< Isaia 42 >

1 Indro ny Mpanompoko, Izay tantanako, dia Ilay voafidiko sady sitraky ny foko Napetrako tao aminy ny Fanahiko; Hamoaka fitsipika ho an’ ny jentilisa Izy.
Look! Here is my servant, the one I support; my chosen one who pleases me. I have placed my Spirit on him, and he will show the nations what is right.
2 Tsy hiantsoantso Izy, na hanandratra ny feony, na hanao izay handrenesana ny feony eny an-dalana.
He won't shout or cry out; he won't raise his voice in the street.
3 Tsy hotapahiny ny volotara torotoro, ary tsy hovonoiny ny lahin-jiro manetona; Hamoaka izay tena rariny tokoa Izy.
He won't break a damaged reed; he won't snuff out a smoldering wick. He will faithfully make sure everyone is treated fairly.
4 Tsy ho reraka na ho kivy Izy, Mandra-panoriny ny rariny amin’ ny tany, ary ny nosy hiandry ny lalàny.
He won't give up or become discouraged until he has made sure that justice is upheld throughout the world. Even lands overseas will look forward to his teachings.
5 Izao no lazain’ i Jehovah Andriamanitra, Izay nahary ny lanitra sy nanenjana azy, Izay namelatra ny tany sy ny vokatra avy aminy, Izay manome fofonaina ny olona eo aminy sy fanahy ho an’ izay mandeha eo aminy:
This is what God the Lord says, the one who created the heavens and stretched them out, who made the earth and everything in it, who gives breath to the people on it, and life to those who live there:
6 Izaho Jehovah efa niantso Anao tamin’ ny fahamarinana sy nitantana ny tananao, Ary hiaro Anao Aho ka hanome Anao ho fanekena ho an’ ny olona, Ho fanazavana ny jentilisa,
“I, the Lord, have called you to demonstrate what's right, and I will hold your hand. I will take care of you, and give you as a sign of my agreement with the people and as a light to the nations.
7 Hampahiratra ny mason’ ny jamba, hamoaka ny mpifatotra hiala ao an-trano-maizina ary izay mipetraka ao amin’ ny maizina hiala ao an-trano famatorana.
You will make the blind see, set free those who are locked up, and lead those who sit in darkness out from prison.
8 Izaho no Jehovah, izany no anarako, ka ny voninahitro tsy homeko ny hafa, na ny fiderana Ahy ho an’ ny sarin-javatra voasokitra.
I am the Lord—that is my name! I do not give my honor to anyone else; I do not give my praise to idols.
9 Ny amin’ ny zavatra taloha, dia indreo, efa miseho; Ary zava-baovao kosa no toriko izao; Na dia tsy mbola miposaka aza ireny, dia ambarako aminareo.
Notice that what I foretold has come true, as will the new things I'm saying to you now. I tell you what will happen before it does.”
10 Hianareo izay midìna any amin’ ny ranomasina sy ny ao aminy rehetra, dia ianareo nosy sy ny mponina ao aminy, samia mihira fihiram-baovao ho an’ i Jehovah, dia ny fiderana Azy hatramin’ ny faran’ ny tany.
Sing a new song to the Lord! Sing praise from everywhere on earth, you who sail on the sea and everything in it, you islands and everyone who lives in them.
11 Aoka ny efitra sy ireo tanàna eny aminy hanandratra ny feony, dia ny vohitra izay onenan’ i Kedara; Aoka hihoby ny mponina any Sela; Ary aoka hanao feo avo any an-tampon’ ny tendrombohitra izy.
Let the people in the desert and its towns shout; let the people of the villages of Kedar cry out loud. Let the people of Sela sing for joy; let them shout from the mountaintops.
12 Aoka hanome voninahitra an’ i Jehovah izy Ary hitory ny fiderana Azy any amin’ ny nosy.
Let them glorify the Lord and praise him in the islands.
13 Jehovah mivoaka tahaka ny lehilahy mahery, tahaka ny fanaon’ ny mpiady no amohazany ny fahatezerany; Miantsoantso Izy, eny, mihiaka mafy; Mampiseho hery haharesy ny fahavalony Izy.
