< Ezekiela 47 >

1 Dia nentiny niverina ho eo amin’ ny varavaran’ ny trano aho; ary, indro, nisy rano niboika avy eo atsinanana eo ambanin’ ny tokonan’ ny trano; fa manatrika ny atsinanana ny trano, ary ny rano nidina avy teo ambanin’ ny lafiny ankavanan’ ny trano teo atsimon’ ny alitara.
The man took me back to the Temple entrance. I saw water coming out from under the threshold of the Temple and flowing east (because the Temple faced east). The water was coming from under the south side of the Temple and ran south of the altar.
2 Dia nentiny nivoaka tamin’ ny lalana mankamin’ ny vavahady avaratra aho ka nampandehaniny manodidina tamin’ ny lalana ivelany, hankany amin’ ny vavahady ivelany, dia teo amin’ ny lalana manatrika ny atsinanana, ary, indro, nisy rano nipoitra avy teo amin’ ny ilany ankavanana.
Then he took me out through the north gate and led me around the outside to the outer gate that faced east. I saw water was trickling out from the south side of the gate.
3 Ary nony nandeha niantsinanana ralehilahy, nisy famolaina teny an-tànany, ka nandrefy arivo hakiho izy, dia nampitainy ny rano aho, ka hakitrokely ny rano.
The man walked east holding a measuring line He measured a thousand cubits and led me through the water which came up to my ankles.
4 Ary nandrefy arivo hakiho indray izy, dia nampitainy ny rano aho, ka halohalika ny rano. Ary nandrefy arivo hakiho indray izy, dia nampitainy aho, ka havalahana ny rano.
He measured another thousand cubits and led me through water which came up to my knees. He measured another thousand cubits and led me through water that came up to my waist.
5 Ary nandrefy arivo hakiho indray koa izy, ary efa ony tsy azo itana, fa efa nihalalina ny rano, dia rano holanosina, eny, ony tsy azo itana.
He measured another thousand cubits, but this was a river I couldn't cross. The water had risen so high you could swim in it. It was a river that couldn't be crossed on foot.
6 Dia hoy izy tamiko: Ry zanak’ olona, efa hitanao va izany? Dia nitondra ahy niverina ho eny amoron’ ny ony izy.
“Son of man, have you observed all this?” he asked. Then he took me back to the riverbank.
7 Ary nony niverina aho, indro, nisy hazo betsaka teny amoron’ ny ony, dia teny an-daniny roa.
When I got there, I saw a large number of trees on both sides of the river.
8 Dia hoy izy tamiko: Ity rano ity dia mivoaka hankany amin’ ny tany atsinanana, dia midìna any amin’ ny tani-hay ka miditra eo amin’ ny ranomasina; ary rehefa tonga eo an-dranomasina izy, dia sitrana ny rano.
He told me, “This water flows out into the land to the east and into the Arabah. When it arrives at the Dead Sea, it turns the saltwater fresh.
9 Ary ny zava-manan’ aina rehetra sesehena na aiza na aiza alehan’ ny ony tondraka dia ho velona, ka hisy hazandrano sesehena; fa nony tonga ao ity rano ity, dia ho sitrana izy, ary ho velona izay rehetra hidiran’ ny ony.
There will be many animals and fish wherever the river flows. Because the river turns the saltwater fresh wherever it flows, everything will be able to live there.
10 Ary hisy mpaka hazandrano hitsangana eny amorony hatrany En-jedy ka hatrany En-eglaima; ho famelarana harato izany; ary ny hazandranony ho maro karazana, tahaka ny hazandrano betsaka dia betsaka any amin’ ny Ranomasina Lehibe.
Fishermen will stand on the shore of the Dead Sea. They will be able to spread their nets from En-gedi to En-eglaim and catch many kinds of fish. There will be plenty of fish just like the Mediterranean Sea.
11 Fa ny honahona sy ny heniheny dia tsy hositranina, fa havela ho sira.
However, the marshes and swampy areas won't become fresh; they will remain salty.
12 Ary eny amoron’ ny ony, eny an-daniny roa, no anirian’ ny hazo rehetra fihinam-boa; tsy halazo ny raviny, na ho lany ny voany; fa hamoa voa vaovao isam-bolana izy, satria mivoaka avy ao amin’ ny fitoerana masìna ny ranony; ary ho fihinana ny voany, ary ho fanafody ny raviny.
