< Eksodosy 13 >

1 Ary Jehovah niteny tamin’ i Mosesy ka nanao hoe:
And Jehovah spoke to Moses, saying,
2 Hamasino ho Ahy ny lahimatoa rehetra, dia izay voalohan-teraka rehetra eo amin’ ny Zanak’ Isiraely, na olona na biby fiompy: Ahy ireny.
Hallow unto me every firstborn, whatever breaketh open the womb among the children of Israel, of man and of cattle: it is mine.
3 Dia hoy Mosesy tamin’ ny olona: Tsarovy izao andro izao, izay nivoahanareo avy tany Egypta, tamin’ ny trano nahandevozana, fa tamin’ ny tanana mahery no nitondran’ i Jehovah anareo nivoaka avy tany; koa aza misy mihinana izay misy masirasira.
And Moses said to the people, Remember this day, in which ye came out from Egypt, out of the house of bondage; for with a powerful hand hath Jehovah brought you out from this; and nothing leavened shall be eaten.
4 Izao andro amin’ ny volana Abiba izao no ivoahanareo
Ye come out to-day, in the month Abib.
5 Ary raha hitondra anao Jehovah ho any amin’ ny tanin’ ny Kananita sy ny Hetita sy ny Amorita sy ny Hivita ary ny Jebosita, izay nianianany tamin’ ny razanao homena anao, dia tany tondra-dronono sy tantely, dia hanao izany fanompoana izany ianao amin’ izao volana izao.
And it shall be when Jehovah hath brought thee into the land of the Canaanite and the Hittite and the Amorite and the Hivite and the Jebusite, which he swore to thy fathers to give thee, a land flowing with milk and honey, that thou shalt keep this service in this month.
6 Hafitoana no hihinananao mofo tsy misy masirasira, ary amin’ ny andro fahafito dia hisy andro firavoravoana ho an’ i Jehovah.
Seven days shalt thou eat unleavened bread; and in the seventh day is a feast to Jehovah.
7 Ny mofo tsy misy masirasira hohanina mandritra ny hafitoana; ary tsy hisy eo aminao izay mofo misy masirasira, ary tsy hisy izay masirasira akory ao aminao eny amin’ ny taninao rehetra.
Unleavened bread shall be eaten the seven days; and leavened bread shall not be seen with thee, neither shall there be leaven seen with thee in all thy borders.
8 Dia hambaranao amin’ ny zanakao amin’ izany andro izany hoe: Noho ny nataon’ i Jehovah tamiko tamin’ ny nivoahako avy tany Egypta no anaovako izao.
And thou shalt inform thy son in that day, saying, It is because of what Jehovah did to me when I came out of Egypt.
9 Dia ho famantarana ho anao eo amin’ ny tananao ary ho fampahatsiarovana eo ambonin’ ny handrinao izany, mba ho ao am-bavanao ny lalàn’ i Jehovah: fa tanana mahery no nitondran’ i Jehovah anao nivoaka avy tany Egypta.
And it shall be for a sign to thee on thy hand, and for a memorial between thine eyes, that the law of Jehovah may be in thy mouth; for with a powerful hand hath Jehovah brought thee out of Egypt.
10 Dia tandremo amin’ ny fotoany isan-taona izao lalàna izao.
And thou shalt keep this ordinance at its set time from year to year.
11 Ary raha hitondra anao Jehovah ho any amin’ ny tanin’ ny Kananita araka izay nianianany taminao sy ny razanao, ka homeny anao izany,
And it shall be when Jehovah hath brought thee into the land of the Canaanites, as he hath sworn to thee and to thy fathers, and hath given it thee,
12 dia hatokanao ho an’ i Jehovah izay voalohan-teraka rehetra: ny voalohan-teraky ny biby fiompy rehetra izay anananao, dia ho an’ i Jehovah ny lahy rehetra;
that thou shalt offer unto Jehovah all that breaketh open the womb, and every firstling that cometh of cattle which is thine: the males [shall be] Jehovah's.
