< Genesisy 40 >

1 Ary taorian’ izany ny mpitondra kapoakan’ ny mpanjakan’ i Egypta sy ny mpanao mofony dia diso tamin’ ny mpanjakan’ i Egypta tompony.
And it chaunced after this that the chefe butlar of the kynge of Egipte and his chefe baker had offended there lorde the kynge of Egypte.
2 Ary tezitra indrindra tamin’ ireo tandapany roa lahy ireo Farao, dia tamin’ ny lehiben’ ny mpitondra kapoaka sy ny lehiben’ ny mpanao mofo.
And Pharao was angrie with them and put the in warde in his chefe marshals house:
3 Dia nataony tao an-trano-maizina izy roa lahy, tao an-tranon’ ny mpifehy ny mpiambina, tao anatin’ ny trano-maizina izay nifatoran’ i Josefa.
euen in ye preson where Ioseph was bownd.
4 Ary Josefa notendren’ ny mpifehy ny mpiambina ho eo amin’ izy roa lahy, dia nanompo ireo izy; ary nitoetra andro maromaro tao amin’ ny trano-maizina izy roa lahy.
And the chefe marshall gaue Ioseph a charge with them and he serued them. And they contynued a season in warde.
5 Ary nanonofy izy roa lahy indray alina, dia ilay mpitondra kapoaka sy ilay mpanao mofon’ ny mpanjakan’ i Egypta, izay nifatotra tao amin’ ny trano-maizina, ka samy nanana ny nofiny araka ny hevitry ny nofiny avy.
And they dreamed ether of them in one nyghte: both the butlar and the baker of the kynge of Egipte which were bownde in the preson house ether of them his dreame and eche manes dreame of a sondrie interpretation
6 Ary Josefa nankao aminy nony maraina ny andro ka nahita azy, fa, indreo, nalahelo tarehy izy.
When Ioseph came in vnto them in the mornynge and loked apon them: beholde they were sadd.
7 Dia nanontanian’ i Josefa ny tandapan’ i Farao izay niara-nifatotra taminy tao an-tranon’ ny tompony, ka hoy izy: Nahoana no malahelo tarehy izato ianareo ankehitriny?
And he asked them saynge wherfore loke ye so sadly to daye?
8 Ary hoy izy roa lahy taminy: Nanonofy izahay, ka tsy misy mahalaza ny heviny. Dia hoy Josefa taminy: Tsy avy amin’ Andriamanitra va ny filazana ny hevitry ny nofy? Masìna ianareo, lazao amiko izany.
They answered him we haue dreamed a dreame and haue no man to declare it. And Ioseph sayde vnto the. Interpretynge belongeth to God but tel me yet.
9 Dia nambaran’ ny lehiben’ ny mpitondra kapoaka tamin’ i Josefa ny nofiny, ka hoy izy taminy: Nofiko fa indro, hono, nisy tahom-boaloboka teo anatrehako;
And the chefe butlar tolde his dreame to Ioseph and sayde vnto him. In my dreame me thought there stode a vyne before me
10 ary ilay tahom-boaloboka nisampana telo, ka nony nitsimoka izy, dia niposaka ny voniny, ary ny sampahony nahavanona voaloboka masaka.
and in the vyne were. iij. braunches and it was as though it budded and her blossos shottforth: and ye grapes there of waxed rype.
11 Ary teny an-tanako ny kapoakan’ i Farao; dia nalaiko ny voaloboka ka nofiazako ho ao amin’ ny kapoakan’ i Farao, dia natolotro teo an-tànan’ i Farao ny Kapoaka.
And I had Pharaos cuppe in my hande and toke of the grapes and wronge them in to Pharaos cuppe and delyvered Pharaos cuppe into his hande.
12 Ary hoy Josefa taminy: Izao no heviny: Ny sampany telo dia hateloana.
And Ioseph sayde vnto him this is the interpretation of it.
