< Isaia 3 >
1 Fa, indro, Jehovah, Tompon’ ny maro, Manaisotra amin’ i Jerosalema sy Joda izay andry sy tohana rehetra: Dia ny mofo sy ny rano rehetra, izay tohan’ aina,
The Commander of the armies of angels is about to take away from Jerusalem and [other places in] Judea everything that you depend on— all your food and water.
2 Ny lehilahy mahery sy ny mpiady, Ny mpitsara sy ny mpaminany, Ny mpanao fankatovana sy ny loholona,
He will take away your heroes and your [other] soldiers, your judges and your prophets, people who do rituals to find out what will happen in the future and the elders,
3 Ny mpifehy ny dimam-polo sy ny manan-kaja, Ny mpanolo-tsaina sy ny mahay zavatra Ary ny mahay ny fiboeriboeriky ny mpanao ody.
army officers and [other] officials, advisors and skilled craftsmen and those who perform rituals to predict the future.
4 Ary hanendry ankizilahy madinika ho lehibeny Aho, Ary ny haitraitran-jaza no hanapaka azy.
He will appoint boys to be your leaders; your children will rule you.
5 Ary hifanipaka izy samy iray firenena, Dia samy ny namany avy sy ny akaiky azy avy; Ny tovolahy hirehareha amin’ ny anti-panahy, Ary ny tsy manan-daza amin’ ny manan-daza.
People will treat each other cruelly: people will fight against their neighbors. Young people will insult older people, and vulgar/dishonorable people will sneer at people who should be honored.
6 Raha misy olona angatahin’ ny rahalahiny ao an-tranon-drainy ka ataony hoe: Hianao no manana lamba, koa aoka ho mpanapaka anay, Ary aoka ity faharavana ity ho raharahanao,
At that time, someone will grab one of his brothers in his father’s house and say to him, “You have a coat, [which shows that you are respected]. [So] you be our leader! You rule this [city, which is now] a pile of ruins!”
7 Dia namaly izy amin’ izany andro izany hoe: Tsy mety ho dokotera aho, Fa ao an-tranoko tsy misy hanina na lamba; Koa tsy azonareo hatao mpanapaka ny olona aho.
[But] his brother will reply, “[No], I cannot help you, [because] I do not have [any extra] food or clothes in this house. [So] do not appoint me to be your leader!”
8 Fa tafintohina Jerosalema, Ary potraka Joda, satria ny lelany sy ny asany dia samy manohitra an’ i Jehovah Mba hihaika ny mason’ ny voninahiny.
Jerusalem and [the other towns in] Judah will be destroyed, because [everything] that the people do and say there opposes Yahweh, who is powerful and glorious, and they refuse to obey him. They rebel against him.
9 Ny fisehon’ ny tarehiny miampanga azy; Ary mampiharihary ny fahotany tahaka an’ i Sodoma izy ka tsy manafina azy. Lozan’ ny fanahiny! Fa mampidi-doza amin’ ny tenany izy.
They even show on their faces that [they oppose Yahweh]. They are proud of their sins, like [the people of] Sodom were [long ago]; they do not try to hide their sins. [Because of their sins], terrible things will happen to them, [but] they will bring those disasters on themselves.
10 Lazaonareo ny amin’ ny marina fa hahita soa izy, Fa ny vokatry ny asany no hohaniny.
[Yahweh told me to] tell the righteous people that good things will happen to them; they will enjoy the blessings that they will receive for their good deeds.
11 Lozan’ ny ratsy fanahy! hiharan’ ny ratsy izy, Satria ny valin’ ny nataon’ ny tànany ihany no hanody azy.
[But] terrible things will happen to wicked people; they will be (paid back/punished) for [the evil things that] [MTY] they have done.
12 Ny amin’ ny oloko, dia zaza no mampahory azy, Ary ireo vehivavy no manapaka azy. Ry oloko ô, ny mpitarika anao no mampivily anao Sady mandrava ny lalana alehanao.
[Now], youths [who have become leaders] treat my people cruelly, and women rule over my people. My people, your leaders are misleading you; they are causing you to go down the wrong road [MET].
