< Genesisy 35 >

1 Ary hoy Andriamanitra tamin’ i Jakoba: Miaingà, miakara any Betela ianao ka monena any; ary manorena alitara any ho an’ Andriamanitra Izay niseho taminao, fony ianao nandositra ny tavan’ i Esao rahalahinao.
And God sayd vnto Iacob aryse ad get the vp to Bethell and dwell there. And make there an aulter vnto God that apeared vnto the when thou fleddest from Esau thy brother.
2 Dia hoy Jakoba tamin’ izay tao an-tranony mbamin’ izay rehetra nomba azy: Ario ireo andriamani-kafa, izay ao aminareo, dia madiova, sady ovay ny fitafianareo;
Than sayd Iacob vnto his housholde and to all yt were with him put away the strauge goddes that are amonge you and make youre selues cleane and chaunge youre garmetes
3 ary andeha hiainga isika ka hiakatra any Betela; ary hanao alitara any aho ho an’ Andriamanitra, Izay nihaino ahy tamin’ ny andron’ ny fahoriako ary nomba ahy tamin’ ny lalana izay nalehako.
and let vs aryse and goo vp to Bethell yt I maye make an aulter there vnto God which herde me in the daye of my tribulatio and was wyth me in the waye which I went.
4 Dia natolony teo amin’ i Jakoba ny andriamani-kafa rehetra izay notànany sy ny kavina izay teny an-tsofiny; ary dia nalevin’ i Jakoba tao am-pototry ny hazo terebinta izay tao akaikin’ i Sekema ireo.
And they gaue vnto Iacob all the straunge goddes which were vnder their handes ad all their earynges which were in their eares and Iacob hyd them vnder an ooke at Sichem.
5 Dia lasa nandeha izy; ary nisy tahotra avy amin’ Andriamanitra nahazo ny tanàna manodidina azy, ka tsy nanenjika ny zanak’ i Jakoba izy.
And they departed. And the feare of God fell vpon the cyties that were rounde aboute them that they durst not folowe after the sonnes of Iacob.
6 Ary Jakoba dia tonga tany Lozy (Betela izany), izay any amin’ ny tany Kanana, dia izy sy ny olona rehetra izay nomba azy.
So came Iacob to Lus in the lande of Canaan otherwise called Bethell with all the people that was with him.
7 Ary nanorina alitara teo izy, ka nataony hoe El-betela no anaran’ izany tany izany; fa teo no nisehoan’ Andriamanitra taminy, fony izy nandositra ny tavan’ ny rahalahiny.
And he buylded there an aulter and called the place Elbethell: because that God appered vnto him there when he fled from his brother.
8 Ary maty Debora, mpitaiza an-dRebeka, ka naleviny tao am-pototr’ i Betela, teo ambanin’ ny hazo ôka; ary ny anaran’ io dia nataony hoe Alona-bakota.
Than dyed Deborr Rebeccas norse and was buryed benethe Bethell vnder an ooke. And the name of it was called the ooke of lamentation.
9 Ary Andriamanitra niseho indray tamin’ i Jakoba, raha tonga avy tany Mesopotamia izy, ka nitahy azy.
And God appeared vnto Iacob agayne after he came out of Mesopotamia and blessed him
10 Ary hoy Andriamanitra taminy: Jakoba no anaranao; nefa tsy hatao hoe Jakoba intsony ny anaranao, fa Isiraely ny anaranao; dia nataony hoe Isiraely no anarany.
and sayde vnto him: thy name is Iacob. Notwithstondynge thou shalt be nomore called Iacob but Israel shalbe thy name. And so was his name called Israell.
11 Ary hoy Andriamanitra taminy: Izaho no Andriamanitra Tsitoha; maroa fara sy mihabetsaha; firenena maro no hiseho avy aminao, ary hisy mpanjaka amin’ ny haterakao;
And God sayde vnto him: I am God allmightie growe and multiplye: for people and a multitude of people shall sprynge of the yee ad kynges shall come out of they loynes.
12 ary ny tany izay nomeko an’ i Abrahama sy Isaka dia homeko anao; ary ny taranakao mandimby anao koa no homeko ny tany.
And the lande which I gaue Abraha and Isaac will I geue vnto the and vnto thi seed after the will I geue it also.
13 Ary Andriamanitra niakatra niala taminy, teo amin’ ilay niresahany taminy.
And god departed fro him in the place where he talked with him.
