< Genesisy 6 >

1 Ary raha vao nihamaro ny olona tambonin’ ny tany ka teraka zazavavy maro,
And it came to passe wha men bega to multiplye apo the erth ad had begot them doughters
2 dia hitan’ ny zanak’ Andriamanitra fa tsara tarehy ny zanakavavin’ ny olona; ka dia nifidy vady ho azy tamin’ izy rehetra araka izay tiany izy.
the sonnes of God sawe the doughters of men that they were fayre and toke vnto them wyves which they best liked amoge the all.
3 Ary hoy Jehovah: Tsy mba hanapaka mandrakariva ao amin’ ny olona ny Fanahiko, fa amin’ ny faniavany dia nofo izy; nefa ho roa-polo amby zato taona ny androny.
And the LORd sayd: My spirite shall not allwaye stryve withe man for they are flesh. Nevertheles I wyll geue them yet space and hundred and. xx. yeres
4 Ny Nefilima nitoetra tambonin’ ny tany tamin’ izany andro izany, sy taorian’ izany koa, raha nivady tamin’ ny zanakavavin’ ny olona ny zanak’ Andriamanitra, ka niterahany; ireo no ilay olo-mahery hatrizay ela izay, dia ny lehilahy nanan-daza.
There were tirantes in the world in thos dayes. For after that the children of God had gone in vnto the doughters of men and had begotten them childern the same childern were the mightiest of the world and men of renowne
5 Ary hitan’ i Jehovah fa be ny faharatsian’ ny olona tambonin’ ny tany, ka izay fisainana rehetra avy amin’ ny fony dia ratsy ihany mandritra ny andro.
And whan the LORde sawe yt the wekednesse of man was encreased apon the erth and that all the ymaginacion and toughtes of his hert was only evell continually
6 Ary Jehovah nanenina noho ny nanaovany ny olona tambonin’ ny tany, ka nalahelo ny fony.
he repented that he had made man apon the erth and sorowed in his hert.
7 Dia hoy Jehovah: Haringako tsy hisy ambonin’ ny tany ny olona izay noforoniko, hatramin’ ny olona ka hatramin’ ny biby fiompy sy ny biby mandady na mikisaka mbamin’ ny voro-manidina; fa manenina Aho noho ny nanaovako azy.
And sayd: I wyll destroy mankynde which I haue made fro of the face of the erth: both man beast worme and foule of the ayre for it repeteth me that I haue made them.
8 Fa Noa kosa nahita fitia teo imason’ i Jehovah.
But yet Noe found grace in the syghte of the LORde.
9 Ary izao no tantaran’ i Noa: Noa dia lehilahy marina sady tsy nisy tsiny teo amin’ ny olona niara-belona taminy; eny, niara-nandeha tamin’ Andriamanitra Noa.
These are the generatios of Noe. Noe was a righteous man and vncorrupte in his tyme and walked wyth god.
10 Ary Noa niteraka zanaka telo mirahalahy, dia Sema sy Hama ary Jafeta.
And Noe begat. iij. sonnes: Sem Ham and Iapheth.
11 Ary simba ny tany teo anatrehan’ Andriamanitra sady heni-doza;
And the erth was corrupte in the syghte of god and was full of mischefe.
12 dia hitan’ Andriamanitra ny tany, ka, indro, efa simba izy; fa ny nofo rehetra samy efa nanimba ny lalany avy tambonin’ ny tany.
And God loked vpon the erth ad loo it was corrupte: for all flesh had corrupte his way vppon the erth.
13 Dia hoy Andriamanitra tamin’ i Noa: Ny faran’ ny nofo rehetra efa mby eto anatrehako, satria efa heni-doza ny tany noho ny amin’ olona, ka, indro, efa handringana azy mbamin’ ny tany Aho.
Than sayd God to Noe: the end of all flesh is come before me for the erth is full of there myschefe. And loo I wyll destroy them with the erth.
14 Koa manaova sambo-fiara ho anao amin’ ny hazo gofera; ary hasianao efitrefitra ny sambo-fiara, ka hopetahanao dity ao anatiny sy eo ivelany izy.
Make the an arcke of pyne tree and make chaumbers in the arcke and pytch it wythin and wythout wyth pytch.
15 Ary toy izao no hanaovanao azy: hakiho telon-jato ny lavan’ ny sambo-fiara, hakiho dimam-polo ny sakany, ary hakiho telo-polo ny hahavony.
And of this facion shalt thou make it. The lenth of the arcke shall be. iij. hundred cubytes ad the bredth of it. l. cubytes and the heyth of it. xxx. cubytes.
16 Ary hasianao fidiran’ ny mazava ny sambo-fiara, ary amin’ ny hakiho iray no hahavitanao azy hatreo ambony; ary hasianao varavarana ny rindrin’ ny sambo-fiara; hataonao efitra telo mifanongoa izy.
A wyndow shalt thou make aboue in the arcke. And wythin a cubyte compasse shalt thou finysh it. And the dore of the arcke shalt thou sette in ye syde of it: and thou shalt make it with. iij loftes one aboue an other.
17 Ary, indro, Izaho efa hahatonga ny safo-drano ambonin’ ny tany handringana ny nofo rehetra izay manam-nofonaina ambanin’ ny lanitra; dia ho faty izay rehetra eo amin’ ny tany.
For behold I wil bringe in a floud of water apon the erth to destroy all flesh from vnder heaven wherin breth of life is so that all that is in the erth shall perish.
18 Nefa kosa haoriko ny fanekeko aminao; ary hiditra ao anatin’ ny sambo-fiara ianao sy ny vadinao aman-janakao mbamin’ ny vinantonao vavy miaraka aminao.
But I will make myne apoyntement with the that both thou shalt come in to ye arcke and thy sonnes thy wyfe and thy sonnes wyves with the.
19 Ary ny zava-manan’ aina rehetra, dia ny nofo rehetra, hitondranao roa avy isan-karazany ho ao anatin’ ny sambo-fiara, hovelomina miaraka aminao; ho lahy sy vavy avy ireo.
And of all that lyveth what soever flesh it be shalt thou brynge in to the arcke of every thynge a payre to kepe them a lyve wyth the. And male and female
20 Ny vorona, samy araka ny karazany avy; ary ny biby, samy araka ny karazany avy, ary ny biby rehetra izay mandady na mikisaka amin’ ny tany, samy araka ny karazany avy, dia, roa avy samy araka ny karazany avy, dia roa avy isan-karazany no hankeo aminao hovelomina.
se that they be of byrdes in their kynde and of beastes in their kynde and of all maner of wormes of the erth in their kinde: a payre of every thinge shall come vnto the to kepe them a lyve.
21 Ary analao ho anao ny zavatra rehetra izay mety ho fihinana, ka angòny ho eo aminao; dia ho fihinana ho anao sy ho an’ ireo koa izany.
And take vnto the of all maner of meate yt may be eaten and laye it vp in stoore by the that it may be meate both for ye and for the:
22 Dia nataon’ i Noa izany; araka izay rehetra nandidian’ Andriamanitra azy no nataony.
and Noe dyd acordynge to all that God commaunded hym.

< Genesisy 6 >

The World is Destroyed by Water
The World is Destroyed by Water