< Jeremia 14 >

1 Ny tenin’ i Jehovah izay tonga tamin’ i Jeremia ny amin’ ny mosary.
After there had been no rain [in Judah] for a long time, Yahweh gave me this message:
2 Misaona ny Joda, ary mitanondrika ny vavahadiny; Mitafy lamba fioriana izy ka mipetraka amin’ ny tany; Ary miakatra ny fitarainan’ i Jerosalema.
[The people in] Judah are very distressed; people [are sitting] on the ground and mourning; [in all of] Jerusalem people are crying loudly.
3 Ny lehibeny maniraka ny madinika hantsaka rano; Dia tonga any amin’ ny lavaka famorian-drano ireny, nefa tsy mahita rano ka miverina mitondra loha mody; Menatra sy mangaihay izy ka misaron-doha.
The rich people send their servants to [wells] to get water, but [all] the wells are dry. The servants return with empty pitchers; they cover their heads [because they are ashamed and humiliated/disappointed and sad].
4 Noho ny fangentan’ ny tany, noho ny tsy nilatsahan’ ny ranonorana taminy, dia menatra ny mpiasa ka misaron-doha.
The ground is extremely dry and cracked open because there has been no rain. The farmers are very worried, [so] they [also] cover their heads.
5 Ary na dia ny dieravavy any an-tsaha aza, raha miteraka, dia mahafoy noho ny tsi-fisian’ ny ahi-maitso.
Even the (does/female deer) abandon their newborn babies/fawns because there is no grass in the fields [for them to eat].
6 Ary ny borikidia mijanona eny an-tendrombohitra mangadihady, mihanahana maniry ny rivotra toy ny amboadia izy; Manjambena ny masony noho ny tsi-fisian’ ny ahitra.
The wild donkeys stand on the barren hills, panting like [SIM] [thirsty] jackals/wolves. They become blind because there is no grass [to eat].
7 Ry Jehovah ô, na dia miampanga anay aza ny helokay, miasà ihany Hianao noho ny anaranao; Fa be ny fiodinanay, taminao no nanotanay.
[The people say], “Yahweh, we have turned away from you and sinned many times, and now we know that we are being punished because of our sins, but please help us in order that everyone can see that you are very great [MTY].
8 Ry Fanantenan’ ny Isiraely ô, Mpamonjy azy amin’ ny andro fahoriana! Nahoana Hianao no dia toy ny vahiny amin’ ny tany ary toy ny mpandeha izay manorin-day handry indray alina monja?
You are the one whom [we] Israelis confidently expect [to do good things for us] when we have [many] troubles/difficulties. So, why do you [not help us]? You act as though you are a stranger in our land, like you are someone who is staying here for only one night.
9 Nahoana Hianao no dia toy ny olona ankona ary toy ny lehilahy mahery tsy mahavonjy? Nefa mbola ato aminay ihany Hianao, Jehovah ô, ary ny anaranao dia efa nantsoina taminay; Aza dia mandao anay.
Are you also surprised [about the terrible things that are happening to us]? Why do you act like you are unable to save anyone, even though you are a strong warrior? Yahweh, you are [here] among us, and [others know that] we are your people, [so] do not abandon us!”
10 Izao no lazain’ i Jehovah amin’ ity firenena ity: Te-hirenireny toy izao izy, ka tsy mahajanona ny tongony; Tsy sitrak’ i Jehovah izy, Ankehitriny dia tsaroany ny helony, ary valiany ny fahotany.
And this is what Yahweh says to those people: “You love to wander away [from me]; you run [MTY] from one [idol] to another. Therefore, now I will no [longer] accept you, and I will punish you for your sins.”
11 Dia hoy Jehovah tamiko: Aza mivavaka ho an’ ity firenena ity hahasoa azy.
[Then] Yahweh said to me, “Do not pray for these people [any more].
12 Fa na dia mifady hanina aza izy, dia tsy hihaino ny fitarainany Aho; Ary na dia manatitra fanatitra dorana sy fanatitra hohanina aza izy, dia tsy hankasitraka azy Aho, fa haripako amin’ ny sabatra sy ny mosary ary ny areti-mandringana izy.
When they (fast/abstain from food in order to honor me), I will not pay any attention. When they bring [to me] their offerings [of animals] to be completely burned [on the altar] and their offerings of grain, I will not accept them. Instead, I will get rid of them by wars, by famines, and by diseases.”
13 Dia hoy izaho: Indrisy, Jehovah Tompo ô! Indreo ny mpaminany manao aminy hoe: Tsy hiharan’ ny sabatra ianareo, ary tsy ho mosarena; Fa homeko fiadanana maharitra eto amin’ ity tany ity ianareo.
Then I replied to him, “Yahweh [my] God, [their] prophets are telling the people that they will not experience wars [MTY] or famines. They are telling the people that you will surely allow us to have peace in our land [for many years].”
