< Habakoka 1 >

1 Faminaniana ny loza hanjo, izay hitan’ i Habakoka mpaminany.
The burden which the prophet Ambacum saw.
2 Jehovah ô, indrisy ny hahelan’ ny efa nitarainako, Nefa tsy nohenoinao! Mitaraina aho hoe: Loza! Nefa tsy vonjenao ihany.
How long, O Lord, shall I cry out, and thou wilt not hearken? [how long] shall I cry out to thee being injured, and thou wilt not save?
3 Nahoana no ataonao mahita faharatsiana aho. Ary mijery fahoriana Hianao? Fa fandravana sy loza no eo anatrehako, Ary misy ady, sady miseho ny fifandirana.
Wherefore hast thou shown me troubles and griefs to look upon, misery and ungodliness? judgment is before me, and the judge receives a reward.
4 Koa noho izany dia ngoly ny lalàna, Ary tsy mivoaka ny rariny; Fa irohonan’ ny ratsy fanahy ny marina, Ka izany no ivoahan’ ny fitsarana miangatra.
Therefore the law is frustrated, and judgment proceeds not effectually, for the ungodly [man] prevails over the just; therefore perverse judgment will proceed.
5 Jereo any amin’ ny jentilisa, ka diniho, ary gagà dia gagà; Fa manao zavatra amin’ ny andronareo Aho, Izay tsy hinoanareo, na dia holazaina aminareo aza.
Behold, ye despisers, and look, and wonder marvelously, and vanish: for I work a work in your days, which ye will in no wise believe, though a man declare [it to you].
6 Fa, indro, atsangako ny Kaldeana, Dia ilay firenena masiaka sady mirehidrehitra, Izay mamaky eran’ ny tany Hahazoany fonenana izay tsy azy.
Wherefore, behold, I stir up the Chaldeans, the bitter and hasty nation, that walks upon the breadth of the earth, to inherit tabernacles not his own.
7 Mahatsiravina sy mahatahotra izy; Avy amin’ ny tenany ihany ny fitsarany sy ny fahalehibiazany.
He is terrible and famous; his judgment shall proceed of himself, and his dignity shall come out of himself.
8 Faingana noho ny leoparda ny soavaliny Sady masiaka noho ny amboadia hariva; Ny mpitaingin-tsoavaliny mampiriotra, eny, ny mpitaingin-tsoavaliny dia avy lavitra; Miezaka toy ny voromahery maika hihinana izy.
And his horses shall bound [more swiftly] than leopards, and [they are] fiercer than the wolves of Arabia: and his horsemen shall ride forth, and shall rush from far; and they shall fly as an eagle hasting to eat.
9 Hampidi-doza no ihavian’ izy rehetra; Ny handroso ihany no atrehiny fatratra, Ka manangona sambotra toy ny fasika izy.
Destruction shall come upon ungodly men, resisting with their adverse front, and he shall gather the captivity as the sand.
10 Izy manakora ny mpanjaka, Ary ihomehezany ny mpanapaka; Ny tanàna mimanda rehetra dia ihomehezany, Ka dia manandratra tovon-tany izy ka mahafata azy.
And he shall be at his ease with kings, and princes are his toys, and he shall mock at every strong-hold, and shall cast a mound, and take possession of it.
11 Dia mihelina toy ny rivotra izy Ary mandroso ka mahazo heloka. Izany heriny izany no andriamaniny!
Then shall he change his spirit, and he shall pass through, and make an atonement, [saying], This strength [belongs] to my god.
12 Tsy hatrizay hatrizay va Hianao, Jehovah Andriamanitro, Iray Masiko? Tsy ho faty izahay; Ry Jehovah ô, ho famaizana no nanendrenao ireny, Ry Vatolampy ô, fananarana no nanangananao azy
[Art] not thou from the beginning, O Lord God, my Holy One? and surely we shall not die. O Lord, thou hast established it for judgment, and he has formed me to chasten [with] his correction.
13 Hianao, Izay madio maso ka tsy te-hitsinjo ny ratsy Ary tsy mahajery fahoriana, Nahoana Hianao no mijery izay mamitaka Ary mangìna, raha ny ratsy fanahy mandrapaka ny marina noho izy,
[His] eye is too pure to behold evil [doings], and to look upon grievous afflictions: wherefore dost thou look upon despisers? wilt thou be silent when the ungodly swallows up the just?
14 Ary manao ny olona ho toy ny hazandrano any an-dranomasina, Sy ho toy ny biby mandady sy mikisaka, izay tsy mana-mpanapaka?
And wilt thou make men as the fishes of the sea, and as the reptiles which have no guide?
15 Aingainy amin’ ny fintana izy rehetra, Samboriny amin’ ny haratony Ary sarihany amin’ ny harato tarihiny; Ka dia faly sy ravoravo izy.
He has brought up destruction with a hook, and drawn one with a casting net, and caught another in his drags: therefore shall his heart rejoice and be glad.
16 Koa izany no amonoany zavatra hatao fanatitra ho an’ ny haratony sy andoroany ditin-kazo manitra ho an’ ny harato tarihiny; Fa ireo no ahazoany hanina matsiro sy anjara matavy.
Therefore will he sacrifice to his drag, and burn incense to his casting-net, because by them he has made his portion fat, and his meats choice.
17 Koa noho izany dia hanaisotra ny ao amin’ ny tandrohony va izy Ary hamono firenena mandrakariva ka tsy hiantra?
Therefore will he cast his net, and will not spare to slay the nations continually.

< Habakoka 1 >