< Genesisy 45 >

1 Ary Josefa tsy nahatsindry ny fangorakoraky ny fony intsony teo anatrehan’ izay rehetra teo aminy; dia niantso izy ka nanao hoe: Avoahy ny olona rehetra hiala eto amiko. Ary dia tsy nisy olona na dia iray aza nijanona teo amin’ i Josefa, raha nanao izay hahafantaran’ ny rahalahiny azy izy.
And Joseph could not refrain himself when all were standing by him, but said, Dismiss all from me; and no one stood near Joseph, when he made himself known to his brethren.
2 Dia nitomany mafy izy, ka ren’ ny Egyptiana, ary ren’ ny tao an-tranon’ i Farao koa.
And he uttered his voice with weeping; and all the Egyptians heard, and it was reported to the house of Pharao.
3 Ary hoy Josefa tamin’ ny rahalahiny: Izaho no Josefa; mbola velona ihany va ikaky? Ary tsy nahavaly azy ny rahalahiny; fa toran-kovitra teo anatrehany ireo.
And Joseph said to his brethren, I am Joseph; does my father yet live? And his brethren could not answer him, for they were troubled.
4 Ary hoy Josefa tamin’ ny rahalahiny: Avia, manatòna ahy ianareo. Dia nanatona ireo. Ary hoy Josefa: Izaho no Josefa rahalahinareo, ilay namidinareo ho atỳ Egypta.
And Joseph said to his brethren, Draw near to me; and they drew near; and he said, I am your brother Joseph, whom you sold into Egypt.
5 Ary ankehitriny, aza malahelo na tezitra amin’ ny tenanareo noho ny nivarotanareo ahy ho atỳ; fa hamonjy aina no nampandehanan’ Andriamanitra ahy hialoha anareo atỳ.
Now then be not grieved, and let it not seem hard to you that you sold me hither, for God sent me before you for life.
6 Fa roa taona izao no efa nisian’ ny mosary teto amin’ ny tany; ary mbola misy dimy taona koa, izay tsy hisy hiasan-tany na hijinjana.
For this second year there is famine on the earth, and there are yet five years remaining, in which there is to be neither plowing, nor mowing.
7 Ary Andriamanitra efa nampandeha ahy hialoha anareo, mba tsy hahalany taranaka anareo amin’ ny tany, fa hamelona anareo amin’ ny famonjena lehibe.
For God sent me before you, that there might be left to you a remnant upon the earth, even to nourish a great remnant of you.
8 Ary amin’ izany, tsy ianareo no nampandeha ahy ho atỳ, fa Andriamanitra; ary Izy nanao ahy ho rain’ i Farao, sy ho tompon’ ny ao an-tranony rehetra, ary ho mpanapaka ny tany Egypta rehetra.
Now then you did not send me hither, but God; and he has made me as a father of Pharao, and lord of all his house, and ruler of all the land of Egypt.
9 Andeha miakatra faingana ianareo ho any amin’ ikaky, ka lazao aminy hoe: Izao no tenin’ i Josefa zanakao: Efa nataon’ Andriamanitra ho tompon’ i Egypta rehetra aho; ka midìna hankatỳ amiko, fa aza mijanona;
Hasten, therefore, and go up to my father, and say to him, These things says your son Joseph; God has made me lord of all the land of Egypt; come down therefore to me, and wait not.
10 dia honina eo amin’ ny tany Gosena ianao, ka ho eo akaikiko ianao sy ny zanakao sy ny zafinao ary ny ondry aman’ osinao sy ny ombinao mbamin’ izay rehetra anananao.
And you shall dwell in the land of Gesem of Arabia; and you shall be near me, you and your sons, and your sons' sons, your sheep and your oxen, and whatever things are your.
11 Dia hamelona anao eo aho (fa mbola haharitra dimy taona ny mosary), fandrao ho lany harena ianao sy ny ankohonanao ary izay rehetra anananao.
And I will nourish you there: for the famine is yet for five years; lest you be consumed, and your sons, and all your possessions.
12 Ary, indro, hitan’ ny masonareo sy ny mason’ i Benjamina rahalahiko izao fa ny vavako no miteny aminareo.
Behold, your eyes see, and the eyes of my brother Benjamin, that it is my mouth that speaks to you.
13 Dia hambaranareo amin’ ikaky ny voninahitro rehetra atỳ Egypta sy izay rehetra efa hitanareo; koa mandehana faingana ianareo, ka ento midìna atỳ ikaky.
Report, therefore, to my father all my glory in Egypt, and all things that you have seen, and make haste and bring down my father hither.