All types of fruit trees will grow on both sides of the river. Their leaves won't wither, and they won't fail to produce fruit. They will produce fruit every month, because the river flowing from the sanctuary comes to water them. Their fruit will be eaten as food and their leaves will be used for healing.”
13 Izao no lazain’ i Jehovah Tompo: Izao no faritry ny tany hozarainareo ho lova araka ny firenen’ Isiraely roa ambin’ ny folo; anjaran-droa no ho an’ i Josefa.
This is what the Lord God says: “These are the boundaries you are to use when allocating ownership of the land to the twelve tribes of Israel (Joseph is to receive two allocations.)
14 Ary samy handova avokoa ianareo rehetra, satria efa nanangan-tanana hanome ity ho an’ ny razanareo Aho, ka dia ho azonareo ho lova ity tany ity.
You are to allocate the land to them equally. I held up my hand and made a solemn promise to give it to your forefathers, so this land will come to you to own and to pass on as an inheritance.
15 Ary izao no faritry ny tany: Ny lafiny avaratra dia hatramin’ ny Ranomasina Lehibe amin’ ny lalana mankany Hetlona ka hatrany akaikin’ i zedada,
These shall be the country's boundaries: On the northern side it runs from the Mediterranean Sea along the Hethlon road and through Lebo-hamath to Zedad;
16 dia Hamata, Berota, Sibraima, izay eo anelanelan’ ny faritanin’ i Damaskosy sy ny fari-tanin’ i Hamata, Hazara afovoany, izay eo an-tsisin’ i Haorana.
then on to Berothah, and Sibraim on the border between Damascus and Hamath, and all the way to Hazer-hatticon, on the border of Hauran.
17 Ary ny fari-taniny dia hatramin’ ny ranomasina, dia Hazar-enana, fari-tanin’ i Damaskosy, ary amin’ ny avaratra dia Hamata no fari-taniny. Izany no lafiny avaratra.
So the border is from the Mediterranean Sea to Hazar-enan, along the northern border with Damascus, with the border of Hamath to the north. This is the northern boundary.
18 Ary ny lafiny atsinanana hatrany anelanelan’ i Haorana sy Damaskosy sy Gileada ary ny tanin’ ny Isiraely dia Jordana; hatramin’ ny fari-tany ka hatreo amoron’ ny ranomasina atsinanana no horefesinareo. Izany no lafiny atsinanana.
The eastern boundary runs from Hauran and Damascus, down along the Jordan between Gilead and the land of Israel, to the Dead Sea and on to Tamar. This is the eastern boundary.
19 Ary ny lafiny atsimo dia hatrany Tamara dia hatramin’ ny ranon’ i Meriba any Kadesy sy ny lohasahan-driaka ka hatramin’ ny Ranomasina Lehibe. Izany no lafiny atsimo.
The southern boundary runs from Tamar to the waters of Meribath-kadesh, then along the Wadi of Egypt to the Mediterranean Sea. This is the southern boundary.
20 Ny lafiny andrefana koa dia ny Ranomasina Lehibe hatramin’ ny faritany ka hatrany akaikin’ i Hamata. Izany no lafiny andrefana.
The Mediterranean Sea is the western boundary all the way up to a location opposite Lebo-hamath. This is the western boundary.
21 Hozarainareo ho anareo izany tany izany araka ny firenen’ Isiraely.
You are to allocate this land for you to own according to the tribes of Israel.
22 Ary amin’ ny filokana no hizaranareo azy ho lovanareo sy ny vahiny monina ao aminareo, izay miteraka ao aminareo; ka izy dia hataonareo ho tahaka ny tena zanak’ Isiraely; hiara-manao filokana aminareo hiara-mandova amin’ ny firenen’ Isiraely izy.
You are to allocate land to own and to pass on as an inheritance for yourselves, and for the foreigners who live among you who have children. You shall treat them in the same way as Israelites born in the country. They are to be given a land allocation to own among the Israelite tribes in the same way as you.
23 Ary amin’ izay firenena hitoeran’ ny vahiny dia ao no hanomezanareo azy ny lovany, hoy Jehovah Tompo.
Foreigners are to be allocated land to own among the tribe where they live, declares the Lord God.”

< Ezekiela 47 >