< Ezekiela 23 >

1 Ary tonga tamiko ny tenin’ i Jehovah nanao hoe:
The word of the Lord came to me again, saying,
2 Ry zanak’ olona, nisy vehivavy mirahavavy iray tam-po;
Son of man, there were two women, daughters of one mother:
3 ary nijangajanga tany Egypta izy; fony izy mbola tanora no nijangajanga; tao no nisafosafoana ny tratrany, ary tao no nitsapatsapana ny nonon’ ny fahavirijinany.
They were acting like loose women in Egypt; when they were young their behaviour was loose: there their breasts were crushed, even the points of their young breasts were crushed.
4 Ny anaran’ ny zokiny dia Ohola, ary ny rahavaviny dia Oholiba; ary novadiko izy ka niteraka zazalahy sy zazavavy. Ny amin’ ny anarany: Samaria no Ohola, ary Jerosalema no Oholiba.
Their names were Oholah, the older, and Oholibah, her sister: and they became mine, and gave birth to sons and daughters. As for their names, Samaria is Oholah, and Jerusalem, Oholibah.
5 Ary raha mbola vadiko Ohola, dia nijangajanga izy; maimay izy tamin’ ireo lehilahiny, dia ny Asyriana mifanolotra aminy,
And Oholah was untrue to me when she was mine; she was full of desire for her lovers, even for the Assyrians, her neighbours,
6 izay mitafy mangamanga, dia ny governora sy ny lefiny, tovolahy bikàna izy rehetra sady mpitaingin-tsoavaly.
Who were clothed in blue, captains and rulers, all of them young men to be desired, horsemen seated on horses.
7 Nijangajanga tamin’ ireny izy, dia tamin’ izay tsara indrindra tamin’ ny zanakalahin’ i Asyria sy tamin’ izay rehetra nahamaimay azy; tamin’ ny sampiny rehetra no nandotoany tena.
And she gave her unclean love to them, all of them the noblest men of Assyria: and she made herself unclean with the images of all who were desired by her.
8 Ary ny fijangajangana izay fanaony hatrany Egypta dia tsy foiny; fa fony izy mbola tanora dia nandrian’ ireny, ary ireny no nitsapatsapa ny tratran’ ny fahavirijinany sady nanaram-po nijangajanga taminy.
And she has not given up her loose ways from the time when she was in Egypt; for when she was young they were her lovers, and by them her young breasts were crushed, and they let loose on her their unclean desire.
9 Ary noho izany dia natolotro ho eo an-tànan’ ireo lehilahiny izy, dia eo an-tànan’ ny Asyriana izay nahamaimay azy.
For this cause I gave her up into the hands of her lovers, into the hands of the Assyrians on whom her desire was fixed.
10 Ireny no nampiseho ny fitanjahany; ny zananilahy sy ny zananivavy dia lasan’ ireny, ary ny tenany novonoiny tamin’ ny sabatra, ka dia tonga ambentinteny tamin’ ny vehivavy izy ary efa niharan’ ny fitsarana.
By these her shame was uncovered: they took her sons and daughters and put her to death with the sword: and she became a cause of wonder to women; for they gave her the punishment which was right.
11 Ary nony hitan’ i Oholiba rahavaviny izany, dia vao mainka nataony manoatra noho ny azy indray ny fahamaimaizany, ary ny fijangajangany manoatra noho ny an’ ny rahavaviny,
And her sister Oholibah saw this, but her desire was even more unmeasured, and her loose behaviour was worse than that of her sister.
12 Maimay tamin’ ny Asyriana mifanolotra aminy izy, dia ny governora sy ny lefiny, olona mareva-pitafiana sady mpitaingin-tsoavaly, samy tovolahy bikàna izy rehetra.
She was full of desire for the Assyrians, captains and rulers, her neighbours, clothed in blue, horsemen going on horses, all of them young men to be desired.
13 Dia hitako fa efa nandoto ny tenany izy, fa lalana iray ihany no nalehan’ izy mirahavavy;
And I saw that she had become unclean; the two of them went the same way.
