chettians, and se; and send to Kedar, and observe accurately, and see if such things have been done;
11 Moa nisy firenena efa nanova ny andriamaniny va? Nefa ireny dia tsy Andriamanitra akory. Fa ny oloko kosa efa nanakalo ny voninahiny tamin’ ireny tsy mahasoa ireny.
if the nations will change their gods, though they are not gods: but my people have changed their glory, [for that] from which they shall not be profited.
12 Talanjona amin’ izany ry lanitra! Ary matahora, ka mangorohoroa indrindra, ianareo! hoy Jehovah;
The heaven is amazed at this, and is very exceedingly horror-struck, says the Lord.
13 Fa zava-dratsy roa loha no nataon’ ny oloko: Efa nahafoy Ahy, loharanon’ aina, izy ka nihady lavaka famorian-drano ho an’ ny tenany, nefa lavaka mitriatriatra tsy mahatan-drano.
For my people has committed two [faults], and evil ones: they have forsaken me, the fountain of water of life, and hewn out for themselves broken cisterns, which will not be able to hold water.
14 Moa mpanompo va Isiraely? Ompikely va izy? Koa nahoana no voababo izy?
Is Israel a servant, or a home-born slave? why has he become a spoil?
15 Hamely azy no ampieronan’ ny liona tanora sy amoahany feo ka mahatonga ny taniny ho lao nodorana ny tanànany, ka tsy nisy mponina.
The lions roared upon him, and uttered their voice, which have made his land a wilderness: and his cities are broken down, that they should not be inhabited.
16 Ny mponina tao Memfisa sy Tapanesa aza efa nampangadihady ny tampon-dohanao.
Also the children of Memphis and Taphnas have known you, and mocked you.
17 Moa tsy ny nahafoizanao an’ i Jehovah Andriamanitrao tamin’ ny andro nitondrany anao teny an-dalana va no nahatonga izany taminao?
Has not your forsaking me brought these things upon you? says the Lord your God.
18 Koa inona no anton’ ny ankanesanao amin’ ny lalana mankany Egypta Hisotro ny ranon’ i Sihora? Ary inona no anton’ ny ankanesanao amin’ ny lalana mankany Asyria hisotro ny rano amin’ ny Ony?
And now what have you to do with the way of Egypt, to drink the water of Geon? and what have you to do with the way of the Assyrians, to drink the water of rivers?
19 Ny haratsianao no anafaizana anao, ary ny fihodinanao no ananarana anao; Koa fantaro sy hevero fa ratsy sady mangidy ny nahafoizanao an’ i Jehovah Andriamanitrao sy ny tsy nisian’ ny tahotrao Ahy, hoy Jehovah, Tompon’ ny maro.
Your apostasy shall correct you, and your wickedness shall reprove you: know then, and see, that your forsaking me [has been] bitter to you, says the Lord your God; and I have taken no pleasure in you, says the Lord your God.
20 Fa hatramin’ ny ela no efa nanapahanao ny zioga taminao sy efa nanitosanao ny fatoranao, ka hoy ianao: Tsy hety hanompo aho; Nefa teny amin’ ny havoana andrandraina sy teny ambanin’ ny hazo maitso rehetra no nandrianao nijangajanganao.
For of old you have broken your yoke, and plucked asunder your bands; and you has said, I will not serve you, but will go upon every high hill, and under every shady tree, there will I indulge in my fornication.
21 Fa Izaho namboly anao ho karazam-boaloboka tsara indrindra, dia rantsana tsara avokoa; Ka ahoana no nanjary sampany ratsy ianao ho voaloboka hafa?
Yet I planted you a fruitful vine, entirely of the right sort: how are you a strange vine turned to bitterness!
22 Fa na dia misasa sirahazo aza ianao ka maka lavenona betsaka hanadiovana anao, ny helokao dia mbola voasoratra eo anatrehako ihany, hoy Jehovah Tompo.
Though you should wash yourself with nitre, and multiply to yourself soap, [still] you are stained by your iniquities before me, says the Lord.
23 Ahoana no anaovanao hoe: Tsy nanao izay nahaloto ahy aho, tsy nanaraka ireo Bala aho? Hevero ny nalehanao tany amin’ ilay lohasaha, fantaro izay nataonao, ry ramevavavy haingam-pandeha mivezivezy amin’ ny alehany,
How will you say, I am not polluted, and have not gone after Baal? behold your ways in the burial-ground, and know what you have done: her voice has howled in the evening:
24 Sy ry borikivavi-dia tamàna any an-efitra, izay manimbolo ny rivotra noho ny faniriany; Ary ny fahamaimaizany iza no mahasakana azy? Izay rehetra mitady azy dia tsy ho sasa-poana; Fa amin’ ny volany no hahitany azy.
she has extended her ways over the waters of the desert; she was hurried along by the lusts of her soul; she is given up [to them], who will turn her back? none that seek her shall be weary; at [the time of] her humiliation they shall find her.
