< Isaia 24 >

1 Indro, Jehovah mahafoana ny tany ka mahalao azy ary mampihohoka azy ka manely izay mponina ao aminy.
Behold, the Lord is about to lay waste the world, and will make it desolate, and will lay bare the surface of it, and scatter them that dwell therein.
2 Koa ho sahala ihany ny hanjo ny mpisorona sy ny vahoaka, ny tompolahy sy ny mpanompolahiny, ny tompovavy sy ny mpanompovaviny, ny mpivarotra sy ny mpividy, ny mpampisambotra sy ny mpisambotra, ny mpampanàna vola sy ny mpanana vola.
And the people shall be as the priest, and the servant as the lord, and the maid as the mistress; the buyer shall be as the seller, the lender as the borrower, and the debtor as his creditor.
3 Hatao foana dia foana ny tany, ary hobaboina dia hobaboina tokoa izy, fa Jehovah no efa niteny.
The earth shall be completely laid waste, and the earth shall be utterly spoiled: for the mouth of the Lord has spoken these things.
4 Misaona sy malazo ny tany; Milofika sy malazo izao tontolo izao; Milofika ny lehibe indrindra amin’ ny olona etỳ an-tany.
The earth mourns, and the world is ruined, the lofty ones of the earth are mourning.
5 Ary ny tany dia efa voavetavetan’ ny mponina ao aminy, satria nandika ny lalàna sy nanota ny didy izy ary nivadika ny fanekena mandrakizay.
And she has sinned by reason of her inhabitants; because they have transgressed the law, and changed the ordinances, [even] the everlasting covenant.
6 Ary noho izany dia ozona no mandevona ny tany, ary ny mponina ao dia valiana noho ny helony, sady voadotra ny mponina amin’ ny tany ka dia olona vitsy foana no sisa ao.
Therefore a curse shall consume the earth, because the inhabitants thereof have sinned: therefore the dwellers in the earth shall be poor, and few men shall be left.
7 Misaona ny ranom-boaloboka, milofika ny taro-boaloboka, misento avokoa ilay nifaly am-po;
The wine shall mourn, the vine shall mourn, all the merry-hearted shall sigh.
8 Mitsahatra ny firavoravoana amin’ ny ampongatapaka, tapitra ny fitabataban’ ny niravoravo; Mitsahatra ny fifaliana amin-dokanga;
The mirth of timbrels has ceased, the sound of the harp has ceased.
9 Tsy mihira eo am-pisotroan-divay intsony izy, mangidy amin’ izay misotro azy ny toaka;
They are ashamed, they have not drunk wine; strong drink has become bitter to them that drink [it].
10 Rava ny tanana be fikorontanana, mirindrina ny trano rehetra ka tsy azo idiran’ olona;
All the city has become desolate: one shall shut his house so that none shall enter.
11 Misy fitarainana divay eny an-tsaha, tafalentika toy ny masoandro ny fifaliana rehetra; Voaroaka ny faharavoravoan’ ny tany.
There is a howling for the wine everywhere; all the mirth of the land has ceased, all the mirth of the land has departed.
12 Fahafoanana ihany no sisa ao an-tanàna, satria rava sady montsamontsana ny vavahady,
And cities shall be left desolate, and houses being left shall fall to ruin.
13 Fa ao amin’ ny tany, ao amin’ ny olona, dia hisy toy ny amin’ ny fikapohana hazo oliva sy ny fitsimpontsimponam-boaloboka, rehefa tapitra ny andro fiotazana azy.
All this shall be in the land in the midst of the nations, as if one should strip an olive tree, so shall they strip them; but when the vintage is done,
14 Ireo dia hanandratra ny feony ka hihoby; Noho ny fahalehibiazan’ i Jehovah dia hiantso mafy eny amin’ ny ranomasina izy hoe:
these shall cry aloud; and they that are left on the land shall rejoice together in the glory of the Lord: the water of the sea shall be troubled.
15 Mankalazà an’ i Jehovah any amin’ ny tany atsinanana, dia ny anaran’ i Jehovah, Andriamanitry ny Isiraely, any amin’ ny amoron-dranomasina.
Therefore shall the glory of the Lord be in the isles of the sea; the name of the Lord shall be glorious.
16 Hatrany am-paran’ ny tany no nandrenesanay hira hoe: Voninahitra ho an’ ny marina. Fa hoy izaho: Indrisy izato halevonako! Indrisy ity halevonako! Ny mpamitaka dia mamitaka; Eny, ny mpamitaka dia mamitaka fatratra.
O Lord God of Israel, from the ends of the earth we have heard wonderful things, [and there is] hope to the godly: but they shall say, Woe to the despisers, that despise the law.
17 Tahotra sy longoa ary fandrika no mahazo anao, ry mponina amin’ ny tany.
Fear, and a pit, and a snare, are upon you that dwell on the earth.
18 Ary izay mandositra noho ny fandrenesana ny tahotra dia ho latsaka any an-davaka; Ary izay miakatra avy ao anatin’ ny lavaka dia ho voan’ ny fandrika; Fa misy varavarana mivoha any amin’ ny avo, ary mihorohoro ny fanorenan’ ny tany.
And it shall come to pass, [that] he that flees from the fear shall fall into the pit; and he that comes up out of the pit shall be caught by the snare: for windows have been opened in heaven, and the foundations of the earth shall be shaken,
19 Rava dia rava ny tany; Mitresaka dia mitresaka ny tany; Mihorohoro dia mihorohoro ny tany;
the earth shall be utterly confounded, and the earth shall be completely perplexed.
20 Mivembena dia mivenbena tahaka ny mamo ny tany ka mitsingevaheva toy ny fandriana mihantona; ary mitambesatra aminy ny fahadisoany, dia potraka izy ka tsy ho tafarina intsony.
It reels as a drunkard and one oppressed with wine, and the earth shall be shaken as a storehouse of fruits; for iniquity has prevailed upon it, and it shall fall, and shall not be able to rise.
21 Ary amin’ izany andro izany dia any an-danitra no hamalian’ i Jehovah ny antokon’ ny lanitra, ary etỳ an-tany kosa ny mpanjakan’ ny tany.
And God shall bring [his] hand upon the host of heaven, and upon the kings of the earth.
22 Dia hangonina ao an-davaka tahaka ny mpifatotra ireny ka hohidiana ao an-trano-maizina, ary rehefa afaka andro maro, dia hovangiana ihany izy.
And they shall gather the multitude thereof into prisons, and they shall shut them into a strong hold: after many generations they shall be visited.
23 Dia hivoara-mena ny volana, ary hivaloarika ny masoandro, fa Jehovah, Tompon’ ny maro, no Mpanjaka ao an-tendrombohitra Ziona sy any Jerosalema, ary eo anatrehan’ ny loholony dia misy voninahitra.
And the brick shall decay, and the wall shall fall; for the Lord shall reign from out of Sion, and out of Jerusalem, and shall be glorified before [his] elders.

< Isaia 24 >