14 ary mbola nampandrosoiny ihany ny fijangajangany, fa nahita sariolona voasoratra teo amin’ ny rindrina izy sy ny sarin’ ny Kaldeana voasoratra tamin’ ny loko mena.
And her loose behaviour became worse; for she saw men pictured on a wall, pictures of the Chaldaeans painted in bright red,
15 samy nisy fehin-kibo nifehy teo am-balahany sy hamama voanato nisy rambony teo an-dohany; ny fijery azy rehetra dia toy ny fijery zanak’ andriana, dia tahaka ny zanakalahin’ i Babylona, izay teraka tany amin’ ny tany Kaldea.
With bands round their bodies and with head-dresses hanging round their heads, all of them looking like rulers, like the Babylonians, the land of whose birth is Chaldaea.
16 Ary raha vao hitan’ ny masony ireny, dia maimay taminy izy ka naniraka olona ho any aminy tany Kaldea.
And when she saw them she was full of desire for them, and sent servants to them in Chaldaea.
17 Ary tonga tany aminy ho ao amin’ ny fandriam-pitiavana ireny zanakalahin’ i Babylona ka nandoto azy tamin’ ny fijangajangany; ary nony efa voaloton’ ireny izy, dia niombotra niala taminy kosa ny fanahiny.
And the Babylonians came to her, into the bed of love, and made her unclean with their loose desire, and she became unclean with them, and her soul was turned from them.
18 Ary rehefa naneho ny fijangajangany sy nampiseho ny fitanjahany izy, dia niombotra niala taminy ny fanahiko, toy ny efa niombotan’ ny fanahiko niala tamin’ ny rahavaviny ihany.
So her loose behaviour was clearly seen and her shame uncovered: then my soul was turned from her as it had been turned from her sister.
19 Dia nampitombo ny fijangajangany ihany izy, ka dia nahatsiaro ny andro fahatanorany, izay nijangajangany tany amin’ ny tany Egypta.
But still she went on the more with her loose behaviour, keeping in mind the early days when she had been a loose woman in the land of Egypt.
20 Fa izy dia maimay tamin’ ireo lehilahiny, izay manana nofo tahaka ny nofom-boriky, ary ny avy aminy dia toy ny avy amin’ ny soavaly.
And she was full of desire for her lovers, whose flesh is like the flesh of asses and whose seed is like the seed of horses.
21 Nitady ny fijangajangan’ ny fahatanoranao ianao, dia ilay nitsapatsapan’ ny Egyptiana ny nononao, satria nonon’ ny fahavirijinanao ireo.
And she made the memory of the loose ways of her early years come back to mind, when her young breasts were crushed by the Egyptians.
22 Koa izao, ry Oholiba, no lazain’ i Jehovah Tompo: Indro, hotairiko hamely anao ireny lehilahinao, izay efa niombotan’ ny fanahinao, ka ho entiko avy amin’ ny tany manodidina izy mba hamely anao,
For this cause, O Oholibah, this is what the Lord has said: See, I will make your lovers come up against you, even those from whom your soul is turned away in disgust; and I will make them come up against you on every side;
23 dia ireny zanakalahin’ i Babylona mbamin’ ny Kaldeana rehetra, mpanapaka sy manan-jo sy andriandahy, ary ny Asyriana rehetra koa miaraka aminy; tovolahy bikàna izy rehetra, dia ny governora sy ny lefiny, zanak’ andriana sy olom-boafidy, sady mpitaingin-tsoavaly avokoa izy rehetra.
The Babylonians and all the Chaldaeans, Pekod and Shoa and Koa, and all the Assyrians with them: young men to be desired, captains and rulers all of them, and chiefs, her neighbours, all of them on horseback.
24 Ary ho avy izy mitondra fiadiana sy kalesy sy kodia mbamin’ ny firenena betsaka hamely anao, izay hanisy ampinga lehibe sy ampinga kely sy fiarovan-doha manodidina hamelezana anao, ary hatolotro azy ny fitsarana, ka hitsara anao araka ny fitsarany izy.
And they will come against you from the north on horseback, with war-carriages and a great band of peoples; they will put themselves in order against you with breastplate and body-cover and metal head-dress round about you: and I will make them your judges, and they will give their decision against you as seems right to them.