14 Dia hoy Jehovah tamiko: Ireo mpaminany ireo dia maminany lainga amin’ ny anarako; Tsy naniraka azy Aho, na nandidy azy, na niteny taminy; Fa fahitana mandainga sy faminaniana tsy marina ary tsinotsinona sy fitaky ny fony no aminaniany aminareo.
Yahweh replied to me, “Those prophets say that they are speaking what I tell them to say [MTY], but they are telling lies. I did not send them, [so] what they are saying is false. They say that they have received visions from me, and that they are telling things that I have revealed to them, but that is not true. They are saying foolish things that they have only thought of themselves.
15 Koa izao no lazain’ i Jehovah ny amin’ ireo mpaminany izay maminany amin’ ny Anarako ireo nefa tsy nirahiko tsinona ka milaza fa tsy hisy sabatra sy mosary eto amin’ ity tany ity: Ny sabatra sy ny mosary indrindra no handringanana ireo mpaminany ireo.
So this is what I say about those prophets who are predicting what will happen, saying that I told them those things: They are saying that we Israelis will not die from wars or famines, but I did not send those prophets. And they themselves will die from wars or from famines.
16 Ary ny firenena izay aminanian’ ireo koa dia hiely faty eny an-dalamben’ i Jerosalema noho ny mosary sy ny sabatra, ka tsy hisy mpandevina ireny, na ny tenany, na ny vadiny, na ny zananilahy, na ny zananivavy, fa haidiko ao aminy ny faharatsiany.
And the people to whom they are predicting these things, they and their wives and their sons and their daughters, will [also die] from wars or from famines. [Their corpses will] be thrown into the streets of Jerusalem, and there will not be anyone to bury them. I will punish them like they deserve to be punished.
17 Koa lazao aminy izao teny izao: Ny ranomasoko hijononoka andro aman’ alina ka tsy hitsahatra; Fa ny oloko, zanakavavy virijina, naratra mafy dia mafy tamin’ ny kapoka maharary indrindra.
[So, Jeremiah], tell this to them [about yourself]: ‘Day and night my eyes are full of tears. I cannot stop crying. I cry for my people, who are [very precious to me, as if they were] [MET] my daughters. I cry for them because they have been severely wounded; they have been severely crushed [DOU].
18 Raha mivoaka any an-tsaha aho, dia indreny ny matin-tsabatra! Ary raha miditra ao an-tanàna kosa aho, dia indreo ny anan’ ny mosary! Eny, ny mpaminany sy ny mpisorona dia mirenireny mankamin’ ny tany tsy fantany.
If I go out into the fields, I see [corpses of] people who have been slaughtered by our enemies. If I walk along the streets of the city, I see [corpses of people who died] from hunger. The prophets and the priests travel through the land, preaching to people, but they do not know [what they are doing] (OR, [in a land] that they know nothing about).’”
19 Efa narianao tokoa va Joda? Efa naharikoriko ny fanahinao va Ziona? Nahoana no dia mamely anay Hianao, ka efa tsy mety sitrana izahay? Nanantena fiadanana izahay, kanjo tsy nahita asa, ary andro fanasitranana, fa indro fampitahorana.
[Then I prayed this]: “[Yahweh], have you completely rejected [the people of] Judah? Do you really despise [the people of] Jerusalem [MTY]? Why have you [RHQ] wounded us very badly, with the result that we will never be healed? We hoped that we would have peace, but there was no peace. We hoped that there would be a time when we would be healed, but all that we received were things that terrified us.
20 Jehovah ô, tsaroanay ny faharatsianay sy ny heloky ny razanay; Fa efa nanota taminao izahay.
Yahweh, we admit/know that we are wicked people, and that our ancestors [also] did many wicked things. We have [all] sinned against you.
21 Noho ny amin’ ny anaranao dia aza arianao izahay; Aza atao ho tsinontsinona ny seza fiandrianan’ ny voninahitrao; Tsarovy, ka aza tsoahanao ny fanekenao taminay.
But [Yahweh], in order that we may honor [MTY] you, do not despise/abandon us. Do not dishonor [the city where] [MTY] your glorious throne is. [Please] do not forget [us], and do not (break your agreement with us/stop doing what you agreed to do for us).
22 Mba misy mahalatsaka ranonorana va ireny sampin’ ny jentilisa ireny? Na mahay mandatsaka ranonorana mivatravatra va ny lanitra? Fa tsy Hianao ihany va no Izy, ry Jehovah Andriamanitray ô? Koa manantena Anao izahay, satria Hianao no nanao ireo zavatra rehetra ireo.
Those idols that [have been brought from] other nations certainly cannot [RHQ] bring rain [to us], and the sky certainly cannot [RHQ] cause rain to fall. Yahweh our God, you are the only one who can do things like that. So we will confidently expect you [to help us].”

< Jeremia 14 >