< Genesisy 21 >

1 Ary Jehovah namangy an’ i Saraha araka ilay efa nolazainy, ary dia nataon’ i Jehovah tamin’ i Saraha araka ilay efa noteneniny.
And the Lord visited Sarrha, as he said, and the Lord did to Sarrha, as he spoke.
2 Dia nanan’ anaka Saraha ka niteraka zazalahy tamin’ i Abrahama, rehefa antitra izy, tamin’ ny fotoana izay efa nolazain’ Andriamanitra taminy.
And she conceived and bore to Abraam a son in old age, at the set time according as the Lord spoke to him.
3 Ary ny anaran’ ny zanany izay teraka, ilay naterak’ i Saraha taminy dia nataon’ i Abrahama hoe Isaka.
And Abraam called the name of his son that was born to him, whom Sarrha bore to him, Isaac.
4 Dia noforan’ i Abrahama Isaka zanany, rehefa teraka havaloana izy, araka izay efa nandidian’ Andriamanitra azy.
And Abraam circumcised Isaac on the eighth day, as God commanded him.
5 Ary efa zato taona Abrahama, raha niteraka an’ i Isaka zanany izy.
And Abraam was a hundred years old when Isaac his son was born to him.
6 Ary hoy Saraha: Efa nampihomehezin’ Andriamanitra aho; izay rehetra mandre dia hiara-mihomehy amiko.
And Sarrha said, The Lord has made laughter for me, for whoever shall hear shall rejoice with me.
7 Ary hoy koa izy: Nampoizin’ iza akory moa no hilaza amin’ i Abrahama fa hampinono zaza Saraha? kanjo efa niteraka zazalahy taminy aho, rehefa antitra izy.
And she said, Who shall say to Abraam that Sarrha suckles a child? for I have born a child in my old age.
8 Ary rehefa lehibe ny zaza, dia notazana; ary Abrahama nanao fanasana lehibe tamin’ ny andro nanotazana an’ Isaka.
And the child grew and was weaned, and Abraam made a great feast the day that his son Isaac was weaned.
9 Ary Saraha nahita fa nihomehy ny zanak’ i Hagara Egyptiana, izay efa naterany tamin’ i Abrahama.
And Sarrha having seen the son of Agar the Egyptian who was born to Abraam, sporting with Isaac her son,
10 Dia hoy izy tamin’ i Abrahama: Roahy io andevovavy io sy ny zanany; fa ny zanak’ io andevovavy io tsy hiray lova amin’ ny zanako, dia amin’ Isaka.
then she said to Abraam, Cast out this bondwoman and her son, for the son of this bondwoman shall not inherit with my son Isaac.
11 Fa ratsy teo imason’ i Abrahama indrindra izany teny izany noho ny amin’ ny zanany.
But the word appeared very hard before Abraam concerning his son.
12 Ary hoy Andriamanitra tamin’ i Abrahama: Aoka tsy ho ratsy eo imasonao ny amin’ ny zaza sy ny andevovavinao; fa izay rehetra lazain’ i Saraha aminao, dia ekeo ny teniny, fa avy amin’ Isaka no hantsoina izay taranaka ho anao.
But God said to Abraam, Let it not be hard before you concerning the child, and concerning the bondwoman; in all things whatever Sarrha shall say to you, hear her voice, for in Isaac shall your seed be called.
13 Nefa ny zanaky ny andevovavy kosa dia hataoko ho firenena, satria terakao ihany izy.
And moreover I will make the son of this bondwoman a great nation, because he is your seed.
14 Dia nifoha maraina koa Abrahama ka naka mofo sy siny hoditra iray feno rano, ary nomeny an’ i Hagara ka napetrany teo an-tsorony ary natolony azy koa ny zaza, dia nampandehaniny izy mianaka; ary lasa nandeha izy ka nirenireny tany an-efitr’ i Beri-sheba.
And Abraam rose up in the morning and took loaves and a skin of water, and gave [them] to Agar, and he put the child on her shoulder, and sent her away, and she having departed wandered in the wilderness near the well of the oath.
15 Ary rehefa lany ny rano tao amin’ ny siny hoditra, dia nariany teo am-pototry ny hazo kely anankiray ny zaza.
And the water failed out of the skin, and she cast the child under a fir tree.
16 Dia lasa izy ka nipetraka terỳ lavidavitra tandrifiny, tokony ho tra-tsipìka; fa hoy izy: Aza mba ho hitako anie izay hahafatesan’ ny zaza. Ary nipetraka tandrifiny izy, dia nanandratra ny feony nitomany.
And she departed and sat down opposite him at a distance, as it were a bow-shot, for she said, Surely I can’t see the death of my child: and she sat opposite him, and the child cried aloud and wept.