25 Aza esorina ny kapa amin’ ny tongotrao; Ary aoka tsy ho maina ny tendanao; Nefa hoy ianao: Tsy misy fanantenana; Tsia! fa ny hafa no tiako, ka dia hanaraka azy aho.
Withdraw your foot from a rough way, and your throat from thirst: but she said I will strengthen myself: for she loved strangers, and went after them.
26 Toy ny fangaihain’ ny mpangalatra, raha azo, dia toy izany ny fangaihain’ ny taranak’ Isiraely, eny, izy sy ny mpanjakany sy ny lehibeny sy ny mpisorony ary ny mpaminaniny,
As is the shame of a thief when he is caught, so shall the children of Israel be ashamed; they, and their kings, and their princes, and their priests, and their prophets.
27 Dia izay manao amin’ ny tapa-kazo hoe: Raiko ianao, ary amin’ ny vato hoe: Hianao no niteraka ahy; Fa efa niamboho Ahy izy ka tsy nanatrika Ahy; Nefa amin’ ny andro fahoriany kosa dia vao hanao hoe izy: Mitsangàna, ka vonjeo izahay.
They said to a stock, You are my father; and to a stone, You has begotten me: and they have turned [their] backs to me, and not their faces: yet in the time of their afflictions they will say, Arise, and save us.
28 Fa aiza ireny andriamanitrao izay nataonao ho anao? Aoka hitsangana ireny, raha mahavonjy anao amin’ ny andro fahorianao fa araka ny isan’ ny tanànanao, ry Joda, no isan’ ny andriamanitrao.
And where are your gods, which you made for yourself? will they arise and save in the time of your affliction? for according to the number of your cities were your gods, O Juda; and according to the number of the streets of Jerusalem they sacrificed to Baal.
29 Nahoana no mifandahatra amiko ianareo? Fa samy efa niodina tamiko ianareo rehetra, hoy Jehovah.
Therefore do you speak to me? you all have been ungodly, and you all have transgressed against me, says the Lord.
30 Foana ny namelezako ny zanakareo, fa tsy zaka nanarina izy; Ny sabatrareo nandringana ny mpaminaninareo, toy ny liona mamiravira.
In vain have I struck your children; you have not received correction: a sword has devoured your prophets as a destroying lion; yet you feared not.
31 Ry taranaka, dinihonareo ny tenin’ i Jehovah! Moa efa nanjary tany efitra ho an’ ny Isiraely va Aho, na tany maizim-pito? Nahoana ny oloko no manao hoe: Afaka mikarenjy izahay ka tsy hankany aminao intsony?
Hear you the word of the Lord: thus says the Lord, Have I been a wilderness or a dry land to Israel? therefore has my people said, We will not be ruled over, and will not come to you any more?
32 Hanadino ny firàvany va ny virijina, na hanadino ny fehin-kibony misy haingony va ny ampakarina? Nefa tsy hita isa ny andro nanadinoan’ ny oloko Ahy.
Will a bride forget her ornaments, or a virgin her girdle? but my people has forgotten me days without number.
33 Kanto izany fandehanao hitady fitia izany, ka zarinao ho amin’ ny ratsy ny dianao!
What fair device will you yet employ in your ways, so as to seek love? [it shall] not [be] so; moreover you has done wickedly in corrupting your ways;
34 Ary koa eo an-tsisin-dambanao no ahitana ny ran’ ny olona malahelo izay tsy manan-tsiny, tsy tamin’ ny tami-trano no nahazoanao azy, fa tamin’ izany rehetra izany.
and in your hands has been found the blood of innocent souls; I have not found them in holes, but on every oak.
35 Nefa hoy ianao: Tsy manan-tsiny aho, efa afaka amiko tokoa ny fahatezerany. Indro, hifandahatra aminao Aho noho ny anaovanao hoe: Tsy nanota aho.
Yet you said, I am innocent: only let his wrath be turned away from me. Behold, I [will] plead with you, whereas you say, I have not sinned.
36 Nahoana ianao no maika hanova ny alehanao? Fa ho menatra noho ny amin’ i Egypta koa ianao, toy ny nahamenaranao noho ny amin’ i Asyria.
For you has been so exceedingly contemptuous as to repeat your ways; but you shall be ashamed of Egypt, as you were ashamed of Assur.
37 Izany koa dia hialanao, ka hiloloha tanana ianao; Fa nolavin’ i Jehovah ny tokinao, ka tsy hambinina amin’ ireo ianao.
For you shall go forth thence also with your hands upon your head; for the Lord has rejected your hope, and you shall not prosper in it.

< Jeremia 2 >