< Isaia 3 >
1 Fa, indro, Jehovah, Tompon’ ny maro, Manaisotra amin’ i Jerosalema sy Joda izay andry sy tohana rehetra: Dia ny mofo sy ny rano rehetra, izay tohan’ aina,
For lo, the Lord God of hostes will take away from Ierusalem and from Iudah the stay and the strength: euen all the staye of bread, and all the stay of water,
2 Ny lehilahy mahery sy ny mpiady, Ny mpitsara sy ny mpaminany, Ny mpanao fankatovana sy ny loholona,
The strong man, and the man of warre, the iudge and the prophet, the prudent and the aged,
3 Ny mpifehy ny dimam-polo sy ny manan-kaja, Ny mpanolo-tsaina sy ny mahay zavatra Ary ny mahay ny fiboeriboeriky ny mpanao ody.
The captaine of fiftie, and the honourable, and the counseller, and the cunning artificer, and the eloquent man.
4 Ary hanendry ankizilahy madinika ho lehibeny Aho, Ary ny haitraitran-jaza no hanapaka azy.
And I will appoint children to bee their princes, and babes shall rule ouer them.
5 Ary hifanipaka izy samy iray firenena, Dia samy ny namany avy sy ny akaiky azy avy; Ny tovolahy hirehareha amin’ ny anti-panahy, Ary ny tsy manan-daza amin’ ny manan-daza.
The people shalbe oppressed one of another, and euery one by his neighbour: the children shall presume against the ancient, and the vile against the honourable.
6 Raha misy olona angatahin’ ny rahalahiny ao an-tranon-drainy ka ataony hoe: Hianao no manana lamba, koa aoka ho mpanapaka anay, Ary aoka ity faharavana ity ho raharahanao,
When euery one shall take holde of his brother of the house of his father, and say, Thou hast clothing: thou shalt bee our prince, and let this fall be vnder thine hand.
7 Dia namaly izy amin’ izany andro izany hoe: Tsy mety ho dokotera aho, Fa ao an-tranoko tsy misy hanina na lamba; Koa tsy azonareo hatao mpanapaka ny olona aho.
In that day hee shall sweare, saying, I cannot bee an helper: for there is no bread in mine house, nor clothing: therefore make me no prince of the people.
8 Fa tafintohina Jerosalema, Ary potraka Joda, satria ny lelany sy ny asany dia samy manohitra an’ i Jehovah Mba hihaika ny mason’ ny voninahiny.
Doubtlesse Ierusalem is fallen, and Iudah is fallen downe, because their tongue and workes are against the Lord, to prouoke the eyes of his glory.
9 Ny fisehon’ ny tarehiny miampanga azy; Ary mampiharihary ny fahotany tahaka an’ i Sodoma izy ka tsy manafina azy. Lozan’ ny fanahiny! Fa mampidi-doza amin’ ny tenany izy.
The triall of their countenance testifieth against them, yea, they declare their sinnes as Sodom, they hide them not. Wo be vnto their soules: for they haue rewarded euil vnto themselues.
10 Lazaonareo ny amin’ ny marina fa hahita soa izy, Fa ny vokatry ny asany no hohaniny.
Say ye, Surely it shalbe well with the iust: for they shall eate the fruite of their workes.
11 Lozan’ ny ratsy fanahy! hiharan’ ny ratsy izy, Satria ny valin’ ny nataon’ ny tànany ihany no hanody azy.
Woe be to the wicked, it shalbe euill with him: for the reward of his handes shalbe giuen him.
12 Ny amin’ ny oloko, dia zaza no mampahory azy, Ary ireo vehivavy no manapaka azy. Ry oloko ô, ny mpitarika anao no mampivily anao Sady mandrava ny lalana alehanao.
Children are extortioners of my people, and women haue rule ouer them: O my people, they that leade thee, cause thee to erre, and destroy the way of thy paths.
13 Jehovah mitsangana handahatra Ka miatrika hitsara ny firenena.
The Lord standeth vp to pleade, yea, hee standeth to iudge the people.
14 Jehovah miampanga ny loholona sy ny lehiben’ ny olony amin’ ny fitsarana hoe: Hianareo no efa nandevona ny tanim-boaloboka; Ary ao an-tranonareo ny fananan’ ny malahelo izay efa nalaina an-keriny.
The Lord shall enter into iudgement with the Ancients of his people and the princes thereof: for ye haue eaten vp the vineyarde: the spoyle of the poore is in your houses.
15 Ahoana no hevitrareo no dia hosihosenareo ny oloko, Ary torotoroinareo ny tavan’ ny malahelo? Hoy Jehovah, Tompon’ ny maro.
What haue ye to do, that ye beate my people to pieces, and grinde the faces of the poore, saith the Lord, euen the Lord of hoasts?
16 Ary hoy koa Jehovah: Satria miavona ireo zanakavavin’ i Ziona ka mandeha mianjonanjona sy manao maso meloka Sady kasikasy fandeha Ary mampikorintsandrintsana ny fehin-tongony,
The Lord also saith, Because the daughters of Zion are hautie, and walke with stretched out neckes, and with wandering eyes, walking and minsing as they goe, and making a tinkeling with their feete,
17 Noho izany dia hataon’ ny Tompo feno tako-pery ny tampon-dohan’ ny zanakavavin’ i Ziona, Ary Jehovah hampiseho ny fitanjahany.
Therefore shall the Lord make the heades of the daughters of Zion balde, and the Lord shall discouer their secrete partes.
18 Amin’ izany andro izany dia hesorin’ i Jehovah ny firavaka rehetra, na ny fehin-tongotra, Na ny fehi-loha, na ny sarim-bolan-tsinana,
In that day shall the Lord take away the ornament of the slippers, and the calles, and the round tyres,
19 Na ny kavina voavola, na ny rojo, na ny fisalobonana makarakara,
The sweete balles, and the brasselets, and the bonnets,
20 Na ny satroka, na ny rojo parapaingo, na ny fehin-kibo misy haingony, Na ny fitoeran-dranomanitra, na ny ody fanaony ravaka,
The tyres of the head, and the sloppes, and the head bandes, and the tablets, and the earings,
21 Na ny peratra, na ny kavin’ orona,
The rings and the mufflers,
22 Na ny akanjo fihaingoana, na ny kapôty, Na ny saly, na ny poketra,
The costly apparell and the vailes, and the wimples, and the crisping pinnes,
23 Na ny fitaratra fizahana, na ny akanjo somizy anatiny, Na ny satroka fihaingoana, na ny lamba fisaronana;
And the glasses and the fine linen, and the hoodes, and the launes.
24 Ary ny manitra hosoloana ny maimbo; Ary ny fehin-kibo tsara hosoloana ny mahazaka; Ary ny volo voavoatra tsara hosoloana ny boriana; Ary ny akanjo miebanebana hosoloana ny lamba fisaonana; Ary ny hatsaran-tarehy hosoloana ny tomboka amin’ ny vy mahamay.
And in steade of sweete sauour, there shall be stinke, and in steade of a girdle, a rent, and in steade of dressing of the heare, baldnesse, and in steade of a stomacher, a girding of sackecloth, and burning in steade of beautie.
25 Ny lehilahy ao aminao ho lavon-tsabatra, Ary ny mahery ao aminao ho faty an’ ady;
Thy men shall fall by the sworde, and thy strength in the battell.
26 Ka dia hitomany sy hisaona ny vavahadiny; Ary ho lao ny tanàna ka hanjokaiky,
Then shall her gates mourne and lament, and she, being desolate, shall sit vpon the ground.