< Eksodosy 32 >

1 Ary rehefa hitan’ ny olona fa efa ela ka tsy mbola nidina avy tao an-tendrombohitra ihany Mosesy, dia niangona ho eo amin’ i Arona izy ka nanao taminy hoe: Mitsangana, ka anaovy andriamanitra izahay, hitarika antsika eo aloha; fa ilay Mosesy iny, izay lehilahy nitondra antsika niakatra avy tany amin’ ny tany Egypta, dia tsy fantatray izay nanjo azy,
And when the people saw that Moses was a long time coming down from the mountain, they all came to Aaron and said to him, Come, make us a god to go before us: as for this Moses, who took us up out of the land of Egypt, we have no idea what has become of him.
2 Ary hoy Arona taminy: Romboty ary ny kavim-bolamena, izay eny amin’ ny sofin’ ny vadinareo sy ny zanakareo-lahy ary ny zanakareo-vavy, ka ento etỳ amiko.
Then Aaron said to them, Take off the gold rings which are in the ears of your wives and your sons and your daughters, and give them to me.
3 Ary ny olona rehetra dia nandrombotra ny kavim-bolamena izay teny amin’ ny sofiny ka nitondra azy ho eo amin’ i Arona.
And all the people took the gold rings from their ears and gave them to Aaron.
4 Ary izy nandray azy tamin’ ny tanan’ ny olona, dia namboatra azy tamin’ ny fandraka ka nanao azy ho ombilahy kely an-idina; dia niteny ny olona ka nanao hoe: Io no andriamanitrao, ry Isiraely, izay nitondra anao niakatra avy tany amin’ ny tany Egypta.
And he took the gold from them and, hammering it with an instrument, he made it into the metal image of a young ox: and they said, This is your god, O Israel, who took you out of the land of Egypt.
5 Ary raha hitan’ i Arona izany, dia nanao alitara teo anoloany izy; ary dia niantso Arona ka nanao hoe: Andro firavoravoana ho an’ i Jehovah rahampitso.
And when Aaron saw this, he made an altar before it, and made a public statement, saying, Tomorrow there will be a feast to the Lord.
6 Dia nifoha maraina koa ny olona ka nanatitra fanatitra dorana sy nitondra fanati-pihavanana; ary nipetraka hihinana sy hisotro ny olona, dia nitsangana hilalao.
So early on the day after they got up and made burned offerings and peace-offerings; and took their seats at the feast, and then gave themselves to pleasure.
7 Ary hoy Jehovah tamin’ i Mosesy: Mandehana midìna ianao; fa efa nanao ratsy ny olonao izay nentinao niakatra avy tany amin’ ny tany Egypta.
And the Lord said to Moses, Go down quickly; for your people, whom you took out of the land of Egypt, are turned to evil ways;
8 Nalaky nivily niala tamin’ ny lalàna izay nasaiko nalehany izy ka efa nanao ombilahy kely an-idina ho azy; ary efa niankohoka teo anatrehany sy namono zavatra hatao fanatitra taminy izy ka nanao hoe: Io no andriamanitrao, ry Isiraely, izay nitondra anao niakatra avy tany amin’ ny tany Egypta.
Even now they are turned away from the rule I gave them, and have made themselves a metal ox and given worship to it and offerings, saying, This is your god, O Israel, who took you up out of the land of Egypt.
9 Ary hoy Jehovah tamin’ i Mosesy: Efa hitako io firenena io, fa, indro, firenena mafy hatoka izy.
And the Lord said to Moses, I have been watching this people, and I see that they are a stiff-necked people.
10 Koa ankehitriny avelao hirehitra aminy ny fahatezerako, ka haringako izy; fa hahatonga anao ho firenena lehibe Aho.
Now do not get in my way, for my wrath is burning against them; I will send destruction on them, but of you I will make a great nation.
11 Fa Mosesy nifona tamin’ i Jehovah Andriamaniny ka nanao hoe: Jehovah ô, nahoana ny fahatezeranao no mirehitra amin’ ny olonao, izay nentinao nivoaka avy tany amin’ ny tany Egypta tamin’ ny hery lehibe sy ny tanana mahery?
