< Genesisy 19 >

1 Dia nankany Sodoma ilay anjely roa nony hariva, raha Lota nipetraka teo am-bavahadin’ i Sodoma; ary raha nahita azy Lota, dia nitsangana mba hitsena azy izy ka niankohoka tamin’ ny tany.
And the two angels came to Sodom at evening. And Lot sat by the gate of Sodom, and Lot having seen them, rose up to meet them, and he worshipped with his face to the ground, and said,
2 Dia hoy izy: Mba mivilia ianareo, tompoko, ho ato an-tranon’ ny mpanomponareo, ka mandria anio alina, ary sasao ny tongotrareo, ary hifoha maraina koa ianareo, dia handeha amin’ izay lalan-kalehanareo. Fa hoy izy roa lahy: Tsia; fa hitoetra eto an-kianja ihany izahay anio alina.
Behold! [my] lords, turn aside to the house of your servant, and rest from your journey, and wash your feet, and having risen early in the morning you shall depart on your journey. And they said, Nay, but we will lodge in the street.
3 Ary rehefa noteren’ i Lota fatratra izy roa lahy, dia nivily tany aminy izy ka niditra tao an-tranony; dia nanaovany nahandro izy sy nanendasany mofo tsy misy masirasira, dia nihinana izy.
And he constrained them, and they turned aside to him, and they entered into his house, and he made a feast for them, and baked unleavened cakes for them, and they did eat.
4 Ary raha tsy mbola nandry izy, dia avy manodidina ny trano ny mponina tao an-tanàna Sodoma, hatramin’ ny tanora ka hatramin’ ny antitra, dia ny vahoaka rehetra tao an-tanàna;
But before they went to sleep, the men of the city, the Sodomites, compassed the house, both young and old, all the people together.
5 dia niantso an’ i Lota izy ireo ka nanao taminy hoe: Aiza ireo lehilahy vao tonga tato aminao izao alina izao? avoahy ho atỳ aminay izy hahalalanay azy.
And they called out Lot, and said to him, Where are the men that went in to you this night? bring them out to us that we may be with them.
6 Dia nivoaka teo am-baravarana Lota hankeo aminy, ka nakatony ny varavarana teo ivohony;
And Lot went out to them to the porch, and he shut the door after him,
7 ary hoy izy: Masìna ianareo, ry rahalahiko, aza manao ratsy.
and said to them, By no means, brethren, do not act villanously.
8 Indro, manan-janaka roa vavy aho, izay tsy mbola nahalala lahy; masìna ianareo, aoka re ireo no havoakako ho eto aminareo, ka hataonareo aminy izay sitraponareo; fa ireo lehilahy ireo kosa dia aza anaovanareo na inona na inona; fa tonga hialoka eto ambanin’ ny tafon-tranoko izy.
But I have two daughters, who have not known a man. I will bring them out to you, and do you use them as it may please you, only do not injury to these men, to avoid which they came under the shelter of my roof.
9 Ary hoy izy ireo: Mialà eto ianao. Dia hoy izy ireo indray: Ilehity tonga etỳ hivahiny, kanefa matetika mila hiseho ho mpitsara; ankehitriny dia hanao ratsiratsy kokoa aminao noho ny amin’ ireo lehilahy ireo izahay. Dia nanosika mafy an-dralehilahy izy ireo, dia an’ i Lota, ka nisesika hamaky ny varavarana.
And they said to him, Stand back there, you came in to sojourn, was it also to judge? Now then we would harm you more than them. And they pressed hard on the man, even Lot, and they drew near to break the door.
10 Fa naninjitra ny tànany izy roa lahy, dia nanintona an’ i Lota hankao an-trano ho ao aminy, ka nakatony ny varavarana.
And the men stretched forth their hands and drew Lot in to them into the house, and shut the door of the house.
11 Dia nampanjambena ny mason’ ny lehilahy izay teo am-baravaran’ ny trano izy hatramin’ ny kely ka hatramin’ ny lehibe; ka dia sasa-poana nitady ny varavarana ireo.
And they struck the men that were at the door of the house with blindness, both small and great, and they were wearied with seeking the door.
12 Ary hoy izy roa lahy tamin’ i Lota: Mbola manana ato koa va ianao? dia izay vinantonao-lahy sy ny zanakao-lahy sy ny zanakao-vavy, ary na zovy na zovy anananao ato an-tanàna, ento miala amin’ ity tanàna ity;
And the men said to Lot, Hast you here sons-in-law, or sons or daughters, or if you have any other friend in the city, bring them out of this place.
