< Ezekiela 22 >

1 Ary tonga tamiko ny tenin’ i Jehovah nanao hoe:
And the word of the Lord came to me, saying,
2 Ry zanak’ olona, moa tsy hitsara va ianao? Tsy hitsara ny tanana mpandatsa-drà va ianao? Ampahafantaro azy ary ny fahavetavetany rehetra,
And you, son of man, will you be a judge, will you be a judge of the town of blood? then make clear to her all her disgusting ways.
3 ka ataovy hoe: Izao no lazain’ i Jehovah Tompo: Tanàna mpandatsa-drà ao ampovoany hahatonga ny fotoany sady manao sampy ao aminy hahaloto azy.
And you are to say, This is what the Lord has said: A town causing blood to be drained out in her streets so that her time may come, and making images in her to make her unclean!
4 Ny rà izay nalatsakao no nahameloka anao, ary ny sampy izay nataonao no nahaloto anao; ary efa nampanakaiky ny andronao ianao ka efa tonga amin’ ny taonanao, koa izany no nanaovako anao ho fandatsan’ ny jentilisa sy ho fanakoran’ ny tany rehetra,
You are responsible for the blood drained out by you, and you are unclean through the images which you have made; and you have made your day come near, and the time of your judging has come; for this cause I have made you a name of shame to the nations and a cause of laughing to all countries.
5 ka na ny akaiky anao na ny lavitra anao dia samy hanakora anao voaloto anarana sy be tabataba.
Those who are near and those who are far from you will make sport of you; your name is unclean, you are full of sounds of fear.
6 Indreo ny lehiben’ ny Isiraely efa samy ao aminao araka ny heriny avy mba handatsa-drà.
See, the rulers of Israel, every one in his family, have been causing death in you.
7 Ao aminao no anozonana ray aman-dreny; ary ao aminao no anaovana izay sarotra amin’ ny vahiny; ary ao aminao no ampahoriana ny kamboty sy ny mpitondratena.
In you they have had no respect for father and mother; in you they have been cruel to the man from a strange land; in you they have done wrong to the child without a father and to the widow.
8 Hamavoinao ny zavatra masìna, ary lotoinao ny Sabatako.
You have made little of my holy things, and have made my Sabbaths unclean.
9 Ao aminao misy olona mandehandeha manaratsy mba handatsa-drà; ary ao aminao misy mihinana eny an-tendrombohitra; ao aminao misy manao fahavetavetana.
In you there are men who say evil of others, causing death; in you they have taken the flesh with the blood for food; in your streets they have put evil designs into effect.
10 Ao aminao misy mandry amin-drainy; ao aminao misy misavika izay mararin’ ny fadim-bolana.
In you they have let the shame of their fathers be seen; in you they have done wrong to a woman at the time when she was unclean.
11 Misy manao fahavetavetana amin’ ny vadin’ ny namany; misy manao fahavetavetana mandoto ny vinantovaviny; ary misy misavika ny anabaviny zanakavavin-drainy.
And in you one man has done what was disgusting with his neighbour's wife; and another has made his daughter-in-law unclean; and another has done wrong to his sister, his father's daughter.
12 Ao aminao misy mandray kolikoly handatsa-drà; maka zana-bola sy tombony ianao sady manao an-keriny mandroba ny an’ ny namanao ka manadino Ahy, hoy Jehovah Tompo.
In you they have taken rewards as the price of blood; you have taken interest and great profits, and you have taken away your neighbours' goods by force, and have not kept me in mind, says the Lord.
13 Koa, indro, manjera tanana Aho noho ny harena azonao tamin’ ny tsy marina sy ny latsa-drà tao aminao.
See, then, I have made my hands come together in wrath against your taking of goods by force and against the blood which has been flowing in you.
14 Hahatoha va ny fonao, na hahazaka va ny tananao, amin’ ny andro izay hisehoaka aminao? Izaho Jehovah no nilaza sady hahatanteraka izany.
Will your heart be high or your hands strong in the days when I take you in hand? I the Lord have said it and will do it.
15 Ary haeliko ho any amin’ ny jentilisa sy hahahako ho any amin’ ny tany samy hafa ianao, ary holevoniko ho afaka aminao mihitsy ny fahalotoanao.
And I will send you in flight among the nations and wandering among the countries; and I will completely take away out of you everything which is unclean.
16 Ary dia ho hitan’ ny jentilisa fa ny nataonao ihany no nahaloto anao; ka dia ho fantatrao fa Izaho no Jehovah.
And you will be made low before the eyes of the nations; and it will be clear to you that I am the Lord.
17 Ary tonga tamiko ny tenin’ i Jehovah anao hoe:
And the word of the Lord came to me, saying,
18 Ry zanak’ olona, ny taranak’ Isiraely dia efa tonga tain-drendrika amiko; izy rehetra dia varahina sy vifotsy sy vy ary firaka ao anatin’ ny memy; eny, efa tonga taim-bolafotsy izy.