Like a mighty warrior the Lord will march out, like a seasoned soldier he goes out with courage. He gives his war-cry, shouting as he battles and defeats his enemies.
14 Efa tsy niteny Aho hatrizay hatrizay, nangina ihany Aho ka nanindry fo; Fa izao Aho dia mitaraina tahaka ny vehivavy raha miteraka, eny, miehakehaka tsy avy miaina.
“I didn't say anything for a long time, I kept quiet and restrained myself. But now like a woman giving birth, I will moan and gasp and pant.
15 Hataoto mariry ny tendrombohitra sy ny havoana, hataoko maina ny ahitra rehetra ao aminy, ary ny ony ho tonga nosy, Ary hataoko tankina ny farihy.
I will dry up the mountains and the hills, and make all their greenery wither. I will turn rivers into islands and dry up the pools.
16 Hitarika ny jamba amin’ izay lalana tsy fantany Aho; ary amin’ ny lalana tsy fantany no hitondrako azy; Ny maizina dia hataoko mazava eo anoloany, ary ny mikitoantoana halamako tsara; Izany zavatra izany no hataoko aminy ka tsy hamelako.
I will lead the blind along a road they don't know; I will guide them along paths they don't know. I will turn darkness into light before them, and smooth out the rough places. This is what I'm going to do for them; I won't let them down.
17 Hihemotra sady ho menatra tokoa izay matoky ny sarin-javatra voasokitra, dia izay manao amin’ ny sarin-javatra an-idina hoe: Hianareo no andriamanitray.
But those who trust in idols and say to images, ‘You are our gods!’ will be rejected in humiliation and shame.
18 Mihainoa ianareo, ry marenina; Ary mijere, ry jamba, mba hahita.
Listen, you deaf people! Look and see, you blind people!
19 Iza no jamba, afa-tsy ny mpanompoko? Ary iza no marenina tahaka ny iraka izay irahiko? Iza no jamba tahaka ny sakaizan’ i Jehovah, ary jamba tahaka ny mpanompony?
Who is blind like my servant? Who is deaf like my messenger that I send? Who is as blind as the people of the agreement? Who is as blind as the servant of the Lord?
20 Mahita zavatra maro ianao, nefa tsy mitandrina; Manongilana ny sofiny izy, nefa tsy mihaino.
You've looked at many things but have not really seen; you've heard but never really listened.”
21 Sitrak’ i Jehovah noho ny fahamarinany ny hahalehibe ny lalàna sy ny hahabe voninahitra azy.
Because the Lord does what is right he wanted to show how important and wonderful his instructions were.
22 Kanefa ity dia firenena nobaboina sy norobaina; Voafandrika ao an-davaka avokoa izy rehetra ary voàfina ao an-trano-maizina; Voababo izy, ka tsy misy mamonjy; Voasambotra izy, ka tsy misy manao hoe: Ampodio.
But this people ended up robbed and raided, all of them trapped in holes or hidden in prisons. They have been stolen like loot, with no one to save them from being someone's prize, no one to say “Give them back!”
23 Iza aminareo no hihaino iza-ny? Iza no handre, dia hitandrina izany amin’ ny andro ho avy?
Who of you is going to listen to this, or pay attention later on?
24 Iza no nanolotra an’ i Jakoba hosamborina, ary Isiraely ho an’ ny mpamabo? Tsy Jehovah, Izay efa nanotantsika va? Satria tsy nety nandeha tamin’ ny lalany ireo, sady tsy nety nihaino ny lalàny;
Who let Jacob be taken as loot; who let Israel be taken by robbers? Wasn't it the Lord who we sinned against? The people weren't willing to follow his ways, and they refused to obey his law.
25 Ka dia nalatsany taminy ny firehitry ny fahatezerany sy ny halozan’ ny ady; Dia nampirehitra azy manodidina izany nefa tsy fantany; Ary nandoro azy, nefa tsy noheverin’ ny fony
So he poured out his furious anger on them, and the violence of war. Even though they were surrounded by flames, but they still didn't understand. The fire burned them up, but they still did not take the situation seriously.

< Isaia 42 >