13 fa horavanay ity tanàna ity, satria efa lehibe ny fitarainany eo anatrehan’ i Jehovah; ka dia naniraka anay Jehovah handrava azy.
For we are going to destroy this place; for their cry has been raised up before the Lord, and the Lord has sent us to destroy it.
14 Dia nivoaka Lota ary niteny tamin’ ny vinantony, izay efa hanambady ny zananivavy, ka nanao hoe: Miaingà, miala amin’ ity tanàna ity; fa horavan’ i Jehovah ity tanàna ity. Fa nataon’ ny vinantony ho tahaka ny mpanao vazivazy izy.
And Lot went out, and spoke to his sons-in-law who had married his daughters, and said, Rise up, and depart out of this place, for the Lord is about to destroy the city; but he seemed to be speaking absurdly before his sons-in-law.
15 Ary nony maraina koa ny andro, dia nandodona an’ i Lota ireo anjely ka nanao hoe: Miaingà, ento ny vadinao sy ny zanakao roa vavy izay eto, fandrao mba haringana ianao noho ny heloky ny tanàna.
But when it was morning, the angels hastened Lot, saying, Arise and take your wife, and your two daughters whom you have, and go forth; lest you also be destroyed with the iniquities of the city.
16 Ary nony nitaredretra izy, dia notantanan’ izy roa lahy izy sy ny vadiny ary ny zanany roa vavy noho ny famindram-pon’ i Jehovah taminy; dia nitondra azy nivoaka izy roa lahy ka nandao azy tany ivelan’ ny tanàna.
And they were troubled, and the angels laid hold on his hand, and the hand of his wife, and the hands of his two daughters, in that the Lord spared him.
17 Ary rehefa nitondra azy nivoaka tany ivelany izy, dia hoy ny anankiray: Mandosira hamonjy ny ainao; aza miherika ianao, na mijanona eny amin’ ny tany lemaka rehetra; mandosira any an-tendrombohitra, fandrao haringana ianao.
And it came to pass when they brought them out, that they said, Save your own life by all means; look not round to that which is behind, nor stay in all the country round about, escape to the mountain, lest perhaps you be overtaken together with them.
18 Ary hoy Lota taminy: Aza an’ izany, Tompo ô!
And Lot said to them, I pray, Lord,
19 indro, fa efa nahita fitia teo imasonao ny mpanomponao, ary efa nahalehibe ny famindram-ponao ianao, izay nataonao tamiko hamonjenao ny aiko; ary tsy afa-mandositra any an-tendrombohitra aho, fandrao hahatratra ahy ny loza, ka ho faty aho;
since your servant has found mercy before you, and you have magnified your righteousness, in what you do towards me that my soul may live, —but I shall not be able to escape to the mountain, lest perhaps the calamity overtake me and I die.
20 indro, io vohitra io dia akaiky handosirana sady kely; masìna ianao, aoka handositra ao aho (tsy kely va izy io?), dia ho velona ny aiko.
Behold this city is near for me to escape there, which is a small one, and there shall I be preserved, is it not little? and my soul shall live because of you.
21 Ary hoy izy taminy: Indro, efa nekeko koa ianao tamin’ izany zavatra izany, ka tsy horavako io vohitra nolazainao io.
And he said to him, Behold, I have had respect to you also about this thing, that I should not overthrow the city about which you have spoken.
22 Mandehana faingana, mandosira ho ao; fa tsy mahazo manao na inona na inona aho mandra-pahatonganao ao. Izany no nanaovana ny anaran’ ny tanàna hoe Zoara.
Hasten therefore to escape there, for I shall not be able to do anything until you are come there; therefore he called the name of that city, Segor.
23 Ary ny masoandro efa niposaka tamin’ ny tany, raha tonga tao Zoara Lota.
The sun was risen upon the earth, when Lot entered into Segor.
24 Ary Jehovah nandatsaka tamin’ i Sodoma sy Gomora solifara sy afo, avy tamin’ i Jehovah tany an-danitra,
And the Lord rained on Sodom and Gomorrha brimstone and fire from the Lord out of heaven.
