< Ezekiela 9 >

1 Ary niantso tamin’ ny feo mahery teo anatrehako Jehovah ka nanao hoe: Manakeke ianareo, ry mpiambina ny tanàna, ka samia mitondra ny fiadiany eny an-tànany avy ho enti-mandringana.
Then I heard him shout out with a loud voice, “Start the attack, you who are in charge of punishing Jerusalem! Pick up your weapons!”
2 Ary, indreo, nisy lehilahy enina avy tamin’ ny lalana mankamin’ ny vavahady ambony, izay manatrika ny avaratra, sady samy nitondra ny fiasany fanorotoroana teny an-tanany avy izy; ary ny anankiray tamin’ ireo dia nitafy rongony fotsy, sady nisy fitoeran-dranomaintin’ ny mpanoratra teo am-balahany; ary niditra izy ireo ka nitsangana teo anilan’ ny alitara varahina.
I watched as six men approached from the upper gate that faces north. All of them were carrying battle axes. There was another man with them. He was dressed in linen and had a scribe's writing kit at his side. They entered and stood next to the bronze altar.
3 Ary ny voninahitr’ Andriamanitry ny Isiraely efa niakatra niala teo amin’ ny kerobima, izay nitoerany, ho eo amin’ ny tokonam-baravaran’ ny trano, ary Izy niantso ilay olona nitafy rongony, totsy izay nisy fitoeran-dranomaintin’ ny mpanoratra teo am-balahany.
The glory of the God of Israel rose from its usual place on the cherubim and went over to the Temple entrance. The Lord called out to the man dressed in linen with the writing kit,
4 Ary hoy Jehovah taminy: Mandehana mamaky ny tanàna, dia Jerosalema, ka asio marika ny handrin’ ny olona izay misento sy mitaraina noho ny fahavetavetana rehetra atao eo aminy.
“Go through the whole the city of Jerusalem and place a mark on the foreheads of those who sighing and mourning at all the disgusting sins that are done there.”
5 Ary reko Izy nanao tamin’ ny sasany hoe: Mandehana manaraka azy ianareo hamaky ny tanàna, ka mameleza; aoka tsy hamindra fo aminy ny masonareo, ary aza ananana antra izy,
Then I heard him tell the others, “Follow him all through the city and start killing people. Don't be kind or merciful to anyone!
6 Fa na lahy antitra, na zatovo, na virijina, na zaza madinika, na vehivavy, dia aringano avokoa; fa izay olona misy ilay marika ihany no aza kasihina ary atombohy hatreo amin’ ny fitoerako masìna izany. Dia nanomboka tamin’ ny lahy antitra izay teo anoloan’ ny trano ireo.
Kill the old men, the young men and girls, the women and children, but do not go anywhere near those who have the mark. Start at my sanctuary.” So they started by killing the elders who were in front of the Temple.
7 Ary hoy Izy taminy: Lotoy ny trano, ary fenoy faty ny kianja; dia mivoaha ianareo. Ary dia nivoaka izy ka namely ny tao an-tanàna.
Then he told them, “Make the Temple unclean and fill the courtyards with dead bodies. Go ahead and do it!” So they went and started killing all through the city.
8 Ary raha mbola namely izy, ary izaho ihany no sisa teo, dia niankohoka aho ka nitaraina hoe: Indrisy! Jehovah Tompo ô! haringanao va ny sisa rehetra amin’ ny Isiraely amin’ izao ampidinanao ny fahatezeranao amin’ i Jerosalema izao?
While they were busy killing people, I was left by myself. I fell facedown to the ground and cried out, “Lord God, when you pour out your anger on Jerusalem, are you going to destroy everyone who's left in Israel?”
9 Dia hoy Izy tamiko: Lehibe dia lehibe ny heloky ny taranak’ ny Isiraely sy ny Joda, ary feno ran’ olona nalatsaka ny tany, sady feno fitsarana miangatra ny tanàna, satria hoy izy: Jehovah efa nahafoy ny tany ary Jehovah tsy mahita.
“The sins of the people of Israel and Judah are really terrible,” he replied. “The whole country is full of murderers, and those living in the city are criminals. They're saying, ‘The Lord has given up on our country. He can't see what we're doing.’
10 Ary Izaho kosa, dia tsy hiantra ny masoko, sady tsy hamindra fo aho, fa hatsingeriko ho eo an-dohany ny nataony.
But I certainly won't be kind to them or have mercy on them. I will make sure they suffer the consequences of what they've done.”
11 Ary, indro, ralehilahy, ilay nitafy rongony fotsy sady nisy fitoeran-dranomainty teo am-balahany, dia nitondra teny niverina nanao hoe: Efa vitako izay nandidianao ahy.
Then the man in linen with the writing kit returned and reported, “I've done what you told me to do.”

< Ezekiela 9 >