< Ezekiela 18 >

1 Ary tonga tamiko ny tenin’ i Jehovah nanao hoe:
And the word of the Lord came to me, saying,
2 Nahoana no manao izao ohabolana izao ao amin’ ny tanin’ ny Isiraely ianareo: Ny ray no mihinana voaloboka maharikivy, ka ny nifin’ ny zanany no madilo?
Son of man, what mean you by this parable among the children of Israel, saying, The fathers have eaten unripe grapes, and the children's teeth have been set on edge?
3 Rana velona koa Aho, hoy Jehovah Tompo, tsy hisy hanaovanareo izany ohabolana izany ao amin’ ny Isiraely intsony.
[As] I live, says the Lord, surely this parable shall no more be spoken in Israel.
4 Indro, Ahy ny fanahy rehetra: toy ny fanahin’ ny ray, dia toy izany koa ny fanahin’ ny zanany; samy Ahy ireny; ny fanahy izay manota no ho faty.
For all souls are mine; as the soul of the father, so also the soul of the son, they are mine: the soul that sins, it shall die.
5 Fa raha marina ny olona ka manao izay marina sy mahitsy,
But the man who shall be just, who executes judgment and righteousness,
6 fa tsy mihinana eny an-tendrombohitra, na manandratra ny masony ho amin’ ny sampin’ ny taranak’ Isiraely, na mandoto ny vadin’ ny namany, na manakaiky ny vehivavy izay mararin’ ny fadim-bolana,
who shall not eat upon the mountains, and shall not at all lift up his eyes to the devices of the house of Israel, and shall not defile his neighbor's wife, and shall not draw near to her that is removed,
7 na mampahory olona, fa mamerina ny natao tsatòka, ary tsy mandroba, fa manome ny haniny ho an’ ny noana ary manafy lamba ny matanjaka,
and shall not oppress any man, [but] shall return the pledge of the debtor, and shall be guilty of no plunder, shall give his bread to the hungry, and clothe the naked;
8 tsy mampanàna vola, na maka tombony akory, fa miaro ny tanany tsy hanao ratsy ary manao fitsarana marina amin’ ny miady,
and shall not lend his money upon usury, and shall not receive usurious increase, and shall turn back his hand from injustice, shall execute righteous judgment between a man and his neighbor,
9 ary mandeha araka ny lalàko sy ny mitandrina ny fitsipiko ka manao izay marina, dia marina izy ka ho velona tokoa, hoy i; Jehovah Tompo.
and has walked in my commandments and kept mine ordinances, to do them; he is righteous, he shall surely live, says the Lord.
10 Fa raha miteraka zazalahy mpanao an-keriny sy mpandatsa-drà izy, ka manao na dia iray ihany amin’ ireo zavatra ireo aza iny
And if he beget a mischievous son, shedding blood and committing sins,
11 (nefa tsy nanao ireo zavatra ireo akory ny tenany), na mihinana eny an-tendrombohitra, na mandoto ny vadin’ ny namany,
who has not walked in the way of his righteous father, but has even eaten upon the mountains, and has defiled his neighbor's wife,
12 na mampahory ny malahelo sy ny mahantra, na mandroba, na tsy mamerina ny natao tsatòka, na manandratra ny masony ho amin’ ny sampy ka manao izay fahavetavetana,
and has oppressed the poor and needy, and has committed robbery, and not restored a pledge, and has set his eyes upon idols, has wrought iniquities,
13 na mampanana vola, na maka tombony moa ho velona va izy? Tsy ho velona izy; nanao ireo fahavetavetana rehetra ireo izy; ho faty tokoa izy, ary ny ràny dia ho aminy ihany.
has lent upon usury, and taken usurious increase; he shall by no means live: he has wrought all these iniquities; he shall surely die; his blood shall be upon him.
14 Ary, indro, raha iny kosa indray miteraka zazalahy, izay mahita ny fahotana rehetra nataon-drainy, nefa nony mahita izany izy, dia tsy mba manao tahaka izany,
And if he beget a son, and [the son] see all his father's sins which he has wrought, and fear, and not do according to them,
15 ka tsy mihinana eny an-tendrombohitra, na manandratra ny masony ho amin’ ny sampin’ ny taranak’ Isiraely, na mandoto ny vadin’ ny namany,
and [if he] has not eaten on the mountains, and has not set his eyes on the devices of the house of Israel, and has not defiled his neighbor's wife,
16 na mampahory olona, na maka tsatòka, na mandroba, fa manome ny haniny ho an’ ny noana ary manafy lamba ny mitanjaka,
and has not oppressed a man, and has not retained the pledge, nor committed robbery, has given his bread to the hungry, and has clothed the naked,
17 miaro ny tànany tsy hampahory ny mahantra, tsy mampanana vola, na maka tombony, fa manaraka ny fitsipiko sy mandeha araka ny lalàko, dia tsy ho faty noho ny helo-drainy izy; ho velona tokoa izy.
and has turned back his hand from unrighteousness, has not received interest or usurious increase, has wrought righteousness, and walked in mine ordinances; he shall not die for the iniquities of his father, he shall surely live.
18 Ny amin’ ny rainy, noho ny nanaovany an-keriny sy ny nandrobany ny rahalahiny ary ny nanaovany izay tsy mety tao amin’ ny fireneny, dia, indro, ho faty noho ny helony izy.