25 ka nandrava ireny tanàna ireny sy ny tany lemaka rehetra sy ny mponina rehetra tao an-tanàna ary ny zava-maniry teo amin’ ny tany.
And he overthrew these cities, and all the country round about, and all that lived in the cities, and the plants springing out of the ground.
26 Fa ny vadin’ i Lota niherika teo ivohony, dia tonga vongan-tsira mitsangana izy.
And his wife looked back, and she became a pillar of salt.
27 Dia nifoha maraina koa Abrahama ka nankany amin’ ilay efa nijanonany teo anatrehan’ i Jehovah;
And Abraam rose up early to go to the place, where he had stood before the Lord.
28 ary nitsinjo an’ i Sodoma sy Gomora sy ny tany lemaka rehetra izy, dia nahita, ka, indro, niakatra ny setroky ny tany tahaka ny setroky ny lafaoro lehibe.
And he looked towards Sodom and Gomorrha, and towards the surrounding country, and saw, and behold a flame went up from the earth, as the smoke of a furnace.
29 Ary raha noravan’ Andriamanitra ny tanàna tany amin’ ny tany lemaka, dia nahatsiaro an’ i Abrahama Andriamanitra ka namoaka an’ i Lota hiala teo afovoan’ ny horavana, tamin’ ny nandravany ny tanàna izay nonenan’ i Lota.
And it came to pass that when God destroyed all the cities of the region round about, God remembered Abraam, and sent Lot out of the midst of the overthrow, when the Lord overthrew those cities in which Lot lived.
30 Dia niakatra Lota avy tao Zoara ka nitoetra tany an-tendrombohitra, dia izy sy ny zanany roa vavy; fa natahotra hitoetra tao Zoara izy; dia nitoetra tao an-johy izy sy ny zanany roa vavy.
And Lot went up out of Segor, and lived in the mountain, he and his two daughters with him, for he feared to dwell in Segor; and he lived in a cave, he and his two daughters with him.
31 Ary hoy ny vavimatoa tamin’ ny zandriny: Efa antitra izao raintsika, ary tsy misy lehilahy ambonin’ ny tany hanambady antsika araka ny fanaon’ ny tany rehetra;
And the elder said to the younger, Our father is old, and there is no one on the earth who shall come in to us, as it is fit in all the earth.
32 andeha hampisotrointsika divay ny raintsika dia handry aminy isika hananantsika fara avy amin’ ny raintsika.
Come and let us make our father drink wine, and let us sleep with him, and let us raise up seed from our father.
33 Dia nampisotroiny divay ny rainy tamin’ iny alina iny dia niditra ny vavimatoa ka nandry tamin-drainy; ary izy tsy nahafantatra izay nandriany na izay nifohazany.
So they made their father drink wine in that night, and the elder went in and lay with her father that night, and he knew not when he slept and when he rose up.
34 Ary nony ampitson’ iny dia hoy ny vavimatoa tamin’ ny zandriny: Indro, efa nandry tamin’ ny raintsika aho halina; aoka hampisotrointsika divay indray izy anio alina, dia midìra ianao ka mandria aminy hananantsika fara avy amin’ ny raintsika.
And it came to pass on the morrow, that the elder said to the younger, Behold, I slept yesternight with our father, let us make him drink wine in this night also, and do you go in and sleep with him, and let us raise up seed of our father.
35 Dia nampisotroiny divay indray ny rainy tamin’ iny alina iny; dia nitsangana ilay zandriny ka nandry taminy; ary izy tsy nahafantatra izay nandriany, na izay nifohazany.
So they made their father drink wine in that night also, and the younger went in and slept with her father, and he knew not when he slept, nor when he arose.
36 Dia samy nanan’ anaka tamin-drainao ny zanak’ i Lota roa vavy.
And the two daughters of Lot conceived by their father.
37 Dia niteraka zazalahy ny vavimatoa, ka ny anarany nataony hoe Moaba; izy no rain’ ny Moabita mandraka androany.
And the elder bore a son and called his name Moab, saying, [He is] of my father. This is the father of the Moabites to this present day.
38 Ary ny zandriny koa dia niteraka zazalahy ary ny anarany nataony hoe Benamy; izy kosa no rain’ ny taranak’ i Amona mandraka androany.
And the younger also bore a son, and called his name Amman, saying, The son of my family. This is the father of the Ammanites to this present day.

< Genesisy 19 >