< Eksodosy 29 >

1 Ary izao no zavatra hataonao aminy hanamasinana azy ho mpisorona ho Ahy: makà vantotr’ ombilahy iray sy ondrilahy roa tsy misy kilema,
“Now this is what you are to do to consecrate Aaron and his sons to serve Me as priests: Take a young bull and two rams without blemish,
2 ary mofo tsy misy masirasira sy mofo tsy misy masirasira voaharo diloilo ary mofo manify tsy misy masirasira sady voahoso-diloilo; koba tsara toto no hanaovanao azy.
along with unleavened bread, unleavened cakes mixed with oil, and unleavened wafers anointed with oil. Make them out of fine wheat flour,
3 Ary ataovy eo anaty harona iray izy, ka ento amin’ ny harona; ary ny vantotr’ ombilahy sy ny ondrilahy roa dia ento koa.
put them in a basket, and present them in the basket, along with the bull and the two rams.
4 Ary Arona Sy ny zanany dia ento hankeo amin’ ny varavaran’ ny trano-lay fihaonana, ka ampandroy amin’ ny rano izy
Then present Aaron and his sons at the entrance to the Tent of Meeting and wash them with water.
5 Ary alao ny fitafiana ka ampiakanjoy an’ i Arona ny akanjo lava sy ny akanjo ivelany misy ny efoda ary ny efoda sy ny saron-tratra ary fehezo amin’ ny fehin-kibo mamba ny efoda izy;
Take the garments and clothe Aaron with the tunic, the robe of the ephod, the ephod itself, and the breastplate. Fasten the ephod on him with its woven waistband.
6 ary ny hamama dia ataovy eo amin’ ny lohany, ary ny diadema masìna dia ataovy eo amin’ ny hamama.
Put the turban on his head and attach the holy diadem to the turban.
7 Ary alao ny diloilo fanosorana, ka aidino amin’ ny lohany, dia manosora azy.
Then take the anointing oil and anoint him by pouring it on his head.
8 Ary ny zanany dia ento koa, ka ampiakanjoy akanjo lava.
Present his sons as well and clothe them with tunics.
9 Ary fehezo amin’ ny fehin-kibo izy, dia Arona sy ny zanany, ary fehezo aminy ny satroka boribory; ary ho azy ny fisoronana ho lalàna mandrakizay. Dia toy izany no hanokananao an’ i Arona sy ny zanany.
Wrap the sashes around Aaron and his sons and tie headbands on them. The priesthood shall be theirs by a permanent statute. In this way you are to ordain Aaron and his sons.
10 Ary asaovy entina ho eo anoloan’ ny trano-lay fihaonana ny vantotr’ ombilahy; ary aoka Arona sy ny zanany hametraka ny tànany amin’ ny lohan’ ny vantotr’ ombilahy;
You are to present the bull at the front of the Tent of Meeting, and Aaron and his sons are to lay their hands on its head.
11 dia vonoy eo anatrehan’ i Jehovah ny vantotr’ ombilahy, eo anoloan’ ny varavaran’ ny trano-lay fihaonana;
And you shall slaughter the bull before the LORD at the entrance to the Tent of Meeting.
12 ary analao ny ran’ ny vantotr’ ombilahy, dia atenteno eo amin’ ny tandroky ny alitara amin’ ny fanandranao, ary ny rà sisa rehetra dia aidino eo am-bodin’ ny alitara;
Take some of the blood of the bull and put it on the horns of the altar with your finger; then pour out the rest of the blood at the base of the altar.
13 ary alao ny safo-drorohany rehetra sy ny ila-atiny lehibe ary ny voany roa mbamin’ ny fonom-boany, ka dory ho fofona eo ambonin’ ny alitara;
Take all the fat that covers the entrails and the lobe of the liver, and both kidneys with the fat on them, and burn them on the altar.
14 fa ny henan’ ny vantotr’ ombilahy sy ny hodiny ary ny tain-drorohany dia dory amin’ ny afo eny ivelan’ ny toby; fanatitra noho ny ota izany.
But burn the flesh of the bull and its hide and dung outside the camp; it is a sin offering.
15 Ary alao ny ondrilahy iray; ary aoka Arona sy ny zanany hametraka ny tànany amin’ ny lohan’ ny ondrilahy;
Take one of the rams, and Aaron and his sons shall lay their hands on its head.
16 dia vonoy ny ondrilahy, ka tantazo ny ràny, dia atopazy manodidina amin’ ny lafin’ ny alitara;
You are to slaughter the ram, take its blood, and sprinkle it on all sides of the altar.
17 ary rasao tsara ny ondrilahy, dia sasao ny taovany sy ny tongony, ka ataovy eo ambonin’ ny voarasa sy ny lohany;
Cut the ram into pieces, wash the entrails and legs, and place them with its head and other pieces.
18 ary dory ho fofona eo ambonin’ ny alitara ny tenan’ ny ondrilahy; ho fanatitra dorana ho an’ i Jehovah izany, dia hanitra ankasitrahana, fanatitra atao amin’ ny afo ho an’ i Jehovah.
