< Eksodosy 1 >

1 Ary izao no anaran’ ny zanak’ Isiraely izay niaraka tamin’ i Jakoba nankany Egypta; samy nandeha mbamin’ ny ankohonany avy izy rehetra:
These were the names of the sons of Israel (Jacob) who came with him to Egypt along with their families:
2 Robena sy Simeona sy Levy ary Joda;
Reuben, Simeon, Levi, and Judah;
3 Isakara sy Zebolona ary Benjamina;
Issachar, Zebulun, and Benjamin;
4 Dana sy Naftaly, ary Gada sy Asera.
Dan and Naphtali, Gad and Asher.
5 Ary ny isan’ ny olona rehetra naterak’ i Jakoba dia fito-polo; fa Josefa efa tany Egypta rahateo.
Jacob had 70 descendants there, including Joseph who was already in Egypt.
6 Ary maty Josefa sy ny rahalahiny rehetra mbamin’ izany taranaka rehetra izany.
Eventually Joseph and all his brothers and all that generation died.
7 Ary ny Zanak’ Isiraely niteraka ka nitombo betsaka sy nihamaro ary nihahery dia nihahery indrindra, ka dia henika azy ny tany.
However, the Israelites had many children and their numbers increased rapidly. In fact there were so many of them that they became very powerful—the country was full of them.
8 Ary nisy mpanjaka vaovao nanjaka tany Egypta, izay tsy nahalala an’ i Josefa.
Then a new king came to power who didn't know anything about Joseph.
9 Ary izy niteny tamin’ ny vahoakany hoe: Indro, ny firenen’ ny Zanak’ Isiraely efa maro sy mahery noho isika;
He conferred with his fellow Egyptians and said, “Look at these Israelites—there are more than them than us, and they're more powerful than us.
10 andeha hanaovantsika hevitra ireo, fandrao hihamaro izy, ka raha tahìny hisy ady, dia homba ny fahavalontsika koa izy ka hiady amintsika, ary dia hiakatra hiala amin’ ny tany.
We've got to make plan to deal with them before they become so many that if there's a war they'll side with our enemies and fight us, and flee the country.”
11 Koa dia nanendreny mpifehy izy, mba hampahory azy amin’ ny fanompoany mafy. Ary nanao tanàna fitehirizana ho an’ i Farao izy, dia Pitoma sy Ramesesa.
So the Egyptians made them do forced labor and put taskmasters in charge of them. They used them to build the storage towns of Pithom and Rameses.
12 Nefa araka ny nampahoriany azy no vao mainka nihamaroany sy nitomboany kosa; ka dia natahotra ny Zanak’ Isiraely indrindra ny Egyptiana.
But the more the Israelites were mistreated, the more they grew in numbers and spread out—and the more the Egyptians detested them.
13 Dia nampanompoin’ ny Egyptiana fatratra ny Zanak’ Isiraely,
The Egyptians worked the Israelites brutally,
14 ka nataony mangidy ny fiainany tamin’ ny fanompoana mafy, dia tamin’ ny feta sy ny biriky mbamin’ ny fanompoana rehetra any an-tsaha, dia ny fanompoana rehetra izay nampanompoany azy fatratra.
making their lives a misery. They made them do hard labor, building with mortar and brick, and all kind of heavy work in the fields. In all of this hard labor they treated them brutally.
15 Ary ny mpanjakan’ i Egypta niteny tamin’ ny mpampivelona Hebreo (Sifra no anaran’ ny anankiray, ary Poa no anaran’ ny anankiray)
Then the king gave orders to the Hebrew midwives, Shiphrah and Puah.
16 ka nanao hoe: Raha mampivelona ny vehivavy Hebreo ianareo, ka hitanareo eo amin’ ny fipetrahany fa zazalahy, dia vonoy, fa raha zazavavy kosa, dia velomy.
He told them, “When you assist the Hebrew women during childbirth, if you see it's a boy, kill him; but if it's a girl, let her live.”
17 Nefa natahotra an’ Andriamanitra ny mpampivelona ka tsy nanao araka izay nolazain’ ny mpanjakan’ i Egypta taminy, fa novelominy ihany ny zazalahy.
But because the midwives revered God, they didn't do what the king of Egypt had ordered. They let the boys live as well.
18 Dia nampaka ny mpampivelona ny mpanjakan’ i Egypta ka nanao taminy hoe: Nahoana no nanao izany zavatra izany ianareo, ka novelominareo ihany ny zazalahy?
The king of Egypt called the midwives in and demanded to know, “Why have you done this— letting the male children live?”
19 Fa hoy ny mpampivelona tamin’ i Farao: Tsy mba tahaka ny vehivavy Egyptiana ny vehivavy Hebreo; fa matanjaka izy, ka raha tsy mbola tonga any aminy akory ny mpampivelona, dia velona izy.
“Hebrew women aren't like Egyptian women,” the midwives told Pharaoh. “They give birth more easily—they have them before we midwives arrive.”
20 Dia nasian’ Andriamanitra soa ny mpampivelona; ary nihamaro sy nihahery indrindra ny olona.
God treated the midwives well, and the people increased in number so there were even more of them.
21 Ary tamin’ izany, satria natahotra an’ Andriamanitra ny mpampivelona dia nomen’ Andriamanitra zanaka izy.
Because the midwives revered God, he gave them families of their own.
22 Dia nandidy ny vahoakany rehetra Farao ka nanao hoe: Ny zazalahy rehetra izay teraka dia ario an’ i Neily, fa ny zazavavy rehetra kosa no velomy.
Then Pharaoh issued this order to all his people: “Throw every Hebrew boy that's born into the Nile, but let every girl live.”

< Eksodosy 1 >