But Moses made prayer to God, saying, Lord, why is your wrath burning against your people whom you took out of the land of Egypt, with great power and with the strength of your hand?
12 Nahoana ny Egyptiana no avela hilaza hoe: Mba hahita loza no nitondrany ireny nivoaka, hamonoany azy eny an-tendrombohitra sy handringanany azy tsy ho ambonin’ ny tany? Mialà amin’ ny fahatezeranao mirehitra, ka manenena ny amin’ ny loza izay hanjo ny olonao.
Why let the Egyptians say, He took them out to an evil fate, to put them to death on the mountains, cutting them off from the earth? Let your wrath be turned away from them, and send not this evil on your people.
13 Tsarovy Abrahama sy Isaka ary Isiraely mpanomponao, izay nianiananao tamin’ ny tenanao sy nilazanao hoe: Hahamaro ny taranakareo Aho ho tahaka ny kintana eny amin’ ny lanitra; ary izany tany rehetra nolazaiko izany dia homeko ny taranakareo, ary izy handova izany mandrakizay.
Have in mind Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, your servants, to whom you gave your oath, saying, I will make your seed like the stars of heaven in number, and all this land will I give to your seed, as I said, to be their heritage for ever.
14 Ary Jehovah dia nanenina ny amin’ ny loza izay nokasainy hamelezana ny olony.
So the Lord let himself be turned from his purpose of sending punishment on his people.
15 Ary Mosesy nihodina ka nidina avy tao an-tendrombohitra, nitondra ny vato fisaka roa nisy ny Vavolombelona teny an-tànany; ny vato fisaka nosoratana teo amin’ ny lafiny roa: dia teo anatrehany sy teo ambadika no nisy ny soratra.
Then Moses came down the mountain with the two stones of the law in his hand; the stones had writing on their two sides, on the front and on the back.
16 Ary ny vato fisaka dia asan’ Andriamanitra, ary ny soratra dia soratr’ Andriamanitra, voasoratra teo amin’ ny vato fisaka.
The stones were the work of God, and the writing was the writing of God, cut on the stones.
17 Ary rehefa ren’ i Josoa ny fitabataban’ ny olona izay nihorakoraka, dia hoy izy tamin’ i Mosesy: Misy tabataban’ ady atsy an-toby.
Now when the noise and the voices of the people came to the ears of Joshua, he said to Moses, There is a noise of war in the tents.
18 Fa hoy kosa izy: Tsy feo fihobian’ ny mahery na feo fitomanian’ ny resy no reko, fa feon’ ny mihira.
And Moses said, It is not the voice of men who are overcoming in the fight, or the cry of those who have been overcome; it is the sound of songs which comes to my ear.
19 Ary raha nanakaiky ny toby izy, dia nahita ny ombilahy kely sy ny dihy; ary nirehitra ny fahatezeran’ i Mosesy, dia natontany ny vato fisaka teny an-tànany ka novakivakiny teo am-bodin’ ny tendrombohitra.
And when he came near the tents he saw the image of the ox, and the people dancing; and in his wrath Moses let the stones go from his hands, and they were broken at the foot of the mountain.
20 Dia nalainy ilay ombilahy kely izay efa nataon’ ny olona ka nodorany tamin’ ny afo, ary notorotoroiny ho vovoka, dia nafafiny tambonin’ ny rano ka nampisotroiny ny Zanak’ Isiraely.
And he took the ox which they had made, burning it in the fire and crushing it to powder, and he put it in the water and made the children of Israel take a drink of it.
21 Ary hoy Mosesy tamin’ i Arona: Inona no nataon’ ity firenena ity taminao, no nitondranao heloka lehibe taminy?
And Moses said to Aaron, What did the people do to you that you let this great sin come on them?
22 Fa hoy kosa Arona: Aoka tsy hirehitra ny fahatezeranao, tompoko, fa ianao mahalala ny toetry ny olona, fa mpanao ratsy izy;
And Aaron said, Let not my lord be angry; you have seen how the purposes of this people are evil.
23 ary hoy izy tamiko: Manaova andriamanitra ho antsika, hitarika antsika eo aloha; fa ilay Mosesy iny, izay lehilahy nitondra antsika niakatra avy tany amin’ ny tany Egypta, dia tsy fantatray izay nanjo azy.
