< Ezekiela 33 >

1 Ary tonga tamiko ny tenin’ i Jehovah nanao hoe:
A message from the Lord came to me, saying,
2 Ry zanak’ olona, mitenena amin’ ny zanaky ny firenenao, ka lazao aminy hoe: Raha mahatonga sabatra amin’ ny tany anankiray Aho, ary ny tompon-tany maka lehilahy anankiray ao aminy ka manendry azy ho mpitily,
“Son of man, tell your people: If I brought an army to attack a country, the people there would choose one of them to be their watchman.
3 ary hitan-dralehilahy fa, indro, avy ny sabatra, ka mitsoka ny anjomara hampitaitra ny olona izy,
When he saw the army advancing to attack the country, he would blow the trumpet to warn everyone.
4 nefa tsy mety taitr izay mandre ny feon’ ny anjomara, dia tonga ny sabatra ka mandripaka azy, dia ho eo an-dohany ihany ny ràny.
So if you hear the trumpet but don't pay attention to the warning, and you're killed in the attack, you will be responsible for your own death.
5 Nandre ny feon’ ny anjomara ihany izy, nefa tsy nety taitra; ho ao aminy ihany ny ràny; fa raha nety taitra izy, dia ho nahavonjy ny ainy ihany.
Since you heard the trumpet but didn't pay attention to the warning, then you will be responsible for your own death. If you had paid attention the warning, you could have saved your life.
6 Fa raha hitan’ ilay mpitily kosa fa, indro, avy ny sabatra, nefa tsy nitsoka ny anjomara izy, ka tsy notairina ny olona, ary tonga ny sabatra ka mandringana olona ao aminy, dia matin’ ny helony ihany iny; nefa ny ràny dia hadiniko amin’ ny tànan’ ilay mpitily.
But if the watchman saw the attack coming and didn't blow the trumpet to warn everyone, and someone is killed, then that person will die in their sins, but I will hold the watchman responsible for their death.
7 Koa ianao, ry zanak’ olona, dia efa notendreko ho mpitily ho an’ ny taranak’ Isiraely, ka raha mandre ny teny aloaky ny vavako ianao, dia izany no ho entinao mananatra azy.
Son of man, I have appointed you as a watchman for the people of Israel. Listen to what I tell you and warn them for me.
8 Raha hoy Izaho amin’ ny ratsy fanahy: He! ry ilay ratsy fanahy, ho faty tokoa ianao! nefa tsy mety mananatra azy ianao hiala amin’ ny alehany, dia ho fatin’ ny helony ihany izany ratsy fanahy izany, fa ny ràny dia hadiniko amin’ ny tananao.
If I tell the wicked ‘You're wicked; you're going to die’; but you don't warn them to change what they're doing, then they'll die in their sins and I will hold your responsible for their deaths.
9 Fa raha mananatra ny ratsy fanahy ihany kosa ianao hiala amin’ ny lalany ratsy; fa izy no tsy mety miala amin’ izany, dia ho fatin’ ny helony ihany izy, nefa voavonjinao ny ainao.
But if you warn the wicked to change what they're doing, and they don't, they will die in their sins, but you will save your own life.
10 Ary ianao, ry zanak’ olona, mitenena amin’ ny taranak’ Isiraely hoe: Izao no fiteninareo: Eto aminay ny fahadisoanay sy ny fahotanay, ka mihalevona amin’ izany izahay, dia nahoana no mbola velona izahay?
Son of man, tell the people of Israel that this is what they've been saying, ‘We recognize our sins and wrongs, and they weigh on us, wearing us out. How can we go on living?’
11 Lazao aminy hoe: Raha velona koa Aho, hoy Jehovah Tompo, dia tsy sitrako ny hahafatesan’ ny ratsy fanahy, fa ny hialan’ ny ratsy fanahy amin’ ny lalany, mba ho velona izy. Mialà, mialà amin’ ny lalan-dratsinareo, fa nahoana moa no te-ho faty ianareo, ry taranak’ Isiraely?
