< Ezekiela 38 >

1 Ary tonga tamiko ny tenin’ i Jehovah nanao hoe:
Yahweh gave me another message. He said to me,
2 Ry zanak’ olona, manandrifia an’ i Goga avy any amin’ ny tany Magoga, izay mpanjakan’ i Rosy sy Meseka ary Tobala, ary maminania ny hamelezana azy,
“You human, turn and face Magog, the country where Gog [is the king]. He is [also] the ruler of [the nations of] Meshech and Tubal. Prophesy about [the terrible things that will happen to] him,
3 ka ataovy hoe: Izao no lazain’ i Jehovah Tompo: Indro, avy hamely anao Aho, ry Goga, mpanjakan’ i Rosy sy Meseka ary Tobala.
and say, ‘This is what Yahweh the Lord says: Gog, you who rule Meshech and Tubal, I am opposed to you.
4 Ary hitarika anao Aho ka hanisy masom-by ny valanoranonao, ary ho entiko mivoaka ianao sy ny tafikao rehetra, dia ny soavaly sy ny mpitaingin-tsoavaly, samy mitafy marevaka izy rehetra, dia olona maro be mitondra ampinga lehibe sy ampinga kely, ary samy mitan-tsabatra;
[It will be as though] I will turn you around and put hooks in your jaws and bring you [to Israel]—you and all of your army, [including your] horses and men carrying weapons who ride the horses, and many other soldiers carrying large shields and small shields, all of them carrying swords.
5 miaraka aminy ny Persiana sy ny Etiopiana ary ny Libyana, samy mitondra ampinga lehibe sy fiarovan-doha avokoa,
[Armies from] Persia, Ethiopia, and Put/Libya will also come, all of them with shields and helmets.
6 Gomera koa mbamin’ ny miaramilany rehetra, ny taranak’ i Togarma avy any amin’ ny farany avaratra mbamin’ ny miaramilany rehetra, dia firenena maro izay miaraka aminao.
An army from Gomer [north of Israel] will come, and an army from Togarmah far north [of Israel] will come. Armies of many nations will accompany you.’
7 Miomana, ka mitaova tsara ianao, eny, ianao sy ireo momba anao izay efa mivory ao aminao, ary aoka ianao no ho mpitarika azy.
[Tell Gog, ] ‘Get ready and be prepared to be the commander of all those groups of soldiers.
8 Rehefa afaka andro maro, dia hotadiavina ianao, raha mby any am-parany, dia ho tonga any amin’ ny tany izay novonjena ka afaka tamin’ ny sabatra ianao, dia tany novorina avy tany amin’ ny firenena maro, any an-tendrombohitry ny Isirady, izay efa lao hatry ny ela; fa efa navoaka avy tany amin’ ny firenena izy, ka dia mandry fahizay izy rehetra.
At some future time, I will command you to lead those armies to attack [Israel], a country whose [buildings] have been rebuilt after [they were destroyed in] wars. Their people will have been brought back from many nations [to live again] on the hills of Israel, which had been deserted for a long time. They had been brought back from [other] nations and will be living peacefully.
9 Eny, hiakatra ianao, ary ho tahaka ny fihavin’ ny rivo-doza no hihavianao, ka ho tahaka ny rahona hanarona ny tany dia ianao sy ny miaramilanao rehetra mbamin’ ny firenena maro izay miaraka aminao.
You and all those armies from many nations will go up to Israel, advancing like [SIM] a big storm. Your army will be like a huge cloud that covers the land.
10 Izao no lazain’ i Jehovah Tompo: Amin’ izany andro izany dia hisy eritreritra hiditra ao an-tsainao, ary hamoron-kevi-dratsy ianao
But this is what [I], Yahweh the Lord, say: On that day, you will have an idea about [DOU] doing an evil thing.
11 ka hanao hoe: Hiakatra aho hamely ny tany izay misy tanàna tsy mimanda; hankamin’ izay mandry fahizay sy mitoetra tsy manana ahiahy aho, samy, monina ao an-tanàna tsy misy manda na hidy na vavahady izy rehetra,
You will say [to yourself], “My [army] will invade a country where the villages do not have walls around them. We will attack people who are peaceful and do not suspect/think [that they will be attacked]. Their towns and villages do not have walls with gates and bars.
12 mba hamabo sy handroba ary hamely indray izay efa rava, saingy vao misy mponina ankehitriny izao, ary ny firenena izay nangonina avy tany amin’ ny jentilisa sady nihary omby sy fananana, dia ireo mitoetra ao amin’ ny foiben’ ny tany.
So [it will be easy for] us to attack the people who are living again in those towns that were previously destroyed. They are people who have been gathered from many countries [where they had lived for many years], people who now live safely in their land with all their livestock and other possessions. They are living in the country that is in the middle of the most important countries (OR, [that they think is] [IRO] the most important country) in the world. Our soldiers will take away [DOU] all their valuable possessions.”