But if his father grievously afflict, or plunder, he has wrought enmity in the midst of my people, and shall die in his iniquity.
19 Nefa, hoy ianareo: Nahoana moa ny zanaka no tsy mba hitondra ny helo-drainy? Raha ny zanaka manao izay marina sy mahitsy sy mitandrina ny didiko rehetra ka mankatò azy, dia ho velona tokoa izy.
But you will say, Why has not the son borne the iniquity of the father? Because the son has wrought judgment and mercy, has kept all my statues, and done them, he shall surely live.
20 Ny fanahy izay manota no ho faty. Ny zanaka tsy mba hitondra ny heloky ny rainy, ary ny ray tsy mba hitondra ny heloky ny zanany; ny fahamarinan’ ny marina ho aminy ihany ary ny faharatsian’ ny ratsy fanahy kosa ho aminy ihany.
But the soul that sins shall die: and the son shall not bear the iniquity of the father, nor shall the father bear the iniquity of the son: the righteousness of the righteous shall be upon him, and the iniquity of the transgressor shall be upon him.
21 Fa raha ny ratsy fanahy miala amin’ ny fahotana rehetra izay nataony ka mitandrina ny didiko rehetra ary manao izay marina sy mahitsy, dia ho velona tokoa izy, fa tsy ho faty.
And if the transgressor turn away from all his iniquities which he has committed, and keep all my commandments, and do justice and mercy, he shall surely live, and shall by no means die.
22 Ny fahadisoany rehetra izay nataony tsy hotsarovana aminy intsony; ho velona izy noho ny fahamarinana izay nataony.
None of his trespasses which he has committed shall be remembers: in his righteousness which he has done he shall live.
23 Moa sitrako akory va ny fahafatesan’ ny ratsy fanahy, hoy Jehovah Tompo, fa tsy ny hialany amin’ ny alehany mba ho velona izy?
Shall I at all desire death of the sinner, says the Lord, as I [desire] that he should turn from [his] evil way, and live?
24 Fa raha ny marina no miala amin’ ny fahamarinany ka manao meloka ary manaraka ny fahavetavetana rehetra izay nataon’ ny ratsy fanahy, ho velona va izy? Ny fahamarinany rehetra izay nataony dia tsy hotsarovana; noho ny fahadisoana izay nandisoany sy ny fahotana izay nanotany dia ho faty izy.
But when the righteous man turns away from his righteousness, and commits iniquity, according to all the transgressions which the transgressor has wrought, none of his righteousness which he has wrought shall be at all remembered: in his trespass wherein he has trespassed, and in his sins wherein he has sinned, in them shall he die.
25 Nefa hoy ianareo: Tsy marina ny fitondran’ ny Tompo. Mihainoa ange, ry taranak’ Isiraely: Moa ny fitondrako va no tsy marina? Tsy ny fitondranareo va no tsy marina?
Yet you have said, The way of the Lord is not straight. Hear now, all the house of Israel; will not my way be straight? Is your way straight?
26 Raha ny marina miala amin’ ny fahamarinany ary manao meloka ka maty amin’ izany, dia maty noho ny heloka nataony ihany izy.
When the righteous turns away from his righteousness and commits a trespass, and dies in the trespass he has committed, he shall [even] die in it.
27 Ary raha ny ratsy fanahy miala amin’ ny faharatsiana nataony ka manao izay marina sy mahitsy, dia hovelominy ny fanahiny.
And when the wicked man turns away from his wickedness that he has committed, and shall do judgment and justice, he has kept his soul,
28 Raha mahita izy ka miala amin’ ny fahadisoana rehetra izay nataony, dia ho velona tokoa izy, fa tsy ho faty.
and has turned away from all his ungodliness which he has committed: he shall surely live, he shall not die.
29 Nefa hoy ny taranak’ Isiraely: Tsy marina ny fitondran’ ny Tompo. Ry taranak’ Isiraely, ny fitondrako va no tsy marina? Tsy ny fitondranareo va no tsy marina?
Yet the house of Israel say, The way of the Lord is not right. Is not my way right, O house of Israel? is not your way wrong?
30 Koa samy hotsaraiko araka ny ataonareo avy ianareo, ry taranak’ Isiraely, hoy Jehovah Tompo. Mitodiha, ka mibebaha amin’ ny fahadisoanareo rehetra, dia tsy ho tonga fahatafintohinana mahameloka anareo intsony izany.
I will judge you, O house of Israel, says the Lord, each one according to his way: be converted, and turn from all your ungodliness, and it shall not become to you the punishment of iniquity.
31 Esory ho afaka aminareo ny fahadisoanareo rehetra izay nataonareo, ka manaova fo vaovao sy fanahy vaovao ho anareo; fa nahoana no ho faty ianareo, ry taranak’ Isiraely?
Cast away from yourselves all your ungodliness wherein you have sinned against me; and make to yourselves a new heart and a new spirit: for why should you die, O house of Israel?
32 Fa tsy sitrako ny fahafatesan’ izay maty, hoy Jehovah Tompo. Koa mibebaha ianareo mba ho velona. Hira fahalahelovana ny amin’ ireo lehiben’ ny Isiraely.
For I desire not the death of him that dies, says the Lord.

< Ezekiela 18 >