< Hosea 10 >

1 Voaloboka misandrahaka Isiraely, mamoa ho azy izy; Araka ny habetsahan’ ny voany no nanaovany alitara betsaka, araka ny hatsaran’ ny taniny no nanaovany tsangam-baton-tsampy tsara tarehy.
vine be luxuriant Israel fruit to set to/for him like/as abundance to/for fruit his to multiply to/for altar like/as good to/for land: country/planet his be good pillar
2 Mamitaka ny fony, koa dia hovaliana izy izao noho ny helony; Jehovah no hanimba ny alitarany sy handrava ny tsangam-baton-tsampiny
to smooth heart their now be guilty he/she/it to break the neck altar their to ruin pillar their
3 Amin’ izany dia hiteny izy hoe: Tsy mana-mpanjaka isika; Fa tsy natahorantsika Jehovah, koa hahavita inona ho antsika moa izay mpanjaka?
for now to say nothing king to/for us for not to fear: revere [obj] LORD and [the] king what? to make: do to/for us
4 Niteniteny foana izy tamin’ ny nianianany tsy tò sy ny nanaovany fanekena; Ka nitrebona toy ny zava-mangidy eny am-bavasa eny an-tsaha ny rariny.
to speak: speak word to swear vanity: false to cut: make(covenant) covenant and to sprout like/as poison justice: judgement upon furrow field
5 Ny mponina any Samaria matahotra noho ny amin’ ny ombivavy kely ao Betavena; Fa ny olony mitomany azy,
to/for heifer Beth-aven Beth-aven to dread neighboring Samaria for to mourn upon him people his and pagan priest his upon him to rejoice upon glory his for to reveal: remove from him
6 Iny koa ho entina any Asyria ho fanomezana ho an’ i Jareba mpanjaka; Ho afa-baraka Efraima, eny, hangaihay Isiraely noho ny saina nataony.
also [obj] him to/for Assyria to conduct offering: tribute to/for king `great` shame Ephraim to take: bring and be ashamed Israel from counsel his
7 Ho rava Samaria, ny mpanjakany dia ho tonga toy ny sombin-javatra eny ambonin’ ny rano.
to cease Samaria king her like/as splinter upon face: surface water
8 Ary ho rava koa ny fitoerana avo ho Avena, izay anotan’ Isiraely; Ho rakotry ny tsilo sy ny ahitra ratsy ny alitarany; Ary izy hanao amin’ ny tendrombohitra hoe: sarony izahay, ary amin’ ny havoana hoe: Mianjerà aminay.
and to destroy high place Aven sin Israel thorn and thistle to ascend: rise upon altar their and to say to/for mountain: mount to cover us and to/for hill to fall: fall upon us
9 Hatramin’ ny andro fony tany Gibea no efa nanotanao, ry Isiraely; Nikikitra tany izy; Tsy nahatratra azy tany Gibea ny ady namelezana ny zanaky ny faharatsiana.
from day [the] Gibeah to sin Israel there to stand: stand not to overtake them in/on/with Gibeah battle upon son: type of iniquity
10 Araka ny sitrako no hamaizako azy; Ary hovorina hamely azy ny firenena, amin’ ny hamatorana azy noho ny helony roa loha.
in/on/with desire my and to discipline them and to gather upon them people in/on/with to bind them to/for two (iniquity: guilt their *Q(K)*)
11 Ary Efraima dia tahaka ny ombivavy kely efa voafolaka ka faly hively vary; Ary hasiako zioga ny vozony tsara tarehy; Hampandehaniko Efraima; Joda hiasa tany, ary Jakoba handravona.
and Ephraim heifer to learn: teach to love: lover to/for to tread and I to pass upon goodness neck her to ride Ephraim to plow/plot Judah to harrow to/for him Jacob
12 Mamafaza ho anareo araka ny fahamarinana, mijinjà araka ny fitiavana, hevoy ny tombam-borakareo; Fa izao no andro hitadiavana an’ i Jehovah ambara-pihaviny sy handatsahany fahamarinana aminareo.
to sow to/for you to/for righteousness to reap to/for lip kindness to break to/for you fallow ground and time to/for to seek [obj] LORD till to come (in): come and to shoot righteousness to/for you
13 Niasa faharatsiana ianareo, ka fahadisoana no nojinjanareo; Nihinana ny vokatry ny lainga ianareo fa nitoky tamin’ ny alehanareo sy ny habetsahan’ ny lehilahy maherinareo ianareo.
to plow/plot wickedness injustice to reap to eat fruit lie for to trust in/on/with way: conduct your in/on/with abundance mighty man your
14 Dia hisy tabataba hamelezana ny olonareo, ka horavana ny tanànareo mimanda rehetra, toy ny nandravan’ i Salamana an’ i Bet-arbela tamin’ ny andro niadiana, ka torotoro avokoa ny reniny mbamin’ ny zanany.
and to arise: rise roar in/on/with people your and all fortification your to ruin like/as violence Shalman Beth-arbel Beth-arbel in/on/with day battle mother upon son: child to dash in pieces
15 Toy izany no hataon’ i Betela aminareo, noho ny haben’ ny faharatsianareo; Raha maraina ny andro, dia ho levona mihitsy ny mpanjakan’ ny Isiraely.
thus to make: do to/for you Bethel Bethel from face: because distress: evil distress: evil your in/on/with dawn to cease to cease king Israel

< Hosea 10 >