< Isaia 29 >

1 Lozan’ i Ariela’, lozan’ i Ariela, Tanàna nitoeran i Davida! Ampio taona ny taona, aoka ho tafatsingeringerina ny andro firavoravoana;
Woe [to] Ariel, Ariel, The city of the encampment of David! Add year to year, let festivals go round.
2 Dia hampahory an’ i Ariela Aho, ka hisy fisentoana sy fitarainana ao aminy; Ary ho tonga Ariela tokoa amiko izy.
And I have sent distress to Ariel, And it hath been lamentation and mourning, And it hath been to me as Ariel.
3 Ary hanao fahiranao anao Aho, ka hasiako miaramila hanemitra anao, ary hananganako manda hamelezana anao.
And I encamped, O babbler, against thee, And I laid siege against thee — a camp. And I raised up against thee bulwarks.
4 Dia haetry ianao ka hiteny ao amin’ ny tany, ary ao amin’ ny vovoka no hibitsibitsihanao, eny, ny feonao hivoaka avy amin’ ny tany tahaka ny an’ ny manao azy ho tsindrian-javatra, ary avy ao amin’ ny vovoka no ikiakiahan’ ny teninao.
And thou hast been low, From the earth thou speakest, And from the dust makest thy saying low, And thy voice hath been from the earth, As one having a familiar spirit, And from the dust thy saying whisperest,
5 Kanefa ny fahavalonao betsaka ho tonga tahaka ny vovoka madinika, ary ny olon-dozabe maro ho tahaka ny akofa indaosina; Eny, ho avy tampoka dia tampoka izany.
And as small dust hath been The multitude of those scattering thee, And as chaff passing on the multitude of the terrible, And it hath been at an instant — suddenly.
6 Avy amin’ i Jehovah, Tompon’ ny maro, no hihavian’ ny famaliana, dia kotrokorana sy horohoron-tany ary rohondrohona mafy, tadio sy tafio-drivotra ary lelafo mandevona.
By Jehovah of Hosts thou art inspected, With thunder, and with an earthquake, And great noise, hurricane, and whirlwind, And flame of devouring fire.
7 Ary ho tahaka ny fahitana eo amin’ ny nofy amin’ ny alina Ireo firenena betsaka rehetra ireo, izay mivory hamely an’ i Ariela, dia izay rehetra mivory hamely azy sy ny mandany ka hampahatahotra azy.
And as a dream, a vision of night, hath been The multitude of all the nations Who are warring against Ariel, And all its warriors, and its bulwark, Even of those distressing her.
8 Ary ho tahaka ny olona noana manonofy, fa, indro, mihinana izy; kanjo nony mahatsiaro, dia noana ihany izy; Na ho tahaka ny olona mangetaheta manonofy, fa, indro, misotro izy; kanjo nony mahatsiaro, indro, ana ihany izy, ary ny fanahiny mbola maniry ihany: Dia ho tahaka izany ireo firenena betsaka rehetra ireo Izay mivory hamely ny tendrombohitra Ziona.
And it hath been, as when the hungry dreameth, And lo, he is eating, And he hath waked, and empty [is] his soul, And as when the thirsty dreameth, And lo, he is drinking, and he hath waked, And lo, he is weary, and his soul is longing, So is the multitude of all the nations Who are warring against mount Zion.
9 Mijanona ianareo, ka mitalanjona, Tampeno ny masonareo, koa aoka ho jamba ianareo! Mamo ireo, nefa tsy tamin’ ny divay; Mivembena izy, nefa tsy tamin’ ny toaka.
Tarry and wonder, look ye, yea, look, Be drunk, and not with wine, Stagger, and not with strong drink.
10 Fa Jehovah efa nampidina fanahy mahasondrian-tory ao aminareo, ary efa nakimpiny ny masonareo (dia ny mpaminany izany), ary efa nosaronany ny lohanareo (dia ny mpahita izany).
For poured out on you hath Jehovah a spirit of deep sleep, And He closeth your eyes — the prophets, And your heads — the seers — He covered.
11 Ary ny fahitana ny amin’ izany rehetra izany raha aminareo dia tahaka ny teny amin’ ny taratasy voaisy tombo-kase, izay atolotra olona mahavaky teny ka atao hoe: Masìna ianao, vakio ity; Fa hoy izy: Tsy azoko vakina, fa efa voaisy tombo-kase izy;
And the vision of the whole is to you, As words of the sealed book, That they give unto one knowing books, Saying, 'Read this, we pray thee,' And he hath said, 'I am not able, for it [is] sealed;'
12 Fa raha atolotra izay tsy mahavaky teny kosa izany ka atao hoe: Masìna ianao, vakio ity, dia hoy izy: Tsy mahavaky teny aho.