13 Jehovah mitsangana handahatra Ka miatrika hitsara ny firenena.
[It is as though] Yahweh has sat in his place in a courtroom and is ready to judge his people.
14 Jehovah miampanga ny loholona sy ny lehiben’ ny olony amin’ ny fitsarana hoe: Hianareo no efa nandevona ny tanim-boaloboka; Ary ao an-tranonareo ny fananan’ ny malahelo izay efa nalaina an-keriny.
He will stand up to declare why the elders and rulers of his people should be punished: [he says], “The people of Israel are [like] [MET] a vineyard that I planted, but you have ruined it! Your houses are full of things that you have stolen from poor people.
15 Ahoana no hevitrareo no dia hosihosenareo ny oloko, Ary torotoroinareo ny tavan’ ny malahelo? Hoy Jehovah, Tompon’ ny maro.
You should stop [RHQ] crushing my people! [It is as though] you are pushing the faces of poor people into the dirt!” [That is what] the Commander of the armies of angels says.
16 Ary hoy koa Jehovah: Satria miavona ireo zanakavavin’ i Ziona ka mandeha mianjonanjona sy manao maso meloka Sady kasikasy fandeha Ary mampikorintsandrintsana ny fehin-tongony,
Yahweh says this: “The women of Jerusalem are haughty/proud; they walk around sticking their chins out, and flirting [with men] with their eyes. They walk with tiny steps with bracelets on their ankles that jingle.
17 Noho izany dia hataon’ ny Tompo feno tako-pery ny tampon-dohan’ ny zanakavavin’ i Ziona, Ary Jehovah hampiseho ny fitanjahany.
So I, Yahweh, will cause sores to be on their heads, and I will cause those beautiful women in Jerusalem to become bald.”
18 Amin’ izany andro izany dia hesorin’ i Jehovah ny firavaka rehetra, na ny fehin-tongotra, Na ny fehi-loha, na ny sarim-bolan-tsinana,
At the time [that Yahweh does that], he will strip away everything that the women of Jerusalem wear to make themselves beautiful—the ornaments on their ankles and their headbands, their crescent necklaces,
19 Na ny kavina voavola, na ny rojo, na ny fisalobonana makarakara,
their earrings and bracelets and veils,
20 Na ny satroka, na ny rojo parapaingo, na ny fehin-kibo misy haingony, Na ny fitoeran-dranomanitra, na ny ody fanaony ravaka,
their scarves and ankle bracelets and sashes, their perfumes and (charms/little things that they wear thinking that those things will protect them from evil),
21 Na ny peratra, na ny kavin’ orona,
their signet rings and nose rings,
22 Na ny akanjo fihaingoana, na ny kapôty, Na ny saly, na ny poketra,
their nice robes and capes and cloaks and purses,
23 Na ny fitaratra fizahana, na ny akanjo somizy anatiny, Na ny satroka fihaingoana, na ny lamba fisaronana;
their mirrors and nice linen clothes and shawls.
24 Ary ny manitra hosoloana ny maimbo; Ary ny fehin-kibo tsara hosoloana ny mahazaka; Ary ny volo voavoatra tsara hosoloana ny boriana; Ary ny akanjo miebanebana hosoloana ny lamba fisaonana; Ary ny hatsaran-tarehy hosoloana ny tomboka amin’ ny vy mahamay.
Instead of their having a nice smell from perfume, they will stink; instead of nice sashes, they will have ropes [around their waists because they will be captives]. Instead of having fancy hairdos, they will be bald. Instead of fancy/beautiful robes, they will wear rough sackcloth, and instead of being beautiful, they will be branded.
25 Ny lehilahy ao aminao ho lavon-tsabatra, Ary ny mahery ao aminao ho faty an’ ady;
Their husbands will be killed by [their enemies’] swords, and their soldiers [will also die] in battles.
26 Ka dia hitomany sy hisaona ny vavahadiny; Ary ho lao ny tanàna ka hanjokaiky,
People [PRS] will mourn and cry at the gates [of the city]. The city will [be like] [MET] a woman who sits on the ground because everything that she owned is gone.