25 Ary ho entiko hamely anao ny fahasaro-piaroko, ka hamely anao amin’ ny fahatezerana ireny: hesoriny ny oronao sy ny sofinao, ary izay sisa aminao dia ho lavon’ ny sabatra, ka ho lasan-ko babony ny zanakalahinao sy ny zanakavavinao, ary izay sisa aminao holevonin’ ny afo.
And my bitter feeling will be working against you, and they will take you in hand with passion; they will take away your nose and your ears, and the rest of you will be put to the sword: they will take your sons and daughters, and the rest of you will be burned up in the fire.
26 Ary hendahany ny lambanao, sady hesoriny aminao ny firavakao soa.
And they will take all your clothing off you and take away your ornaments.
27 Ary hatsahatro ny fahavetavetanao, dia ny fijangajanganao izay fanaonao hatrany amin’ ny tany Egypta, fa tsy ihandrandrainao aminy intsony ny masonao, sady tsy; hotsarovanao intsony Egypta.
So I will put an end to your evil ways and your loose behaviour which came from the land of Egypt: and your eyes will never be lifted up to them again, and you will have no more memory of Egypt.
28 Fa izao no lazain’ i Jehovah Tompo: Indro, hatolotro eo an-tànan’ izay halanao ianao, dia eo an-tanan’ izay efa niombotan’ ny fanahinao;
For this is what the Lord has said: See, I will give you up into the hands of those who are hated by you, into the hands of those from whom your soul is turned away in disgust:
29 ary hamely anao amin’ ny fankahalana izy, ka hesoriny ny vokatry ny asanao, dia hilaozany mitanjaka sy mihanjahanja ianao, ary hiseho ny fitanjahan’ ny fijangajanganao, dia ny fahavetavetanao sy ny fijangajanganao.
And they will take you in hand with hate, and take away all the fruit of your work, and let you be unveiled and without clothing: and the shame of your loose behaviour will be uncovered, your evil designs and your loose ways.
30 Havo aminao izany zavatra izany noho ny nijangajanganao nanaraka ny jentilisa sy noho ny nandotoanao tena tamin’ ny sampiny.
They will do these things to you because you have been untrue to me, and have gone after the nations, and have become unclean with their images.
31 Tamin’ ny nalehan’ ny rahavavinao no nalehanao koa, ka dia hataoko eo an-tananao ny kapoakany.
You have gone in the way of your sister; and I will give her cup into your hand.
32 Izao no lazain’ i Jehovah Tompo: Amin’ ny kapoaky ny rahavavinao no hisotroanao, dia ilay lalina àty sady lehibe; ho fihomehezana sy ho fanakorana tsy tanty ianao.
This is what the Lord has said: You will take a drink from your sister's cup, which is deep and wide: you will be laughed at and looked down on, more than you are able to undergo.
33 Ho feno fahamamoana sy alahelo ianao; kapoaka fahatalanjonana sy fandringanana ny kapoak’ i Samaria rahavavinao.
You will be broken and full of sorrow, with the cup of wonder and destruction, with the cup of your sister Samaria.
34 Hosotroinao sy hotrohinao izy, ary hokikisanao ny vakivakiny sady handriatanao ny nononao; fa Izaho no niteny izany, hoy Jehovah Tompo.
And after drinking it and draining it out, you will take the last drops of it to the end, pulling off your breasts: for I have said it, says the Lord.
35 Koa izao no lazain’ i Jehovah Tompo: Noho ny nanadinoanao Ahy sy ny nanarianao Ahy teo ivohonao, dia mba zakaonao kosa ny fahavetavetanao sy ny fijangajanganao.
So this is what the Lord has said: Because you have not kept me in your memory, and because your back has been turned to me, you will even undergo the punishment of your evil designs and your loose ways.
36 Jehovah niteny tamiko hoe: Ry zanak’ olona, tsy hotsarainao va Ohola sy Oholiba? Dia asehoy azy ny fahavetavetany,
Then the Lord said to me: Son of man, will you be the judge of Oholibah? then make clear to her the disgusting things she has done.