And the book is given to him who hath not known books, Saying, 'Read this, we pray thee,' And he hath said, 'I have not known books.'
13 Ary hoy ny Tompo: Satria manatona Ahy amin’ ny vavany ity firenena ity ary mankalaza Ahy amin’ ny molony, nefa ampanalaviriny Ahy kosa ny fony, ka ny fahatahorany Ahy dia didin’ olombelona ampianarina azy ihany,
And the Lord saith: Because drawn near hath this people, with its mouth, And with its lips they have honoured Me, And its heart it hath put far off from Me, And their fear of Me is — A precept of men is taught!
14 Dia, indro koa, mbola hanao zava-mahagaga amin’ ity firenena ity Aho, dia zava-mahagaga sy mahatalanjona; Ka ho foana ny fahendrena kendriny, ary tsy ho hita ny fahalalan’ ny mazava sainany.
Therefore, lo, I am adding to do wonderfully with this people, A wonder, and a marvel, And perished hath the wisdom of its wise ones, And the understanding of its intelligent ones hideth itself.'
15 Lozan’ izay manafina lalina ny saina ataony mba tsy ho hitan’ i Jehovah, sady ao amin’ ny maizina ny asany, ka dia hoy izy: Iza no mahita antsika, ary iza no mahalala antsika?
Woe [to] those going deep from Jehovah to hide counsel, And whose works have been in darkness. And they say, 'Who is seeing us? And who is knowing us?'
16 Endrey izato fahadalanareo! Moa ny mpanefy tanimanga va no hoheverina ho tahaka ny tanimanga, ka ny natao va hilaza izay nanao azy hoe: Tsy nanao ahy izy? Na ny zavatra voaforona va hilaza izay namorona azy hoe: Tsy manam-pahalalana izy?
Your perversion! as clay is the potter esteemed? That the work saith of its maker, 'He hath not made me?' And the framed thing said of its framer, 'He did not understand?'
17 Tsy vetivety foana va dia hovana ho saha mahavokatra Libanona, Ary ny saha mahavokatra hoheverina ho ala?
Is it not yet a very little, And turned hath Lebanon to a fruitful field, And the fruitful field for a forest is reckoned?
18 Amin’ izany andro izany dia ho ren’ ny marenina ny tenin’ ny taratasy, ary na dia ao amin’ ny aizina sy ny aizim-pito aza dia hahita ihany ny mason’ ny jamba.
And heard in that day have the deaf the words of a book, And out of thick darkness, and out of darkness, The eyes of the blind do see.
19 Ny mpandefitra hitombo hafaliana amin’ i Jehovah; Ary ny malahelo ao amin’ ny olona hifaly amin’ ny Iray Masin’ ny Isiraely,
And the humble have added joy in Jehovah, And the poor among men In the Holy One of Israel rejoice.
20 Fa lasa ny olon-dozabe, tsy ao intsony ny mpaniratsira; Ary fongotra izay rehetra miari-torin-tsaina amin’ ny ratsy,
For ceased hath the terrible one, And consumed hath been the scorner, And cut off have been all watching for iniquity,
21 Dia ireo manameloka olona amin’ ny teny ary mamandrika izay mananatra eo am-bavahady sy mamadika ny marina amin’ ny lainga foana.
Causing men to sin in word, And for a reprover in the gate lay a snare, And turn aside into emptiness the righteous.
22 Koa ny amin’ ny taranak’ i Jakoba dia izao no lazain’ i Jehovah, Izay nanavotra an’ i Abrahama: Tsy ho menatra intsony Jakoba, ary tsy hivaloarika intsony ny tavany.
Therefore, thus said Jehovah, Who ransomed Abraham, Concerning the house of Jacob: 'Not now ashamed is Jacob, Nor now doth his face become pale,
23 Fa raha ny zanany mahita ny asan’ ny tanako ao aminy, Dia hanamasina ny anarako izy, eny, hanamasina ny Iray Masin’ i Jakoba izy ary hangovitra eo anatrehan’ Andriamanitry ny Isiraely.
For in his seeing his children, The work of My hand, in his midst, They sanctify My name, And have sanctified the Holy One of Jacob, And the God of Israel they declare fearful.
24 Ary izay mivily fanahy dia mbola hahazo fahalalana; Ary izay mimonomonona dia mbola hianatra fahendrena.
And the erring in spirit have known understanding, And murmurers learn doctrine!'

< Isaia 29 >