Tell them: As I live, declares the Lord God, it brings me no pleasure when wicked people die. I wish they would stop sinning and live! Stop! Stop sinning! Why should you die, people of Israel?
12 Ary ianao, ry zanak’ olona’ lazao amin’ ny zanaky ny firenenao hoe: Ny fahamarinan’ ny marina tsy hahavonjy azy, raha mby amin’ ny andro ahadisoany; ary ny faharatsian’ ny ratsy fanahy tsy hahavoa azy, raha mby amin’ ny andro ialany amin’ ny faharatsiany; ary ny marina tsy ho velona noho ny fahamarinany, raha mby amin’ ny andro anotany.
So, son of man, tell your people: All the good things a good person has done won't save them when they sin; while the bad things a bad person has done won't be a problem for them if they stop sinning. But good people won't live if they start sinning.
13 Raha lazaiko amin’ ny marina hoe: Ho velona tokoa ianao, nefa izy mitoky amin’ ny fahamarinany ka manao meloka, dia tsy hotsarovana ny fahamarinana rehetra izay nataony, fa ny heloka nataony no hahafaty azy.
If I tell a good person that they will live and then they rely on their goodness and start sinning, then none of the good things they did will be remembered; he will die because of the sins.
14 Ary koa, raha hoy Izaho kosa amin’ ny ratsy fanahy: Ho faty tokoa ianao, nefa miala amin’ ny fahotany izy sady manao izay marina sy mahitsy.
But if I tell a bad person, ‘You're going to die’ and they stop sinning and do what is good and right,
15 ka mamerina ny natao tsatòka sady mampody izay nangalariny ary mandeha araka ny didy mahavelona ka tsy manao meloka, dia ho velona tokoa izy, fa tsy ho faty.
if they return security given for a loan, pay back what they've stolen, and follows my laws about how to live, not doing wrong—then they will live; they won't die.
16 Ny fahotana rehetra izay nataony dia tsy hotsarovana aminy intsony; manao izay marina sy mahitsy izy, ka dia ho velona tokoa.
None of their sins will be remembered; they have done what is good and right and so they will live.
17 Kanefa, hoy ny zanaky ny firenenao: Tsy marina ny fitondran’ ny Tompo; nefa ny fitondran’ ny tenany no tsy marina.
However, your people are complaining, ‘What the Lord does isn't right.’ But it's what they're doing that isn't right.
18 Raha ny marina miala amin’ ny fahamarinany ka manao meloka, dia ho faty amin’ izany izy.
If a good person stops doing good and sins, they will die because of it.
19 Ary raha ny ratsy fanahy miala amin’ ny faharatsiany ka manao izay marina sy mahitsy, dia ho velona amin’ izany izy.
On the other hand, if a bad person turns from their sins and they do what is good and right, they will live as a result.
20 Kanefa, hoy ianareo: Tsy marina ny fitondran’ ny Tompo. He! ry taranak’ Isiraely, samy hotsaraiko araka ny alehany avy ianareo.
So how can you say, ‘What the Lord does isn't right’? Well, I'm going to judge each of you depending on what you've done, people of Israel.”
21 Ary nony tamin’ ny andro fahadimy tamin’ ny volana fahafolo tamin’ ny taona faharoa ambin’ ny folo taorian’ ny namaboana antsika, dia nisy olona efa nandositra avy tany Jerosalema tonga tao amiko ka nanao hoe: Afaka ny tanàna.
On the fifth day of the tenth month of the twelfth year of our exile, a refugee who'd escaped from Jerusalem arrived and told me, “The city has been captured!”
22 Dia efa tonga tamiko ny tànan’ i Jehovah tamin’ ny omaly harivan’ ny andro nahatongavan’ ilay nandositra izay tonga tao amiko, ka nosokafany ny vavako mandra-pahatongan’ ilay nandositra, izay tonga tao amiko nony maraina; dia efa nisokatra ny vavako, ka tsy moana intsony aho.
The previous evening before the messenger arrived the Lord had touched me so I could speak again. This was before the man came to see me in the morning. I wasn't mute any longer—I could speak again.