14 Dia namihina ny vozon’ i Benjamina rahalahiny izy ka nitomany; ary Benjamina koa dia mba nitomany teo amin’ ny vozony.
And he fell on his brother Benjamin's neck, and wept on him; and Benjamin wept on his neck.
15 Ary dia nanoroka ny rahalahiny rehetra izy ka nitomany teo am-pamihinany azy; ary rehefa afaka izany, dia niresaka taminy ireo rahalahiny.
And he kissed all his brethren, and wept on them; and after these things his brethren spoke to him.
16 Ary re tao an-tranon’ i Farao ny teny hoe: Tonga ny rahalahin’ i Josefa; dia sitrak’ i Farao sy ny mpanompony izany.
And the report was carried into the house of Pharao, saying, Joseph's brethren are come; and Pharao was glad, and his household.
17 Ary hoy Farao tamin’ i Josefa: Lazao amin’ ny rahalahinao: Izao no ataovy: ataingeno ny entana ho entin’ ny bibinareo, ka mankanesa any amin’ ny tany Kanana;
And Pharao said to Joseph, Say to your brethren, Do this; fill your waggons, and depart into the land of Chanaan.
18 ary alao ny rainareo sy ny ankohonanareo, ka mankanesa atỳ amiko; ary dia homeko anareo ny tsara eto amin’ ny tany Egypta, ka hihinana ny matavy eto amin’ ny tany ianareo.
And take up your father, and your possessions, and come to me; and I will give you of all the goods of Egypt, and you shall eat the marrow of the land.
19 Ary ankehitriny efa nomena teny ianao, ka izao no ataovy: makà sariety amin’ ny tany Egypta hitondranareo ny vady aman-janakareo, ary ento ny rainareo, ka mankanesa atỳ.
And do you charge them thus; that they should take for them waggons out of the land of Egypt, for your little ones, and for your wives; and take up your father, and come.
20 Aza malahelo ny amin’ ny fanakareo; fa anareo izay tsara eto amin’ ny tany Egypta rehetra.
And be not sparing in regard to your property, for all the good of Egypt shall be yours.
21 Ary nataon’ ny zanak’ Isiraely izany, ka dia nomen’ i Josefa sariety izy, araka ny tenin’ i Farao; ary nomeny vatsy koa ho entiny eny an-dalana izy.
And the children of Israel did so; and Joseph gave to them waggons, according to the words spoken by king Pharao; and he gave them provision for the journey.
22 Ary izy rehetra samy nomeny akanjo indray miova avy; fa Benjamina kosa nomeny sekely volafotsy telon-jato sy akanjo indimy miova.
And he gave to them all two sets of raiment apiece; but to Benjamin he gave three hundred pieces of gold, and five changes of raiment.
23 Ary izao kosa no nampitondrainy ho an-drainy: borikilahy folo nitondra zava-tsoa avy tany Egypta, sy borikivavy folo nitondra vary sy mofo, ary vatsy ho an’ ny rainy ho entiny eny an-dalana.
And to his father he sent [presents] at the same rate, and ten asses, bearing some of all the good things of Egypt, and ten mules, bearing bread for his father for your journey.
24 Dia nampandehaniny ny rahalahiny, ka lasa nandeha izy ireo; ary hoy Josefa taminy: Aza mifanditra eny an-dalana ianareo.
And he sent away his brethren, and they went; and he said to them, Be not angry by the way.
25 Dia niakatra avy tany Egypta izy ireo ka tonga tany amin’ i Jakoba rainy tany amin’ ny tany Kanana.
And they went up out of Egypt, and came into the land of Chanaan, to Jacob their father.
26 Dia nilaza taminy izy ka nanao hoe: Mbola velona ihany Josefa, ary izy no mpanapaka ny tany Egypta rehetra, kanefa nangatsiaka ihany ny fon’ i Jakoba, fa tsy nino azy izy.
And they reported to him, saying, Your son Joseph is living, and he is ruler over all the land of Egypt; and Jacob was amazed, for he did not believe them.
27 Dia nolazain’ izy ireo ny teny rehetra izay efa nolazain’ i Josefa taminy: ary rehefa hitany ny sariety izay efa nampitondrain’ i Josefa hitondrana azy, dia izay vao velona indray ny fanahin’ i Jakoba rainy
But they spoke to him all the words uttered by Joseph, whatever he said to them; and having seen the chariots which Joseph sent to take him up, the spirit of Jacob their father revived.
28 Ary hoy Isiraely: Aoka ary, fa mbola velona ihany Josefa zanako; handeha aho ka hahita azy, dieny tsy mbola maty aho.
And Israel said, It is a great thing for me if Joseph my son is yet alive. I will go and see him before I die.

< Genesisy 45 >