For they said to me, Make us a god to go before us: as for this Moses, who took us up out of the land of Egypt, we have no idea what has come to him.
24 Ary hoy izaho taminy: Na zovy na zovy manam-bolamena, aoka handrombotra izany izy, ka dia nomeny ahy; ary natsipiko tao anaty afo izany, ka io ombilahy kely io no nivoaka.
Then I said to them, Whoever has any gold, let him take it off; so they gave it to me, and I put it in the fire, and this image of an ox came out.
25 Ary rehefa hitan’ i Mosesy fa natondraka hanaram-po amin’ izay tsy mety ny olona, satria efa natondrak’ i Arona ho fanakorana eo amin’ ny fahavalony izy,
And Moses saw that the people were out of control, for Aaron had let them loose to their shame before their haters:
26 dia nijanona teo amin’ ny vavahadin’ ny toby Mosesy ka nanao hoe: Izay rehetra an’ i Jehovah mankanesa etỳ amiko. Ary ny taranak’ i Levy rehetra niangona teo aminy.
Then Moses took his place at the way into the tents, and said, Whoever is on the Lord's side, let him come to me. And all the sons of Levi came together to him.
27 Dia hoy izy taminy: Izao no lazain’ i Jehovah, Andriamanitry ny Isiraely: Samia manao ny sabany eo am-balahany avy ianareo, dia mandrosoa sy miverimberena amin’ isam-bavahadin’ ny toby, ary samia mamono ny rahalahiny avy sy ny sakaizany avy ary ny namany avy ianareo.
And he said to them, This is the word of the Lord, the God of Israel: Let every man take his sword at his side, and go from one end of the tents to the other, putting to death his brother and his friend and his neighbour.
28 Dia nanao araka ny tenin’ i Mosesy ny taranak’ i Levy; ary nahafatesana tokony ho telo arivo lahy ny olona tamin’ izany andro izany.
And the sons of Levi did as Moses said; and about three thousand of the people were put to death that day.
29 Fa Mosesy efa nilaza hoe: Manokàna ny tenanareo ho an’ i Jehovah ianareo anio; eny, samia mamono ny zanany sy ny rahalahiny avy, mba hahazoanareo fitahiana anio.
And Moses said, You have made yourselves priests to the Lord this day; for every one of you has made the offering of his son and his brother; the blessing of the Lord is on you this day.
30 Ary nony maraina dia hoy Mosesy tamin’ ny olona: Efa nanao fahotana lehibe ianareo; ary ankehitriny, dia hiakatra ho amin’ i Jehovah aho, fa angamba hahazo manao fanavotana ny amin’ ny fahotanareo.
And on the day after, Moses said to the people, Great has been your sin: but I will go up to the Lord, and see if I may get forgiveness for your sin.
31 Ary Mosesy dia niverina ho ao amin’ i Jehovah ka nanao hoe: Indrisy! efa nanao fahotana lehibe ity firenena ity ka efa nanao andriamani-bolamena ho azy.
Then Moses went back to the Lord and said, This people has done a great sin, making themselves a god of gold;
32 Ary ankehitriny, enga anie ka hamela ny fahotany Hianao! fa raha tsy izany, mifona aminao aho, vonoy eo amin’ ny bokinao izay nosoratanao ny anarako.
But now, if you will give them forgiveness — but if not, let my name be taken out of your book.
33 Fa hoy Jehovah tamin’ i Mosesy: Na iza na iza nanota tamiko, dia hovonoiko ny anarany eo amin’ ny bokiko.
And the Lord said to Moses, Whoever has done evil against me will be taken out of my book.
34 Mandehana ankehitriny, ka ento ny olona ho any amin’ izay efa nolazaiko taminao; indro, ny Anjeliko no hitarika anao eo aloha; ary amin’ izay andro hamaliako dia hamaly azy noho ny fahotany Aho.
But now, go, take the people into that place of which I have given you word; see, my angel will go before you: but when the time of my judging has come, I will send punishment on them for their sin.
35 Ary Jehovah namely ny olona, satria nanao ny ombilahy kely izy, dia ilay nataon’ i Arona.
And the Lord sent punishment on the people because they gave worship to the ox which Aaron made.

< Eksodosy 32 >