< Genesisy 32 >

1 Ary Jakoba nizotra tamin’ ny lalan-kalehany, dia nisy anjelin’ Andriamanitra nitsena azy.
And Jacob departed for his journey; and having looked up, he saw the host of God encamped; and the angels of God met him.
2 Ary hoy Jakoba, raha nahita ireo: Tobin’ Andriamanitra ity; ary ny anaran’ izany tany izany nataony hoe Mahanaima.
And Jacob said, when he saw them, This is the Camp of God; and he called the name of that place, Encampments.
3 Ary nandefa iraka Jakoba hialoha azy ho any amin’ i Esao rahalahiny, ho any Seïra, tanin’ i Edoma.
And Jacob sent messengers before him to Esau his brother to the land of Seir, to the country of Edom.
4 Ary nanome teny azy izy ka nanao hoe: Izao no holazainareo amin’ i Esao tompoko: Izao no tenin’ i Jakoba mpanomponao: Efa nivahiny tany amin’ i Labana aho ka nitoetra tany mandraka ankehitriny;
And he charged them, saying, Thus shall ye say to my lord Esau: Thus saith thy servant Jacob; I have sojourned with Laban and tarried until now.
5 ary manana omby sy boriky sy ondry aman’ osy ary andevolahy aho; dia efa mba naniraka hanambara aminao tompokolahy ihany aho mba hahitako fitia eo imasonao.
And there were born to me oxen, and asses, and sheep, and men-servants and women-servants; and I sent to tell my lord Esau, that thy servant might find grace in thy sight.
6 Dia niverina tany amin’ i Jakoba ny iraka ka nanao hoe: Tafahaona tamin’ i Esao rahalahinao izahay, ary izy koa dia avy hitsena anao mitondra olona efa-jato lahy.
And the messengers returned to Jacob, saying, We came to thy brother Esau, and lo! he comes to meet thee, and four hundred men with him.
7 Dia natahotra indrindra Jakoba ka poritra dia poritra; dia nozarainy roa toko ny olona izay nomba azy mbamin’ ny ondry aman’ osy sy ny omby ary ny rameva;
And Jacob was greatly terrified, and was perplexed; and he divided the people that was with him, and the cows, and the camels, and the sheep, into two camps.
8 fa hoy izy: Raha tafahaona amin’ ny antokony anankiray Esao ka mamely azy, dia handositra kosa ny antokony anankiray.
And Jacob said, If Esau should come to one camp, and smite it, the other camp shall be in safety.
9 Ary hoy Jakoba: E Andriamanitr’ i Abrahama raiko, sady Andriamanitr’ Isaka raiko, dia Jehovah Izay efa nanao tamiko hoe: Modia any amin’ ny taninao sy any amin’ ny havanao dia hanao soa aminao Aho;
And Jacob said, God of my father Abraam, and God of my father Isaac, O Lord, thou [art] he that said to me, Depart quickly to the land of thy birth, and I will do thee good.
10 tsy mendrika ho nahazo na kely akory aza aho tamin’ ny famindram-po rehetra sy ny fahamarinana rehetra, izay nataonao tamiko mpanomponao; fa tsy nitondra na inona na inona afa-tsy ny tehiko ihany aho fony nita ity Jordana ity; nefa ankehitriny efa tonga toby roa aho.
Let there be to me a sufficiency of all the justice and all the truth which thou hast wrought with thy servant; for with this my staff I passed over this Jordan, and now I am become two camps.
11 O vonjeo aho amin’ ny tanan’ ny rahalahiko, dia amin’ ny tànan’ i Esao; fa matahotra azy aho, fandrao avy mamely ahy mbamin’ ny vadiko aman-janako izy.
Deliver me from the hand of my brother, from the hand of Esau, for I am afraid of him, lest haply he should come and smite me, and the mother upon the children.
12 Fa Hianao efa nanao hoe: Hanisy soa anao tokoa Aho, ka hataoko maro ny taranakao ho tahaka ny fasika any an-dranomasina, izay tsy azo isaina noho ny hamaroany.
But thou saidst, I will do thee good, and will make thy seed as the sand of the sea, which shall not be numbered for multitude.
13 Dia nitoetra teo izy tamin’ iny alina iny; ary naka tamin’ izay teo an-tànany izy mba hampanaterina ho an’ i Esao rahalahiny,
And he slept there that night, and took of the gifts which he carried [with him], and sent out to Esau his brother,
14 dia osivavy roan-jato sy osilahy roa-polo, ondrivavy roan-jato sy ondrilahy roa-polo
two hundred she-goats, twenty he-goats, two hundred sheep, twenty rams,
15 ary rameva telo-polo ampianahany, vantotr’ ombivavy efa-polo sy vantotr’ ombilahy folo, borikivavy roa-polo ary zana-boriky folo.
milch camels, and their foals, thirty, forty kine, ten bulls, twenty asses, and ten colts.
16 Dia natolony teo an-tànan’ ny mpanompony ireny, mitokantokana isan-toko; ary hoy izy tamin’ ny mpanompony: Mandehana eo alohako, ary asio elanelany eo amin’ ny isan-toko.
And he gave them to his servants [each] drove apart; and he said to his servants, Go on before me, and put a space between drove and drove.