13 Ato anatin’ ny hateloana dia hasandratr’ i Farao ianao ka hampodiny ho ao amin’ ilay nipetrahanao; dia hanolotra ny kapoakan’ i Farao ho eo an-tanany ianao tahaka ilay fanao fahiny, fony ianao mpitondra kapoakany.
The. iij. braunches ar thre dayes: for within thre dayes shall Pharao lyft vp thine heade and restore the vnto thyne office agayne and thou shalt delyuer Pharaos cuppe in to his hade after the old maner even as thou dydest when thou wast his butlar.
14 Fa mba tsarovy aho, rehefa mahita soa ianao, ka trarantitra ianao, iantrao aho, dia lazao amin’ i Farao aho, ka avoahy amin’ ity trano ity;
But thinke on me with the when thou art in good case and shewe mercie vnto me. And make mencion of me to Pharao and helpe to brynge me out of this house:
15 fa nangalarina mihitsy avy tany amin’ ny tanin’ ny Hebreo aho, ary atỳ koa tsy mba nanao izay tokony ho nanaovany ahy eto amin’ ity lavaka ity aho.
for I was stollen out of the lande of the Hebrues and here also haue I done nothige at all wherfore they shulde haue put me in to this dongeon.
16 Ary rehefa hitan’ ny lehiben’ ny mpanao mofo fa tsara ny filazana ny hevitry ny nofy, dia hoy izy tamin’ i Josefa: Izaho koa nanonofy, ka, indro, niloloha karaba telo feno mofo fotsy aho;
When the chefe baker sawe that he had well interpretate it he sayde vnto Ioseph me thought also in my dreame yt I had. iij. wyker baskettes on my heade?
17 ary teo anatin’ ny karaba ambony indrindra dia nisy ny fihinan’ i Farao samy hafa karazana rehetra fanaon’ ny mpanao mofo; ary nohanin’ ny vorona teo anatin’ ny karaba izay nololohaviko izany.
And in ye vppermost basket of all maner bakemeates for Pharao. And the byrdes ate them out of the basket apon my heade
18 Dia namaly Josefa ka nanao hoe: Izao kosa no heviny. Ny karaba telo dia hateloana.
Ioseph answered and sayde: this is the interpretation therof. The. iij. baskettes are. iij. dayes
19 Ato anatin’ ny hateloana dia hasandratr’ i Farao ho afaka aminao ny lohanao, (ka hahantony amin’ ny hazo ianao) dia hohanin’ ny vorona ny nofonao.
for this daye. iij. dayes shall Pharao take thy heade from the and shall hange the on a tree and the byrdes shall eate thy flesh from of the.
20 Ary tamin’ ny andro fahatelo, izay niherenan’ ny taona nahaterahan’ i Farao, dia nanao fanasana ho an’ ny mpanompony rehetra izy; dia nasandrany ny lohan’ ny lehiben’ ny mpitondra kapoaka sy ny lohan’ ny lehiben’ ny mpanao mofo teo amin’ ny mpanompony.
And it came to passe the thyrde daye which was Pharaos byrth daye that he made a feast vnto all his servauntes. And he lyfted vpp the head of the chefe buttelar and of the chefe baker amonge his servauntes.
21 Ary ny lehiben’ ny mpitondra kapoaka dia nampodiny tamin’ ny fitondrany kapoaka indray, ka dia nanolotra ny kapoaka ho eo an-tànan’ i Farao izy;
And restored the chefe buttelar vnto his buttelarshipe agayne and he reched the cuppe in to Pharaos hande
22 fa ny lehiben’ ny mpanao mofo kosa dia nahantony, araka izay efa nolazain’ i Josefa tamin’ izy roa lahy avy.
ad hanged the chefe baker: eue as Ioseph had interpretated vnto the.
23 Kanjo tsy mba nahatsiaro an’ i Josefa ilay lehiben’ ny mpitondra kapoaka, fa nanadino azy.
Notwithstonding the chefe buttelar remembred not Ioseph but forgat hym.

< Genesisy 40 >