23 Dia tonga tamiko ny tenin’ i Jehovah nanao hoe:
A message from the Lord came to me, saying,
24 Ry zanak’ olona, ny monina amin’ ireny rava amin’ ny tanin’ ny Isiraely ireny dia manao hoe: Ireny ihany Abrahama, nefa nandova ny tany izy, fa isika kosa dia maro, ary omena antsika ny tany ho lovantsika
“Son of man, people living among the ruins in Israel are saying, ‘Abraham was only one man, but the country was given to him to own. There's plenty of us, so the country should belong to us.’
25 Koa lazao aminy hoe: Izao no lazain’ i Jehovah Tompo: Homan-javatra misy rà sady miandrandra ny sampinareo ianareo ary mandatsa-drà, moa hahazo handova ny tany va ianareo?
So tell them that this is what the Lord God says: You eat meat with the blood still in it. You go and worship your idols. You commit murder. Do you really think the country should belong to you?
26 Mitoky amin’ ny sabatrareo ianareo sady manao fahavetavetana, ka samy mandoto ny vadin’ ny namany avy; koa hahazo handova ny tany va ianareo?
You rely on your swords to get your way. You have done some disgusting things. You're all having sex with each other's wives. Should the country belong to you?
27 Izao no holazainao aminy: Izao no lazain’ i Jehovah Tompo: Raha velona koa Aho, dia tsy maintsy ho lavon’ ny sabatra izay ao amin’ ny tanàna rava, ary izay any an-tsaha dia homeko ho rembin’ ny bibi-dia, ary izay ao amin’ ny harambato sy amin’ ny lava-tany dia ho fatin’ ny areti-mandringana.
Tell them that this is what the Lord God says: As I live, in the people living among the ruins will be killed by the sword. Those living in the countryside will be eaten by wild animals. Those living in the fortresses and caves will die from disease.
28 Fa hataoko rava sy lao ny tany, ary hitsahatra ny fiavonavonan’ ny heriny; ho lao ny tendrombohitry ny Isiraely, ka tsy hisy mpandia azy.
I will turn the country into a wasteland, and power you are so proud of will be ended. The mountains of Israel will become wild places that no one will want to travel through.
29 Dia ho fantany fa Izaho no Jehovah, raha hataoko rava sy lao ny tany noho ny fahavetavetana nataony.
Then the people will acknowledge that I am the Lord, when I have turned the country into a wasteland because of all the disgusting things they have done.
30 Ary ianao, ry zanak’ olona, ny zanaky ny firenenao dia miresaka anao eny am-bodirindrina sy eo am-baravaran’ ny tranony, ka samy manao amin’ ny rahalahiny hoe: Andeha isika, ary aoka handre izay teny avy amin’ i Jehovah.
Son of man, your people are talking about you out in the streets and in the doorways of their houses. They encourage one another, saying, ‘Come on! Let's go and hear a message from the Lord!’
31 Dia mankao aminao tahaka ny fihavin’ ny olona izy ka mipetraka eo anatrehanao toa oloko ary mahare ny teninao, nefa tsy mety mankatò azy; fa, indro, teny mamy no lazain’ ny vavany, nefa ny fony dia lasa manaraka ny filan-karena.
So my people come and visit you like they usually do. They sit and listen to the message you share, but they don't do anything about it. Even though they talk about love, all they're thinking about is how to cheat others.
32 Koa, indro, ianao dia ataony ho tahaka ny mpanao hira mahafinaritra, izay tsara feo sady mahay mitendry; fa mandre ny teninao izy, nefa tsy mety mankatò azy.
In fact, to them you're just someone who sings love songs with a lovely voice and who is a fine musician. They listen to the message you share, but they don't do anything about it.
33 Ary nony tanteraka izany (indro, efa ho tanteraka ihany), dia ho fantany fa efa nisy mpaminany tokoa tao aminy.
So when what you say does happen (and it will), then they will realize that they did have a prophet among them.”

< Ezekiela 33 >