13 Sheba sy Dedana ary ny mpandranton’ i Tarsisy rehetra mbamin’ ireo lionany tanora rehetra dia hanao aminao hoe: Tonga hamabo va ianao? Nangoninao handroba va ireto olonao betsaka ireto, hahalasa volafotsy sy volamena, handroba harena sy fananana ary hahazo babo betsaka?
[Then people of] Sheba and Dedan and the merchants of Tarshish and nearby villages will come and say to you, “Are you gathering all your soldiers in order to [attack Israel and] take away all their silver and gold? [Do you plan] to take away their livestock and all their other valuable possessions [DOU]?”’
14 Koa maminania, ry zanak’ olona, ka ataovy amin’ i Goga hoe: Izao no lazain’ i Jehovah Tompo: Moa amin’ izany andro hitoeran’ ny Isiraely oloko mandry fahizay izany dia tsy ho fantatrao va izany?
Therefore, you human, prophesy about Gog and say to him, ‘This is what Yahweh the Lord says: At that time, when my people of Israel are living safely, you will certainly think about that.
15 Ary ho tonga avy any amin’ ny fonenanao avy any amin’ ny farany avaratra ianao mbamin’ ny firenena maro miaraka aminao, izay samy mitaingin-tsoavaly, dia olona maro be sy miaramila betsaka;
So you will come from your place far north [of Israel], with the armies of many [other] nations, all riding horses, a huge army.
16 ary hiakatra hamely ny Isiraely oloko tahaka ny fiakatry ny rahona hanarona ny tany ianao; any am-parany no ho tonga izany; ary ho entiko hamely ny taniko ianao, mba hahafantaran’ ny firenena Ahy, rehefa miseho ho masìna eo anatrehany Aho amin’ ny ataoko aminao, ry Goga.
You will march toward my Israeli people, and [your soldiers] will cover the land like a huge cloud. Gog, I will bring your army to attack the country that belongs to me, but [what I do] for you will show the people of other nations that I am holy.
17 Izao no lazain’ i Jehovah Tompo: Moa ianao va ilay nampilazaiko ny mpanompoko hatramin’ ny fahiny, dia ny mpaminanin’ ny Isiraely, izay naminany ela tamin’ izany andro izany ny hampakarako anao hamely azy?
This is what [I], Yahweh the Lord, say to Gog: In past years, when I gave messages to my servants, the prophets [in Israel], there were messages [RHQ] about you. At that time, they prophesied for [many] years that I would bring your [armies] to attack my people.
18 Ary amin’ izany andro izany, dia ny andro hihavian’ i Goga hamely ny tanin’ ny Isiraely, hoy Jehovah Tompo, dia hiefona eo am-bavoroko ny fahatezerako.
[So] this is what I, Yahweh the Lord, say will happen: When your [army] attacks Israel, I will be very angry with you.
19 Fa amin’ ny fahasaro-piaroko sy ny afon’ ny fahatezerako no nitenenako hoe: Amin’ izany andro izany dia hisy horohoro mafy any amin’ ny tanin’ ny Isiraely,
I will be very furious, and to show that I am angry, there will be a great earthquake in Israel, [where your armies will be].
20 ka hangorohoro eo anatrehako ny hazandrano any an-dranomasina sy ny voro-manidina sy ny bibi-dia ary ny biby mandady sy mikisaka rehetra izay mandady sy mikisaka amin’ ny tany ary ny olona rehetra ambonin’ ny tany; dia hazera ny tendrombohitra, hikoany fiakarana mideza, ary hirodana ity ampiantany rehetra.
The fish in the sea, the birds, the wild animals, and the animals/creatures that crawl on the ground, and all the people on the earth will tremble because of what I [am doing]. Mountains will fall down, cliffs will crumble, and walls everywhere will fall to the ground.
21 Dia hiantso sabatra Aho hamely azy eny amin’ ny tendrombohitro rehetra, hoy Jehovah Tompo: ary hifamely sabatra amin’ ny namany avy izy rehetra.
Gog, on all the mountains in the country that belongs to me I will cause your soldiers to fight against each other with their swords.
22 Ary hamaly azy amin’ ny areti-mandringana sy ny rà sy ny ranon’ orana manafotra ary ny havandra vaventy Aho; ary koa, handatsaka afo sy solifara aminy sy amin’ ny miaramilany mbamin’ ny firenena maro izay miaraka aminy Aho.
I will punish [MTY] you [and your soldiers] with plagues and murders [MTY]. And I will send down [from the sky], on you and your troops that have come from many nations, huge amounts of rain and hail and burning sulfur.
23 Ka dia hasehoko ny fihalehibiazako sy ny fahamasinako; ary ho fantatra eo imason’ ny firenena maro Aho: ka dia ho fantany fa Izaho no Jehovah.
By doing that, I will cause [the people of] many nations to know that I am very great and holy, and they will know that I, Yahweh, [have the power to do the things that I say that I will do].’”

< Ezekiela 38 >