Then burn the entire ram on the altar; it is a burnt offering to the LORD, a pleasing aroma, an offering made by fire to the LORD.
19 Ary alao ny ondrilahy iray koa; ary aoka Arona sy ny zanany hametraka ny tànany amin’ ny lohan’ ny ondrilahy;
Take the second ram, and Aaron and his sons are to lay their hands on its head.
20 dia vonoy ny ondrilahy ka analao ny ràny, dia atenteno amin’ ny tendron’ ny ravin-tsofina ankavanan’ i Arona sy amin’ ny tendron’ ny ravin-tsofina ankavanan’ ny zanany, ary amin’ ny ankihiben-tànany ankavanana sy amin’ ny ankihiben-tongony ankavanana; ary ny rà sisa dia atopazy manodidina amin’ ny lafin’ ny alitara
Slaughter the ram, take some of its blood, and put it on the right earlobes of Aaron and his sons, on the thumbs of their right hands, and on the big toes of their right feet. Sprinkle the remaining blood on all sides of the altar.
21 Ary analao ny rà, izay eo ambonin’ ny alitara, sy ny diloilo fanosorana, ka afafazo amin’ i Arona sy amin’ ny fitafiany, ary amin’ ny zanany sy amin’ ny fitafian’ ny zanany koa; dia ho masìna izy sy ny fitafiany ary ny zanany sy ny fitafian’ ny zanany koa.
And take some of the blood on the altar and some of the anointing oil and sprinkle it on Aaron and his garments, as well as on his sons and their garments. Then he and his garments will be consecrated, as well as his sons and their garments.
22 Ary alao ny saboran’ ny ondrilahy sy ny hofany sy ny safo-drorohany sy ny ila-atiny lehibe sy ny voany roa mbamin’ ny fonom-boany ary ny soroka ankavanana; fa ondrilahy fanakanana izy;
Take the fat from the ram, the fat tail, the fat covering the entrails, the lobe of the liver, both kidneys with the fat on them, and the right thigh (since this is a ram for ordination),
23 ary manala iray amin’ ny mofo sy iray amin’ ny mofo voaisy diloilo ary iray amin’ ny mofo manify izay eo amin’ ny harona misy ny mofo tsy misy masirasira, izay eo anatrehan’ i Jehovah;
along with one loaf of bread, one cake of bread made with oil, and one wafer from the basket of unleavened bread that is before the LORD.
24 ary ataovy eo an-tànan’ i Arona sy eo an-tànan’ ny zanany izy rehetra, ka ahevahevao izy hofanatitra ahevaheva eo anatrehan’ i Jehovah.
Put all these in the hands of Aaron and his sons and wave them before the LORD as a wave offering.
25 Dia raiso amin’ ny tànany izany, ka dory ho fofona eo ambonin’ ny alitara, miaraka amin’ ny fanatitra dorana ho hanitra ankasitrahana eo anatrehan’ i Jehovah, dia fanatitra atao amin’ ny afo, ho an’ i Jehovah.
Then take them from their hands and burn them on the altar atop the burnt offering as a pleasing aroma before the LORD; it is an offering made by fire to the LORD.
26 Ary alao ny tratran’ ny ondrilahy fanokanana an’ i Arona, ka ahevahevao ho fanatitra ahevaheva eo anatrehan’ i Jehovah; dia ho anjaranao izany.
Take the breast of the ram of Aaron’s ordination and wave it before the LORD as a wave offering, and it will be your portion.
27 Ary hamasino ny tratran’ ny fanatitra ahevaheva sy ny soroky ny fanatitra asandratra, izay ahevaheva sy izay asandratra avy amin’ ny ondrilahy fanokanana, dia izay ho an’ i Arona sy izay ho an’ ny zanany.
Consecrate for Aaron and his sons the breast of the wave offering that is waved and the thigh of the heave offering that is lifted up from the ram of ordination.
28 Ary ho anjara mandrakizay ho an’ i Arona sy ho an’ ny taranany avy amin’ ny Zanak’ Isiraely izany, fa fanatitra asandratra izany; ary hisy fanatitra asandratra haterin’ ny Zanak’ Isiraely avy amin’ ny fanati-pihavanany rehetra ho fanatitra asandratra ho an’ i Jehovah.
This will belong to Aaron and his sons as a regular portion from the Israelites, for it is the heave offering the Israelites will make to the LORD from their peace offerings.
29 Ary ny fitafiana masìna izay an’ i Arona dia ho an’ ny zanany mandimby azy koa hanosorana azy sy hanokanana azy.
The holy garments that belong to Aaron will belong to his sons after him, so they can be anointed and ordained in them.
30 Hiakanjo azy hafitoana izay anankiray amin’ ny zanany ho mpisarona handimby azy, dia izay miditra amin’ ny trano-lay fihaonana hanao fanompoam-pivavahana ao amin’ ny fitoerana masìna.