Son of man, the children of Israel have become like the poorest sort of waste metal to me: they are all silver and brass and tin and iron and lead mixed with waste.
19 Koa izao no lazain’ i Jehovah Tompo: Noho ny nahatongavanareo rehetra ho tain-drendrika, dia, indro, hangoniko ho ao Jerosalema ianareo.
For this cause the Lord has said: Because you have all become waste metal, see, I will get you together inside Jerusalem.
20 Toy ny anangonana volafotsy sy varahina sy vy sy firaka ary vifotsy ho ao anatin’ ny memy ka misy mifofotra azy amin’ ny afo ho rendrika, dia toy izany no hanangonako anareo amin’ ny fahatezerako sy ny fahavinirako, ary hataoko ao ianareo ka ho voarendrika;
As they put silver and brass and iron and lead and tin together inside the oven, heating up the fire on it to make it soft; so will I get you together in my wrath and in my passion, and, heating the fire with my breath, will make you soft.
21 eny, nangoniko ianareo, dia hifofotra anareo amin’ ny afon’ ny fahatezerako Aho, ka ho voarendrika ao anatiny ianareo.
Yes, I will take you, breathing on you the fire of my wrath, and you will become soft in it.
22 Toy ny andrendrika volafotsy ao anatin’ ny memy no handrendrehana anareo ao anatiny; ka dia ho fantatrareo fa Izaho Jehovah no nampidina ny fahatezerako aminareo.
As silver becomes soft in the oven, so you will become soft in it; and you will be certain that I the Lord have let loose my passion on you.
23 Ary tonga tamiko ny tenin’ i Jehovah nanao hoe:
And the word of the Lord came to me, saying,
24 Ry zanak’ olona, lazao aminy hoe: Hianao no tany tsy hazavain’ ny hainandro sady tsy ilatsahan’ ny ranonorana amin’ ny andro fahatezerana.
Son of man, say to her, You are a land on which no rain or thunderstorm has come in the day of wrath.
25 Mikomy ny mpaminany ao aminy; tahaka ny liona mierona mamiravira haza izy; mihinana olona izy sady mahalasa ny harena sy ny zava-tsoa ary mahamaro ny mpitondratena ao aminy.
Her rulers in her are like a loud-voiced lion violently taking his food; they have made a meal of souls; they have taken wealth and valued property; they have made great the number of widows in her.
26 Ny mpisorona dia mandika ny lalàko sy mandoto ny zavatra masìna; tsy manavaka ny masìna sy ny tsy masìna izy, na mampiseho ny tsi-fitovian’ ny maloto sy ny madio, ary mitampi-maso tsy hijery ny Sabatako izy, ary tsiratsiraina ao aminy Aho.
Her priests have been acting violently against my law; they have made my holy things unclean: they have made no division between what is holy and what is common, and they have not made it clear that the unclean is different from the clean, and their eyes have been shut to my Sabbaths, and I am not honoured among them.
27 Toy ny amboadia mamiravira haza ny lehibeny ao aminy ka mandatsa-drà sy mahafaty aina ary mahazo harena amin’ ny tsy marina.
Her rulers in her are like wolves violently taking their food; putting men to death and causing the destruction of souls, so that they may get their profit.
28 Ary ny mpaminaniny mandalotra azy amin’ ny feta tsy madity ka mahita zava-poana sy maminany lainga aminy hoe: Izao no lazain’ i Jehovah Tompo; nefa Jehovah tsy niteny tsinona.
And her prophets have been using whitewash, seeing foolish visions and making false use of secret arts, saying, This is what the Lord has said, when the Lord has said nothing.
29 Ny vahoaka manao an-keriny sy mandroba ka mampahory ny malahelo sy ny mahantra; ary ny vahiny dia ampahoriny tsy andrariny.
The people of the land have been acting cruelly, taking men's goods by force; they have been hard on the poor and those in need, and have done wrong to the man from a strange land.
30 Ary nitady olona teo aminy Aho hanao manda sy hijanona eo amin’ ny banga eo anatrehako hifona ho an’ ny tany mba tsy handravako azy, kanjo tsy nahita;
And I was looking for a man among them who would make up the wall and take his station in the broken place before me for the land, so that I might not send destruction on it: but there was no one.
31 koa dia haidiko eo aminy ny fahatezerako; ny afon’ ny fahatezerako no handaniako azy; ary hatsingeriko ho eo an-dohany ihany ny fanaony, hoy Jehovah Tompo.
And I let loose my passion on them, and have put an end to them in the fire of my wrath: I have made the punishment of their ways come on their heads, says the Lord.

< Ezekiela 22 >