14 Ary Jakoba dia nanorina tsangam-bato teo amin’ ny fitoerana izay niresahany taminy ka nanidina fanatitra aidina teo aminy sady nampidina diloilo teo aminy koa.
And Iacob set vp a marke in the place where he talked with him: euen a pilloure of stone and powred drynkeoffringe theron and powred also oyle theron
15 Ary ny anaran’ ny tany izay niresahan’ Andriamanitra taminy dia nataon’ i Jakoba hoe Betela.
and called the name of the place where God spake with him Bethell.
16 Dia nifindra niala tany Betela izy; ary nony efa kely foana no sisa tsy nahatongavany tao Efrata, dia nihetsi-jaza Rahely sady sarotiny.
And they departed from Bethel and when he was but a feld brede from Ephrath Rahel began to trauell. And in travelynge she was in perell.
17 Ary nony sarotiny toy izany izy, dia hoy ny mpampivelona taminy: Aza matahotra ianao; fa izato koa no zazalahy ho anao.
And as she was in paynes of hir laboure the mydwyfe sayde vnto her: feare not for thou shalt haue this sonne also.
18 Ary rehefa hiala aina (fa maty izy), dia nataony hoe Benony ny anarany; fa ny rainy kosa nanao azy hoe Benjamina.
Then as hir soule was a departinge that she must dye: she called his name Ben Oni. But his father called him Ben Iamin.
19 Dia maty Rahely ka nalevina teo amin’ ny lalana mankany Efrata (Betlehema izany).
And thus dyed Rahel ad was buryed in the waye to Ephrath which now is called Bethlehem.
20 Ary Jakoba nanorina tsangam-bato teo ambonin’ ny fasany, dia ilay tsangam-bato ao amin’ ny fasan-dRahely mandraka androany.
And Iacob sett vp a piller apon hir graue which is called Rahels graue piller vnto this daye.
21 Dia lasa nifindra Isiraely ka nanorina ny lainy tao ankoatr’ i Migdaledera.
And Israell went thece and pitched vp his tent beyonde the toure of Eder.
22 Ary raha nonina teo amin’ izany tany izany Isiraely, dia avy Robena ka nandry tamin’ i Bila, vaditsindranon-drainy; ary nahare izany Isiraely.
And it chaunced as Israel dwelt in that lande that Ruben went and laye with Bilha his fathers concubyne and it came to Israels eare. The sonnes of Iacob were. xij. in nombre.
23 Ary ny zanakalahin’ i Jakoba dia roa ambin’ ny folo mirahalahy: ny zanak’ i Lea dia Robena, lahimatoan’ i Jakoba, sy Simeona sy Levy sy Joda sy Isakara ary Zebolona;
The sonnes of Lea. Ruben Iacobs eldest sonne and Simeo Leui Iuda Isachar and Zabulon
24 ny zana-dRahely kosa dia Josefa sy Benjamina;
The sonnes of Rahel: Ioseph and Ben Iamin.
25 ary ny zanak’ i Bila, ankizivavin-dRahely, kosa dia Dana sy Naftaly;
The sonnes of Bilha Rahels mayde: Dan and Nepthali.
26 ary ny zanak’ i Zilpa, ankizivavin’ i Lea, kosa dia Gada sy Asera. Ireo no zanakalahin’ i Jakoba izay naterany tany Mesopotamia.
The sonnes of Zilpha Leas mayde Gad and Aser. Thes are the sones of Iacob which were borne him in Mesopotamia.
27 Ary Jakoba nankany amin’ Isaka rainy tany Mamre, any Kiriat-arba (Hebrona izany), izay nivahinian’ i Abrahama sy Isaka.
Then Iacob went vnto Isaac his father to Mamre a pricipall cyte otherwise called Hebron: where Abraha and Isaac sogeorned as straungers.
28 Ary ny andro niainan’ Isaka dia valo-polo amby zato taona.
And the dayes of Isaac were an hundred and. lxxx. yeres:
29 Dia niala aina Isaka ka maty, ary voangona any amin’ ny razany, rehefa tratrantitra sady ela niainana izy; ary dia nandevina azy Esao sy Jakoba zananilahy.
and than fell he seke and dyed ad was put vnto his people: beynge olde and full of dayes. And his sonnes Esau ad Iacob buried him.

< Genesisy 35 >