13 ary ny voalohan-teraky ny boriky dia hosoloanao zanak’ ondry; fa raha tsy hanolo azy ianao, dia hofolahinao ny vozony; ary ny lahimatoa rehetra amin’ ny olona eo amin’ ny zanakao dia havotanao.
And every firstling of an ass shalt thou ransom with a lamb; and if thou do not ransom it, thou shalt break its neck; and every firstborn of a man among thy sons shalt thou ransom.
14 Ary raha hanontany anao ny zanakao amin’ ny andro ho avy ka hanao hoe: Inona no anton’ izao? dia holazainao aminy hoe: Tanana mahery no nitondran’ i Jehovah antsika nivoaka avy tany Egypta, tamin’ ny trano nahandevozana;
And it shall be when thy son asketh thee in time to come, saying, What is this? that thou shalt say to him, With a powerful hand Jehovah brought us out from Egypt, out of the house of bondage.
15 ary raha nanamafy ny fony ka tsy nandefa antsika Farao, dia novonoin’ i Jehovah ny lahimatoa rehetra tany amin’ ny tany Egypta, hatramin’ ny lahimatoan’ ny olona ka hatramin’ ny voalohan-teraky ny biby; koa izany no anaterako ho an’ i Jehovah ny lahy voalohan-teraka rehetra, fa ny lahimatoa rehetra amin’ ny zanako dia soloako.
And it came to pass, when Pharaoh stubbornly refused to let us go, that Jehovah slew all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, both the firstborn of men and the firstborn of cattle: therefore I sacrifice to Jehovah all that breaketh open the womb — being males; and every firstborn of my children I ransom.
16 Ary ho famantarana eo amin’ ny tananao sy ho fehy eo ambonin’ ny handrinao izany; fa tanana mahery no nitondran’ i Jehovah antsika nivoaka avy tany Egypta.
And it shall be for a sign on thy hand, and for frontlets between thine eyes, for with a powerful hand Jehovah brought us forth out of Egypt.
17 Ary rehefa nalefan’ i Farao ny olona, dia tsy mba nentin’ Andriamanitra tamin’ ny lalana nankany amin’ ny tanin’ ny Filistina izy, na dia akaiky aza izany; fa hoy Andriamanitra: Andrao hanenina ny olona, raha mahita ady, ka hiverina any Egypta.
And it came to pass, when Pharaoh let the people go, that God did not lead them the way of the land of the Philistines, although that was near; for God said, That the people may not repent when they see conflict, and return to Egypt.
18 Fa nentin’ Andriamanitra nivily ho amin’ ny lalana mahazo any an-efitra amoron’ ny Ranomasina Mena ny olona; ary voaomana hiady ny fiakatry ny Zanak’ Isiraely avy tany amin’ ny tany Egypta.
And God led the people about, the way of the wilderness of the Red Sea; and the children of Israel went arrayed out of the land of Egypt.
19 Ary nentin’ i Mosesy niaraka taminy ny taolan’ i Josefa, satria Josefa efa nampianiana dia nampianiana ny Zanak’ Isiraely ka nanao hoe: Hamangy anareo tokoa Andriamanitra, dia hitondra ny taolako hiala atỳ miaraka aminareo ianareo.
And Moses took the bones of Joseph with him; for he had made the children of Israel swear an oath, saying, God will be sure to visit you; then ye shall carry my bones with you hence.
20 Dia nifindra niala tao Sokota izy ka nitoby tao Etama teo an-tsisin’ ny efitra.
And they took their journey from Succoth, and encamped in Etham, at the end of the wilderness.
21 Ary Jehovah nandeha teo alohany tamin’ ny andri-rahona raha antoandro hitari-dalana azy, ary tamin’ ny andri-afo nony alina ho fahazavana ho azy, handehanany andro aman’ alina.
And Jehovah went before their face by day in a pillar of a cloud, to lead them [in] the way; and by night in a pillar of fire, to give them light; so that they could go day and night.
22 Ny andri-rahona tsy niala teo alohan’ ny olona raha antoandro, na ny andri-afo nony alina.
The pillar of the cloud did not remove [from] before the people by day, nor the pillar of fire by night.

< Eksodosy 13 >