< Hosea 9 >

1 Aza dia fatra-pifaly loatra, toy ny firenena hafa, ry Isiraely; Fa ianao efa nijangajanga niala tamin’ Andriamanitrao sady efa tia tangy teny am-pamoloana rehetra;
Israel, don't rejoice! Don't celebrate like other nations! For you have practiced prostitution; you have loved a prostitute's wages on every threshing floor of grain.
2 Ny famoloana sy ny fanantazana tsy hahavelona azy, ary hahadiso fanantenana azy ny ranom-boaloboka.
Your threshing floors and winepresses will not feed you; the land will fail to produce your new wine.
3 Tsy honina ao amin’ ny tanin’ i Jehovah izy; Fa Efraima hiverina ho any Egypta ary hihinana zava-padina any Asyria.
You will not stay in the Lord's land, instead Ephraim will return to Egypt, and will eat unclean food in Assyria.
4 Tsy hanidina divay ho fanatitra ho an’ i Jehovah izy, ary tsy hankasitrahany; Ny zavatra vonoiny hatao fanatitra dia ho toy ny fahan-kanina ho an’ ny mpisaona aminy: Izay rehetra homana izany dia voaloto; Fa ny haniny dia ho an’ ny tenany ihany, fa tsy ho tafiditra ao an-tranon’ i Jehovah.
You won't pour out any drink offerings to the Lord. None of your sacrifices will please him. Your sacrifices will be like food eaten by a person in mourning—all who eat will be unclean. You will eat this food yourselves, but it will not enter the house of the Lord.
5 Hanao ahoana kosa re ianareo, raha mby amin’ ny fotoam-pivavahana sy amin’ ny andro firavoravoana voatendrin’ i Jehovah?
What are you going to do on the days of your appointed religious feasts, on the days of the festivals of the Lord?
6 Fa he! lasa izy noho ny fandringanana; Egypta no hanangona azy, Memfisa no handevina azy; Ny fana-bolafotsiny mahafinaritra dia ho lasan’ ny amiana, tsilo no ho ao an-dainy.
Look, they have left because of the destruction: Egypt with gather them, and Memphis will bury them. They gain a “valued possession” for their silver. Weeds will possess them, and thorns will grow over their tents.
7 Tonga ireo andro famaliana, tonga ireo andro fanodiavana Ho fantatr’ Isiraely fa adala ny mpaminany, ary very saina ny olona tsindriam-panahy noho ny hamaroan’ ny helokao sy ny habetsahan’ ny fanoherana.
The time of punishment has come; the day of retribution has arrived. Let Israel know! You say the prophet is a fool, the man of the Spirit is mad, because your sin and hostility is so great.
8 Efraima dia mizaha, nefa tsy avy amin’ Andriamanitro; Ny mpaminany dia fandriky ny mpamandri-borona eny amin’ ny alehany rehetra sy fanoherana ao an-tranon’ Andriamaniny.
The watchman over Ephraim is with my God, and a prophet is a birdcatcher's snare on all his ways. Hatred is in the house of his God
9 Fatra-panao ratsy toy ny tamin’ ny andro tany Gibea izy; Ka dia hotsarovana ny helony, ary hovaliana ny fahotany.
for they have corrupted themselves so deeply, as in the time of Gibeah. He will remember their sin; he will punish their wickedness.
10 Tahaka ny fahitana voaloboka any an-efitra no nahitako ny Isiraely, toy ny fahitana aviavy mialin-taona no nahitako ny razanareo; Nefa ireny dia tonga tany Bala-peora ka nanolo-tena ho amin’ ilay mampahamenatra, ka dia tonga fahavetavetana tahaka an’ ilay tiany ihany izy.
When I found Israel, it was like finding grapes in the desert. When I saw your forefathers it was like seeing early fruit on the fig tree. But when they came to Baal Peor, they gave themselves over to that shameful idol, becoming as filthy as the filthy thing they loved.
11 Ny amin’ i Efraima, hihelina toy ny voro-manidina ny voninahiny, ka tsy hisy hiteraka, na hanan’ anaka, na ho torontoronina.
Ephraim! Like a bird that flies away so shall your glory—no births, no pregnancies, no conceptions.
12 Na dia misy mitaiza zanaka aza izy, dia hofoanako ihany ireny, ka tsy hisy miangana; Eny, hahita loza koa izy amin’ ny handaozako azy!
Even if they bring up children, I will make sure they do not survive. What a disaster for you when I turn away from you!
13 Efraima, raha araka ny hitako, dia voavoly ao amin’ ny tany mahafinaritra tahaka an’ i Tyro, nefa tsy maintsy mamoaka ny zanany ho amin’ ny mpamono izy.
Ephraim! Just as I saw Tyre planted in a meadow, so too Ephraim will lead out his children to the murderer.
14 Jehovah ô, omeo azy ― inona no homenao azy? Omeo azy ny kibo tsy mahazo zaza sy ny nono ritra.
Give them—well, Lord, what should you give them? Give them wombs that miscarry and dry breasts.
15 Ao Gilgala ny fahotany rehetra, eny, tao no vao nankahalako azy; Noho ny faharatsian’ ny ataony dia horoahiko hiala ao an-tranoko izy; Tsy ho tia azy intsony Aho, mpiodina avokoa ny mpanapaka azy.
All of their evil began at Gilgal, and that's where I began to hate them. I will drive them out of my house because of their wickedness. I will love them no longer; all their leaders are rebels.
16 Voaratra Efraima, maina ny fakany, ka tsy hamoa izy; Eny, na dia miteraka aza izy, dia hovonoiko ny zanany mahafinaritra azy.
Ephraim, you are blighted, dried up from the roots. You shall bear no fruit. Even if you have children, I will slaughter your beloved offspring.
17 Harian’ Andriamanitro izy, satria tsy nihaino Azy; Ka dia ho tonga mpirenireny any amin’ ny jentilisa izy.
My God will reject you because you have not listened to him, and you will become homeless wanderers among the nations.

< Hosea 9 >