The son who succeeds him as priest and enters the Tent of Meeting to minister in the Holy Place must wear them for seven days.
31 Ary alao ny ondrilahy fanokanana ka andrahoy eo amin’ izay fitoerana masìna ny henany
You are to take the ram of ordination and boil its flesh in a holy place.
32 Ary hohanin’ i Arona sy ny zanany eo anoloan’ ny varavaran’ ny trano-lay fihaonana ny henan’ ny ondrilahy sy ny mofo izay eo anatin’ ny harona.
At the entrance to the Tent of Meeting, Aaron and his sons are to eat the meat of the ram and the bread that is in the basket.
33 Ary izy na hihinana izany zavatra izany, izay nanaovana fanavotana ho azy, mba hanokanana sy hanamasinana azy; fa ny vahiny tsy mba hihinana, satria masìna izany.
They must eat those things by which atonement was made for their ordination and consecration. But no outsider may eat them, because these things are sacred.
34 Ary raha misy sisa tsy lany amin’ ny henan’ ny fanatitra fanokanana, na amin’ ny mofo, ka tra-maraina, dia hodoranao amin’ ny afo ny sisa tsy lany: tsy hohanina izany, satria masìna.
And if any of the meat of ordination or any bread is left until the morning, you are to burn up the remainder. It must not be eaten, because it is sacred.
35 Dia manaova izany amin’ i Arona sy ny zanany, araka izay rehetra nandidiako anao; hafitoana no hanokananao azy.
This is what you are to do for Aaron and his sons based on all that I have commanded you, taking seven days to ordain them.
36 Ary vantotr’ ombilahy iray no haterinao isan’ andro ho fanatitra noho ny ota, hanaovana fanavotana; ary diovy ny alitara, raha manao fanavotana azy ianao; ary hosory izy hanamasina azy.
Sacrifice a bull as a sin offering each day for atonement. Purify the altar by making atonement for it, and anoint it to consecrate it.
37 Hafitoana no hanaovanao fanavotana ho an’ ny alitara sy hanamasinanao azy; dia ho masìna indrindra ny alitara, ary ho masìna izay rehetra manendry azy.
For seven days you shall make atonement for the altar and consecrate it. Then the altar will become most holy; whatever touches the altar will be holy.
38 Ary izao no haterinao eo ambonin’ ny alitara: zanak’ ondry roa izay iray taona isan’ andro isan’ andro
This is what you are to offer regularly on the altar, each day: two lambs that are a year old.
39 (ny zanak’ ondry iray haterinao nony maraina, ary ny zanak’ ondry iray koa haterinao nony hariva),
Offer one lamb in the morning and the other at twilight.
40 ary koba tsara toto ampahafolon’ ny efaha voaharoharo diloilo voavely ampahefatry ny hina sy divay ampahefatry ny hina, ho fanatitra aidina amin’ ny isan-janak’ ondry iray.
With the first lamb offer a tenth of an ephah of fine flour, mixed with a quarter hin of oil from pressed olives, and a drink offering of a quarter hin of wine.
41 Ary ny zanak’ ondry iray koa haterinao nony hariva; ary fanatitra hohanina sy fanatitra aidina tahaka ny natao tamin’ ny fanatitra maraina no hampombainao azy, ho hanitra ankasitrahana, dia fanatitra atao amin’ ny afo ho an’ i Jehovah.
And offer the second lamb at twilight with the same grain offering and drink offering as in the morning, as a pleasing aroma, an offering made by fire to the LORD.
42 Ho fanatitra dorana mandrakariva izany hatramin’ ny taranakareo fara mandimby, eo anoloan’ ny varavaran’ ny trano-lay fihaonana eo anatrehan’ i Jehovah, dia ao amin’ izay hihaonako aminareo hiteny aminao
For the generations to come, this burnt offering shall be made regularly at the entrance to the Tent of Meeting before the LORD, where I will meet you to speak with you.
43 Ary hihaona amin’ ny Zanak’ Isiraely ao Aho, ka hohamasinin’ ny voninahitro izy.
I will also meet with the Israelites there, and that place will be consecrated by My glory.
44 Ary hohamasiniko ny trano-lay fihaonana sy ny alitara; ary hohamasiniko koa Arona sy ny zanany mba ho mpisorona ho Ahy.
So I will consecrate the Tent of Meeting and the altar, and I will consecrate Aaron and his sons to serve Me as priests.
45 Ary honina eo amin’ ny Zanak’ Isiraely Aho ka ho Andriamaniny.
Then I will dwell among the Israelites and be their God.
46 Ary ho fantany fa Izaho no Jehovah Andriamaniny, Izay nitondra azy nivoaka avy tany amin’ ny tany Egypta, mba honina eo aminy Aho; Izaho no Jehovah Andriamaniny.
And they will know that I am the LORD their God, who brought them out of the land of Egypt so that I might dwell among them. I am the LORD their God.

< Eksodosy 29 >