37 fa efa nijangajanga izy, sady misy rà eny an-tànany, eny, ny sampiny no nijangajangany, ary ny zananilahy naterany ho Ahy dia nampamakiny ny afo ho an’ ireny mba ho levona.
For she has been false to me, and blood is on her hands, and with her images she has been untrue; and more than this, she made her sons, whom she had by me, go through the fire to them to be burned up.
38 Izao koa no nataony tamiko: Nandoto ny fitoerako masìna izy tamin’ izany andro izany sady nandoto ny Sabatako koa.
Further, this is what she has done to me: she has made my holy place unclean and has made my Sabbaths unclean.
39 Ary nony efa novonoiny ho an’ ny sampiny ny zanany, dia nidirany tamin’ iny andro iny ihany ny fitoerako masìna ka nolotoiny; koa, he! izany no nataony teo anatin’ ny tranoko.
For when she had made an offering of her children to her images, she came into my holy place to make it unclean; see, this is what she has done inside my house.
40 Ary koa, naniraka ho any amin’ ny olona avy lavitra ianao; eny, nanirahanao ireo, ka, indreo, tonga izay efa nandroanao sy nanosoranao loko mainty ny masonao sy niravahanao.
And she even sent for men to come from far away, to whom a servant was sent, and they came: for whom she was washing her body and painting her eyes and making herself fair with ornaments.
41 ary nipetrahanao tamin’ ny farafara marevaka, sady nisy latabatra voavelatra teo anoloany, izay nametrahanao ny ditin-kazo manitro sy ny diloiloko.
And she took her seat on a great bed, with a table put ready before it on which she put my perfume and my oil.
42 Ary teo aminy nisy ny feon’ ny maro izay mipetraka tsy manana ahiahy, ary afa-tsy ny ankabiazam-bahoaka dia nisy mpiboboka nentina avy tany an-efitra; ary nasian’ ireo haba teny an-tànan’ izy mirahavavy sy satro-boninahitra tsara tarehy teny an-dohany.
... and they put jewels on her hands and beautiful crowns on her head.
43 Dia hoy Izaho ny amin’ ilay efa tontan’ ny fijangajangana ela: Amin’ izao dia mbola hisy hijangajanga amin’ io ihany va?
Then I said ... now she will go on with her loose ways.
44 Eny, mbola nankao aminy ihany ny olona toy ny ankanesany ao amin’ ny vehivavy janga, dia toy ny efa nankanesany tao amin’ i Ohola sy Oholiba, vehivavy janga.
And they went in to her, as men go to a loose woman: so they went in to Oholibah, the loose woman.
45 Ary olona marina no hitsara azy araka izay fitsara vehivavy mijangajanga sy mandatsa-drà, satria mijangajanga izy, sady misy rà eny an-tànany.
And upright men will be her judges, judging her as false wives and women who take lives are judged; because she has been untrue to me and blood is on her hands.
46 Fa izao no lazain’ i Jehovah Tompo: Ho entiko hamely azy ny olona maro, ka natolotro ho mpanjenjena sy ho babo izy.
For this is what the Lord has said: I will make a great meeting of the people come together against her, and will send on her shaking fear and take everything from her.
47 Ary ireo olona maro ireo dia hitora-bato azy sy hitetitetika azy amin’ ny sabatra; hovonoiny ny zananilahy sy ny zananivavy, ary hodorany amin’ ny afo koa ny tranony.
And the meeting, after stoning her with stones, will put an end to her with their swords; they will put her sons and daughters to death and have her house burned up with fire.
48 Toy izany no hampitsaharako ny fahavetavetana amin’ ny tany, mba hahazo anatra ny vehivavy rehetra tsy hanao araka ny fahavetavetanareo.
And I will put an end to evil in all the land, teaching all women not to do as you have done.
49 Ary hatsingeriny aminareo ny fahavetavetanareo, ary ho entinareo ny heloka noho ny sampinareo; ka dia ho fantatrareo fa Izaho no Jehovah Tompo.
And I will send on you the punishment of your evil ways, and you will be rewarded for your sins with your images: and you will be certain that I am the Lord.

< Ezekiela 23 >