17 Dia nanome teny ny voalohany izy ka nanao hoe: Raha mifanena aminao Esao rahalahiko ka manontany anao hoe: An’ iza ianao? ary hankaiza moa? ary an’ iza ireo alohanao?
And he charged the first, saying, If Esau my brother meet thee, and he ask thee, saying, Whose art thou? and whither wouldest thou go, and whose are these possessions advancing before thee?
18 dia lazaonao hoe: An’ i Jakoba mpanomponao ireo, dia zavatra nampanaterina ho an’ itompokolahy Esao; ary indro koa izy ao aorianay ao.
Thou shalt say, Thy servant Jacob's; he hath sent gifts to my lord Esau, and lo! he is behind us.
19 Ary nanome teny ny faharoa sy ny fahatelo koa izy, ary izay rehetra nandeha nanaraka ny isan-toko, ka nanao hoe: Araka izany teny izany no lazaonareo amin’ i Esao, raha hitanareo izy.
And he charged the first and the second and the third, and all that went before him after these flocks, saying, Thus shall ye speak to Esau when ye find him;
20 Ary lazao hoe koa: Indro, Jakoba mpanomponao ao aorianay ao. Fa hoy izy: Hampionona ny hatezerany aho amin’ ireo zavatra nampialohaviko ireo, ary rehefa afaka izany, dia vao hahita ny tavany aho; angamba hahazo fitia aminy aho.
and ye shall say, Behold thy servant Jacob comes after us. For he said, I will propitiate his countenance with the gifts going before his presence, and afterwards I will behold his face, for peradventure he will accept me.
21 Ary dia lasa nialoha azy ireny zavatra nampanateriny ireny; fa izy mbola nitoetra teo amin’ ny toby ihany tamin’ iny alina iny.
So the presents went on before him, but he himself lodged that night in the camp.
22 Dia nitsangana tamin’ iny alina iny ihany izy ka nitondra ny vadiny roa vavy sy ny ankizivaviny roa ary ny zananilahy iraika ambin’ ny folo, dia nita tamin’ ny fitàna tao Jaboka izy.
And he rose up in that night, and took his two wives and his two servant-maids, and his eleven children, and crossed over the ford of Jaboch.
23 Ary naka azy ireo izy, dia nampita azy tamin’ ny renirano, ary nampita ny fananany koa izy.
And he took them, and passed over the torrent, and brought over all his possessions.
24 Dia Jakoba irery no sisa nitoetra teo; ary nisy lehilahy anankiray nitolona taminy ambara-pahazavaratsin’ ny andro.
And Jacob was left alone; and a man wrestled with him till the morning.
25 Ary rehefa hitany fa tsy naharesy azy izy, dia notendreny ny foto-peny; ka dia nivika ny foto-pen’ i Jakoba, raha mbola nitolona taminy Izy.
And he saw that he prevailed not against him; and he touched the broad part of his thigh, and the broad part of Jacob's thigh was benumbed in his wrestling with him.
26 Ary hoy Izy: Avelao Aho handeha, fa efa mazavaratsy ny andro. Fa hoy kosa Jakoba: Tsy havelako handeha Hianao, raha tsy tahinao aho.
And he said to him, Let me go, for the day has dawned; but he said, I will not let thee go, except thou bless me.
27 Ary hoy Izy taminy: Iza moa no anaranao? dia hoy izy: Jakoba.
And he said to him, What is thy name? and he answered, Jacob.
28 Ary hoy indray Izy: Tsy hatao hoe Jakoba intsony ny anaranao, fa Isiraely; satria efa nitolona tamin’ Andriamanitra sy tamin’ ny olona ianao ka nahery.
And he said to him, Thy name shall no longer be called Jacob, but Israel shall be thy name; for thou hast prevailed with God, and shalt be mighty with men.
29 Dia nanontany Jakoba ka nanao hoe: Masìna Hianao, lazao kely izay anaranao. Ary hoy Izy: Ahoana no anontanianao ny anarako? Dia nitahy azy teo Izy.
And Jacob asked and said, Tell me thy name; and he said, Wherefore dost thou ask after my name? and he blessed him there.
30 Ary ny anaran’ izany tany izany dia nataon’ i Jakoba hoe Peniela; fa, hoy izy, efa nahita an’ Andriamanitra nifanatrika tamiko aho, nefa voavonjy ny aiko.
And Jacob called the name of that place, the Face of God; for, [said he, ]I have seen God face to face, and my life was preserved.
31 Dia niposaka taminy ny masoandro, raha niala teo Peniela izy, ary nitolitsika izy noho ny feny.
And the sun rose upon him, when he passed the Face of God; and he halted upon his thigh.
32 Izany no tsy ihinanan’ ny Zanak’ Isiraely ny ozatry ny atodiakanga mandraka androany; satria nanendry ny foto-pen’ i Jakoba teo amin’ ny ozatry ny atodiakanga Izy.
Therefore the children of Israel will by no means eat of the sinew which was benumbed, which is on the broad part of the thigh, until this day, because [the angel] touched the broad part of the thigh of Jacob—[even] the sinew which was benumbed.

< Genesisy 32 >