< Isaia 4 >

1 Ary amin’ izany andro izany dia hisy vehivavy fito hihazona lehilahy iray ka hanao hoe: Ny haninay ihany no hohaninay, ary ny lambanay ihany no hotafinay; Fa izao ihany no angatahinay: Aoka hotononina amin’ ny anaranao izahay, Ka afaho tondromaso
Seven women shall take hold of one man in that day, saying, "We will eat our own bread, and wear our own clothing: only let us be called by your name. Take away our reproach."
2 Amin’ izany andro izany ny rantsan’ i Jehovah dia ho tonga fahatsaran-tarehy sy voninahitra, Ary ny vokatry ny tany dia ho rehareha sy firavaka ho an’ ny Isiraely sisa afaka;
In that day, the LORD's branch will be beautiful and glorious, and the fruit of the land will be the beauty and glory of the survivors of Israel.
3 Ary izay sisa any Ziona sy izay mbola mitoetra any Jerosalema dia hatao hoe masìna. Dia izay rehetra voasoratra ho isan’ ny velona any Jerosalema.
It will happen, that he who is left in Zion, and he who remains in Jerusalem, shall be called holy, even everyone who is written among the living in Jerusalem;
4 Rehefa voasasan’ ny Tompo ho afaka amin’ ny fahalotoany ireo zanakavavin’ i Ziona, Ary rehefa voadion’ ny fanahy fitsarana, sy ny fanahy fandringanana Jerosalema, Ho afaka amin’ ny ran’ olona nalatsany.
when the LORD shall have washed away the filth of the daughters of Zion, and shall have purged the blood of Jerusalem from its midst, by the spirit of justice, and by the spirit of burning.
5 Ary Jehovah hamorona rahona sy setroka raha antoandro Sy fahazavan’ ny afo midedadeda nony alina Ho eny ambonin’ ny fitoerana rehetra any an-tendrombohitra Ziona Sy ho eny ambonin’ ny fivoriany rehetra; Ary eny ambonin’ ny voninahitra rehetra dia hisy eloelo
The LORD will create over the whole habitation of Mount Zion, and over her assemblies, a cloud and smoke by day, and the shining of a flaming fire by night; for over all the glory will be a canopy.
6 Ka hisy trano-lay ho fialokalofana amin’ ny hainandro raha antoandro Ary ho fialofana sy fierena amin’ ny tafio-drivotra sy ny ranonorana.
There will be a pavilion for a shade in the daytime from the heat, and for a refuge and for a shelter from storm and from rain.

< Isaia 4 >