< Isaia 2 >

1 Ny teny izay hitan’ Isaia, zanak’ i Amoza, ny amin’ ny Joda sy Jerosalema.
The word which came to Esaias the son of Amos concerning Judea, and concerning Jerusalem.
2 Ary izao no ho tonga any am-parany: Ny tendrombohitra misy ny tranon’ i Jehovah dia haorina eo an-tampon’ ny tendrombohitra Ary hasandratra ho avo noho ny havoana; Ary ny jentilisa rehetra hitanjozotra hankany.
For in the last days the mountain of the Lord shall be glorious, and the house of God [shall be] on the top of the mountains, and it shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall come to it.
3 Eny, maro ny firenena no hiainga ka hanao hoe: Andeha isika hiakatra any an-tendrombohitr’ i Jehovah, Ho any an-tranon’ Andriamanitr’ i Jakoba, Mba hampianarany antsika ny amin’ ny lalany, Ka handehanantsika amin’ ny atorony; Fa avy any Ziona no hivoahan’ ny lalàna, Ary avy any Jerosalema ny tenin’ i Jehovah.
And many nations shall go and say, Come, and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, and to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will tell us his way, and we will walk in it: for out of Sion shall go forth the law, and the word of the Lord out of Jerusalem.
4 Ary hitsara ny adin’ ny jentilisa Izy Ka hampiaiky firenena maro; Dia hanefy ny sabany ho fangady ireny, Ary ny lefony ho fanetezam-boaloboka; Ny firenena tsy hanainga sabatra hifamely Na hianatra ady intsony
And he shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people: and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into sickles: and nation shall not take up sword against nation, neither shall they learn to war any more.
5 Ry taranak’ i Jakoba, Avia, ary aoka isika handeha amin’ ny fahazavan’ i Jehovah.
And now, O house of Jacob, come, [and] let us walk in the light of the Lord.
6 Fa efa nanary ny taranak’ i Jakoba olonao Hianao, Satria feno ny fanao avy any atsinanana izy Ary efa mpanandro tahaka ny Filistina Sady efa be zana-bahiny.
For he has forsaken his people the house of Israel, because their land is filled as at the beginning with divinations, as the [land] of the Philistines, and many strange children were born to them.
7 Ary ny taniny dia feno volafotsy sy volamena. Sady tsy hita lany ny hareny; Ary ny taniny dia feno soavaly, Sady tsy hita isa ny kalesiny;
For their land is filled with silver and gold, and there was no number of their treasures; their land also is filled with horses, and there was no number of chariots.
8 Ny taniny dia feno andriamani-tsi-izy koa; Eo anatrehan’ ny asan’ ny tanany no iankohofany, Dia izay nataon’ ny rantsan-tanany;
And the land is filled with abominations, [even] the works of their hands; and they have worshipped [the works] which their fingers made.
9 Koa ny zanak’ olombelona hatao mitanondrika, Ary ny olona haetry, Ary aza mamela ny helony Hianao!
And the mean man bowed down, and the great man was humbled: and I will not pardon them.
10 Midìra ao amin’ ny vatolampy, Ary miere ao amin’ ny vovoka Noho ny tahotra avy amin’ i Jehovah Sy ny voninahitry ny fahalehibiazany.
Now therefore enter you into the rocks, and hide yourselves in the earth, for fear of the Lord, and by reason of the glory of his might, when he shall arise to strike terribly the earth.
11 Ny fiandranandran’ ny mason’ ny zanak’ olombelona dia haetry, Ary ny fiavonavonan’ ny olona hatao mitanondrika; Fa Jehovah ihany no hisandratra amin’ izany andro izany.
For the eyes of the Lord are high, but man is low; and the haughtiness of men shall be brought low, and the Lord alone shall be exalted in that day.
12 Fa misy andron’ i Jehovah, Tompon’ ny maro, Hitsarana izay avo sy ambony toetra rehetra Ary izay misandratra rehetra, Ka dia haetry ireny,
For the day of the Lord of hosts shall be upon every one that is proud and haughty, and upon every one that is high and towering, and they shall be brought down;
13 Dia ny sedera rehetra any Libanona, izay avo sady andrandraina, Sy ny hazo ôka rehetra any Basana
and upon every cedar of Libanus, of them that are high and towering, and upon every oak of Basan,
14 Sy ny tendrombohitra avo rehetra Sy ny havoana andrandraina
and upon every high mountain, and upon every high hill,
15 Sy ny tilikambo miringiringy rehetra Sy ny manda mafy rehetra
and upon every high tower, and upon every high wall,
16 Sy ny sambon’ i Tarsisy rehetra Sy ny tao-zavatra tsara tarehy rehetra;
and upon every ship of the sea, and upon every display of fine ships.
17 Ary ny fireharehan’ ny zanak’ olombelona hatao mitanondrika, Ary ny fiavonavonan’ ny olona haetry; Fa Jehovah ihany no hisandratra amin’ izany andro izany.
And every man shall be brought low, and the pride of men shall fall: and the Lord alone shall be exalted in that day.
18 Ary ny andriamani-tsi-izy dia ho foana avokoa.
And they shall hide all [idols] made with hands,
19 Ary hiditra ao amin’ ny zohy sy ny lava-bato ny olona Noho ny tahotra avy amin’ i Jehovah sy ny voninahitry ny fahalehibiazany, Rehefa mitsangana hampihorohoro ny tany Izy.
having carried [them] into the caves, and into the clefts of the rocks, and into the caverns of the earth, for fear of the Lord, and by reason of the glory of his might, when he shall arise to strike terribly the earth.
20 Amin’ izany andro izany dia harian’ ny olona Ho an’ ny voalavo sy ny manavy Ny andriamani-bolafotsiny sy ny andriamani-bolamenany Izay nataony hiankohofany eo anatrehany
For in that day a man shall cast forth his silver and gold abominations, which they made [in order] to worship vanities and bats;
21 Mba hidirany eo amin’ ny fitriatry ny vatolampy sy eo an-tsefatsefaky ny harambato Noho ny tahotra avy amin’ i Jehovah Sy ny voninahitry ny fahalehibiazany, Rehefa mitsangana hampihorohoro ny tany Izy.
to enter into the caverns of the solid rock, and into the clefts of the rocks, for fear of the Lord, and by reason of the glory of his might, when he shall arise to strike terribly the earth.
22 Mitsahara, fa aza mitoky amin’ ny olona; Fa fofonaina foana no eo am-bavorony, Ka hatao zinona izy?

< Isaia 2 >