17 Ary ren’ Andriamanitra ny feon’ ny zaza, dia niantso an’ i Hagara Ilay Anjelin’ Andriamanitra tany an-danitra ka nanao taminy hoe: Inona izato manjo anao, ry Hagara? Aza matahotra, fa efa ren’ Andriamanitra ny feon’ ny zaza eo amin’ ny itoerany.
And God heard the voice of the child from the place where he was, and an angel of God called Agar out of heaven, and said to her, What is it, Agar? fear not, for God has heard the voice of the child from the place where he is.
18 Mitsangana, areno ny zaza, ka tantano; fa hataoko firenena lehibe izy.
Rise up, and take the child, and hold him in your hand, for I will make him a great nation.
19 Dia nampahiratin’ Andriamanitra ny mason’ i Hagara, ka nahita lavaka fantsakana izy; ary lasa izy, dia nameno rano ny siny hoditra ka nampisotro rano ny zaza.
And God opened her eyes, and she saw a well of springing water; and she went and filled the skin with water, and gave the child drink.
20 Ary nomban’ Andriamanitra ny zaza, dia nitombo izy; ary nonina tany an-efitra izy ka nony efa lehibe dia tonga mpandefa tsipìka.
And God was with the child, and he grew and lived in the wilderness, and became an archer.
21 Ary nonina tany an-efitra Parana izy ka nakan’ ny reniny vady avy tany amin’ ny tany Egypta izy.
And he lived in the wilderness, and his mother took him a wife out of Pharan of Egypt.
22 Ary tamin’ izany andro izany Abimeleka sy Pikola, komandin’ ny miaramilany, dia niteny tamin’ i Abrahama ka nanao hoe: Omban’ Andriamanitra ianao amin’ izay rehetra ataonao;
And it came to pass at that time that Abimelech spoke, and Ochozath his friend, and Phichol the chief captain of his host, to Abraam, saying, God is with you in all things, whatever you may do.
23 koa ankehitriny ianiano amin’ Andriamanitra aho fa tsy hamitaka ahy na ny zanako na ny taranako ianao; fa araka ny soa izay efa nataoko taminao no mba ataovy amiko sy amin’ ny tany izay ivahinianao.
Now therefore swear to me by God that you will not injure me, nor my seed, nor my name, but according to the righteousness which I have performed with you you shall deal with me, and with the land in which you have sojourned.
24 Ary hoy Abrahama: Hianiana ihany aho.
And Abraam said, I will swear.
25 Ary Abrahama nananatra an’ i Abimeleka noho ny lavaka fantsakana anankiray izay efa nalain’ ny mpanompon’ i Abimeleka an-keriny
And Abraam reproved Abimelech because of the wells of water, which the servants of Abimelech took away.
26 Dia hoy Abimeleka: Tsy fantatro izay nanao izany; fa ianao tsy mbola nanambara tamiko, ary izaho koa tsy mba nahare, raha tsy vao izao.
And Abimelech said to him, I know not who has done this thing to you, neither did you tell it me, neither heard I it but only today.
27 Ary Abrahama naka ondry aman’ osy sy omby, ka nomeny an’ i Abimeleka; dia nanao fanekena izy roa lahy.
And Abraam took sheep and calves, and gave them to Abimelech, and both made a covenant.
28 Ary Abrahama nanokana ondrivavikely fito navahana tamin’ ny ondry.
And Abraam set seven ewe-lambs by themselves.
29 Ary hoy Abimeleka tamin’ i Abrahama: Hatao inona ireo ondrivavy kely fito natokanao ireo?
And Abimelech said to Abraam, What are these seven ewe-lambs which you have set alone?
30 Ary hoy izy: Mba horaisinao avy amin’ ny tanako ireo ondrivavy kely fito ireo ho vavolombelona amiko fa izaho nihady io lavaka fantsakana io.
And Abraam said, You shall receive the seven ewe-lambs of me, that they may be for me as a witness, that I dug this well.
31 Izany no nanaovana io tany io hoe Beri-sheba; satria teo no nianianan’ izy roa lahy.
Therefore he named the name of that place, The Well of the Oath, for there they both swore.
32 Dia nanao fanekena tany Beri-sheba izy; ary dia niainga Abimeleka sy Pikola, komandin’ ny miaramilany, ka niverina ho any amin’ ny tanin’ ny Filistina.
And they made a covenant at the well of the oath. And there rose up Abimelech, Ochozath his friend, and Phichol the commander-in-chief of his army, and they returned to the land of the Phylistines.
33 Dia namboly hazo tamariska tany Beri-sheba Abrahama ka tao no niantsoany ny anaran’ i Jehovah, dia Andriamanitra Mandrakizay.
And Abraam planted a field at the well of the oath, and called there on the name of the Lord, the everlasting God.
34 Ary Abrahama nivahiny elaela ihany tany amin’ ny tanin’ ny Filistina.
And Abraam sojourned in the land of the Phylistines many days.

< Genesisy 21 >